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Ahmed Tazir, correspondant de FRANCE 24 à Alger, fait le point sur la situation à 13h.
Mülteka (Tazir cezası)
L ECHO DES LOIS: RSA :Un revenu sans activité ? Par Ahmed Tazir
Hayat Tazir Oral History
Nikita Mirzani Tancap Gas Cari Suami Baru yang Tazir
Tancap Gas Nikita Mirzani Cari Suami Baru yang Tazir
avistmaiento de tazir
How to make tazir easy
Ahmed Tazir, correspondant de FRANCE 24 à Alger, fait le point sur la situation à 13h.
Tazir, hakimin vereceği miktarda sopa cezasıdır. En azı üç sopa, en fazlası otuzdokuz sopadır.
Trois ans après l'apparition de la loi sur le Revenu de solidarité active (RSA), l'heure est au bilan. On estime à deux millions le nombre de citoyens qui pe...
14 ans après sa mise en place , quel bilan pour la loi CMU instaurant une couverture maladie universelle? Ahmed Tazir est allé à la rencontre des travailleur...
Nikita Mirzani Tancap Gas Cari Suami Baru yang Tazir Nikita Mirzani Tancap Gas Cari Suami Baru yang Tazir Nikita Mirzani Tancap Gas Cari Suami Baru yang Tazir Belum resmi bercerai, Nikita Mirzani sudah berancang-ancang mencari suami baru pengganti Sajad Ukra. Ia mengaku tengah dekat dengan pria bule. Siapa kekasih baru Nikita itu? simak dalam tanyangan berikut ini. VIVAlife - Aktris kontroversial Nikita Mirzani sepertinya benar-benar sudah melupakan sang suami, Sajad Ukra. Pemain film "Comic 8" itu memiliki tekad untuk tidak mengenalkan Sajad kepada sang buah hati, Azka Raqila Ukra. Tidak hanya itu, wanita yang memiliki sejumlah tato di tubuhnya tersebut memiliki rencana untuk mencarikan sosok ayah baru bagi Azka. "Akan cari bapak baru mungkin," ucapnya kepada VIVAlife, saat ditemui di Pengadilan Agama Jakarta Selatan, Senin, 13 Oktober 2014. Nikita tidak rela apabila Sajad hendak mengambil Azka dari tangannya. Ia merasa berhak untuk merawat Azka dengan tangannya sendiri setelah perjuangan yang harus dilaluinya selama mengandung. "Masa Niki yang ngelahirin, masa mau diambil begitu saja," ungkap pemain film "Taman Lawang" tersebut. Dalam kesempatan tersebut Nikita juga menambahkan dirinya sudah pisah ranjang dengan pria berkepala plontos tersebut. Hanya saja ia enggan memberitahukan kapan persisnya hal itu terjadi. MPEG-4 Part 14 (File Format),Malaysia,Indonesia,Hotel (Industry),Youtube,Tokio,Mp4,julia perez,julia perez hamil,berita selebritis hari ini,gosip hari ini,infotainment,infotainment hari ini,Berita Artis,Gosip Terpanas,Hot Gosip,Berita Selebritis,Gosip Artis,Gosip Artis Hari Ini,go spot,silet,intens,halo selebriti,Insert Pagi,Go Spot,Halo Selebritis,Status Selebritis,Was Was,Hari Ini,Agustus,2014,Halo Selebriti,Olga Syahputra (Person),Kevin Julio,Jessica Milla,Sahila Hisyam,Aliando,Prilly,Raffi Ahmad (Film Actor),Nagita Slavina,Gosip,Artis,Terbaru,Hari ini,Insert,Selebrita,Heboh,RCTI (TV Network),Michelle Joan,Ciccio Manasero,Ahmad dani,Mulan Jameela,Al Gazali,Trans TV (Business Operation),syahrini,pacar syahrini,Capres,Jokowi,Ike Nurjanah,Artis Indonesia,Gosip Selebriti,Selebriti Update,Hot Artis,Info Terbaru,Berita Artis Terbaru,Kabar Artis,Dude Harlino (Film Actor),Teuku Wisnu (Award Winner),Shireen Sungkar,Raffi Ahmad (TV Personality),Kevin Julio (Film Actor),Aliando Syarief,Prilly Latuconsina,Aliando Dan Prilly,Dude Harlino,Alyssa Soebandono,Olga Syahputra (TV Personality),Dewi Persik (Musical Artist),Laudya Cynthia Bella (Film Actor),Suhoor,Pipik Dian Irawati,Verrel Bramasta,Lesti,Dangdut Academy,gosip artis hari ini,gosip artis hari ini 25 september 2014,gosip selebriti terbaru hari ini,gosip selebriti terbaru hari ini 25 september 2014,Berita Artis Terkini,Berita Artis Terkini 25 september 2014,berita aliando hari ini,jupe sindir depe,Gosip Artis Terbaru,Berita selebritis hari ini,berita terbaru hari ini 25 september 2014,Iva Novanda,Trio Macan (Musical Group),Shireen Sungkar (Award Winner),Ivan Gunawan,GGS,Ganteng Ganteng Serigala,marshanda,kasus marshanda,marshanda lepas jilbab,asmirandah,asmirandah menghilang,video lucu,opera van java terbaru,artis panas,video hantu nyata,Artis Korea,ovj,hitam putih,Ngintip,gosip indonesia,berita selebritis terkini,berita artis terbaru,berita hot,jkt48,ahok ngamuk,berita artis,Artis Hot,jokowi,video aneh,cctv trans7,artis hot indonesia,gosip artis terbaru,Aura Kasih,naruto,melorot,
Tancap Gas Nikita Mirzani Cari Suami Baru yang Tazir Tancap Gas Nikita Mirzani Cari Suami Baru yang Tazir Tancap Gas Nikita Mirzani Cari Suami Baru yang Tazir Belum resmi bercerai, Nikita Mirzani sudah berancang-ancang mencari suami baru pengganti Sajad Ukra. Ia mengaku tengah dekat dengan pria bule. Siapa kekasih baru Nikita itu? simak dalam tanyangan berikut ini. VIVAlife - Aktris kontroversial Nikita Mirzani sepertinya benar-benar sudah melupakan sang suami, Sajad Ukra. Pemain film "Comic 8" itu memiliki tekad untuk tidak mengenalkan Sajad kepada sang buah hati, Azka Raqila Ukra. Tidak hanya itu, wanita yang memiliki sejumlah tato di tubuhnya tersebut memiliki rencana untuk mencarikan sosok ayah baru bagi Azka. "Akan cari bapak baru mungkin," ucapnya kepada VIVAlife, saat ditemui di Pengadilan Agama Jakarta Selatan, Senin, 13 Oktober 2014. Nikita tidak rela apabila Sajad hendak mengambil Azka dari tangannya. Ia merasa berhak untuk merawat Azka dengan tangannya sendiri setelah perjuangan yang harus dilaluinya selama mengandung. "Masa Niki yang ngelahirin, masa mau diambil begitu saja," ungkap pemain film "Taman Lawang" tersebut. Dalam kesempatan tersebut Nikita juga menambahkan dirinya sudah pisah ranjang dengan pria berkepala plontos tersebut. Hanya saja ia enggan memberitahukan kapan persisnya hal itu terjadi. MPEG-4 Part 14 (File Format),Malaysia,Indonesia,Hotel (Industry),Youtube,Tokio,Mp4,julia perez,julia perez hamil,berita selebritis hari ini,gosip hari ini,infotainment,infotainment hari ini,Berita Artis,Gosip Terpanas,Hot Gosip,Berita Selebritis,Gosip Artis,Gosip Artis Hari Ini,go spot,silet,intens,halo selebriti,Insert Pagi,Go Spot,Halo Selebritis,Status Selebritis,Was Was,Hari Ini,Agustus,2014,Halo Selebriti,Olga Syahputra (Person),Kevin Julio,Jessica Milla,Sahila Hisyam,Aliando,Prilly,Raffi Ahmad (Film Actor),Nagita Slavina,Gosip,Artis,Terbaru,Hari ini,Insert,Selebrita,Heboh,RCTI (TV Network),Michelle Joan,Ciccio Manasero,Ahmad dani,Mulan Jameela,Al Gazali,Trans TV (Business Operation),syahrini,pacar syahrini,Capres,Jokowi,Ike Nurjanah,Artis Indonesia,Gosip Selebriti,Selebriti Update,Hot Artis,Info Terbaru,Berita Artis Terbaru,Kabar Artis,Dude Harlino (Film Actor),Teuku Wisnu (Award Winner),Shireen Sungkar,Raffi Ahmad (TV Personality),Kevin Julio (Film Actor),Aliando Syarief,Prilly Latuconsina,Aliando Dan Prilly,Dude Harlino,Alyssa Soebandono,Olga Syahputra (TV Personality),Dewi Persik (Musical Artist),Laudya Cynthia Bella (Film Actor),Suhoor,Pipik Dian Irawati,Verrel Bramasta,Lesti,Dangdut Academy,gosip artis hari ini,gosip artis hari ini 25 september 2014,gosip selebriti terbaru hari ini,gosip selebriti terbaru hari ini 25 september 2014,Berita Artis Terkini,Berita Artis Terkini 25 september 2014,berita aliando hari ini,jupe sindir depe,Gosip Artis Terbaru,Berita selebritis hari ini,berita terbaru hari ini 25 september 2014,Iva Novanda,Trio Macan (Musical Group),Shireen Sungkar (Award Winner),Ivan Gunawan,GGS,Ganteng Ganteng Serigala,marshanda,kasus marshanda,marshanda lepas jilbab,asmirandah,asmirandah menghilang,video lucu,opera van java terbaru,artis panas,video hantu nyata,Artis Korea,ovj,hitam putih,Ngintip,gosip indonesia,berita selebritis terkini,berita artis terbaru,berita hot,jkt48,ahok ngamuk,berita artis,Artis Hot,jokowi,video aneh,cctv trans7,artis hot indonesia,gosip artis terbaru,Aura Kasih,naruto,melorot,
Plutôt que de l'éradiquer, le légaliser. Le gouvernement algérien compte donner un encrage légal et juridique à l'activité informelle, autrefois appelée « Tr...
El Kala, le pot de terre Un petit coin de paradis, sur la côte la plus orientale de l'Algérie. Bienvenue à El Kala, La Calle, et son petit port de pêche. Des...
La marche pacifique en faveur de la démocratisation du régime organisée le samedi 22 janvier 2011 à Alger par le Rassemblement pour la culture et la démocrat...
un reportage d'AHMED TAZIR embadded au Front National lors du premier tour de la présidentielle francaise en 2007.
زندگانی شعله می خواهد کاری از آرزو آزادی فرزاد جاسمی.
Fellowship Of The White Knight - Ilham Resort 2010.
"Le racisme anti musulman a atteint des limites que l'ensemble des citoyens francais ne peuvent plus accepter et auxquels nous devons faire bloc " dixit Kari...
: De sérieux doutes sur l’identification de Mickael Dos Santos . Y aurait-il eu une erreur lors de l'identification de l'homme présenté comme le second djihadiste français figurant dans la vidéo du groupe Etat islamique? Selon des experts , Mickaël Dos Santos n'apparaîtrait pas sur les images des décapitations de 18 Syriens et d'un Américain par l'organisation Etat Islamique Les explications d’Ahmed Tazir
Le "flamby", le "Grand Méchant Mou" n'est pas celui que nous croyons . Il a bien plus d'épaisseur, surtout depuis qu'il a maigri, il s'est étoffé. L'Itinérai...
Hz Ali (k.v) Hayber Kalesinin Fethi.
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Also read: ... The seriousness of this rule can be understood by the fact that it applies to both, tazir and hadd crimes.
Dawn 2015-03-13... with set penalties, and "tazir" crimes, where the punishment is left to the discretion of the judge.
BBC News 2014-05-07The police picked two passengers -- Mohamed Tazir, 19, and Agnesh 19.
The Times of India 2014-03-19Alireza is instead condemned to Tazir, a punishment that can be administered at the discretion of ...
The Irish Times 2013-10-18Alireza is instead condemned to Tazir, a punishment that can be administered at the discretion of ...
Taipei Times 2013-10-18Alireza is instead condemned to Tazir, a punishment that can be administered at the discretion of ...
The Guardian 2013-10-17"Whether the competent court can impose punishment under Tazir, as specified in that section, only ...
Dawn 2013-10-02In Islamic Law, tazir (or ta'zir, Arabic تعزير) refers to punishment, usually corporal, that can be administered at the discretion of the judge, called a Qadi, Kadi, as opposed to the hudud. The Oxford Islamic Studies defines the six crimes for which punishments are fixed as theft (amputation of the hand), illicit sexual relations (death by stoning or one hundred lashes), making unproven accusations of illicit sex (eighty lashes), drinking intoxicants (eighty lashes), apostasy (death or banishment), and highway robbery (death). Strict requirements for evidence (including eyewitnesses) have severely limited the application of hudud penalties.
The punishments for the Hadd offenses are fixed by the Qur'an or Hadith, however ta'zir refers to punishments applied to the other offenses for which no punishment is specified in the Qur'an. These are often the equivalent of misdemeanor offenses. They could also be applied to hadd offenses in situations where the standards of proof required for hudud punishments could not be met due to their strict nature. The general rule dictates that no Ta'zir punishment can exceed that of a hadd penalty.
Pride can stand a thousand trials
The strong will never fall
But watching stars without you
My soul cried
Heaving heart is full of pain
Oh, oh, the aching
'Cause I'm kissing you, oh
Touch me deep
Pure and true
Gift to me forever
'Cause I'm kissing you, oh
Where are you now?
Where are you now?
'Cause I'm kissing you
Tafari tries to get a job
Ten letters behind his name.
Born up in the cornfields
Tafari doesn't the game
The game has not respect for life
Even less for rules. Winners only need apply,
Sorry no rooms for fools.
Tafari, looks up to the stars and
Wonders if there's life on Mars
Some say, he should shave his head,
But he's proud to be a dread.
'cos I'll be stronger.
For the truth, I know takes longer
I've the cunning of the tiger and the
Wisdom of the trees.
I won't be sad, refuse the sorrow
I look forward to tomorrow
I'll release my anger,
'cos I'm proud to be a dread.
Selassie, tries to find a home,
To rest his weary head.
A place where he can take his girl
To share his spiritual bed.
When he's greeted at the door,
The sign has changed his tune.
Though his Queen is full of child, sorry.
There's no room.
Selassie looks up to the clouds,
He curses hard and shouts of out loud.
Remembering his father's words,
A whisper from the dead.
'Cos in this life, you have to
take a chance, or why else live at all.
'Cos in this life, to climb a mountain,
sometimes expect to fall.
'cos in this life nothing comes easy,
if it does, it has a price.
'Cos in this life a martyr suffers,
Money don't make my world go 'round
I'm reaching up for the higher ground
To a warm and peaceful place
I can rest my weary face
Life's answers we're trying to find
Battling inside our minds
Where do I go from here?
Will all my friends be there?
'Cause we're livin', we're livin' in a crazy maze
And we're fighting, we're fighting to rise above the haze
Light's at the end of the tunnel
Sometimes the journey is long
There are many theories
On who's right and who's wrong
Pressure is on I have to choose
I've got nothing to lose
I close my eyes I take a chance
I know there's different days
What's the key to a happy life?
Tell me no, no, no, no
A healthy mind and lots of spice
Running barefoot through the trees
That's my idea of free
'Cause we're livin', we're livin' in a crazy maze
And we're fighting, we're fighting to rise above the haze
Light's at the end of the tunnel
Sometimes the journey is long
There are many theories
On who's right and who's wrong
I've packed my bags, I'm on my way
I don't know where I'm going to stay
I'm on a train bound destiny
I can set my spirit free
'Cause we're livin', we're livin' in a crazy maze
And we're fighting, we're fighting to rise above the haze
Light's at the end of the tunnel
Sometimes the journey is long
There are many theories
On who's right and who's wrong
'Cause we're livin', yes we're livin' in a crazy maze
We're fighting, we're fighting to rise above the haze
Light's at the end of the tunnel
The journey is long
There are many theories
On who's right and who's wrong
'Cause we're livin', yes we're livin' in a crazy maze
And we're fighting, we're fighting to rise above the haze
Light's at the end of the tunnel
The journey may be long
There are many theories
On who's right and who's wrong
'Cause we're livin', oh we're livin' in a crazy maze
We're dying yes we're dying
The journey may be long
And who's to know
When you get there to a row
You got to know
From a child, he was golden.
Now he's a man,
Whose looks were stolen
From some glossy page,
Promising dreams of pure caviar
Started out, wouldn't listen.
His mother tired,
Father reasoned 'bout painted on smiles,
Reel you in slowly to steal your place.
Dah, de daah. Yes I trusted you.
Do de daah. Yes I trusted you.
Inside and out, oh I trusted you.
New World Age.
Try again, feels defeated. Once again,
Won't be depleted. You'll survive,
True survivor. A Darwin Star.
Turn the key, let me out gently.
Into the light, I walk eagerly. I breathe in,
I surrender, I'm not afraid.
Dah, de daah. Yes I trusted you.
Do de daah. Yes I trusted you.
Inside and out, oh I trusted you.
New World Age.
I am, now ready to fly away.
Give away, gave away. Sometimes,
Life it gets in the way. Give away.
Nothing to blame,
Never has very much to say.
Laugh last, laugh longest.
I know sometimes life gets in the way.
You'll survive. Be strongest,
Adjacently we stand keeping out the cold
Emotions flowing through us, are we being to bold
To say we're in control
Time is moving on soon well be gone
The wall will crumble and fall, it had to be that way
'Cos this competitive world, may let you down
Hearts and souls and minds, they get churned around
People tread on your heart and they don't fear
That brave look in your eye, which says you care
Clouds that float on by, furnishing the sky
So beautiful you want to be there too, oh you can make it there
Stones may block your path people they may laugh
Say your acting like a fool, this fuels your will to prove
So don't ever let go, when someone says its so
Don't give up the flight, cos you know its right
That brave look in you eye, says your dreams won't die
This formulates your key
Don't let the wall crumble and fall
Build it up, keep it up
Cos this competitive world may let you down
Rise up and defend yourself
This competitive world, this competitive world
Rise up and defend yourself
I like the meaning of your name
Are you aware, are you the same?
It goes with your eyes, your sentiment,
I like your name, Ezekiel
You're so serene it makes me mad
You're never down, ain't never sad
You won the pools, I bet you're glad
Your smile is fresh, Ezekiel
Looking philosophical
Looking philosophical
Sitting fresh faced over there, with broken sighs his heart
Speaks out to answer me
For I am the interpreter, of his dreams
Daydreaming makes your tea go cold
Gold earrings make my face look bold
Your compliments are never old,
Let's drink a toast, Ezekiel
God will strengthen all your love,
So pure, so kind, so noble love
You smell so sweet, like lavender buds
You smell so sweet
Can I come inside of your dreams?
Your vivid and exciting dreams
I'm not a timid as I seem, can I come in Ezekiel
My, my, my Ezekiel, shine your smile Ezekiel
Chat a while Ezekiel, you can count on me
Oh, I love the way you smile, come and sit and talk a while,
Love is my passion
Love is my friend
Love is universal
Love never ends
Then why am I faced with so much anger, so much pain?
Why should I hide? Why should I be ashamed?
Time is much too short to be living somebody elses life
I walk with dignity, I step with pride
'Cos I ain't movin' from my face,
from my race, from my history
I ain't movin' from my love,
my peacefull dove, it means too much to me
Loving self can be so hard
Honesty can be demanding
Learn to love yourself,
it's a great, great feeling
When your down baby, I will set you free
I will be your remedy, I will be your tree
A wise man is clever, seldom ever speaks a word
A foolish man keeps talking, never is he heard
Times much to short to be living somebody elses life
I walk with dignity and I step with pride
Cause I ain't movin from my face
From my race, from my history
I ain't movin from my love,
My peaceful dove means too much to me
Loving self can be so hard,
Honesty can be demanding
Learn to love yourself is a great great feeling
Time's too lonely, too lonely without words
Future voices need to be heard
Eyebrows are always older than the beards
Momma said be brave, you've nothing to fear
Times much to short to be living somebody elses life
I walk with diginity and I step with pride
Cause I aint movin from my face
From my race, from my history
I aint movin from my love
My peaceful dove means too much to me
Lovin self can be so hard
Honesty can be demanding
Learn to love yourself is a great great feeling
I ain't movin', cause I've been here long before
I ain't movin', 'cause I want more
I ain't movin', got my feet on the ground
I know you've heard it all before,
but the message don't get much better.
Always competing with someone else, beating up on yourself.
Deep inside you've always had this dream,
crazy as it sometimes seems.
Always thinking up some excuse, you just need some juice.
It Doesn't matter, if your black or white.
Doesn't matter if your wrong or right.
All that matters, don't give up the fight.
Doesn't matter if your rich or poor.
All that matter's is you know the score.
Doesn't matter, you can open any door.
Never listen but you wanna teach.
Do you practice what you always preach.
Take a deeper look inside yourself,
before you look at someone else.
Please don't rush, take your time.
Challenges are hard to climb.
Before you think of hanging up your boots,
just sip on some juice.
It Doesn't matter, if your black or white.
Doesn't matter if your wrong or right.
All that matters, don't give up the fight.
Doesn't matter if your rich or poor.
All that matter's is you know the score.
Doesn't matter, you can open any door.
Cos in life we only get one chance,
we gotta live it up, we gotta do it right.
If you wanna dance the last dance,
then you gotta be prepared to fight.
There's no point in having dreams.
If your gonna spend your life asleep.
Really there is no excuse. You just need some juice.
It Doesn't matter, if your black or white.
Doesn't matter if your wrong or right.
All that matters, don't give up the fight.
Doesn't matter if your rich or poor.
All that matter's is you know the score.
Doesn't matter, you can open any door.
It doesn't matter, oh no.
Doesn't matter, oh no.
Doesn't matter.
It doesn't matter, oh no.
It Doesn't matter, if your black or white.
Doesn't matter if your wrong or right.
All that matters, don't give up the fight.
Doesn't matter if your rich or poor.
All that matter's is you know the score.
Pi papana
I tried to run away
Somehow I couldn't stay
You reached to hold my hand
You led me to the promised land
There we were all alone
There are no danger zones
We only had each other's eyes
And I feel now
They were the best days of my life
Hey yeah, yeah
Where did you find this place?
Had we arrived in space?
Here we are kings and queens
You know exactly what I mean
Now we are all alone
There were no telephones
We only have each other's smiles
And I feel now
They were the best days of my life
Hey yeah, yeah
Yes, I feel now
They were the best days of my life
The astonishment, written on my face
As the beauty, it happy dazed
Of the scenery, I was so impressed
By the way the paradise was smartly dressed
Hey yeah, yeah
Hey yeah, yeah
I tried to disappear
From all my aches and fears
But now I close my eyes and journey
To this paradise
So beautiful, simply wonderful
I sit down and take my time, ohh ho
And I feel now
They were the best days of
Yes, I know now
They were the best days of
I'm convinced now
They were the best days of my life
Best days
(Yoo ooo woo ooo)
(Yoo ooo woo ooo)
Best days
(Yoo ooo woo ooo)
(Yoo ooo woo ooo)
Best days
(Yoo ooo woo ooo)
(Yoo ooo woo ooo)
They were the best days
(Best days)
Best days
(Best days)
Best days
(Best days)
They were the best days
Best days
(Haa aaa)
Best days
(Haa aaa)
They were the best days
(Yeah, yeah)
Best days
(Best days)
Best days
(Best days)
They were the best days
(Woo ooo)
Best days
(Woo ooo)
Best days
(Woo ooo)
(Yes, yes, yes)
They were the best days
(They were the best days)
Best days
(Best days)
Best days
(Best days, hey yeah, yeah)
They were the best days
Best days
(Haa aaa)
Best days
(Haa aaa)
They were the best days
(Best days)
Best days
(Best days)
Best days
(Best days)
Ooh, Yeah
Oh yeah
Oh Life
Oh Life
I'm afraid of the dark
Especially when I'm in the park
When there's no one else around
Oh I get the shivers
I don't wanna see a ghost
It's the sight that I fear most
I'd rather have a piece of toast
Watch the evening news
Life, oh life
Oh life, oh life
Life, oh life
Oh life, oh life
I'm a superstitious girl
I'm the worst in the world
Never walk under ladders
I keep a rabbits' tail
I'll take you up on a dare
Anytime, anywhere
Name the place, I'll be there
Bungee jumping, I don't care
Life, oh life
Oh life, oh life
Life, oh life
Oh life, oh life
So after all's said and done
I know I'm not the only one
Life indeed can be fun
If you really want to
Sometimes living out your dreams
Ain't as easy as it seems
You wanna fly around the world
In a beautiful balloon
Life, oh life
Oh life, oh life
Life, oh life
Oh life, oh life
Life, oh life
Oh life, oh life
Life, oh life
Oh life, oh life
Tell me, do you fly in your dreams? Yeah.
And uh, tell me, are you paralyzed when you scream.
Do you rise to the ceiling and look down on your bed?
You break a sweat, you realize that you ain't dead, yet.
It was a righteous night, and I slept with all my eyes.
It was a righteous night, then I took flight.
Tell me, do they think that your mad?
And uh, tell me do they think that your sad?
Something strange, you just can't explain. No.
You close your eyes, you want it to happen again
It was a righteous night, and I slept with all my eyes.
It was a righteous night, then I took flight.
I'm sleepy, sleepy.
I'm dreaming, dreaming.
Tossing, turning
Flying. Flying.
It was a righteous night, and I slept with all my eyes.
Little child, my eyes they see your pain
My heart cries, when I hear you cry again
Frail and small, can you believe fifteen years old?
What is sad, he hasn't got far to go, oh oh, no no...
Yes, we'll cry, yes we'll cry
Our hearts they feel no hate
Babies scream, babies scream
they'll never achieve their dreams
Shall we dance? Yes we'll dance
the sky will hear our song
And maybe rain…
'cos it's been much too long
Mother's die, leaving hungry mouths behind
They can't hold on, when God wants them by His side
It's up to me, it's up to you
Visualize and pray, is what we musn't forget to do
Dry land, open up and let me in
Dry land, look what is happening
You know, there is plenty, plenty,
plenty of work to do
Hold me don't let go, cos I'm revelling in insecurity
It's so unlike me, yes I know.
But what am I to do with how I feel.
I just keep on wondering, pondering what to do.
I beat up on myself and everybody else, I'm so confused.
You say let's compromise, head for the skies.
Nothing to lose. I've got nothing to lose.
So please don't leave me here. I'll be lost without you.
Don't make me stay. Cos I'll only be in the way.
Don't say I told you so and that
my argument is wearing thin.
Sometimes I'm ugly, beautiful.
Say I'm hormonal and I'll punch you in.
Cos I just can't make up my mind any time,
I'm not like you.
Don't put words in my mouth
or I'm heading south right on cue.
You said let's compromise head for the skies.
Nothing to lose. I've got nothing to lose.
So please don't leave me here. I'll be lost without you.
Don't make me stay. Cos I'll only be in the way.
Just can't make up my mind, anytime,
I'm not like you.
Don't put words in my mouth
or I'm heading south right on cue.
You say let's compromise, head for the skies.
Nothing to lose. I've got nothing to lose.
So please don't leave me here. I'll be lost without you.
If I was down and came to you
What would you say what would you do?
I can sit here and die away
You said you came to help and stay
I don't wanna seem weak, I don't wanna seem down
I'm gonna rise up and stand on my own ground
Dumma dumma dumma dum dum, dum dum dum
Dumma dumma dumma dum dum, dum dum dum
Stand on my own ground, stand on my own ground
I find my strength in simple things
Things that in nature and birds that sing
Had to realise what I had to do
And that involved fleeing far from you
I don't wanna seem weak, I don't wanna seem down
Des'ree it´s ok album dream soldier
The sun is up should be feeling great,
Your feeling rough got too much on your plate,
A busy day got a lot to do,
a heavy head you think you've caught the flu.
Something deep inside begins to stir,
spirit, conscience your not really sure.
It's gonna be o.k
It's gonna be o.k
Another day your late for work,
The shower's cold you ain't got no clean shirt.
A cup of tea just might do the trick,
the milk's gone off by now your feeling sick.
Something deep inside begins to stir,
spirit, conscience your not really sure.
It's gonna be o.k
We laughed, we cried, we shared along the way.
We did some things we knew we shouldn't do.
But after all, what's this life living for,
Your wasting time if your just keeping score. In every thing we try to do what's right.
In trying way too hard we get it wrong.
So after all what's this life living for,
Work it out or head straight for the door.
It's gonna be o.k
It's gonna be o.k
You close your eyes, try to sleep.
Scold yourself for hours that you keep.
Drifting off will I dream tonight?
In my dreams perhaps I'll get it right.
Something deep inside begins to purrr,
spirit conscience your not really sure.
It's gonna be o.k.
It's gonna be o.k, either way.
I'm kissing you
Pride can stand a thousand trials
The strong will never fall,
But watching stars without you,
My soul cried. Heaving herat is full of pain,
Oh, oh, the aching.
'Cos I'm kissing you
Pride can stand a thousand trials
the strong will never fall,
But watching stars without you,My soul cried. Heaving heart is full of pain,
Oh, oh, the aching.
'Cos I'm kissing you, oh.
I'm kissing you, oh.
Touch me deep, pure and true...
Gift to me forever.
'Cos I'm kissing you, oh.
I'm kissing you.
Where are you now?
Where are you now?
'Cos I'm, oh I'm kissing you.
Sometimes I'm guilty of prejudice
Sometimes I'm guilty of fear,
Sometimes I be so unreasonable.
Sometimes I just plain don't care.
Cos I'm only human after all.
I never made a claim to know it all.
Cos. Love don't conquer everything,
living in a world so full of hate.
Take a look around you'll see
so much suffering.
Sometimes all you need is a little faith.
Sometimes life can be beautiful.
Sometimes it puts you through hell.
Some days can seem like a nightmare.
Next day your under a spell.
Cos I'm only human after all.
I never made a claim to know it all, yeah.
Cos. Love don't conquer everything,
living in a world so full of hate.
Take a look around you'll see
so much suffering.
Sometimes all you need is a little faith.
Nobody knows how the story ends.
Maybe I don't wanna know.
Still trying to deal with the here and now.
I'll sit back and see how it goes.
Cos. Love don't conquer everything,
living in a world so full of hate.
Take a look around you'll see
so much suffering.
Look at me babe I'm with you
You know you gotta have hope
You know you've got to be strong
Dreams can come true
Look at me babe I'm with you
You know you gotta have hope
You know you gotta be strong
Move a step closer
You know that I want you
I can tell by your eyes
that you want me too
Just a question of time
I knew we'd be together
And that you'd be mine
I want you here forever
Do ya hear what I'm sayin?
Gotta say how I feel
I can't believe you're here
But I know that you're real
I know what I want
And baby it's you
I can't deny my feelings
Cos I know they are true
Dreams can come true
Look at me babe I'm with you
You know you gotta have hope
You know you've got to be strong
Dreams can come true
Look at me babe I'm with you
You know you gotta have hope
You know you gotta be strong
I've seen you some times
on your own and in crowds
I knew I had to have you
my hopes didnt let me down
Now you're by my side
And I feel so good
I've nothing to hide
Don't feel that I ever could
Do you hear what I'm saying?
Gotta say how I feel
I can't believe you're here
But I know that you're real
I know what I want
And baby it's you
cant deny my feelings
Because they are true
Dreams can come true
I'm not making plans for tomorrow
Let's live for tonight
I know I want you baby
So hold me so tight
Put your arms around me
You make me feel so safe
Then you whisper in my ear
That you're here to stay
One rainy day, chivalry walked up to me
Asking for directions to a good time
Dashing was his smile, responded I instinctively
Accept the invitation for a while
I couldn't get away, I sipped the wine, I wanted more
He was psychological addiction, I bowed my head to pray
But the devil said "girl, stay and play"
I was so exposed, had no protection
He had: warm hands, cold heart
Tryin' to love and tryin' to please
Wit, charm, a head start, almost brought me to my knees
Warm hands, cold heart, trying to love a better day
Almost spirited me away
My will left home, packed its bags and flew away
Dashing was my succour, was my weakness
I was so alone, would have stayed that way a thousand days
I enjoyed his bitter, not his sweetness
He was messin' with my psyche, he was playin' with my mind
Adventure and excitement, can be hard to find
But the pleasure in the danger, was so intoxicating
I had to break away. Yeah, yeah, yeah
Warm hands, cold heart
Wit, charm, head start
Warm hands, cold heart
Wit, charm, head start
Sun is up should be feeling great,
your feeling rough got too much on your plate,
a busy day got a lot to do,
a heavy head you think you've caught the flu.
Something deep inside begins to stir,
spirit, conscience your not really sure.
It's gonna be okay...
It's gonna be okay...
Another day your late for work,
the shower's cold you ain't got no clean shirt.
A cup of tea just might do the trick,
the milk's gone off by now feeling sick.
Something deep inside begins to stir,
spirit, conscience your not really sure.
It's gonna be okay...
It's gonna be okay...
We laughed, we cried, we shared along the way,
we did some things we knew we shouldn't do.
So after all what's this life living for,
work it out or head straight for the door
It's gonna be okay...either way
It's gonna be okay...
You close your eyes, try to sleep.
Scold yourself for hours that you keep.
Drifting off will I dream tonight?
In my dreams perhaps I'll get it right.
Something deep inside begins to purrr,
spirit, conscience your not really sure.
It's gonna be okay...
It's gonna be okay...either way
They were young, children of the golden sun
Oh , the love they knew, bore no heavy chains
She was coy, played games with her little boy
On his heart she signed her name
Innocent and naive, tenderness would see them through,
Now he's a man she's no longer a little girl
Passion and desire came to play
Sister knew, mother didn't have a clue
From each other, they couldn't stay away
Innocent and naive, tenderness would see them through,
Now they're old, the fire they know will never burn cold,
Their love burns alive
She's still sweet, he still kisses her tender feet
They know their love will survive
When we were young we shared our dreams
I was your Queen you were the Captain of my sea
We felt we were the only ones to see
Mermaids combing their hair with coral brushes from the sea
In my dreams you were food and wine
In my dreams we had space and time
In my dreams baby we could fly
In my dreams you'll never die
Sweet, sweet music, we made our own
The tree in our garden was our surrogate home
We drank blue lemonade and ate mud pies
We owned the land, oh yes we owned the sky
In my dreams you were food and wine
In my dreams we had space and time
In my dreams baby we could fly
In my dreams you'll never die
Can you believe every secret I had
I shared with you, yes with you
Always always in our games
I took the blame for you?
In my dreams you were food and wine
In my dreams we had space and time
In my dreams baby we could fly
In my dreams you'll never die
In my dreams you were food and wine
In my dreams we had space and time
In my dreams baby we could fly
In my dreams you'll never die
Can you believe every secret I had
I shared with you, yes with you
Always always in our games
I took the blame for you, yes for you?
In my dreams you were food and wine
In my dreams we had space and time
In my dreams baby we could fly
In my dreams you'll never die
In my dreams you were food and wine
In my dreams we had space and time
In my dreams baby we could fly
In my dreams you'll never die
In my dreams you were food and wine
In my dreams we had space and time
In my dreams baby we could fly
Never die, never die
In my dreams you were food and wine
In my dreams we had space and time
In my dreams baby we could fly
Never die, you'll never die
In my dreams you were food and wine
In my dreams we had space and time
In my dreams baby we could fly
Down by the river, down by the sea
Down by the water will you come with me?
The fish are watching, I don't really care
Down by the river if you dare
Down by the river, down by the stream
Down by the ripples, promise I won't scream, oh
The flowers are whispering, what do they say?
Down by the river where we play
I can see the magic in your eyes
Down by the river, down by the shore
Down by the ocean where we wanted more, oh
The trees are listening, they turn away
Down by the river where we lay
I can see the magic in your eyes, baby
I can feel the sunlight in your smile
Maybe I could deceive myself
But why should I deny that you belong to me, I belong to you oh
I can feel the magic in your eyes, baby
I can see the sunlight from your smile
Maybe I could deceive myself
But why should I deny that you belong to me, I belong to you, you,
Yea yea yea, yea yea yea, yea yea yea
Down by the river, down by the lake
Down by the water, promise I won't fake, hey hey
Sun is shining in its heat we bathe
Down by the river we were saved
I can see the magic in your eyes, baby
I can feel the sunlight in your smile
I could deceive myself
But why should I deny that you belong to me, I belong to you oh
You belong to me, I belong to you, you, yea yea
Yea yea yea
Down by the river, yea yea
Down by the river, yea yea yea yea yea
Down by the river, yea
Down by the river, yea yea yea yea yea
Down by the river, yea yea yea yea
Down by the river, yea yea yea yea
Down by the river, yea yea
Down by the river, ooo yea
Down by the river, deep down, deep down
I'm the keeper of your funny jokes
Sit beside me, make me laugh some more, yea
We're all looking for a savior
I can see one coming through the door
To the light, are you a follower?
For the truth and for the destiny
This long night has lasted forever
How do we get there?
God only knows
In the darkness, he sits shedding skins
How it happened? He doesn't know
Was it karma stuff and baggage from another life?
Why did it take her, why did she have to go?
To the light, are you a follower?
For the truth and for the destiny
This long night has lasted forever
How do we get there?
God only knows
There I go thinkin' again of you
There I go thinkin' again
There I go thinkin' again
Thinkin' again
I go thinkin' again
I go thinkin' again
I go thinkin' again
I thinkin' again
Where are you going? Are you having fun?
What's the lessons, what we got to learn?
Can't be right, 'cause I'm the dancer
I wrote the steps and I know how it goes
To the light, are you a follower?
For the truth and for the destiny
This long night has lasted forever
How do we get there?
God only knows
To the light, are you a follower?
For the truth and for the destiny
This long night has lasted forever
How do we get there?
God only knows
To the light, are you a follower?
For the truth and for the destiny
This long night has lasted forever
How do we get there?
God only knows
Thinking, there I go again
Thinking, I go thinking
Thinking, there I go again
Thinking, I go thinking
Thinking, there I go again
Thinking, I go thinking
Thinking, there I go again
Thinking, I go thinking
Thinking, there I go again
Thinking, I go thinking
Thinking, there I go again
Standing on ceremony. Waiting for life to begin
I ain't looking for nothing necessarily,
then in you sauntered in.
You were too cool, too suave.
The way you handled your guitar.
When you started to play,
you nearly stole my heart away.
You can't stop fate stepping in.
You can try, but you'll give in.
When you finished playing, ooh you caught my eye.
I don't usually get so humble, I don't usually get so shy.
But when you asked my name. I felt the deepest shame.
If you could read my mind, oh, you'd see my crime.
You can't stop fate stepping in.
You can try, but you'll give in.
You can't choose. You can't lose.
You can't hide. You can't decide.
You can't run, You can't shun.
You can't escape, destiny of fate.
You can't stop fate stepping in.
Adjacently we stand keeping out the cold
Emotions flowing through us, are we being to bold
To say we're in control
Time is moving on soon well be gone
The wall will crumble and fall, it had to be that way
'Cos this competitive world, may let you down
Hearts and souls and minds, they get churned around
People tread on your heart and they don't fear
That brave look in your eye, which says you care
Clouds that float on by, furnishing the sky
So beautiful you want to be there too, oh you can make it there
Stones may block your path people they may laugh
Say your acting like a fool, this fuels your will to prove
So don't ever let go, when someone says its so
Don't give up the flight, cos you know its right
That brave look in you eye, says your dreams won't die
This formulates your key
Don't let the wall crumble and fall
Build it up, keep it up
Cos this competitive world may let you down
Rise up and defend yourself
This competitive world, this competitive world
Listen as your day unfolds
Challenge what the future holds
Try to keep your head up to the sky
Lovers they may cause you tears
Go ahead release your fears
Stand up and be counted
Don't be shamed to cry
You gotta be
You gotta be bad
You gotta be bold
You gotta be wiser
You gotta be hard
You gotta be tough
You gotta be stronger
You gotta be cool
You gotta be calm
You gotta stay together
All i know all i know is love will save the day
Harold what your mother said
Read the books your father read
Try to solve the puzzles in your own sweet time
Some may have more cash than you
Others take a different view
My oh my, eh eh eh
You gotta be bad
You gotta be bold
You gotta be wiser
You gotta be hard
You gotta be tough
You gotta be stronger
You gotta be cool
You gotta be calm
You gotta stay together
All i know all i know is love will save the day
Time asks no questions
It goes on without you
Leaving you behind if you can't stand the pace
The world keeps on spinning
Can't stop it if you try to
The best part is danger staring you in the face
Listen as your day unfolds
Challenge what the future holds
Try to keep your head up to the sky
Lovers they may cause you tears
Go ahead release your fears
My oh my eh eh eh
You gotta be bad
You gotta be bold
You gotta be wiser
You gotta be hard
You gotta be tough
You gotta be stronger
You gotta be cool
You gotta be calm
You gotta stay together
All i know all i know is love will save the day
Gotta be bad
You gotta be bold
You gotta be wiser
You gotta be hard
You gotta be tough
You gotta be stronger
You gotta be cool
You gotta be calm
You gotta stay together
All i know all i know is love will save the day
Got to be bold
Got to be bad
Got to be wise
Goin out of sight
Got to be hard
Not too too hard
All I know is love will save the day
You gotta be bad
You gotta be bold
You gotta be wiser
You gotta be hard
You gotta be tough
You gotta be stronger
You gotta be cool
You gotta be calm
You gotta stay together
All i know all i know is love will save the day
You gotta be bad
You gotta be bold
You gotta be wiser
You gotta be hard
You gotta be tough
You gotta be stronger
You gotta be cool
You gotta be calm
Delicate like rain
Delicate like snow
Delicate like birds
Delicate just so
Delicate like air
Delicate like breeze
Delicate like you and me
A delicate advance
A delicate retreat
Delicately planned
Delicate like peace
Delicate like a touch
That's delicately brief
Delicate like you and me
Delicate like trinkets on her bracelet
(Like trinkets on her bracelet)
Delicate like a bracelet on your arm
(Like a bracelet on your arm)
Delicate like sweet arms around me
(Your sweet arms around me)
Delicate like me on top of you
Delicate like words
Delicate how time
So delicately runs
Then delicately dies
Delicate how eyes
So delicately breathe
Delicate like you my dear
Delicate like me my love
Delicate like you and
Delicate like me and
Delicate like
Oh say can you see
by the dawns early light,
what so proudly we hailed
at the twilight's last gleaming?
Whose broad stripes and bright stars,
through the perilous fight,
o'er the ram-parts we watched were so galantly streaming?
And the rockets red glare,
the bombs bursting in air,
gave proof through the night that our flag was still there.
Oh say does that Star Spangled Banner yet wave
o'er the land of the free
He wants to rule the world but can he on his own?
First he's got to find his Queen to share his golden throne
He'll know he's met her when their spirits face to face
Then they can rule the world and heal the human race
Because he only wants to be a hero
He wants to fly but his wings won't let him go
He wants to travel but don't wanna go solo
Daddy when I grow up I want to be a silent hero
Standing by a legacy that wasn't very bad
Chained to a history that wasn't always sad
His Mother and his Father said that boy you should be glad
He had pride and respect for everything he had
Shadows persue me, confusing my life
Causing me grief, sometimes causing me strife
Enjoy your youth 'cause it doesn't last very long
Do you know the words to your song
Daddy when I grow up I want to be a silent hero
Daddy when I grow up I want to be a silent hero
I am a hero, You are a hero,
Why should I love you?
You treat me so bad, you make me glad
Why should I care for you?
I'll tell you my feelings honestly
There are few factors that lie in your favour
Yet I'm attracted, oh so distracted
Pride may ruin you slowly, harbouring feelings
You never let go
Trying to tell me that I'm in the wrong
Though we've been together for so long
There is something there that I need
Yet far away from you I can be free
You wake up the sun shines on your face
You crack a smile you've got big plans today
Your freedom lies way up in the skies
You'll fly high with invisible wings
Why should I love you?
You're makin me so glad, so sad
Why should I care for you?
You're makin me so glad, so sad
Ooo ooooh oooo, oooh oooh, ohh oooh oooh
I hear a song,
drifting on the horizon
The melody is so sweet, so sweet
Who composed the tune?
It lifts my heart higher
I sit down to retire
And hear what it has to say
Love is here,
I don't wanna lose it no
The tune it was so inspiring,
it kept my body rising,
absorption taking place
The melody so lovely,
the tune it was so subtle
The world's a wonderful place
I see him now,
the clouds begin to disperse
To reveal a wonderful presence,
a presence full of love
He is so lovely,
standing there looking after me
Seeing just how I feel,
the presence of love itself
Time oh time, yes I need more time
Why do you keep on fleeting away?
I hear the wind chimes jangle in my mind
Oh how I wish you stay
Look at the time, it's after five, soon the day is over
Mr.Magic said,"We'd meet before the rise"
I recall when 60 minutes used to be an hour
As usual I find myself reading sky
"Never mind", I said to myself
Never, never mind, I'm not owned by myself
Many have these feelings, they remain on the shelf
How can I be sure?
Time oh time, yes I need more time
Why do you keep on fleeting away?
I hear the wind chimes jangle in my mind
Oh how I wish you could stay
Sitting around I hear no sound, only the clock is ticking
Seconds turn to minutes purely on their own
When asleep and all is dark, I spend my dreaming wishing
I got a feeling I'm not all alone
Time oh time, yes I need more time
Why do you keep on fleeting away?
I hear the wind chimes jangle in my mind
Oh how I wish you will stay
Got a feeling, yes I'm reeling
I'm trying but I'm lying to myself
When I'm sitting and I'm thinking
How can I be sure?
How can I be sure?
Oh, time oh time, yes I need more time
Why do you keep on slipping away?
Time oh time, umpteens I have to time
Oh how I wish you will stay
Time oh time, yes I need more time
Why do you keep on slipping away?
I hear the wind chimes jangle in my mind
Oh how I wish you will stay
Oh, time oh time, what can I do?
I find myself, I'm relying on you sometimes
I get in right, I follow through
Yea yea yea yea
Yea yea
Sitting in fields
Surrounded by daisies
Was her fate
She loves him, she loves him not
He loves her but he forgot
Now it's too late
She's down to 3 petals
She hears the whistle from the kettle
But should she stay?
'Cos running never solves anything
Running changes nothing
You better stay
But if you're running to another's arms
Runing to another's charms
Then go away
Indigo daisies
Indigo daisies
Sitting on the train
Surrounding by faces
She doesn't know
She doesn't have a book to read
The journey takes infinity
She sucks a polo
She remembers the pavilion
He made her feel
A million sweeter days
'Cos running never solves anything
Running changes nothing
You better stay
But if you're running to another's arms
Runing to another's charms
Then go away
Indigo daisies
Indigo daisies
'Cos running never solves anything
Running changes nothing
You better stay
But if you're running to another's arms
Runing to another's charms
Then go away
Indigo daisies
Indigo daisies
Indigo daisies
Indigo daisies
Running never solves anything
Running never solves anything
'Cause there was a time
I was surrounded
By beautiful flowers
There was a time
I was surrounded
By beautiful flowers
Indigo daisies
Do you recall the sun of '79
I was young but I remember you fine
You were tall and handsome so sweet so divine
One day you'd be mine
Do you recall the sun of '79
You used to tease me saying in ten years time
I still loved you I was biding my time
One day you'd be mine
Now I've revealed my thoughts to you
What's your conclusion? did you have a clue
Some say your feelings should be aired
Now with you mine have been shared
Do you recall the sun of '79
Playing silly games behind the washing line
We were scolded 10.000.000 times
Happiness then made us blind
The sun's behind the sea of '79
Will it rise again, maybe not in my time
I'll remember you as long as I'm alive
I'll see you again
Dumma dumma dum dum, dah dah dah dee
Yeah, yeah yeah
Times in my soul when I feel low, no one can help me
Words I need evade me, you always hear me cry
Your love inside of me you know what I'm feeling
I need you, yes I do. Save me
Save me, save me
Cos I want to climb much higher
So I can see
I need saving like a mother saves her child
Like a brother going wild
Can you hear me, can you hear me? Save me
Is it only when things go wrong, then I call your name
I feel bad inside, I try to hide, you always know where I am
Watching over me, shielding me. You know what I'm feeling
I need you, yes I do. Save me
Why do I doubt you? Forgive me Lord
Can't do without you I live by your word
No one stands near to you
I shouldn't doubt you, forgive me Lord
Can't do without you I live by your word,
no one stands near to you
Ooh oooh, oooh oooh
Mm mmm mmm mmm
I know you think that I don't want to.
I know you think that I don't care.
I know you said that I don't have to.
How can I deny something so rare.
I know you like to do the talking,
I just keep it down inside.
My feet been known to do the walking.
But how you gonna know, if you never try.
Oh love, so beautiful.
Oh love, so inspired.
Ooh love, so wonderful.
Sweet love. Ooh, baby, baby, baby, baby, baby.
I don't believe in ultimatums.
I don't believe in making deals.
Cos when your dealing your emotions,
you've simply got to go with how you really feel.
Oh love, so beautiful.
Oh love, so inspired.
Ooh love, so wonderful.
Sweet love. Ooh, baby, baby, baby, baby, baby.
No one likes to feel their put on trail.
Nobody likes to admit there in denial.
Who do you know that likes to feel pushed in a corner.
Cos it doesn't make sense to lie.
We're all looking for perfection.
Knowing that it don't exist no, no.
Somehow we'll settle for deception.
But true loves always sealed in a tender kiss.
Oh love, so beautiful.
Oh love, so inspired.
Ooh love, so wonderful.
Sweet love. Ooh, baby, baby, baby, baby, baby.
Show me your company
Come and tell me who you be
I'll try and take things easy
I'll be loose I'll be carefree
I'm living for tomorrow not today
Gotta make my plans so in case
I'll be prepared when I see you you smiling
(Chorus) 'Cause I feel so when I'm reaching out for your sky
I've boudless energy. I fell I could run a million miles
I'm riding on the wheel of fortune taking me to places far and free
I feel so high when I approach your sky
When I touch your sky, I want my joy to be discreet
Can't seem to to hide the feeling that you knock me from my seat
When I'm talking with my friends, you're the subject every time
I know I bore them but they do it to me sometimes
I've seen you exposed your thoughts are nude
Come on take off your pride baby
You should wash your attittude
I'm sitting here watching you baby
Trying to pretend your cool and calm
Come on now you can tell me baby
Did the gypsy read your palm
I feel so high, when I'm touching your sky baby
I feel so high
I feel so high, when I'm touching your sky baby
I feel so high yeah, yeah
I feel so high, when I'm touching your sky baby
I see your picture solemn on the wall
There's no expression no laughter there at all
Why are you there watching me, eyes gray and heart of stone
Oh I've tried to please you, seems as though I've failed
Shall I pour some laughter upon your weary soul
You used to be so happy, your life complete and whole
Shall I pour some laughter upon your weary soul
You used to be so happy, your life complete and whole
You must communicate please don't turn away
I'm here to help you and I plan to stay
I see confusion revolves inside your mind
Oh I'm here to help you, I'll be patient, I'll be kind
Baby I can see your burning up inside
There's so much you want to hide
I see confusion revolves inside your mind
Oh I plan to stay here, I'll be patient, I'll be kind
Shall I pour some laughter, we'll drink a smile together
Who I'll share my jokes with, don't want to laugh alone
I'll rinse you in my laughter, we'll both smile together
Where did that smile go baby where did it go
The sun shines through my eyes I'll look at you
When the sun met the moon,
it was for the very first time.
Said the moon to the sun,
where have you been all my life?
Though we come from too different
worlds and we see things so differently.
Moon you light up my sky, sun breathe life into me.
All my life. All my life.
Cool morning, sun and the moon in the sky.
Dancing together. Are you?
Cool evening, beauty makes me wanna cry.
When the sun met the moon,
it was for the very last time.
Said the moon to the sun, please don't cry.
Though we come from too different
worlds and we see things so differently.
Sun you light up my sky. Moon breathe life into me.
Listen as your day unfolds, challenge what the future holds
Try and keep your head up to the sky
Lovers, they may cause you tears
Go ahead release your fears, stand up and be counted
Don't be ashamed to cry
You gotta be
You gotta be bad, you gotta be bold, you gotta be wiser
You gotta be hard, you gotta be tough, you gotta be stronger
You gotta be cool, you gotta be calm, you gotta stay together
All I know, all I know, love will save the day
Herald what your mother said
Reading the books your father read
Try to solve the puzzles in your own sweet time
Some may have more cash than you
Others take a different view, my oh my, heh, hey
You gotta be bad, you gotta be bold, you gotta be wiser
You gotta be hard, you gotta be tough, you gotta be stronger
You gotta be cool, you gotta be calm, you gotta stay together
All I know, all I know, love will save the day
Don't ask no questions, it goes on without you
Leaving you behind if you can't stand the pace
The world keeps on spinning
You can't stop it, if you try to
This time it's danger staring you in the face
Remember, listen as your day unfolds
Challenge what the future holds
Try and keep your head up to the sky
Lovers, they may cause you tears
Go ahead release your fears, my oh my heh, hey, hey
You gotta be bad, you gotta be bold, you gotta be wiser
You gotta be hard, you gotta be tough, you gotta be stronger
You gotta be cool, you gotta be calm, you gotta stay together
All I know, all I know, love will save the day
You gotta be bad, you gotta be bold, you gotta be wiser
You gotta be hard, you gotta be tough, you gotta be stronger
You gotta be cool, you gotta be calm, you gotta stay together
All I know, all I know, love will save the day
You can always win me over,
with your cool vibes and logical point of view.
For you I'd go babe, the extra mile,
But you confuse me, so I'm gonna ask you,
Why are you making me blue?
Is it because baby, your so sad inside.
And why, are you making me cry?
Is it because baby, your so terrified.
You don't wanna talk about it,
Say I'm crazy and it's all inside my head.
But I'm not gonna, let it go.
Let's start talking, take it slow.
Don't be frightened, I won't bite ya,
Move in closer. I just wanna hold your hand.
Come on baby, don't say no.
Let's start talking, keep on talking.
Why are you making me blue?
Is it because baby, your so sad inside.
And why, are you making me cry?
What's yours sign? Do you know?
Let me guess? You're Scorpio?
What's your rising? What's your moon?
Scorpios are pretty cool. See I'm a Sag.
So they say. I'm a butterfly, I like to play.
I'm always aiming into the sky.
I point my arrows, extremely high.
'Cos everyone, has a sign.
Whether supernatural or divine.
Believe or not, if your're so inclined.
'Cos in this great big universe.
We're the stars on earth.
See the man, over there. He's a Leo,
check his hair. Virgo eyes. Aries smile.
I like the Loe. Check his style.
When the night, is good and clear.
I hear a whisper in my ear.
If yout follow the Northem Star.
You will always know, just where you are.
'Cos everyone, has a sign.
Whether supernatural or divine.
Believe or not, if your're so inclined.
'Cos in this great big universe.
We're the stars on earth.
We are stars doo doot, doo doot, doo yeah.
We are stars doo doo doot, doo doot,
doo yeah. We are stars. Cos in this great big
universe. We're the stars on earth.
So whats your sign? Let me guess? I dunno.
I do confess. What's your rising? Where's your
moon? I dunno, but your're still cool!
'Cos everyone, has a sign.
Whether supernatural or divine.
Believe or not, if your're so inclined.
'Cos in this great big universe.
We're the stars on earth
We are stars doo doot, doo doot, doo yeah.
We are starts doo, doo doot, doo doot,
doo yeah. We are stars.
'Cos in this great big universe.
We're the stars on earth. Yeah.
We're the stars on earth. Yeah.
We're the stars on earth. Yeah.
'Cos in this great big universe.
You believe me. You believe me.
You believe me. You believe me.
One rainy day, chivalry walked up to me
Asking for directions to a good time
Dashing was his smile, responded i instinctively
Accept the invitation for a while
I couldn't get away, i sipped the wine, i wanted more
He was psychological addiction, i bowed my head to pray
But the devil said "girl, stay and play"
I was so exposed, had no protection
He had: warm hands, cold heart
Tryin' to love and tryin' to please
Wit, charm, a head start, almost brought me to my knees
Warm hands, cold heart, trying to love a better day
Almost spirited me away
My will left home, packed its bags and flew away
Dashing was my succour, was my weakness
I was so alone, would have stayed that way a thousand days
I enjoyed his bitter, not his sweetness
He was messin' with my psyche, he was playin' with my mind
Adventure and excitement, can be hard to find
But the pleasure in the danger, was so intoxicating
I had to break away. yeah, yeah, yeah
Warm hands, cold heart
Wit, charm, head start
Warm hands, cold heart
Trying to figure out
Just where your life is goin'
Can you see the picture
In the purple sky?
Silently you're walkin'
But where are you headin'?
Questions terrorize, ah, yeah
Space inside your mind, ah, yeah
Are you strong enough for love?
Are you strong enough for peace?
Are you strong enough to die?
Tell me why
I'm strong enough for you
Are you strong enough for me?
'Cause down, down in the city
Love ain't always pretty
They try to take your soul and mind
But you won't let them
Never wear your destiny
Outside your smile
Always talk in riddles
So you keep them guessing
Never criticize, ah, yeah
Keep an open mind, ah, yeah
Are you strong enough for love?
Are you strong enough for peace?
Are you strong enough to die?
Tell me why
I'm strong enough for you
Are you strong enough for me?
'Cause down, down in the city
Love ain't always pretty
They're holding out their hands
Begging for some time
Can you spare a shilling
Can you spare a life?
You try to give them food
But they just refuse you
Deep down inside, ah, yeah
You know you've tried
Are you strong enough for love?
Are you strong enough for peace?
Are you strong enough to die?
Tell me why
I'm strong enough for you
Are you strong enough for me?
'Cause down, down in the city
Love ain't always pretty
'Cause are you strong enough?
Strong enough for me?
Strong enough
Strong enough to see
Strong enough
Strong enough to be
'Cause down, down in the city, yeah
Love ain't always pretty
Strong enough for love?
Are you strong enough for peace?
Strong enough to die?
Tell me why
Strong enough for me
Oh, I'm strong enough for you
'Cause down, down in the city, yeah
Love ain't always pretty, no
You're strong enough for me
I'm strong enough for you
You're strong enough to see
That down, down in the city
Yeah yeah, yeah yeah, yeah yeah
Sitting here, my minds an empty page,
But I'll try, yes I will to exist.
A funky guitar, liberates me from my cage.
Well you asked so I say, that's how songs are made.
Where do I go when I need some inspiration.
Love affair, jump a cliff, light a spliff.
Simply vibe, with some wicked orchestration.
Well you asked so I say, that's how songs are made.
Oh, searching in the back of my mind,
Try to sleep, see if I dream,
see if something comes from nowhere.
Oh oh. Search again theres something I can find.
Try to sleep, see if I dream.
If I let it go, it comes back to me.
u res your head to lay.
If you love it so. It comes back to you.
Back to you. Back to you.
What do I do, for a little motivation,
On a beach, out of reach, ooh life's a peach.
Sometimes I need just a little isolation.
On my own, answerphone, toblerone, ummmmm.
A little dedication, a little isolation, yeah.
A little motivation, give me some information. Yeah.
Hold me don't let go, cos I'm revelling in insecurity
It's so unlike me, yes I know.
But what am I to do with how I feel.
I just keep on wondering, pondering what to do.
I beat up on myself and everybody else, I'm so confused.
You say let's compromise, head for the skies.
Nothing to lose. I've got nothing to lose.
So please don't leave me here. I'll be lost without you.
Don't make me stay. Cos I'll only be in the way.
Don't say I told you so and that
my argument is wearing thin.
Sometimes I'm ugly, beautiful.
Say I'm hormonal and I'll punch you in.
Cos I just can't make up my mind any time,
I'm not like you.
Don't put words in my mouth
or I'm heading south right on cue.
You said let's compromise head for the skies.
Nothing to lose. I've got nothing to lose.
So please don't leave me here. I'll be lost without you.
Don't make me stay. Cos I'll only be in the way.
Just can't make up my mind, anytime,
I'm not like you.
Don't put words in my mouth
or I'm heading south right on cue.
You say let's compromise, head for the skies.
Nothing to lose. I've got nothing to lose.
So please don't leave me here. I'll be lost without you.
Many lifetimes have I seen, all are vivid in my dreams
Different stories, different themes, mind adventures
Many mountains have I climbed to kiss the sky of sweet July
Exotic birds go flying by, mind adventures
Would you like an invitation to my destination, babe
It ain't hard, it's easy to find
I won't beg or buy, I'll borrow love, hey, what are you thinking of
Adventures take place in my mind
Many stories I've been told by wise men young and some are old
They were strong and they were bold, mind adventures
Many seasons have I seen, unconventional indeed
In places they have never seen spring or summer
Would you like an invitation to my destination, babe
It ain't hard, it's easy to find
I won't beg or buy, I'll borrow love, hey, what are you thinking of
Adventures take place in my mind
Futuristic I may be, I don't feel differently
About strange things I hear and see, mind adventures
You may have eyes you may not see, you may possess dry chemistry
These mean nothing much to me, mind adventures
Would you like an invitation to my destination, babe
It ain't hard, it's easy to find
I won't beg or buy, I'll borrow love, hey, what are you thinking of
Adventures take place in my mind
Would you like an invitation to my destination, babe
It ain't hard, it's easy to find
I won't beg or buy, I'll borrow love, hey, what are you thinking of
Adventures take place in my mind
Mind adventures they will set you free, it's easy as you'll see, yes
There's a tone in the sound of your voice
My heart is listening to
And a message inside of your mind, I can relate to
The feeling inside of your soul, I am feeling
Maybe soulmates exist after all
There's an energy inside your smile that shines upon me
And the positive sides of your dreams, I am dreaming
Simple understanding is what I need, hey, hee hey
Maybe soulmates exist after all
I realised early on, good and bad in life, have a meaning
And I tried, oh to be strong, until I die, I'll still be learning
But your spirit and your vibe, touched me deeply down inside
I was wrong, you were there all along
Ooh, the feel of your hand when you touch is electricity
You make me feel good, you make me dizzy
Love that's demanding, is what I need, hey, hee hey!
Maybe soulmates exist after all
Maybe soulmates exist after all
I realised early on, good and bad in life, have a meaning
And I tried, oh to be strong, until I die, I'll still be learning
But your spirit and your vibe, touched me deeply down inside
I was wrong, you were there all along
You were there baby all along
When your momma starts to scold you
She says it's 'cause I love you, momma please don't cry
But it don't make matters better when you resemble your father
And you learn that the alimonies run dry
Momma please don't cry
You know you never asked me why
I'll wipe the tears from your eyes
And hold you like you used to hold me
So she smiles but is she happy? She smiles but she ain't happy
Sadness still glistens in her eyes
When she thinks of that man who she gave most of her life to
In her heart she feels like she would die
Momma please don't cry
You know you never asked me why
I'll wipe the tears from your eyes
And hold you like you used to hold me
So you try to console her, she sees her baby's growing older
One day you'll rise up and take your leave
Then she'll stand by the window, looking pale as a shadow
Words of love faintly echo in her ears
No no no, momma please don't cry
You know you never asked me why
I'll wipe the tears from your eyes
And hold you like you used to hold me
I said, ‽And momma please don't cry
You know you never asked me why
I'll wipe the tears from your eyes