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CBS 관찰다큐, 신천지에 빠진 사람들 1부-계시록
CBS 특집 다큐 신천지에 빠진 사람들 2부 [청춘]
'Fuck it, I quit': CBS reporter Quits live on Air
Rihanna Slams CBS
Lady Gaga and Tony Bennett - Interview on CBS Sunday Morning 21.09.2014
CBS 'The Agency' Pilot Episode Predicted Osama Bin Laden Attack Before 9/11
CBS Freemason/Illuminati Media: Color Codes Exposed
Anorexia's Childhood Roots (CBS News)
CBS Cuts Nicki Minaj's Sexy "Anaconda" Performance
CBS Coverage of Apollo 11 Lunar Landing
CBS National News on 9/11/2001, 9:45 - 10:25 a.m.
CBS (Columbia Broadcasting System) 1946 - 2008
"The Homosexuals": Mike Wallace's CONTROVERSIAL 1967 CBS Report!!(FULL VIDEO)
Modest Mouse - Lampshades On Fire (CBS This Morning: Saturday Sessions)
제작기간 1년, 2,000시간의 관찰보고서 신천지에 빠진 사람들은 지난 2014년 1월부터 1년간에 걸쳐 이뤄진 신천지라는 사교집단과 그 피해자들에 관한 심층취재 보고서이다. 신천지 집단의 거짓과 위험을 알리기 위해 2012년 특별대책팀을 가동시켜 온 CBS는 이 집단의 실상을 더 생생히 알리고 피해를 예방하기 위해 신천지의 꾐에 빠진 피해자와 그 가족들의 고통의 시간을 있는 그대로 카메라에 담았다. 총 8대의 카메라에 담긴 2,000 시간의 관찰 기록이 8편의 다큐멘터리로 제작되어 방송된다. 관찰보고서-신천지에 빠진 사람들은 오는 3월 16일 월요일 저녁 8시 10분 1부-계시록, 3월 17일 화요일 저녁 8시 10분 2부-청춘을 시작으로 매주 월요일, 화요일 저녁 8시 10분에 방송되며 신천지OUT 홈페이지 와 YOUTUBE cbsjoy를 통해서도 시청할 수 있습니다. 본방 3월 16일 월 저녁 8시 10분 1부-계시록 3월 17일 화 저녁 8시 10분 2부-청춘 3월 23일 월 저녁 8시 10분 3부-중독 3월 24일 화 저녁 8시 10분 4부-거짓말 3월 30일 월 저녁 8시 10분 5부-상처 3월 31일 화 저녁 8시 10분 6부-가족 4월 6일 월 저녁 8시 10분 7부-사랑 4월 7일 화 저녁 8시 10분 8부-말씀(최종회) 제작 : CBS
1년에 걸쳐 제작한 CBS 8부작 특집 다큐멘터리 '신천지에 빠진 사람들'이 지난 16일 첫 방송을 무사히 마쳐 관심이 집중됐다. 이 프로그램은 지난해 1월 기획돼 1년만에 완성됐으며, 교계 최초로 이단 신천지에 빠진 사람들을 관찰 카메라에 담아 그 실체를 적나라하게 파헤쳐 눈길을 끌었다. 신천지는 지난 1984년 3월 14일에 창립해 올해로 31주년을 맞았다. 현재 전 세계 95개 교화와 20만 명이 넘는 성도가 있다. 매년 입교하는 성도 수는 평균 2~3만 명으로 알려졌다. 이날 방송된 '신천지에 빠진 사람들' 에서는 신천지에 빠진 딸로 인해 가슴앓이하는 가족 등의 내용을 다뤘다. 방송에서 딸은 온 가족이 모인 자리에서 엄마를 '아줌마'라고 호칭하며 가족들의 마음을 아프게 했다. 딸의 아빠는 "네가 신천지 인이든 아니든 간에 우린 가족이잖아. 변함이 없어. 다혜야"라고 말해 안타까움을 자아냈다. 한 대학생은 신천지를 가입했다가 탈퇴하려하자 신천지 신도들에게 집단 폭행 보복을 당했다고 폭로했다. 얼굴이 피투성이가 될 정도로 30분 간의 폭행은 계속 이어졌다고 한다. 또 다른 남성은 신천지 측 신도로부터 '성관계 포교'를 당했다고 폭로해 충격을 안기기도 했다. 그는 "내게 '성관계 포교'를 한 이는 신천지에 빠진 사람들 가운데 한 명으로 유부녀 전도사였다"고 털어놨다. CBS 보도에 따르면 신천지 교주 이만희 총회장은 언제나 부채를 들고 다니면서 손을 치켜들고 자신이 하늘의 계시를 받았다고 주장하는 등 자신을 신격화하고 있는 것으로 전해졌다. 이만희는 지난 2009년 고향에 쉼터를 건립하고 신천지 신도들에게 이만희가 태어난 곳에서부터 계시 받은 곳, 기도하던 곳 등을 견학하게 했다. 신천지 탈퇴자 A 씨는 "신천지는 포교 실적이 많은 사람을 선발해 이만희의 고향 탐방을 시키고 있다"며, "이만희가 태어난 제실이나 계시를 받았다는 마을 다리와 산 등을 돌아보며 교주 신격화 작업을 한다"고 말했다. 신천지 교주 이만희의 신격화 작업은 신천지 신도들이 교주 이만희를 죽지 않는 보혜사로 믿게 만들기 위한 것으로 알려졌다. 방송과 관련 신천지 측은 보도자료를 통해 “‘신천지에 빠진 사람들’의 표본집단 구성에 심각한 오류가 있다”면서 “CBS가 제작한 프로그램은 신천지 성도의 0.2%에 불과한 사례를 전체 신천지의 모습으로 확대해석 했다”고 입장을 밝혔다. 한편, 신천지 측에서는 CBS를 상대로 지난 6일 법원에 방송금지 가처분 신청을 제출했다. 신천지 측은 가처분 신청문에서 "CBS가 신천지를 사교집단이자 가출과 이혼, 가정파탄, 자살, 폭행 등 사회문제를 일으키는 집단이라는 취지로 '신천지에 빠진 사람들'을 제작했다"고 신청 배경을 밝혔다. 그러나 서울남부지방법원은 CBS의 제작물을 공공의 이익에 부합한다고 판단, 신천지 측의 가처분 신청을 기각했다. CBS 신천지특별대책팀은 "이 방송을 통해 한국교회가 종교를 넘어 사회문제로까지 확산되고 있는 이단문제에 더욱 관심을 기울여 줄 것"을 촉구했다. 방송은 16일 오후 8시10분 1부 '계시록'을 시작으로 17일 오후 2부 '청춘'이 방송된다. 오는 23일 3부 '중독', 24일 4부 '거짓말', 30일 5부 '상처', 31일 6부 '가족', 다음 달 6일 7부 '사랑', 다음 달 7일 8부 '말씀'이 일주일에 두 회씩 같은 시간에 방송될 예정이다. 방송은 인터넷 신천지 아웃 홈페이지나, 페이스북 CBS JOY, 유투브 등 SNS에서도 동시에 시청할 수 있다.
KTVA reporter Charlo Greene quit her job on live TV last night, outing herself as the owner of an Alaskan cannabis club and declaring "f*ck it". Having grown weary of reporting the news, Green told viewers she would instead be putting all her energy into the fight to legalise marijuana in the state, having previously reported on the Alaska Cannabis Club without mentioning her connection to it. In a jaw-dropping twist to the end of a segment she was presenting, she said: "Now everything you heard is why I, the actual owner of the Alaska Cannabis Club, will be dedicating all of my energy toward fighting for freedom and fairness which begins with legalizing marijuana here in Alaska. "And as for this job, well, not that I have a choice but, f**k it, I quit." The Alaska Cannabis Club, which connects medical marijuana cardholders with local growers, urged its Facebook followers to tune into KTVA earlier in the evening. Following Greene's mic drop, the main anchor could only stutter: "Alright we apologise for that….we'll, we'll be right back." Green has since started an Indiegogo campaign for cannabis reform, explaining in its summary: "I'm Charlo Greene, the president and CEO of the Alaska Cannabis Club - Alaska's only legal medical marijuana resource. "I just quit my news reporting job on live TV to announce that I am redirecting all of my energy toward helping to end a failed drug policy that has ruined the lives of far too many Americans." KTVA could only apologise on Twitter, saying rather worryingly (and hopefully erroneously) that Charlo had been "terminated". "Viewers, we sincerely apologize for the inappropriate language used by a KTVA reporter on the air tonight," it wrote. "The employee has been terminated."
Rihanna slammed CBS after they pulled her song from a Ravens game in the wake of the Ray Rice domestic abuse scandal. Find out why Wendy thinks Rihanna should have handled the situation differently. Subscribe:
Lady Gaga and Tony Bennett promote their new album Cheek To Cheek on CBS Sunday Morning.
CBS 'The Agency' Pilot Episode Predicted Osama Bin Laden Attack Before 9/11 in the Original Pilot Episode. *SUBSCRIBE* for more great videos daily and sound off in the comments section by sharing what you think! Mark Dice is a media analyst and author who, in an entertaining and educational way, reveals the effects of our celebrity obsessed culture and the manipulative power of mainstream media. Mark's YouTube channel has received over 100 million views and his viral videos have been mentioned the Fox News Channel, CNN, the Drudge Report, TMZ, the New York Daily News, the Washington Times, and other media outlets around the world. He has been featured on the History Channel's Decoded, Ancient Aliens, and America's Book of Secrets; Conspiracy Theory with Jesse Ventura on TruTV, Secret Societies of Hollywood on E! Channel, America Declassified on the Travel Channel, and is a frequent guest on Coast to Coast AM, and the Alex Jones Show. Mark Dice is the author of several popular books on secret societies and conspiracies, including The Illuminati: Facts & Fiction, Big Brother: The Orwellian Nightmare Come True, The New World Order, Facts & Fiction, Inside the Illuminati, The Resistance Manifesto, and Illuminati in the Music Industry, which you can order now in paperback from or download the e-books through Kindle, iBooks, Nook, or Google Play. While much of Mark's work confirms the existence and continued operation of the Illuminati today, he is also dedicated to debunking conspiracy theories and hoaxes and separating the facts from the fiction; hence the "Facts & Fiction" subtitle for several of his books. He has a bachelor's degree in communication from California State University. He enjoys causing trouble for the New World Order, exposing corrupt scumbag politicians, and pointing out Big Brother's prying eyes. The term "fighting the New World Order" is used by Mark to describe some of his activities, and refers to his and others' resistance and opposition (The Resistance) to the overall system of political corruption, illegal wars, elite secret societies, mainstream media, Big Brother and privacy issues; as well as various economic and social issues. This Resistance involves self-improvement, self-sufficiency, personal responsibility and spiritual growth. Be sure to subscribe to Mark's YouTube channel, checkout some of the previous videos and Playlists, and look him up on Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram.
Thrust into the public eye by a provocative ad campaign, Isabelle Caro has become the living face of anorexia, who says her disease stems from a childhood sp...
For all your music needs ►► Clevver twerking hall of fame►► Nicki Minaj performs Anaconda at Fashion Rocks and boy, does she shakes what her mama and papa gave her. During the CBS live telecast of the fashion and music filled night, Nicki Minaj took the stage at the Barclay center in Brooklyn to perform her bootylicious hit, Anaconda. Nicki sported a high pony with a jeweled bra top and matching denim mini, MINI skirt, with a pair of wedged sneaks and of course she’s gotta be wearing some briefs underneath with all of those high-kick leg moves . But interestingly, I think I hear the artist say before the show that she’s been dressing more subdued?? She’s clearly not referring to her performance looks – I mean, look at her Anaconda styles from the past few weeks. (insert several photos full screen with dings). Girl looks good, and girl looks super sexy and risqué. Oh, duh, she must be referring to her red carpet fashions, which for this night, is absolutely gorgeous, more classic but also super sexy too. Back to the performance style! So is this look giving anyone else Ariana Grande déjà vu or is it just me? We kinda had the same feeling about JLo’s stage performance too – but it’s gotta just be the high pony tail! But back to Mama Barb, of course in addition to whipping out her signature Anaconda chair dance from the music vid, she got playfully friendly with her male, shirtless back up dancers. Smiling faces in the audience during Nicki’s performance included Paris Hilton and Carmen Electra along with a more reserved Jlo who kept a straight face throughout the performance – but I gotta point out that she was clapping along to support! Now some reports are saying that JLo was throwing shade Nicki’s way for not straight-up groovin’ along to the performance like others in the crowd, but I think she was just calmly observing and people are just trrrrrying to create drama between the two artists – since they’re both into the booty right now. But since we’re on the topic of these two loves, we’d like to point out that JLo’s ex, Casper Smart actually choreographed Nicki’s Anaconda video and also helped Nicki prep for the event that night. So that could have contributed to her subtle support, but who knows? JLo’s a lady boss who we adore and who, ps, also took to the stage at Fashion Rocks for a steamy performance of her new single “Booty.” With a night filled with fashion and music, butts are bound to come into play. Embrace it. Other performers of the night included Usher, Rita Ora, and KISS along with an unexpected strip tease from Justin Bieber but that’s another story. So what did you guys think of Nicki’s Anaconda performance and what do you make of all this JLo drama chat?? Tell us what you think in the comments section below, be sure to subscribe, and speaking of butts, click right over here to check out a rundown of 7 celebs who have been inducted into Clevver’s prestigious twerking hall of fame. Nicki and Jlo are bound to make an appearance in that one. Thanks so much for watching Clevver Music, I’m Dana Ward wishing you a happy hump day. Bye guys. - Visit our website! - Facebook Fan Page! - Follow Us!
CBS Television coverage of the July 20, 1969 Apollo 11 moon landing, anchored by legendary newscaster Walter Cronkite.
A hard to find segment in the September 11 TV archive.. features Pentagon explosion at 8:21 and 14:25 and Dan Rather .. WTC2 collapse missed at 15:00.
CBS Broadcasting Inc. (CBS) is a major US commercial broadcasting television network, which started as a radio network. The name is derived from the initials...
"The Homosexuals" is a 1967 episode of the documentary television series CBS Reports. The hour-long broadcast featured a discussion of a number of topics rel...
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Beyonce / Destiny Child preforming Superbowl Halftime Show (CBS) COPYRIGHTS BELONG TO CBS AND THE NFL.
Former CBS investigative journalist Sharyl Attkisson joins Larry with her personal story of harassment, intimidation & spying by the federal government and about the media bosses who allow government spin to weaken the press's freedom. Find RT America in your area: Or watch us online: Like us on Facebook Follow us on Twitter
60 Minutes correspondent Bob Simon dies in car accident in New York City on Wednesday evening, CBS News confirms during a special report (Video Source: CBS News/CBSN Live)
Here is a LINK to MY WEB SITE FRIENDS Sheriff in Arizona speaks about Obamas birth certificat on cbs news. Experts have confirmed. O...
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I do not own the videos. They are property of CBS. Contact me if you want them taken down. CBS is still rolling out new graphics to it's owned and operated s...
제작기간 1년, 2,000시간의 관찰보고서 신천지에 빠진 사람들은 지난 2014년 1월부터 1년간에 걸쳐 이뤄진 신천지라는 사교집단과 그 피해자들에 관한 심층취재 보고서이다. 신천지 집단의 거짓과 위험을 알리기 위해 2012년 특별대책팀을 가동시켜 온 CBS는 이 집단의 실상을 더 생생히 알리고 피해를 예방하기 위해 신천지의 꾐에 빠진 피해자와 그 가족들의 고통의 시간을 있는 그대로 카메라에 담았다. 총 8대의 카메라에 담긴 2,000 시간의 관찰 기록이 8편의 다큐멘터리로 제작되어 방송된다. 관찰보고서-신천지에 빠진 사람들은 오는 3월 16일 월요일 저녁 8시 10분 1부-계시록, 3월 17일 화요일 저녁 8시 10분 2부-청춘을 시작으로 매주 월요일, 화요일 저녁 8시 10분에 방송되며 신천지OUT 홈페이지 와 YOUTUBE cbsjoy를 통해서도 시청할 수 있습니다. 본방 3월 16일 월 저녁 8시 10분 1부-계시록 3월 17일 화 저녁 8시 10분 2부-청춘 3월 23일 월 저녁 8시 10분 3부-중독 3월 24일 화 저녁 8시 10분 4부-거짓말 3월 30일 월 저녁 8시 10분 5부-상처 3월 31일 화 저녁 8시 10분 6부-가족 4월 6일 월 저녁 8시 10분 7부-사랑 4월 7일 화 저녁 8시 10분 8부-말씀(최종회) 제작 : CBS Search Results CBS 관찰다큐, 신천지에 빠진 사람들 1부-계시록 - YouTube Video for CBS 관찰다큐, 신천지에 빠진 사람들 1부 계시록▶ 36:32 wwwyoutubecom/watch?v=IghCgnRh5SE 16 hours ago - Uploaded by 이단관련 영상 제작기간 1년, 2000시간의 관찰보고서 신천지에 빠진 사람들은 지난 2014년 1월부터 1년간에 걸쳐 이뤄진 신천지라는 사교집단과 관찰보고서-신천지에 빠진 사람들 8부작 특집다큐 티저 Video for CBS 관찰다큐, 신천지에 빠진 사람들 1부 계시록▶ 5:09 wwwyoutubecom/watch?v=G927EPSXko0 Mar 3, 2015 - Uploaded by CBSJOY 제작기간 1년, 2000시간의 관찰보고서 관찰보고서 - 신천지에 빠진 관찰보고서-신천지에 빠진 사람들은 오는 3월 16일 월요일 저 CBS 특집 ´신천지에 빠진 사람들´ 다시보기 안내 - 중앙일보 articlejoinscom/news/article/articleasp?total_id Translate this page 14 hours ago - 신천지 아웃 캠페인antiscjcokr을 전개해온 CBS가 HD 송출 기념 특집으로 만든 8부작 다큐 관찰보고서-신천지에 빠진 사람들 1부 '계시록' CBS, '신천지에 빠진 사람들' 3월 16일 첫 방영 - 기독교포털뉴스 wwwkportalnewscokr/news/articleViewhtml?idxno Translate this page Mar 6, 2015 - HD특집 다큐멘터리 관찰보고서-신천지에 빠진 사람들 8부작은 신천지 방송은 오는 3월 16일월 저녁 8시10분 1부 계시록, 17일화 저녁 8 CBS특집다큐 '신천지에 빠진 사람들' - 연세중앙교회 wwwyonseiorkr/bbs/boardphp?bo_tablewr Translate this page 2 days ago - 신천지에 빠진 사람들을 기획에서부터 제작까지 1년의 시간, 신천지에 빠진 총 8대의 카메라에 담긴 2,000 시간의 관찰 기록이 총 8편의 다큐멘터리로 제작 오는 3월 16일 월요일 저녁 8시 10분 1부 계시록, 3월 17일 화요일 군산중부교회 교우소식 "신천지를 바로알자" CBS특집
2,000시간의 관찰보고서 신천지에 빠진 사람들 1부-계시록 효은이의 이야기 아버지 어머니와 함께한 25년의 시간보다 신천지의 6개월이 더 행복했다는 효은이, 신천지의 무엇때문에 효은이는 이런 행동을 할까요? 효은이를 통해 신천지가 어떤 집단인지 공개합니다.
No Monetary Gain.No Copyrights.Just used to let the world see and hear the GREATEST singer of all times.LIVE VIDEO of his last concerts in June 1977............
September 11 2001 News from CBS 9, Washington, D.C. Date: 2001-09-11 12:31:09 UTC Air Time: 2001-09-11 08:31:09 EDT Length: 0:41:41.
CBS News Correspondent Anthony Mason moderated "50 Years: The Beatles."Watch this eclectic panel discuss the band's appearance on the Ed Sullivan Show at the very same theater where that historic performance took place, a panel gathered Sunday night to talk about the Beatles. Panelists: Pattie Boyd, Peter Asher, Felix Cavalieri, Neil Innes, Mick Jones, Tad Kubler, John Oates, Nile Rodgers and Julie Taymor. Official Site: Subscribe on YouTube: Follow us on Twitter: @cbsnewyork Like us on Facebook:
This is the CBS special "Elvis in Concert" which shouldn't even air because Elvis was in a very bad mood and his health wasn't that good either, but due to his death just six weeks later CBS decided to air this special, it did on October 3rd 1977.
The Complete Special.
From The Afternoon of Friday November 22nd 1963,Beginning at 1:30 P.M/12:30 P.M E.S.T CBS News Coverage of The Assassination of President John Fitzgerald Ken...
Watch the full replay of the Chicago mayoral debate brought to you by CBS 2, the Chicago Urban League and the Business Leadership Council.
Live coverage from CBS 9 Washington. 2nd plane attack, Pentagon & both collapses. 1st plane attack: 8:46am 2nd plane attack: 9:03am Pentagon: 9:37 Collapse 1...
In the journey to find his family, a man carjacks a lonely traveler in Death Valley. Together they drive to a ghost town to find answers.
A modern couple buy a home infamous for the disappearance of its former inhabitants. But a strange painting that seems to come to life on occasions starts to...
신천지에 빠진 사람들 1부 '계시록' -2
CBS News will broadcast a special report tonight called "Malcolm X: The Real Story." Calling this show "the real story" might be the most outrageous TV claim of the year. The show itself is a superficial archival-clips-and-quickie-interview job with Dan Rather as host. As such, it probably wouldn't be worth too much attention. But the fact that it will be seen by about 20 million people tonight and that CBS is telling those viewers that they are seeing "the real story" opens the door for a look at how TV has dealt with Malcolm X over the years. "Like Paul Robeson before him, American TV proved inhospitable to . . . Malcolm X," J. Fred MacDonald said in his 1992 book "Blacks and White TV: African Americans in Television Since 1948." "Except for a few black-hosted programs long after his assassination in 1965, television has portrayed Malcolm X as a hate-filled, racist radical." That's the general assessment of media historians: TV either excluded Malcolm X or portrayed him negatively when it did include him. Thereis also agreement that TV's depiction of Malcolm X as a "hate-filled, racist radical" started with CBS News correspondent Mike Wallace and a TV special on Black Muslims that Wallace co-anchored in 1959, "The Hate That Hate Produced." In fact, Wallace played a larger role in the characterization of Malcolm X over the years than any other single person in television. Tonight's "real story" includes a clip from "The Hate That Hate Produced." It also includes Wallace's reflections about his first encounter with Malcolm X. The 1959 show and Wallace's performance are both presented in a favorable light. What "Malcolm X: The Real Story" doesn't tell viewers is that "The Hate That Hate Produced" took TV news to new heights of sensationalism by portraying Malcolm X and other Black Muslims only as hate-filled, racist radicals. Here's how Malcolm X himself described the show and reaction to it in his autobiography: "In a way, the public reaction to the show was like what happened back in the 1930s when Orson Welles frightened America with a radio program, describing, as though it were actually happening, an invasion by 'men from Mars.' "Hundreds of thousands of New Yorkers were exclaiming, 'Did you hear it? Did you see it? Preaching hate of white people?' Here was oneof the white man's most characteristic behavior patterns -- where black men are concerned. He loves himself so much that he is startled if he discovers that his victims don't share his vainglorious self-opinion." Tonight's show doesn't mention that. It also doesn't mention the New York Times' review of "The Hate That Hate Produced" that blasted the report, saying, "Mike Wallace's penchant for pursuing sensationalism as an end in itself has backfired." In a recent interview with The Sun, Mr. Wallace defended the 1959 broadcast, saying that six months later the New York Times did a similar series on the Black Muslims while citing his work. "TV in effect led the way," Wallace said. But Wallace acknowledged that TV did not do a very good job of reporting on Malcolm X.
i know i shouldnt upload in low quality and died in gameplay buy yeah this is blind run that mean i don't know anything i will upload a better version tomorrow (ΦωΦ). credit for cover image :
The Adventures of Raggedy Ann and Andy is an American animated TV series that aired on CBS from 17 September 1988 to 1990. It is based on the dolls Raggedy Ann and Andy by Johnny Gruelle. The plot involved a little girl (named Marcella)'s Raggedy Ann and Andy dolls that would come to life when no humans were present in her bedroom. Then they would be whisked off to a parallel world to save its inhabitants from the villain, an evil but inept sorcerer known as Cracklin. Also aiding Ann and Andy were two of Marcella's other stuffed animals, a panda with a faux-British accent known as Grouchy Bear and a stuffed rabbit known as Sunny Bunny. Sometimes they would be joined by more modern toys such as robots or toy soldiers. Often the plot involved the toys helping children in such places as Ancient Egypt or a Native American tribe. The complete 13 episode collection is now available on DVD for sale on Ebay (used cheaper) or Amazon (New more expensive)
Chorus reports on an ordinance proposed to the Yuma City Council that would require alarm users to have a permit and would also impose fines for false alarms. This report aired on CBS 13, ABC 5, FOX 9 in Yuma, AZ. Follow chorus on Twitter, Facebook and Instagram @chorusnylander.
Taken From Baggage Claim Paula Patton, Trey Songz, Derek Luke, Jill Scott, Taye Diggs, David E. Talbert
+9weapon 필드 : 완전무난 보스 : 귀찮은패턴
CBS 7 News at 10 03-15-15
Veteran “60 Minutes” correspondent Bob Simon was killed when his livery cab crashed on the West Side Highway in Manhattan Wednesday night, sources said.The CBS reporter died when the Lincoln. 60 Minutes correspondent Bob Simon dies in car accident in New York City on Wednesday evening, CBS News confirms during a special report (Video Source: CBS News/CBSN Live) 60 Minutes' correspondent, CBS news veteran Bob Simon dies in New York car crash (VIDEO)Veteran “60 Minutes” correspondent Bob Simon was killed when his livery cab crashed on the West.
Recorded from WHBF TV 4
Gebyar - gebyar
Persembahan anak murid kelas 4 SDN cbs 20Pagi Michael Febri Fellix
Di bawakan oleh Murid kelas 1 SDN cbs 20 pagi tahun pelajaran 2014 - 2015 Amel Shiffa Kesyha Agni Mala Nafisha
Still need Valentine's Day Roses?!Check out Vaseful Flowers and Gifts and help a good cause! CBS New York Kessler Foundation Alex Denis
From 1991-1992 reruns of Petticoat Junction also seen this on MeTV.
From 1991-1992 reruns of Petticoat Junction also seen this on MeTV.
From 1987-1990 reruns of Petticoat Junction also seen this on MeTV.
CBS Television Distribution ) ... Housewives," "Castle" and "The Job," and CBS' "CSI" and "JAG."
noodls 2015-04-07S. Virgin Islands, according to CNN ... John ... S ... Patricia Salber said to CBS News ... Read CNN's and CBS News' full stories.
WPXI 2015-04-07Well you can’t blame the CBS or the producers of "Person of Interest" ... ». - Sergio.
IMDb 2015-04-078:20 ... The Badgers' section is located around the set of the CBS set with Charles Barkley, Kenny Smith and Clark Kellogg.
Dayton Daily News 2015-04-07... times" with James Corden, the actor who is now presenting a chat show on the American channel CBS.
Sydney Morning Herald 2015-04-07Taraji P ... The Empire actress is returning CBS’ Person Of Interest for a Season 4 episode, reprising her role as Joss Carter.
IMDb 2015-04-07Fortunately, this game will not be on TBS like the Final Four games. It will air on CBS at 9:18
WPXI 2015-04-07This Week's Deal. Web Hosting. eCommerce Website Solutions. Internet Forums. Take the Speed Test ... facebook ... © CBS Interactive Inc.
CNET 2015-04-07Now, it's two of the best offenses in the country squaring off for the national championship ... Time: ... PM ET on CBS.
WPXI 2015-04-07All Topics. icon. icon. icon. icon. icon. icon. Trending on CNET. facebook. 5k. Facebook Likes. twitter. 341 ... 435 ... © CBS Interactive Inc.
CNET 2015-04-07Someone's getting their One Shining Moment before they go to bed tonight ... It's Red vs ... the Tradition - Wisconsin vs ... CBS.
WPXI 2015-04-07All Topics. icon. icon. icon. icon. icon. icon. icon. icon. icon. icon. Trending on CNET. facebook. 5k ... twitter. 341 ... © CBS Interactive Inc.
CNET 2015-04-07Here's a mini-recap on the action from today's Opening Day, via CBS Sports: Blue Jays: 6. Yankees: 1 ... 1.
Celebrity Café 2015-04-07CBS Broadcasting Inc. (CBS) is a major US commercial broadcasting television network, which started as a radio network. The name is derived from the initials of the network's former name, Columbia Broadcasting System. It is the second largest broadcaster in the world behind the BBC. The network is sometimes referred to as the "Eye Network" in reference to the shape of the company's logo. It has also been called the "Tiffany Network," which alludes to the perceived high quality of CBS programming during the tenure of its founder William S. Paley (1901–90). It can also refer to some of CBS's first demonstrations of color television, which were held in a former Tiffany & Co. building in New York City in 1950, thus earning it the name "Color broadcasting system" back when such a feat was innovative.[citation needed]
The network has its origins in United Independent Broadcasters Inc., a collection of 16 radio stations that was bought by William S. Paley in 1928 and renamed the Columbia Broadcasting System. Under Paley's guidance, CBS would first become one of the largest radio networks in the United States and then one of the big three American broadcast television networks. In 1974, CBS dropped its full name and became known simply as CBS, Inc. The Westinghouse Electric Corporation acquired the network in 1995 and eventually adopted the name of the company it had bought to become CBS Corporation. In 2000, CBS came under the control of Viacom, which coincidentally had begun as a spin-off of CBS in 1971. In late 2005, Viacom split itself and reestablished CBS Corporation with the CBS television network at its core. CBS Corporation is controlled by Sumner Redstone through National Amusements, its parent.
CBS Studios International (CSI or CBS SI) (formerly CBS Paramount International Television) is a leading supplier of programming to the international television marketplace, licensing to over 200 markets and more than 30 languages across multiple media platforms. CBS Studios International also exports a diverse line-up of formats for local production around the world and participates in international channel ventures. The division distributes content from CBS Television Studios, CBS Television Distribution, Showtime, CBS News, CBS Films and a library of more than 70,000 hours of programming.
CBS Paramount International Television was formed in 2004 as a result of a merger between two television companies, CBS Broadcast International and Paramount International Television. In May 2009, CPITV was renamed to CBS Studios International.
The company distributes the CBS Studios library as well as the Rysher Entertainment library (owned domestically by 2929 Entertainment), the King World Productions library and certain HBO shows internationally. In addition it also has part ownership of Australian subscription channels TV1 and Sci Fi. On September 14, 2009, it was revealed that CBS Studios International, struck a joint venture deal with Chellomedia to launch six CBS-branded channels in the UK during 2009. The new channels would replace Zone Romantica, Zone Thriller, Zone Horror and Zone Reality, plus timeshift services Zone Horror +1 and Zone Reality +1.CBS Reality, CBS Reality +1, CBS Drama and CBS Action would launched on November 16, 2009 replacing Zone Reality, Zone Reality +1, Zone Romantica and Zone Thriller respectively. On April 5, 2010, Zone Horror and Zone Horror +1 were rebranded as Horror Channel and Horror Channel +1.
Y ahora que vas hacer
que para donde vas
que si tomas mas
con quien has salido,
Que porque no llegue
que llegue tarde ayer
que ya no se me ve
si no es amanecido,
Con ese repicar
me voy a trabajar
y todo es un suplicio
que voy a contestar si nadie puede hablar con semejante ruido,
que voy a contestar si nadie puede hablar con semejante ruido, RUIDO!
Y ahora que vas hacer
que para donde vas
que si tomas mas
con quien has salido,
Que porque no llegue
que llegue tarde ayer
que ya no se me ve
si no es amanecido,
Con ese repicar
me voy a trabajar
y todo es un suplicio
que voy a contestar si nadie puede hablar con semejante ruido,
que voy a contestar si nadie puede hablar con semejante ruido.
Me tiene loco todo el dia, con esa cantaleta,
Hay me tiene loco loco todo el dia, con esa cantaleta
Y aquien le va a gustar la casa, con esa fiera suelta,
Y aquien le va a gustar la casa, con esa fiera suelta,
Hay me tiene loco todo el dia, con esa cantaleta
Hay me tiene loco loco todo el dia, con esa cantaleta,
Y aquien le va a gustar la casa, con esa fiera suelta,
Y aquien le va a gustar la casa, con esa fiera suelta,
Hay me tiene loco loco todo el dia, con esa cantaleta,
Hay me tiene loco todo el dia, con esa cantaleta,
Y aquien le va a gustar la casa, con esa fiera suelta,
Y aquien le va a gustar la casa, con esa fiera suelta,
Que no me quieres mas
que no sirvo pa' na
que porque no me ido,
si no me quieres mas
deja mi vida en paz
De nuevo te siento cerca
Mis ganas se alborotan
Me provocas con tu cumbia
Me embriagas de tu aroma
Cuidado, entrale con cautela
Me como una serpiente
Atrapada por la cola
Ya volvio
Volvio la caderona
Bailo y movio todo
Mi interior caderona
Ya volvio
Volvio la caderona
Volvio y lleno de cumbia todo
Mi interior caderona
De belleza estas tan llena
Que se derraman tus formas
Yo me entrego a tu batalla
Me abandono entre tu boca
Cuidado, me dicen la cabeza
Esa es una serpiente
Atrapada por la cola
Ya volvio
Volvio la caderona
Bailo y movio todo
Mi interior caderona
Ya volvio
Volvio la caderona
Volvio y lleno de cumbia todo
Mi interior caderona
Perdido en tu carne esta mi mundo
Mi caderona
Mi caderona
Luna llena
Las bestias se alvorotan
El mundo se prepara
Porque ella con esa cumbia se vuelve loca
(Ya volvio
Volvio la caderona)
Ya volvio
Volvio la caderona
Bailo y movio todo
Mi interior caderona
Ya volvio
Volvio la caderona
Volvio y lleno de cumbia todo
Mi interior caderona
Mi interior caderona
Perdido en tu carne esta mi mundo
Mi caderona
Mi caderona
Ya volvio
Yo a ti te conozco de antes de que vendieras tus ojos
Por una cadena de oro, por una vida elegante
Has cubierto tu hermosura con un abrigo
Un abrigo de amargura y modales finos
Y tu nuevo dueño, no te deja bailar
Y la fiesta esta empezando y ¡él te pone a llorar
Mami la cadena de oro mira que no vale na'
Yo te ofrezco la luna reflejada en el mar
Y el viento que te acaricia con el sabor de mi cumbia
Déjala caer, mami, déjala caer, mami
Déjala caer que aunque eso brille no vale
Déjala caer, mami, déjala caer, mami
Déjala caer que aunque eso brille no vale
Y dónde está la alegría, y dónde está la ternura
Por adornar tu figura, perdiste lo que tenías
Ahora es sólo una mentira toda tu vida, el amor es libre
No se puede comprar con dinero tu vacío no lo podrás llenar
Mami la cadena de oro mira que no vale na'
Yo te ofrezco la luna reflejada en el mar
Y el viento que te acaricia con el sabor de mi cumbia
Mami la cadena de oro mira que no vale na'
Yo te ofrezco la luna reflejada en el mar
Y el viento que te acaricia con el sabor de mi cumbia
Mami la cadena de oro mira que no vale na'
Yo te ofrezco la luna reflejada en el mar
Y el viento que te acaricia con el sabor de mi cumbia
Déjala Caer
(Hay tu vida fácil)
Déjala Caer
Que aunque eso brille no vale
Que aunque eso brille no vale
Bueno, ya saben no todo lo que brilla es oro
Que increíble como siento
el corazón cuando te pienso
que increíble ver mis pies hundirse entre la arena
increíble el color del cielo
pero hoy contigo todo me lo creo
contigo todo me lo creo
no quiero perderme nada ni un segundo entre tu y yo
quiero saborearme cada gota de tu amor
no quiero perderme nada ni un segundo entre tu y yo
quiero saborearme cada gota de tu amor
es increíble pero cierto
Que increíble te confieso
pero de amor por ti reviento
tanto que me alcanza pa envolver
a todo el mundo en sentimiento
si hay un dios lo creo porque aquí
contigo todo es perfecto
contigo todo es perfecto
no quiero perderme nada ni un segundo entre tu y yo
quiero saborearme cada gota de tu amor
es increíble pero cierto
Que increíble como siento
el corazón cuando te pienso
que increíble ver mis pies hundirse entre la arena
increíble el color del cielo
pero hoy contigo todo me lo creo
contigo todo me lo creo
no quiero perderme nada ni un segundo entre tu y yo
quiero saborearme cada gota de tu amor
no quiero perderme nada ni un segundo entre tu y yo
quiero saborearme cada gota de tu amor
es increíble pero cierto tu amor
es increíble pero cierto tu amor
es increíble pero cierto tu amor
Hoy que te vas
y lo tengo que aceptar,
que como el mar viene y va
y no se deja atrapar,
así es tu corazón, pide libertad;
así que vuela, mi flor.
La luz de nuestro amor nunca se apagará.
Como un violín
hecho de seda y satén,
tu cuerpo entero vibro,
tu boca se estremeció
y la más dulce melodía sonó
y es tuya y mía, mi sol.
La luz de nuestro amor nunca se apagará.
Sigue tu camino
que yo sigo el mío
y aunque estemos lejos,
nunca olvidaremos.
Y nuestros destinos
llevarán por siempre
ese amor tan lindo.
La luz de nuestro amor nunca se apagará.
Serás capaz
de saber decir adiós,
de derretir tu prisión,
de ahogar tus miedos en la luz de nuestro amor.
Hoy que te vas
y lo tengo que aceptar,
que como el mar viene y va
y no se deja atrapar,
así es tu corazón, pide libertad;
así que vuela, mi flor.
La luz de nuestro amor nunca se apagará.
Mira mamita q no sabes q mamita
Entre tus piernas me derrito mamita
Y es q mamita se q tu no sabes mamita
Q sin ti yo me muero mi mamacita
Eh mamita linda recurita
Ya no importa nada
Solo q eres una mamacita
Mira mamita q no sabes q mamita
Le ganas a todas esas afroditas
Y es q mamita lo q quiero q me expliques mamita
Es por q cada día estas mas rica
Eh mamita linda recurita
Ya no importa nada
Solo q eres una mamacita (2x)
No se si en tu cabeza
Hay algún tipo de idea
No te preocupes mamita
No soy ningún intelectual ni recontra mamita
Eh mamita linda recurita
Ya no importa nada
Solo q eres una mamacita (2x)
Eh mami
Oye el himno a la mamita (8x)
Ay mi mamita
He pecado, he pecado,
mira no te acerques a mi lado.
Amé con las fuerzas de mi corazón
y eso hoy día hace daño.
He fallado, he fallado,
te di todo y no pedí ni el cambio.
Amé sin pena y sin condición,
como me lo han enseñado.
Y traigo pedazos de mi corazón,
traigo pedazos de mi corazón, en las manos.
Y vengo a matar y a dejar tu recuerdo,
vengo a matar y a dejar tu recuerdo, en el piano.
Pero vive tu imagen, revive y se sube a mis brazos,
llega ardiendo a mi garganta,
y me hace gritarle a los cielos que no me arrepiento,
que no me arrepiento y que vuelvo a tus brazos,
mi dulce pecado.
He pecado, he pecado,
por desearte más que demasiado.
Te amé sin medida, te amé sin control
y eso, niña, hoy lo pago.
He tratado, he tratado
de quererte menos y he fallado.
No supe de reglas, te amé más que a Dios
y eso sí, eso sí que es pecado.
Mi dulce pecado...
Oye, sigo contigo hasta el fin, mi dulce pecado...
Pero esta vez no quedaré así tan crónico,
catapultiao como un pañuelo catatónico.
Yo sé muy bien que muchas veces fuíste otra,
pero lo que te doy no lo mereces y te toca.
Yo sé que muchos pagarían por besar tu boca,
pero esa dicha marcar, mira niña no me toca.
Como un puñal tu recuerdo en mi sombra,
por esto adiós pecado, mira, mira no me toca.
Como Adán y Eva, Eva, Eva,
así se eleva mi pecado.
No sé cómo llamarte, si princesa roja o niña, niña;
no quiero volver a comer de aquella manzana podrida.
Igual lo que me digas no importa,
si tú eres quien domina
y transporta la sangre de mis venas a este humilde corazón,
cerrando sus grietas, como Romeo y Julieta,
así camina este bolero son.
Míralo, míralo te digo...
Que vuelve, vuelve, a mis brazos...
Condenado, condenado...
El cuerpo es tu instrumento
Muévelo como se te dé la gana
El cuerpo es tu instrumento
Muévelo como se te dé la gana
El cuerpo es tu instrumento
Muévelo como se te dé la gana....
Sabías que...
Eres mi bailarina
Y sólo tú te mueves con la verdad
Que nunca ha existido
Una mujer tan niña
De labios azules y corazón de cristal
Y tu cintura es más grande
Y tu cintura es más grande
Que los pesares de la ciudad
Tu cuerpo me lleva a una fiesta de tambores
Tus piernas estan llenas de gaitas y pregones
Tu cuerpo me lleva a una fiesta de tambores
Tus piernas estan llenas de gaitas y pregones
Lléname de tu ritmo nena
Lléname de fe
Tu cuerpo me lleva a una fiesta de tambores
Tus piernas estan llenas de gaitas y pregones...
Sabías que
Eres mi bailarina
Y sólo tú te mueves con la verdad
Que nunca ha existido
Una mujer tan niña
De labios azules y corazón de cristal
Y tu cintura es más grande
Y tu cintura es más grande
Que los pesares de la ciudad
Tu cuerpo me lleva a una fiesta de tambores
Tus piernas estan llenas de gaitas y pregones
Tu cuerpo me lleva a una fiesta de tambores
Tus piernas estan llenas de gaitas y pregones
Lléname de tu ritmo nena
Lléname de fe...
Lléname de tu ritmo nena
Lléname de fe...
Lléname de tu ritmo nena
Lléname de fe...
Lléname de tu ritmo nena
Lléname de fe...
(one hundred and forty pi-pi)
El cuerpo es tu instrumento
Muévelo como se te dé la gana
(El cuerpo es tu instrumento
Muévelo como se te dé la gana)
El cuerpo es tu instrumento
Muévelo como se te dé la gana
(El cuerpo es tu instrumento
Muévelo como se te dé la gana)
El cuerpo es tu instrumento
Muévelo como se te dé la gana
(El cuerpo es tu instrumento
Muévelo como se te dé la gana)
El cuerpo es tu instrumento
Parecen las calles más desiertas, niña
Desde que sentí tu mano en la mía
Tu boca el mezcal que adormece mi cordura
Se alertan los poros, se abre la piel...
Y me eriza, tu contacto
Me eriza, la frecuencia de tu voz.
No importa, pidas lo que pidas soy tuyo
Porque me erizas la piel y la vida con tu amor
Ahora no puedo vivir sin tu energía
Y quiero sentirte aquí y bien cerquita
Tu boca el mezcal que adormece mi cordura
Se alertan los poros, se abre la piel
Y me eriza, tu contacto
Me eriza, la frecuencia de tu voz
No importa, pidas lo que pidas soy tuyo
Porque me erizas la piel y la vida con tu amor
Con tu amor, con tu amor, solo con tu amor
Permanece a mi lado, que me eriza
La frecuencia de tu voz
No importa, pidas lo que pidas soy tuyo
Todo todito yo necesito de tu contacto
Amores difíciles,
a veces te hacen mal
y a veces te hacen bien,
tanto que te llenan de felicidad.
Será que el amor,
entre más difícil es,
es lo único por lo que vale la pena luchar,
saca lo mejor en ti,
no conoce mitad,
de un extremo al otro va sin parar.
Desde el cielo hasta el mar,
desde el ayer hasta la eternidad,
de un extremo al otro va.
Te quise tanto que no pude más.
Amores difíciles,
tormentas al revés
que te hacen recordar,
tanto que te vuelven a estimular.
Será que el amor,
entre más difícil es,
es lo único por lo que vale la pena luchar,
saca lo mejor en ti,
no conoce mitad,
de un extremo al otro va sin parar.
Desde el cielo hasta el mar,
desde el ayer hasta la eternidad,
de un extremo al otro va.
Te quise tanto que no pude más.
De las armas a la paz,
desde el ayer hasta la eternidad,
de un extremo al otro va.
Desde el ayer hasta la eternidad.
Amores difíciles,
valen la pena,
valen la pena luchar.
Amores difíciles,
valen la pena,
valen la pena luchar.
O ooh; oh, oh oohoh; oh oh ooh,
valen la pena luchar.
Ana Maria ven, muevete a mi lado
Ana Maria ven, muevete a mi lado
porque bailas como un angel, pero mas negro que blanco
q si me sacudes todos, todititos mis pecados X3
Y dice la leyenda que dios la ha enamorado
Y dice la leyenda que dios la ha enamorado
pues yo ya me fui pa'l cielo, y la he solitado
que si dios la apriete duro, se la arranco de los brazos
Ana maria ven, muevete a mi lado
Ana maria ven, muevete a mi lado
porque bailas como un angel, pero mas negro que blanco
que si me sacudes todos, todititos mis pecados
Ana maria ven, muevete a mi lado X4
De lejos mi niña no quiero mas de tus tratos
Veras que mi corazón no es una bolita de trapo
No Quiero de ese cariño que hace daño que hiere dentro
Lamí todas mis heridas yo de ti a estoy bien lejos
Veras que mi corazón no es una bolita de trapo X 2
Porque con el te quiero y yo te quiero tanto X 2
Tanto X 4
De lejos mi niña no quiero de esa sonrisa
Veras que mi corazón no es una bolita de trapo
Los golpes de tus mentiras han rasgado todo mi cuero
Tambores de despedida sonaran en tu destierro
Veras que mi corazón no es una bolita de trapo X4
Porque con el te quiero y yo te quiero tanto X 2
Tanto X 4
Hey mira como camina
Este bullarengue
Hey mira como camina
Ya no quería nada
mi alma estaba herida
ya no sentía nada
que no fuera dolor
salí a buscar problemas
porque no creía
no creía en nada
ni siquiera en el amor
Hasta que apareciste
con tu fantasía
y me pediste que cantara esa canción
que tanto te sabias
Y yo te dije:
pasa la noche
conmigo bonita
yo te haré canciones
y versos de amores
y no quedaran dudas
ni dolores
en nuestros corazones
pasa la noche
y quédate mañana todo el día
No me quedaba nada
mas que una onda herida
que no cicatrizaba y fumaba mi razón
pero escuché el sonido
del cielo que se abría
y tu aparecías
y mi vida cambió
Hasta que apareciste
con tu fantasía
y me pediste que cantara esa canción
que tanto te sabias
Y yo te dije:
pasa la noche
conmigo bonita
yo te haré canciones
y versos de amores
pasa la noche
conmigo bonita
o múdate cerca
y así me visitas
y no quedaran dudas
ni dolores en nuestros corazones
pasa la noche
y quédate mañana todo el día
Desde esa noche eres mía mi amor
siempre serás mi bonita mi amor
para nadie es un secreto
pasa la noche
conmigo bonita
pasa la noche
conmigo bonita
pasa la noche
Sabes que hace tanto me la paso vagabundeando
sin saber que estoy probando y delirando con tu boca...
tu boca... tu boca... tu boca...
Y cuando al fin te veo siento como tu cuerpo
sigue tan mojado y mis labios estan tan secos...
tu boca... tu boca... tu boca...
Por que tu beso es solo eso
que me quita este peso de no sentir eso
que me da tu boca... tu boca... tu boca... tu boca...
Y cuando al fin te tengo procuro moverme lento
porque no tocarte no seria mas que un tormento...
tu boca... tu boca... tu boca...
Y tienes un descaro de dejarme aqui sentado
y tan acalorado y tan acalorado...
Por que tu beso es solo eso
que me quita este peso de no sentir eso
que me da tu boca... tu boca... tu boca... tu boca...
Por que tu beso es solo eso
que me quita este peso de no sentir eso
que me da tu boca... tu boca... tu boca...
Por que tu beso es solo eso
que me quita este peso de no sentir eso
que me da tu boca... tu boca...
Por que tu beso es solo eso
que me quita este peso de no sentir eso
que me da tu boca...
no te hagas la loca
prestame tu boca...
no te hagas loca
prestame tu boca...
no te hagas la loca
prestame tu boca...
no te hagas la loca
prestame tu boca.
Ser el primero en ti vida
Ser el primero en amarte
Ser el primero en llegar y el ultimo en alejarme
Ser el primero en tu via
El primero en decirte la verdad
Que nunca vas a encontrar a alguien que como yo te ame...
Ser el primero en tus filas
Ser primero en tus conbates
El primero en enfrentar lo que daño pueda causarte
Ser el primero en tu via
El primero en decirte la verdad
Que nunca vas a encontrar a alguien que como yo te ame...
Paso la vida girando, girando
y ya no sé ni en qué vuelta ando,
ni en que momento saliste volando,
mi único amor.
Todos me dicen que estás muy lejos,
que me olvide ya de tus besos;
pero mis noches sin ti nunca se acaban.
Te buscaré en cada esquina,
en cada entrada, en cada salida,
y hasta no verte no descansaré.
No dejo de pensar en ti,
no dejo de pensar en ti, no dejo,
no dejo de pensar en ti, no dejo de pensar en ti.
No dejo de pensar en ti,
no dejo de pensar en ti, no dejo,
no dejo de pensar en ti, no dejo.
Paso los días pensando, pensando
y mi cabeza no admite descanso.
¿En qué momento me enamoré tanto
de ti, mi amor?
Por más que muera en el intento
de sacarte de mis pensamientos,
mi corazón es terco y te reclama.
Te buscaré en cada esquina,
en cada entrada, en cada salida,
y hasta no verte no descansaré.
No dejo de pensar en ti,
no dejo de pensar en ti, no dejo,
no dejo de pensar en ti,
tanto que ya no puedo ni comer ni dormir.
No dejo de pensar en ti,
no dejo de pensar en ti, no dejo,
Asi como llegas te vas, bombon
bonita hora que te da por llorar
llorate esto, llora este dolor
dolores vienen y van pero no el amor
Te vienes encima de mi vida, bombon
bonita manera de llegar
Llegarás a ver tu boca crecer
crecerán las mentiras que me das
Y algo si que me supiste dar
darme en la cabeza que ya está hinchá'
hincha del planeta, hincha del sol
soltame las riendas, de aquí me largo yo
Y hoy el teléfono no es ring ring
y mi corazón no da ton ton
y mis pasos no tienen son son
ya no eres mi bombón (x2)
Ya no eres mi bombón bombón(x4)
te vienes encima de mi vida, bombón
bonita manera de llegar
Llegarás a ver tu boca crecer
crecerán las mentiras que me das
Y algo si que me supiste dar
darme en la cabeza que ya está hinchá'
hincha del planeta, hincha del sol
soltame las riendas, de aquí me largo yo
Y hoy el teléfono no es ring ring
y mi corazón no da ton ton
y mis pasos no tienen son son
ya no eres mi bombón (x2)
Ya no eres mi bombón (x6)
Que no, que no, que no, que no, que no,
ya no eres mi bombón (x3)
El trabajo es pa'los flojos
Mi alma siempre está de fiesta
No se que es lo que hacen todos
Yo hago nada muy bien hecha
Y así me pidas que por siempre te espere...aquí estoy...
...hierba mala nunca muere...
nunca muere
Y no me creas tan tonto,
Soy el alma de esta fiesta
Soy el rey del alboroto
Soy el grande mala hierba
Y así me pidas que por siempre te espere...aquí estoy...
...hierba mala nunca muere
nunca muere
Ay, mala hierba, mala hierba.
He’s back in the lab
He’s mastered the craft
The first shall be last
Kaboose shall be first
He’s back where it's at
He’s packing them raps
The first shall be last
Kaboose shall be first
I stay blasting with words of passion
Never the type to write in an unorderly fashion
It's Christ, family, then hip hop, it's everlasting
I stick with mic mashing, quick to make it happen
Got my people all over saying "Time for action!"
So I feed off the adrenaline then start reacting
Come equipped to rip, rocking mic's in closed caption
I penetrate minds with lines that stay accurate
Do what I say with no delay, I’m not a pacifist
I fight for the cause and let love be my purpose
Look to the skies and reach high as a servant
So bare witness when I kick this verbal fitness
He’s back in the lab
He’s mastered the craft
The first shall be last
Kaboose shall be first
He’s back where it's at
He’s packing them raps
The first shall be last
Kaboose shall be first
I run laps with raps to catapult your interest
From simple to complex to simply complex lyrics
Through blood, sweat and tears I perspirate vision
Do what it takes to awake mind states and give them
Lifelines pipelined through your sound system
Some would say a positive rapper, others say Christian
But I stand as a man who seeks to use what I've been
Learn from my mistakes and elevate with tools to fix
Improve the transmission, heavy on the grind
And never lose my ambition, steady with my time
To climb with rhyme skills, build and kill that
Use knowledge and wisdom to bring it back to the
He’s back in the lab
He’s mastered the craft
The first shall be last
Kaboose shall be first
He’s back where it's at
He’s packing them raps
The first shall be last
Kaboose shall be first
You can call it poetry or call it music
I call it medicine when I’m peddling word fusion
Saturated in sounds to set the mood in orbit
Rotating the sun until I’m back on course it’s
A matter of facts cause the fact of the matter is
I rip tracks to kick facts remain a catalyst
To battle this life of an average rhyme ripper
Trying to climb your spine into your mind to give ya
Music from the soul in the form of hip hop
Non-stop around the clock, I got to rock the spot
Make it hot for my people all across the globe
Travel and unravel the depths of my soul
He’s back in the lab
He’s mastered the craft
The first shall be last
Kaboose shall be first
He’s back where it's at
He’s packing them raps
The first shall be last
Alone he sat in a room where the fireplace was stoked
And the walls that surrounded him were made of
He rocked back and forth in the chair where he rested
Wondering what it was that made him feel restless
See he had lived a lot of years and seen a lot of
Found a lot of joy and tough times pain would bring
This brought inspiration like waves of the ocean
He stared at the pile of wood, his monacle focused
He was a carpenter and real crafty with his hands
Building houses and structures across the land
He knew this creation had to be a little different
This had to have a little bit more significance
With the clouds above the surface to cover like the
When no one can really see what's going on inside
With the fireplace burning to set the atmosphere
There he sat moving back and forth in his rocking chair
With the clouds above the surface to cover like the
When no one can really see what's going on inside
With the fireplace burning to set the atmosphere
There he sat moving back and forth in his rocking chair
He gathered some wood and brought it to his workbench
Put one piece in the vice and then scratched his head
Grabbed a chisel and then started carving all the parts
One by one, he finished them from his heart
So he grabbed the sand paper to make it all smooth
He was meticulous with every little thing he would do
He wanted to make sure each part could move
And then he connected the pieces just like tongue and
As he put it together, he began to air brush it
All the different colors that he knew would fit
Then he hung it up to dry and took one last look
Then made the finishing touches to that piece of wood
With the clouds above the surface to cover like the
When no one can really see what's going on inside
With the fireplace burning to set the atmosphere
There he sat moving back and forth in his rocking chair
With the clouds above the surface to cover like the
When no one can really see what's going on inside
With the fireplace burning to set the atmosphere
There he sat moving back and forth in his rocking chair
As he saw his creation, he started to see things
Intricate details began to look like him
To others it may have looked imperfect and scratched
But to him it was so right because he did the math
He made the eyes open wide to see the beauty of the
Ears to hear everything that unfolds
A nose to smell the seasons and a mouth for laughing
He made the hands just like his to be crafty
And legs to hold the body up and arms for balance
And feet to finish the race when life’s a challenge
He was so pleased with what he saw
As he held his creation in the midst of his palms
With the clouds above the surface to cover like the
When no one can really see what's going on inside
With the fireplace burning to set the atmosphere
There he sat moving back and forth in his rocking chair
With the clouds above the surface to cover like the
When no one can really see what's going on inside
With the fireplace burning to set the atmosphere
You got nerve to walk with arrogance
Your corporate world is all you got for heritage
You ran from yours so you tried to take mine
I don't get it, were you that confused?
You cut our hair and took our language too
Now you claim 1/16th Native, I say barely
Wow that's great, now your Cherokee
That’s embarrassing, heresy, no clarity
You want an Indian name, but remain scared of me
Apparently it's trendy, now you want a piece of the pie
So you're a friend to me now
Your favorite time of the year is Columbus Day and
Thanks for giving us small pox
And making us conform to the ways of your God
Also thank you for the rent money you just lost at the
On a hand of blackjack and Keno
Two sides of the story but most see one
The truth is only viewed depending where you come from
All cultures, races, creeds
Two sides of the story in the life of a half breed
Two sides of the story but most see one
The truth is only viewed depending where you come from
All cultures, races, creeds
Two sides of the coin in the life of a half breed
Your land? Hmm, interesting concept
How much did you pay for it, did you flip it for a
I did, I suggest you get off it
I've got family to protect, futures to invest
Not interested in rebukes and questions
Head back to the rez for free cheese and fried bread
Enjoy them hand outs while I work to get ahead
Per capita sounds nice, I call it welfare
I paid taxes all my life - yours and mine
Worth every traffic light, soldier and senator
Believing things were better before overzealous
Pure insanity, your vanity is too large to measure
Too much fire water got you hot under the collar
Unless you want to fight her father, keep your eyes off
his daughter
Your red skin is out of line, stick to your own kind
You got the totem pole, Statue of Liberty is mine
Two sides of the story but most see one
The truth is only viewed depending where you come from
All cultures, races, creeds
Two sides of the story in the life of a half breed
Two sides of the story but most see one
The truth is only viewed depending where you come from
All cultures, races, creeds
Two sides of the coin in the life of a half breed
what will you say
Two sides of the story but most see one
The truth is only viewed depending where you come from
All cultures, races, creeds
Two sides of the story in the life of a half breed
Two sides of the story but most see one
The truth is only viewed depending where you come from
All cultures, races, creeds
I catapult a cannonball or better yet an atom bomb
Look at it fall or scatter ya’ll, I never said get out
of Dodge
Collateral is that applause, it’s better said when
standing dog
Kabs in the lab making that boom bap
I’m standing tall like a matador, I shadow box with
Santa Claus
Just cracking jaws with panda paws, my rap is raw like
rabid dogs
So gather all the fam because my catalogue is that
Kabs in the lab making that boom bap
Rhymes rapid all mechanical, standard no not at all
The battle calls for mandibles to evolve in every song
No need to wonder if it's right or wrong, so grab your
friends and come along
Kabs in the lab making that boom bap
Where you from huh?
The Land of Lakes
The 218, it’s a happening place
Where you at huh?
Here with Paul and Babe
Bemidji is the city where I rock the breaks
From day to day I pave the way and pray to make the pay
While making major waves to hold it down just like a
Enabling the database to move in faith with label mates
Kabs in the lab making that boom bap
I used to live in San Jose but moved back to the Land
of Lakes
And now I found a better place to get away
Escape the inner state with no delay, it's hard to pass
my Chevrolet in May
Kabs in the lab making that boom bap
He’s the potter, I’m the clay, I’m trying not to fall
I’ll wait for Heaven sake to break the mold and
elevate, okay
And demonstrate a steady pace with heavy grace to
Kabs in the lab making that boom bap
Where you from huh?
The Land of Lakes
The 218, it’s a happening place
Where you at huh?
Here with Paul and Babe
I’m tired of single parents trying to raise their kids
Most don’t even know what a father is
Cause they didn’t have one and now their children are
the same
That's the cycle of life where someone gets blamed
For the problem but no one's willing to fix it
We all want sex but can’t handle what goes with it
First it was love, and then a skipped marriage
Up to the point of a baby in a carriage
But now love is lost and you feel so trapped, so what
is it?
Let's take time and get specific
You lent a helping hand for the pleasures of flesh
But when the baby came, that’s when you left
So maybe it was just lust to begin with
Which led to a broken promise where trust was ended
Cause it happened so quick, both parties were stunned
With only one option and that was to run
It’s just another broken home and that’s how we treat
A broken relationship that’s been deleted
A broken marriage with some broken kids
Simply broken down and this is how it is
It’s just another broken home and that’s how we treat
A broken relationship that’s been deleted
A broken marriage with some broken kids
Simply broken down and this is how it is
Love is a funny thing like unsolved mysteries
Which seems to end in assault or injury
Whether it’s mentally or physically cause we don’t
treat it right
Or even seem to understand
If we can’t control our pants then we can’t advance
Now some base love just upon attraction
But then find out this puzzle’s not matching
Cause we get brought back into introspect
We forgot to interject our intellect and come correct
Yo we started backwards with a child then a house
Along came a marriage, now here’s your spouse
And the funny thing is all that you know
Is the body that remains underneath the clothes
Never took the time to build and get to know your
Cause honesty that would take you farther
And speaking up for what you believe in
It’s just another broken home and that’s how we treat
A broken relationship that’s been deleted
A broken marriage with some broken kids
Simply broken down and this is how it is
It’s just another broken home and that’s how we treat
A broken relationship that’s been deleted
A broken marriage with some broken kids
Simply broken down and this is how it is
I see young ones with tears in their eyes
Ashamed and feel blamed as every second dies
Children get stuck wondering why
"Is it my fault, is it something I did?
I don’t understand this house that I’m in
I feel so alone and so hopeless
Where did you go, Dad? I’m so broken
Was I a mistake you can’t take back?"
"Where did you go, Mom? You left me with Dad"
"Or maybe you're both here and I’m invisible
I’m crying out, this is so critical
I need love even if it’s minimal"
It’s despicable how they're treated
Cheated from true love through a marriage deleted
That’s the facts of life that we can’t change
We need to be responsible for the choices we make
It’s just another broken home and that’s how we treat
A broken relationship that’s been deleted
A broken marriage with some broken kids
Simply broken down and this is how it is
It’s just another broken home and that’s how we treat
A broken relationship that’s been deleted
A broken marriage with some broken kids
We’re stuck in a place where life rotates backwards
No method to the madness makes your heart pump faster
We're a hop, skip and a jump from disaster
Left with dreams and visions yet to be captured
Some wait for the lottery, others wait for the Rapture
We accept mediocrity and give up on green pastures
Used to have a passion, a plan to execute
But now we have a broken vehicle left with no fuel
Too lazy to do what it takes maybe scared of success
We sabotage opportunities and settle for less
The progress is obvious when you’re not moving
So we exaggerate to make sense of this illusion
Time is of the essence, essence is the time
You could make the most or just let it pass by
It comes and goes in every blink of an eye
Every moment is precious, precious time
I was afraid to fail cause confidence was my enemy
I chose the background not the narrow road to destiny
I missed a lot of chances to find the right recipe
What does it take to reload the right weaponry?
We're hungry inside but not willing to hunt for it
We wallow in regrets and never entered the forest
Left with no porridge, just a bowl of pity and shame
Stuck with our reflection and no one to blame
Trying to maintain and hope for possible gain
That option is strange if we're not ready for change
Cause the world keeps spinning and waits for no one
Excuses are useless and never gets it done
Time is of the essence, essence is the time
You could make the most or just let it pass by
It comes and goes in every blink of an eye
Every moment is precious, precious time
I see the sunshine over the horizon
It's a constant journey, I’m still climbing
Finding out more about myself
And all the days I’ve wasted sitting on this couch
See we have good intentions but end up sub par
Another chance to advance and get far
It’s up to you to touch the stars and shine bright
See the potential like you're walking in the limelight
Cause hindsight is such a beautiful thing
To finally see what it took to reach your dreams
Cause nobody knows the things that you possess
You hold the key to unlock your success
You gotta open the door of opportunity, jump on it
It’s up to you to make the choice if you want it
Time is of the essence, essence is the time
You could make the most or just let it pass by
It comes and goes in every blink of an eye
Every moment is precious, precious time
Time is of the essence, essence is the time
You could make the most or just let it pass by
It comes and goes in every blink of an eye
From Ten Thousand Lakes to the streets of the west
From my birthplace to a single parent home
I roamed from residence to residence in search for
But found none but a fatherless son
Trying to adapt to the crash that only just begun
Life was bittersweet but I was left undone
My mom got remarried so I thought this might be it
I crossed my fingers like a kid on Christmas
Hoping for a gift in a stepdad but was living proof
To the truth of verbal and physical abuse
Seeing the tears in my mom's eyes there’s nothing I
could do
I wanted to escape to a place where we were safe
So my mom packed up our things we moved away
This is my story and it went this way
We moved back to Minnesota amongst family and friends
Through my adolescent years and then high school began
See I was into sports from way back in the day
It was baseball and football when we lived in San Jose
But it changed to basketball with the quickness
We seemed to click and yes I was with it
I had hopes and dreams of one day to go far
Little did I know that I would be scarred
Mild heart attack, 17 years old
No rhyme or reason, that's how the story unfolds
I graduated high school and went away to college
But moved back home, I was sick of the nonsense
Partying, living it up, I fell into depression
Ready to give life up from unlearned lessons
I fell to my knees and prayed to God who made me
I asked Him in my life and He saved me
It's been a long journey and I truly know that
I learned so much from my throwback
My mom cared so much, she would never give up
She stood in the gap and showed me what love was
It’s amazing, I have a beautiful wife
And two boys I’m raising, they're the loves of my life
Always by my side no matter where I go
They support my music and pray for my shows
And when I get back home, it’s so blessed
Nothing can replace the time we spend
When one journey stops another begins
I see a legacy built with heart, strong will and focus
Where pulling a fast one would open the doors to
Furthering dreams and roll back the stars
Subconsciously victory's guaranteed with 2 chords
Why verbal eyes to see rising sons
It’s spoon-fed gospel and we’ve only just begun
No lies, our family ties will get you on the guest list
And wake dead men’s bones before they exit
Dang, sibling rivalry is always at its finest
Opposing liquid demons every time, it’s
Sackcloth Fashion with something for everyone to hate
It’s me giving props, Syntax is in the place
It’s the world-renowned, follow me now
Into a place where we get down
Get down
This is Syntax and we
Fashion sound so simply
It's the world-renowned, follow me now
Into a place where we get down
Get down
This is Syntax and we
Are gonna turn up the heat
In a long line of emcees that came and went
There was so much talent plus so much time spent
Many classics made and songs to touch hearts
With so many styles and so many bars
And the one thing that rings true to this day
The quality of the music that will never change
And never be compromised for no rhyme or reason
This is a new era, new chapter, new season
I’m a blessed man to experience "Tapatio"
In a water world where dues for cashews was real
It's cold out here and plus it’s a long drive
So side by side we ride
In the Diego days plus the Minnesota times
It’s "8000 RPM’s" to catch the vibe
No "Broken Jaws" plus no "Chit Chat"
These are just a few of my favorite raps
It’s the world-renowned, follow me now
Into a place where we get down
Get down
This is Syntax and we
Fashion sound so simply
It's the world-renowned, follow me now
Into a place where we get down
Get down
This is Syntax and we
Are gonna turn up the heat
With visions aligned like it was destiny
I knew we would cross paths eventually
Night Owls 2 would be the chance meant for me
To build and fellowship and truly grow as an emcee
To push past the surface with a label that backs me
It goes way beyond music, this is family
So nothing can change that, I’m here to stay
Could care less about what these cats have to say
I’m focused now with 2 of the dopest label mates
RedCloud and Braille putting in work from day to day
Plus MaxOne, the all state emcee
Tommy Percival making boom bap history
DJ Promote cutting the vinyl vicious
Sir Roc ya Domz is so vital to the business
Shane Newville, he puts down the illness
Jeremiah Bonds and Brandon, yeah we kill this
It’s the world-renowned, follow me now
Into a place where we get down
Get down
This is Syntax and we
Fashion sound so simply
It's the world-renowned, follow me now
Into a place where we get down
Get down
This is Syntax and we
I speak life in panoramic, reach through the damage
And manage to bleed upon the canvas when life is
Use this mic as a hammer when I’m nailing it down
Speak what I believe through the frequency of sound
And never hold back cause I know that my life has been
I’ll never go back to that throwback, I’m free from
that mess
Cause I been in it for a moment and I’m trying to
Little by little I dribble the riddle to make my move
Keep it true to who I am and where I’m from
I’m not a rock star but I’m big to some
I got enough heart and will to spark a revolution
New to the game and this is how I’m moving
With a positive stance just like a b-boy
Ready to bust and crush the decoys
A scholar to the game just like Bruce Leroy
So I'm in it to win it until it’s time to deploy
It goes step by step
Piece by piece
Brick by brick
Until it’s complete
You got to build it up (just build it up)
You got to build it up (just build it up)
Rabid animals actively get at me when I travel
Ample appetite for titles isn’t vital I dismantle
Manhandle heavy-handed adults skedaddle
We ain’t having it amped up and adamant
Kabs cracking heads like a ball pin hammer
Shane’ll make it bang until your pancreas shatters
Never reppin’ the repetitive sedatives not present
Evidence in audiences all across the continent
Systematically set through, sound by soul searching
Messages scattered throughout life with an urgent
Need to observe this form of worship
For the passion and purpose of living it out
Not living in doubt but driven when I’m given
That extra ounce of adrenaline rush
To crush insecurity reaching for eternity
I'm rocking what I like and express verbally
It goes step by step
Piece by piece
Brick by brick
Until it’s complete
You got to build it up (just build it up)
You got to build it up (just build it up)
I don’t just dabble in Scrabble, no bro I battle with
Silly felony vandals sit down you need to alto
Me and Kab in the saddle, you’ll get rattled and
I got a bomb flow and I’m also ahead I never follow so
Hello and mahalo, my thank you's are never hollow
I’m a mellow young father, proper fellow and scholar
Do not sell for the dollars, never relish and wallow
I know the salary is low calorie always developing
Count on me to wreck a pounding beat with out a doubt
I’m bringing elbows to the collar, got a fist you can
I never said I was better, considered a trend setter
One and only, there’s not a category for me homey
Entertaining and informing, innovative and a warning
Created global warming, go out in a blaze of glory
Live and in sessions with the finest of intentions
Kab, Max and Shane your new antidepressants
It goes step by step
Piece by piece
Brick by brick
Until it’s complete
You got to build it up (just build it up)
You got to build it up (just build it up)
It goes step by step
Piece by piece
Brick by brick
Until it’s complete
You got to build it up (just build it up)
You got to build it up (just build it up)
Just build it up
Key Largo wants to test my will tonight.
My friends all sing until it's dawn.
These simple plans they look all set to go.
A calming chaser, heart be still...
We live in a digital world.
We move to the beat of each other.
Fly straight don't blow your cover
If you do then you might wanna...
I spy with my eye in an alleyway.
A broken man sells trinkets cheap.
From seven seas he tells me by the way.
I give him 20 and he says to me..
We live in a digital world.
We move to the beat of each other.
Fly straight don't blow your cover
If you do then you might wanna...
Call me (Call me, Call me)
You can call me anytime.
You can Call me (Call me, Call me)
When the clocks hit midnight.
I wrote this storm, the wind and lightning.
Come closer than my last....
Now he stands tall over my table.
He reaches out his hand and he says to me.
With a smile, he says,
We live in a digital world.
We move to the beat of each other.
Fly straight don't blow your cover
If you do then you might wanna...
Call me (Call me, Call me)
You can call me anytime.
You can Call me (Call me, Call me)
As I walk along the avenue
underneath a blood red sky
A headless kid with a mind full of blood
screams out as I walk by.
Well I won't care for money or the finer things
if I make it through the night.
From the head came the gust of an evil wind
and the echo of an angels cry as she dies.
Good things, oh these sweet things. Ooooh
(Heaven let me down)
Out of the fridge and into the fire
evil eyes watch you from the spire
These cool things get underneath my skin. Ooooh
(Where the sun goes down)
Out of the fridge and into the fire
evil eyes watch you from the spire
Now I could be the last to for solitude (?)
Better find a sack for the night.
They all come out when the sun come down
and that's when i cry
Good things, oh these sweet things. Ooooh
(Heaven let me down)
Out of the fridge and into the fire
evil eyes watch you from the spire
These cool things get underneath my skin. Ooooh
(Where the sun goes down)
Out of the fridge and into the fire
evil eyes watch you from the spire
(Ooh) to the left side, (ooh) to the right side, (ooh)
to middle and go x4
You good things, oh these sweet things.
(Don't ever let me down)
(Heaven let me down)
Out of the fridge and into the fire
evil eyes watch you from the spire
These cool things get underneath my skin.
(Don't ever let me down)
(Where the sun goes down)
Out of the fridge and into the fire
evil eyes watch you from the spire
You good things, oh these sweet things.
(Don't ever let me down)
(Heaven let me down)
Out of the fridge and into the fire
evil eyes watch you from the spire
These cool things get underneath my skin.
(Don't ever let me down)
(Where the sun goes down)
Out of the fridge and into the fire
evil eyes watch you from the spire
[Intro: Dreddy Kruger]
Yeah, back up in here again
From Medina to Marseille
You know what I'm sayin? La Saga 2000
Takin Francs to the bank
[Dreddy Kruger] "Dreddy Kruger"
[Chorus 1: Dreddy Kruger]
Up in Sad Hill, IAM, the Sunz of Man
Royal Fam rule, IAM, you know the jam
Faf Larage, wrapped in camouflage
Hip-hop in Mars to Medina is fuckin large
[Chorus 2: Faf Larage]
Ici la Sad Hill, IAM et Sunz of Man, Royal Fam
Faf Larage sur son frein
La Saga 2000 pour te remetre à la page
Hip-hop, international de bic et Mars
[Dreddy Kruger]
I can't see a thing, but I care
A mouse piss on cotton, my style is rotten
Spoiled by vets who Protect they Necks
Do the knowledge to the mathematical slang that's handsome
Funny hot dogs get played at the speed of fast forward
For comin toward me with that bullshit, I'm from Bushwick
7-1-8, get it straight, you're fake
I slap the shit outta you with your own fuckin tape
Dreddy Kruger from New York, Faf Larage go ahead and elaborate
[Faf Larage]
Sunz of Man, IAM, Royal Fam, Conquête et Faf Larage
Un Pacte de rhymes larges, Bic et Mars connecte
Je vois les fraimes suspectes, c'est ce qui me ralèche, texte
Cette shit est worldwide
Coeur sfou le son a font, c'est chaud qu'on y aille
Optimisé pac mick c'est high quand je taille
En amorcement voilà c'que c'est, c'est d'rester un exemple
Concrée d'un petit qui vient de la rue
Pour ceux qui avaient pas le choix, pour ceux qui croient
Pour ceux qui voulaient reussir mais qu'on a bridé en bas
Pour ceux qui croient que notre place est dans des usines ou des prisons
On vous chie dessus, vise les sommets avec les notre et on y prend dessus
[Timbo King: cut and scratched] "From Medina to Marseille"
[Chorus 3 x2: Prodigal Sunn]
We movin on strong, learnin right from wrong
When you dead, buried and gone, yo the world goes on
You see, life is like a Sad Hill song, some blast chrome
The ghetto is a place that we all call home
[Prodigal Sunn]
It's the universal Sun-splash, when the guns blast
So run fast, some knights saw the blood and hash, green grass
A team of solid brass load a machine for task
Reminice about the days when I schemed for cash
Thought that was the past, never thought my dreams would pass
Havin a flashback, I was a king, movin to jazz
Vocal pizazz, every word is sharp as the last
We move in dark mass, tune as a harp, we mind cast
Keep my body fast, like a whirlwind, of Tai Chi
It's the alley do-or-die emcee, one man assembly
I simply, came to rock this M-I-C
Endevour to be the greatest livin form of energy
[Faf Larage]
Sur la vie, comme une mélodie triste mais demain juré
J'en ferai la symphonie de mes tripes
Pour ceux qui ne savent pas lire
Y faut qui puisse m'entendre, écrit pour ceux qui comprennent
qui faut s'en sortir ensemble
Écrit pour ceux qui veulent niqué le rap
On sent que certains naz ont plus d'impact et gunshot
[Prodigal Sunn]
I spit my shit like a hurricane
Tearin your frame, sparin your family name
Strange and insane from a lifetime of pain
Used to roll dice on the train, precise in the game
Fuck your ice, fame and shame, I splice juguler vain
Spit that W slang bang, witness the bloodstain
The flood came, sustain the grain through mud and rain
Sustain the grain through mud and rain
Yo, sustain the grain through mud and rain
[Chorus 3]
[Chorus 1]
[Chorus 3: last 2 lines only]
[Outro: Dreddy Kruger (Prodigal Sunn)]
Marseille.. Marseille.
That's how we do it (It's just that world that we live in)
Francs to the bank (We got plans to live large)
La Saga 2000 (We got plans to live large)
I would have given you all of my heart
But somebody else's torn it apart
And they've taken almost all that I've got
But if you want, I'll try to love again
Baby, I'll try to love again 'cause I know
The first cut is the deepest, baby, I know
The first cut is the deepest
And when it comes to being lucky she's first
When it comes to lovin' me she's worst
But when it comes to bein' loved, she's first
That's how I know
The first cut is the deepest, baby I know
The first cut is the deepest
I still want you by my side
Just to help me dry the tears that I've cried
And I'm sure gonna give you a try
And if you want, I'll try to love again
Baby, I'll try to love again, 'cause I know
The first cut is the deepest, baby I know
The first cut is the deepest
And when it comes to being lucky she's first
When it comes to lovin' me she's worst
But when it comes to bein' loved, she's first
That's how I know
The first cut is the deepest, yeah, baby I know
The first cut is the deepest, baby I know, yeah
Every man must be free
We were born equally
So they taught him how to love
And they showed him how to feel
It's cold outside
Light is calling you
It's cold outside
And your shell is through
Now your soul, soul, will be free
From his cell to the seas
Sent away just sixteen
This is not my war
By the lord he swore
It's could outside
Light is calling you
So, so cold outside
Life is leaving you
Soon this soul will be free
Yes this soul, soul, will be free
In the snow where he lay
Silent eyes look away
His crime was just to feel
Had no wish to kill
It's could outside
Light is calling you
It's cold outside
But this life is through
Now your soul will be free
Thought I was a wise man
On a ship of fools
When you gave us friendship
Next we gave you rules
Yes we gave you rules
It's written on the wind
You must let me in
It's written on the wind
You must let us in
Then to the west we traveled
Till we met the sea
And this land was golden
Gold for you and me
Gold for you and me
It's written on the wind
Let the rush begin
It's written on the wind
Big sky closing in
Won't you listen to the wind
And we gave you rules
Yes we gave you rules
Cos it's written on the wind
You must let us in
It's written on the wind
Someday were gonna turn to dust again
It took a while for there rains to come
There's no other season, it will never change
Caught within a circle, a never ending page
You alone did move it all, the journey had to end
Standing in the rain, the scars will never mend
Since you've been gone, I'm feeling so strong
Since you've been gone, The line is now drawn
Since you've been gone, It's time to move on
Since you've been gone, since you've been gone
Waking from a winter, I see a promised land
Rocks of salt are diamonds, safe within my hand
Now the snow has melted, All will be revealed
Take away the chains, Take away the shield
Since you've been gone, I'm feeling so strong
Since you've been gone, The line is now drawn
Since you've been gone, I will carry on
Since you've been gone, Were no longer as one
Since you've been gone
Still I'm free,
You'll never understand, you'll never understand
Since you've been gone
Since you've been gone, I'm feeling so strong
Since you've been gone, How can we move as one
Since you've been gone, gone
Through the walls I hear the screams
The preacher and the slave
You can have your pound of flesh
But you cannot take away, away, away
One day
We'll build a better place
One day
A land we will embrace
This lamb will not lie down
Till the crack of doom
With feet of clay we'd roam, roam
And make this kingdom come, come
One day
We'll build a better place
One day
Upon the rocks of faith
One day
The stars will show the way
We can make this kingdom come
Not by sword, not by gun
New Jerusalem
You can take away my skin
But the fire still burns within
I think I've been infected with the flu
Once again bordems got me feeling blue
Sometimes in this live you've got to cut the crap
Sit down for my rights cuz I don't care
to do what everybody else would do. I'm fine right here
I voted once but I didn't win, ill never vote again
People say I should give a damn
People say I should respect this land
But I say no way I wont compromise
Either way my life remains the same
Its great, come join me at the lake its freshly stocked
No work just play leeching of the state all day
clears my mind
They say this is the land of the free
To me that means I have the liberty to sit down for
my rights cuz I don't care
To do what everybody else would do I'm fine right here
I voted once but I didn't win Ill never vote again
god bless America the home of the whopper
god bless America billions billions served
every week from Moscow
to Madagascar, Ronald McDonalds smile warms
the hearts of all people regardless of race,
color, creed, sex and social status
By opening 3 new McDonalds restaurants as ambas-
sador of my country, America. Ronald personally
invites you to join him on his quest to end world
As a child, he would never question
Told what's right, punished for confession
Too many times, witnessed confrontation
Led by design, is no explanation
Oh, they lied
Oh he cried
All my life, all my life, I believed
All my life, all my life, you deceived
Paid the price, is he not forsaken?
For taking life, on an order spoken
This dream is alive, cannot stop it's thunder
Oh, you lied
Oh, he cries
All my life, all my life, I believed
All my life, all my life, you deceived
All my life I, all my life I believed
All my life I, all my life you deceived
The day of the light, has revealed the future
Twisted inside, universal soldier
Oh, they lied
oh, he cried, cried, cried
All my life, all my life, I believed
All my life, all my life, you deceived
All my life I, all my life I believed
There once was a time
I knew you were mine
All we have is hate
I wish it could change
The years never fade
The scars are the crimes
That we make
I believe in yesterday
I was happy in that place
I believe in the yesterday I knew
I believe in yesterday
Another time a better space
I believe in the yesterday I knew
Did not realize
The beauty of life
And so we just pray when we loose
Please don't ask me why
Now as times passed by
I've saved this dance til the end
I believe in yesterday
I was happy in that place
I believe in the yesterday I knew
I believe in yesterday
Another time a better space
I believe in the yesterday I knew
I believe in yesterday
I was happy in that place
Day by day the memory fades to grey
I still see you within my world
Burns so bright, the candle shows the way
We follow even now
There will be a place, there will be a time
I'll see you again dear friend of mine
Day by day as memories fade to grey
I still hear you within my world
One so strong, the flame will never die
Somewhere you still breathe on
There must be a place, there must be a time
I will see you again good friend of mine
You just live for the moment
Guess you broke all the rules
And you had all you did want
But fate stepped in and took the dream away
You just live for the moment
Taking all that you see
Summer lasts for a long time
But fate stepped in and took the dream away
There must be a space
There must be a time
I will se you again
Good friend of mine
You just live for the moment
Yes you broke all the rules
And you had all you did want
But fate stepped in and took the dream away
You live for the moment
Taking all that you see
Summer smiled for a long time
But I still need love this time
As I live and breathe your lies
Window to the soul
So tell me Father
When will I get shelter from the pain
Why do we falter
And after joy it always turns to rain
So much to learn
As the path does turn
Lost in circumstance
Might there be a chance
But I still need love this night
Though I look and see your lies
Window to the soul
I'll keep on pushing
Shoulder to the stone not roll away
Keep, keep on looking
Every time the song remains the same
And we don't ask why
As the years go by
Would there be a time
When this day is mine
Still need love this time
As I live and breathe your lies
Window to the soul
The eyes
Yes I still see through your eyes
Heaven can wait
and a band of angels
wrapped up in my heart
will take me through the lonely night
through the cold of the day
And I know, I know
Heaven can wait
and all the gods come down here
just to sing for me
and the melody's gonna make me fly
without pain
without fear.
Give me all of your dreams
and let me go along on your way
Give me all of your prayers to sing
And I'll turn the night
into the skylight of day
I got a taste of paradise
I'm never gonna let it slip away
Got a taste of paradise
that's all I really need to make me stay
Just like a child again
Heaven can wait
and all I got is time until the end of time
I won't look back, I won't look back
Let the altars shine...
And I know that I've been released
But I don't know to where
nobody's gonna tell me now
and I don't really care
No no no
I got a taste of paradise
That's all I really need to make me stay
got a taste of paradise
If I had it any sooner you know
You know I never would
have run away from my home
Heaven can wait
And all I got is time until the end of time
and I won't look back
I won't look back
Let the altars shine
Heaven can wait
Heaven can wait
and I won't look back
I won't look back
Let the altars shine
Put your lighters in the air,
if you've ever felt scared,
‘cos you've lost the one, who was the one.
Put your lighters in the sky,
if you're sleeping alone tonight,
‘cos you've lost the one,
You are my bestfriend and boyfriend
All at the same time
It's funny to think I've known you
All my life, I can't even remember
A time when we weren't together
Thinking back to the time where
You promised it would last forever
We only just learned what love was
But I tried to impress you with my
Lips and mouth, now I'm sitting
Here wondering where is the love
Only thing I have is a voice and a
Lighter, so
Put your lighters in the air,
if you've ever felt scared,
‘cos you've lost the one, who was the one.
Put your lighters in the sky,
if you're sleeping alone tonight,
‘cos you've lost the one,
The one, The one
The one, The one
You was so young you
Couldn't even say it
And these were at the park
At the swings, where we
Were just playing, but I
Remember everything that
You wrote, we go write it
On a post it note,
Iwrite Yes, then I gave it back
Hr said I could keep it
And I still got that, now
I'm sitting here wondering
Where did the love go
Only thing I have is a
Voice and a lighter, so
Put your lighters in the air,
if you've ever felt scared,
‘cos you've lost the one, who was the one.
Put your lighters in the sky,
if you're sleeping alone tonight,
‘cos you've lost the one,
The one, The one
The one, The one
Back then it was so different,
I didn't even have to ask you would listen,
we've been a couple since forever,
it's so weird we ain't together,
and every time I see you I want to cry,
and every time you look at me I die inside.
Now I'm sitting here wondering where's the love gone.
Every one grab their lighters if they left you alone so
Put your lighters in the air,
if you've ever felt scared,
‘cos you've lost the one, who was the one.
Put your lighters in the sky,
if you're sleeping alone tonight,
‘cos you've lost the one,
The one, The one