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Employment tribunals

UCU aims to ensure that any grievance a member may have with their employer is resolved satisfactorily using the institution's internal procedures. If, however, matters remain unresolved, we can take things further by referring them to employment tribunals: independent judicial bodies that can hear complaints and make decisions on matters, such as unfair or constructive dismissal, redundancy, discrimination, breach of contract or equal pay claims.

Favourable outcomes at employment tribunals vary according to the individual case and can range from reinstatement instructions through to compensation. The tribunal process itself can be lengthy, and quite often institutions decide to settle shortly before the case is heard. This frequently happens where the employer has been holding on, hoping that the member of staff concerned will withdraw his or her allegation before the hearing.

If UCU decides your case should be taken to a tribunal it has the experience, and access to the necessary legal advice, to best prepare your case. Eligible members will also have the support of UCU's legal aid scheme, giving you the best advice on the way to proceed.

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