Página inicialDiversity in Society ‒ Theories and Practice

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Publicado Sexta, 06 de Abril de 2012 por Loïc Le Pape


The conference, organised by IFRA (Kenya) and GRER-ICT (Université Paris Diderot), will be held at the French Institute in Nairobi (Kenya) on the 1st and 2nd December 2011.


International Conference : Diversity in Society ‒ Theories and Practice, Organised by IFRA (Kenya) and GRER-ICT (Université Paris Diderot) on 1st and 2nd December 2011 in Nairobi (Kenya)


Thursday 1st of December

8h15 - Reception of conference members

8h30 - Opening the Conference: Christian Thibon, Thierry Vircoulon, Michel Prum

8h40 – Michel Prum (Université Paris Diderot): A Diverse Approach to Diversity

9h –10h30 - Rethinking diversity in the West

  • Daniele De Lame (Royal Museum for Central Africa): How Come we Need to Think about (which) Diversity?
  • Marie-Annick Mattioli (IUT Paris Descartes) : Diversité des cartes d'identité sur le sol britannique, 2002-2010, ou comment le projet d'une carte d'identité britannique s'est peu à peu transformé en carte pour étrangers

10h30-11h Tea break

11h-12h30 - An African historical approach to diversity

  • Emile Mworoha (Université du Burundi) : Gestion politique et sociale des identités ethniques et claniques dans la région des Grands Lacs : le cas du Burundi
  • Zacharie Saha (Université de Dschang, Cameroun) : Les chefferies des Grassfields de l'Ouest Cameroun à l'épreuve de la colonisation et de la postcolonie (1889-1997)

12h30-14h Lunch

14h-17h - Political management of diversity in contemporary Eastern Africa

  • Jean-Salathiel Mutunitiwe (Université du Burundi) La démocratie consociative, outil de gestion de la diversité
  • Marie-Aude Fouéré (IFRA): Rethinking Diversity in Contemporary Zanzibar
  • Maurice Amutabi (CUEA, Kenya): Lessons from the 2008 Post-Election Violence in Kenya

Friday 2nd December

9h45-10h Tea time

10h -12h30 Ethnic, religious and sexual diversities

  • Michel Adam: Le cas des minorités d'origine indo-pakistanaise
  • Julius Kikoom (Makerere University, Uganda): Diasporic minority cultures: the social construction of enterprising identities of female "Asian-African" entrepreneurs in Uganda
  • Mildred Ndeda (Kenyatta University, Kenya): The Struggles of New Religious Movements in the Kenyan Religious Space: the Case of Kings Outreach Ministry under Repentance and Holiness Movement

12h30-14h Lunch

14h-16h30 - Stereotyping diversity

  • Stephen Omondi Owino (Kenyatta University, Nairobi): The Language Factor in the Search for National Cohesion and Integration in Kenya
  • Joseph Egwrube (Université de La Rochelle, France): United we Claim, Divided we Act: Managing Diversity in Post-Colonial Nigeria
  • Bernard Cros (Université Paris Ouest Nanterre La Défense, France): XV against VII: an inevitably unequal fight? Rugby and the management of diversity in South Africa


  • Laikipia Road (IFRA)
    Nairobi, Quénia


  • Quinta, 01 de Dezembro de 2011
  • Sexta, 02 de Dezembro de 2011


  • cartes d'identité, identités ethniques, démocratie consociative, diversité


  • Michel Prum
    courriel : prum [dot] michel [at] wanadoo [dot] fr
  • christian Thibon
    courriel : christian [dot] thibon [at] univ-pau [dot] fr

Fonte da informação

  • Aurélie Flamant
    courriel : aflamant [at] msh-paris [dot] fr

Para citar este anúncio

« Diversity in Society ‒ Theories and Practice », Colóquios, Calenda, Publicado Sexta, 06 de Abril de 2012, http://calenda.org/208046