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Transmission and Prevention of HIV
Stephen Fry - HIV and Me - Part 1
Stephen Fry - HIV and Me - Part 2
My Experience: LIVING WITH HIV.. w/ Ken [Love, Stigma & Knowledge]
HIV symptoms, living w/ HIV
Im HIV Positive
HIV Replication 3D Medical Animation
HIV Stigma - I have judged.. other people are going to judge me
Profissão Repórter - Quem são e como vivem os portadores do HIV o vírus da Aids.
Will We Ever Cure HIV?
HIV Scare Hits Porn Industry
WWYD? - A Teen With HIV/Aids Scares The Waitress & Customers!!
"ISSO NÃO É O FIM" - Documentário sobre HIV/AIDS
STD Awareness PSA.
Actors Tasi Alabastro (actor), Tasi Alabastro (miscellaneous crew), Daniel C. Hale (writer), Daniel C. Hale (producer), Daniel C. Hale (director), Daniel C. Hale (editor), Hartman Laupati (actor), Hartman Laupati (miscellaneous crew), Charmaine Querol (actress), Greg Peralta (actor), Lisa Rangel (actress), Vanessa Eugenio (miscellaneous crew), Gregory Jhanapin (miscellaneous crew),
The modes of transmission of HIV are numerous. This animation describes the common and less common ways in which HIV can be transmitted from one person to an...
Animation of chronic diseases at View more NUCLEUS medical animations at If you like this animation, LIKE us on Facebook: This 3D medical animation shows the function of white blood cells in normal immunity. It also portrays how the human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) affects the immune system and causes acquired immunodeficiency syndrome (AIDS). Common types of antiretroviral medications used to treat HIV and AIDS are also shown.
British writer and actor Stephen Fry reports on the shocking increase of new HIV-infected people in Britain and in sub-Saharan Africa.
British writer and actor Stephen Fry reports on the shocking increase of new HIV-infected people in Britain and in sub-Saharan Africa.
My Experience: LIVING WITH HIV.. w/ Ken [Love, Stigma & Knowledge] Experience a story told by Ken from Chicago, IL His story, His journey & His LIFE! Ken's Y...
Talking side affects, what it is like to live with HIV.
I am a 19 year old college student who recently found out that I have been HIV Positive for the past three years of my life. The purpose of this video is to connect with someone out there who may be going through the same thing and hopefully get & give advice on what to expect.
It is a very excellent animation which explains the hiv replication very clearly. For free download of this video please visit my webpage http://3dmed.wetpai...
It's one thing to know people living with HIV, it's another thing for it to be you. There is a human side to HIV in Australia that needs a voice. Confronting...
Reportagem exibida em 16/08/2011 no Profissão Repórter pela TV Globo, realizada no Hospital Emílio Ribas mostra quem são e como vivem os portadores do HIV o ...
Researchers believe that they might have a developed a vaccine to treat HIV, but the virus continues to mutate. Will we ever find a cure? Follow Julian on Twitter: Read More: New Approach to Blocking H.I.V. Raises Hopes for an AIDS Vaccine “A new compound has blocked H.I.V. infection so well in monkeys that it may be able to function as a vaccine against AIDS, the scientists who designed it reported Wednesday.” HIV vaccine that transforms cell DNA brings fresh hope “A radical new approach to vaccination seems to completely protect monkeys from HIV, US scientists report.” Designer protein ‘blocks all known strains of HIV’ “A novel drug candidate against HIV has been created by a joint team led by researchers at The Scripps Research Institute in Jupiter, FL. The scientists consider it to be so potent and effective that it could form the basis of a vaccine alternative.” ____________________ DNews is dedicated to satisfying your curiosity and to bringing you mind-bending stories & perspectives you won't find anywhere else! New videos twice daily. Watch More DNews on TestTube Subscribe now! DNews on Twitter Trace Dominguez on Twitter Julia Wilde on Twitter DNews on Facebook DNews on Google+ Discovery News Download the TestTube App:
Adult film star Cameron Bay tested positive for HIV and temporarily halted porn production.
Good News Everyone, WWYD Returns With New Scenarios In May!! In this scenario we witness a guy who has aids sitting at a restaurant when he mumbles to the waitress and customer that he has aids which immediately creeps them out because they are afraid of catching his disease since they are at a restaurant despite the fact that it doesn't spread...but will people at the restaurant know that??
O que vem na sua cabeça quando você ouve as palavras HIV ou Aids? Você sabe a diferença entre as duas palavras? As formas de contágio e prevenção? Teria cora...
Untuk membuat tempahan HIV Test Kit, sila layari:
"We Are Empowered" is an intimate and inspiring conversation with Alicia Keys and five women living with HIV in the U.S. Join the discussion online at #WeAre...
Me Myself And HIV is the first reality TV show from the award-winning Staying Alive Campaign and follows the lives of two twenty-somethings - Slim; an aspiring DJ and music producer from Zambia, and Angelikah; a college student from the USA - both living with HIV. The show follows them as they tell their stories from the very beginning: why they decided to get tested, to the aftermath of getting their results, right through to the present day. The audience get to see the complicated layer HIV can sometimes add when it comes to everyday lifestyle choices such as dating, work, friends and travel
If your comments are not supportive or doubt the very existence of HIV it will be flagged and removed. Please be respectful!!** Sorry for the length of the...
1º de Dezembro - Dia Mundial de luta contra HIV/AIDS. Sabia que o número de infectados no Brasil aumentou ENTRE JOVENS DE 15 a 24 anos, principalmente gays? Mas por que? E por que a AIDS, embora exista em maior número entre heterossexuais, proporcionalmente atinge mais os gays? Como é o tratamento de quem já foi infectado? A importância do diagnóstico precoce. Qual a melhor maneira e quais as novas maneiras de se prevenir? Conhece a PEP? Aproveitamos esta data para tentar responder a estas questões neste vídeo. :) FAÇA O TESTE. É sigiloso e gratuito: Curta nossa fanpage: HTTP://FB.COM/POENARODA | Instagram @PoeNaRoda | Twitter @CanalPoeNaRoda + Estudo americano que revela a chance de contaminação de acordo com cada prática sexual: Trilha: / Youtube Audiolibrary
At first when I learned of this test I was skeptical. But if it is going to benefit people I figured I'd try it myself, even though I already know I'm HIV po...
A Kenyan woman caused widespread public outrage after she posted information on Facebook saying how she intentionally infected men with HIV. The 19-year-old ...
Watch More Health and Beauty Videos: Watch more tutorial and educational videos: Within a month or two of HIV entering the body, 40% to 90% of people experience flulike symptoms known as acute retroviral syndrome (ARS).
Me explaining what its like to have HIV and what to expect if you're newly diagnosed.
A shocking documentary that exposes HIV/AIDS as a deceptive and deadly scam This is a systematic dissection of the HIV/AID$ machine and how they hijacked a program designed to fight a worldwide plight of human suffering and drove it down the road to hell. Yet this program offers hope, inspired by the courage and articulate arguments of a group of growing voices internationally challenging the HIV=AIDS=DEATH hysteria. A MUST SEE for anyone interested in truly understanding the facts about HIV/AID$.
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Catalyst: HIV – Have Scientists found a cure for HIV? Subscribe to Journeyman for daily uploads: Go to the Journeyman Science playlist: More than three decades on from its first outbreak, HIV/AIDS remains a prevalent killer, even in the developed world, and a pressing scientific challenge to understand and treat. The rate of infection, especially among young people, is increasing, and in parts of Africa in particular, it remains an epidemic-scale killer. Yet a cure could be just around the corner, and scientists are optimistic that the virus’ days might be numbered. Is HIV here to stay, or will it be consigned to history like Smallpox? Journeyman Pictures brings you highlights from the cutting-edge science series, ‘Catalyst’, produced by our long-term content partners at ABC Australia. Every day we’ll upload a new episode that takes you to the heart of the most intriguing and relevant science-related stories of the day, transforming your perspective of the issues shaping our world.
Check out the Best of VICE here: In 1998, the antiretroviral drug efavirenz was approved for treatment of HIV infection. Though the drug was highly effective, patients soon began to report bizarre dreams, hallucinations, and feelings of unreality. When South African tabloids started to run stories of efavirenz-motivated rapes and robberies, scientists began to seriously study how efavirenz might produce these unexpected hallucinogenic effects. Hamilton Morris travels to South Africa to interview efavirenz users and dealers and study how the life-saving medicine became part of a dangerous cocktail called "nyaope." Read Hamilton' in memorium to Alexander Shulgin, the "godfather of psychedelics" - Subscribe to VICE here! Check out our full video catalog: Videos, daily editorial and more: Like VICE on Facebook: Follow VICE on Twitter: Read our tumblr: Zum Referat von Juliane Sacher, folgt noch der Film zum Thema AIDS "I won't go quietly" von Anne Sono. Download Referat: http://www.anti...
Monday, 21 July 2014 Panellists: Michael Kirby, Former High Court Judge; Nafsiah Mboi, Indonesian Health Minister; Françoise Barré-Sinoussi, French Nobel Pri...
Where & How HIV/AIDS Began.
Há 12 anos com HIV, João Geraldo Netto enfrenta o vírus, trabalha no Departamento de DST, AIDS e Hepatites Virais do Ministério da Saúde e ministra palestras...
Disclaimer: The medical information contained herein is intended for physician medical licensing exam review purposes only, and are not intended for diagnos... Nonostante negli anni le campagne di informazione sull'infezione da HIV-AIDS si siano succeduta ultimamente gli adolesc...
Learn more at
An overview of HIV and AIDS, including the origin of HIV-1 and HIV-2 from primates in Africa, the timing of the spillover event, how the virus is transmitted...
Fixed errata from previous version. ELISA = screening test, WB = confirmatory. (Disclaimer: The medical information contained herein is intended for physicia... Armed with bracing logic, wit and her "public-health nerd" glasses, Elizabeth Pisani reveals the myriad of inconsistencies in today's poli...
Vấn Đáp Cưới Người Nhiễm Hiv, Yêu Người Đồng Tính, Hôn Nhân Khác Tôn Giáo, Tự Sướng Và Mê Facebook
STD&HIV; Program DPHSS GUAM (GCC Students)
The Jeremy Kyle Show | I'll never forgive myself for giving my daughter HIV 26th March 2015
FB: Follow On Instagram & Twitter: @QuabnaDon Please SUBSCRiBE For More Videos.
BREAKING NEWS!!! HIV/AIDS HAS BEEN AND IS STILL BEING HEALED BY THE LORD. THIS ARE THE SIGNS AND WONDERS OF OUR TIME. (visit for more testimonies).LISTEN TO THE BELOW TESTIMONIES OF HIV /AIDS HEALED BY THE LORD AFTER PRAYER BY PROPHET DR. OWUOR. THE BLOOD OF JESUS IS STILL FLOWING EVEN NOW. THE BLOOD OF JESUS HAS REAL POWER TO HEAL, SAVE, DELIVER, REDEEM AND PREPARE ALL OF US FOR THE KINGDOM OF HEAVEN. THE MESSIAH IS COMING SOON, PREPARE THE WAY IN RIGHTEOUSNESS AND HOLINESS WITHOUT WHICH NO MAN WILL SEE THE LORD. Mark 16:15-20New International Version (NIV) 15 He said to them, “Go into all the world and preach the gospel to all creation. 16 Whoever believes and is baptized will be saved, but whoever does not believe will be condemned. 17 And these signs will accompany those who believe: In my name they will drive out demons; they will speak in new tongues; 18 they will pick up snakes with their hands; and when they drink deadly poison, it will not hurt them at all; they will place their hands on sick people, and they will get well.” 19 After the Lord Jesus had spoken to them, he was taken up into heaven and he sat at the right hand of God. 20 Then the disciples went out and preached everywhere, and the Lord worked with them and confirmed his word by the signs that accompanied it.
KPVI News 6 - Pocatello, ID KPVI News 6 - Pocatello, ID KPVI News 6 - Pocatello, ID All Under One Roof Offers Free HIV Testing All Under One Roof Offers Free HIV Testing All Under One Roof Offers Free HIV Testing KPVI News 6,pocatello,id,idaho,news,health reports,sports,community,lifestyle,intermountain,nbc
26 Maart 2015
News Channel 12 Health Report
One Chattanooga man is sewing a giant memorial quilt to honor the Scenic City's dozens of H-I-V survivors. It comes as the number of new H-I-V cases in Tennessee continues to rise. WDEF News 12's James Mahon speaks to the man behind the project, and an H-I-V survivor of more than 30 we Cover Your Health.
--= Sinopses dos seus Livros Favoritos =--- ISBN: 9788544400678 Sinopse do livro IMPLICAÇOES EXISTENCIAIS DA INFECÇAO PELO HIV do autor(a) BERNARDINO GERALDO ALVES SOUTO Se você quer adicionar um lugar onde este livro pode ser comprado, por favor, use o link: Se você é um author, editora ou parceiro e deseja adicionar ou alterar informações, por favor, use o link: Para mostrar um erro: ------- + Compartilhe o livro do seu Autor Favorito + ------- Veja mais em Inscreva-se em nosso canal. Copyright note: this video only use public information about the book: Public Review, Cover, ISBN number, Author Name and Publisher Name. All rights belong to their respective owners. Contact us for any partnership enquiries, content submission or other requests at Contact us for any copyright issues at Music from: By 01. AlsMacNihon* ID: LC42691726-1584137
ITEACH is developing an HIV self-test kit that will allow millions at risk to test safely and accurately in the privacy of their home. The goal is to provide an option that makes testing so easy and accessible, that learning your HIV status becomes routine. Routine testing will mean earlier HIV diagnosis and earlier entry in to care. CREDITS Video: Rachel Regina Photos: Rachel Regina & Jasper Jansen
--= Sinopses dos seus Livros Favoritos =--- ISBN: 9788524916274 Sinopse do livro HIV/AIDS ENFRENTANDO O SOFRIMENTO PSIQUICO do autor(a) EDNA M. PETERS KAHHALE Se você quer adicionar um lugar onde este livro pode ser comprado, por favor, use o link: Se você é um author, editora ou parceiro e deseja adicionar ou alterar informações, por favor, use o link: Para mostrar um erro: ------- + Compartilhe o livro do seu Autor Favorito + ------- Veja mais em Inscreva-se em nosso canal. Copyright note: this video only use public information about the book: Public Review, Cover, ISBN number, Author Name and Publisher Name. All rights belong to their respective owners. Contact us for any partnership enquiries, content submission or other requests at Contact us for any copyright issues at Music from: By 01.Yumac* ID: LC7034230-21189
--= Sinopses dos seus Livros Favoritos =--- ISBN: 9788515022793 Sinopse do livro VIVER COM HIV do autor(a) PADRE LEO Se você quer adicionar um lugar onde este livro pode ser comprado, por favor, use o link: Se você é um author, editora ou parceiro e deseja adicionar ou alterar informações, por favor, use o link: Para mostrar um erro: ------- + Compartilhe o livro do seu Autor Favorito + ------- Veja mais em Inscreva-se em nosso canal. Copyright note: this video only use public information about the book: Public Review, Cover, ISBN number, Author Name and Publisher Name. All rights belong to their respective owners. Contact us for any partnership enquiries, content submission or other requests at Contact us for any copyright issues at Music from: By 01. AlsMacNihon* ID: LC560281-40151
--= Sinopses dos seus Livros Favoritos =--- ISBN: 9788561673208 Sinopse do livro HIV E A PATOGENIA DA AIDS do autor(a) JAY A. LEVY Se você quer adicionar um lugar onde este livro pode ser comprado, por favor, use o link: Se você é um author, editora ou parceiro e deseja adicionar ou alterar informações, por favor, use o link: Para mostrar um erro: ------- + Compartilhe o livro do seu Autor Favorito + ------- Veja mais em Inscreva-se em nosso canal. Copyright note: this video only use public information about the book: Public Review, Cover, ISBN number, Author Name and Publisher Name. All rights belong to their respective owners. Contact us for any partnership enquiries, content submission or other requests at Contact us for any copyright issues at Music from: By 01. AlsMacNihon* ID: LC22361667-33240
What is History of HIV/AIDS? A documentary report all about History of HIV/AIDS for the blind and visually impaired or for homework/assignment. AIDS is caused by the human immunodeficiency virus (HIV), which originated in non-human primates in Sub-Saharan Africa. While various sub-groups of the virus acquired human infectivity at different times, the global pandemic had its origins in the emergence of one specific strain – HIV-1 subgroup M – in Léopoldville in the Belgian Congo (now Kinshasa in the Democratic Republic of the Congo) in the 1920s. Intro/Outro music: Discovery Hit/Chucky the Construction Worker - Kevin MacLeod ( Licensed under CC-BY-3.0 Text derived from: Text to Speech powered by Images are Public Domain or CC-BY-3.0: HIV-budding-Color.jpg from HIV-1_subtype_prevalence_in_2002.png from Africa_HIV-AIDS-colorscheme2_300px.png from page1-1024px-Prevalence_of_HIV,_total_of_population_ages_15-49.pdf.jpg from 2000px-AIDS_and_HIV_prevalence.svg.png from SIV_primates.jpg from 550px-Cumulative_number_of_drug_use_HIV_AIDS_cases_in_Taiwan.svg.png from People_living_with_HIV_AIDS_world_map.PNG from 330px-New_hiv_infections_1986-2008.jpg from
--= Sinopses dos seus Livros Favoritos =--- ISBN: 9788599238080 Sinopse do livro AMAMENTAÇAO E HIV/AIDS do autor(a) IVIS EMILIA DE OLIVEIRA Se você quer adicionar um lugar onde este livro pode ser comprado, por favor, use o link: Se você é um author, editora ou parceiro e deseja adicionar ou alterar informações, por favor, use o link: Para mostrar um erro: ------- + Compartilhe o livro do seu Autor Favorito + ------- Veja mais em Inscreva-se em nosso canal. Copyright note: this video only use public information about the book: Public Review, Cover, ISBN number, Author Name and Publisher Name. All rights belong to their respective owners. Contact us for any partnership enquiries, content submission or other requests at Contact us for any copyright issues at Music from: By 01. AlsMacNihon* ID: LC30368754-41458
Dr. Lara Strick, Infections Disease Physician
Indiana Gov. Mike Pence today declared a public health emergency for a county battling what is believed to be the worst HIV outbreak in the state's history. Pence said 79 cases have been confirmed, and, with more testing underway, "We expect that number to go up." The cases have either been found in or are connected to Scott County, near the Kentucky border. Every single confirmed case has been related to intravenous drug use of the opioid painkiller Opana, said Pence. It's believed to be the worst HIV outbreak in the state history, said Brittany Combs, public health nurse at Scott County Health Department. Pence, who has long opposed needle-exchange programs, said he would authorize a limited needle-exchange program in the county if local health officials decide that could combat further infections. "This is all-hands-on-deck. This is a very serious situation," said Pence, who added that officials from the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention advised that a needle-exchange program should be set up. HIV Patient has 'HOPE' Following Bill's Passage Girl 'Cured' of HIV, Now Diagnosed With Virus Born With HIV, Life at 29 "I'm prepared to make an exception to my long-standing opposition to needle-exchange programs," said Pence. "This is a public health emergency driven by intravenous drug use." By declaring a public health disaster, Pence said that he was ordering relevant agencies to assist the state and county health department to fight the spread of HIV. "For years, we've been fighting Opana in our county," Combs said. "[Doctors] won't give [ prescriptions] for Opana unless absolutely necessary. Our doctors aren't writing for it. It's coming from out of county." Combs said Opana is a painkiller normally given in pill form to patients, and it is used as "last resort" for pain relief. People recreationally using the drug often crush the pill and inject it for a longer-lasting high, according to Combs. Everyone who has tested positive for HIV has admitted to intravenous drug use, although some have also had sex with other users, meaning it is not always clear how the virus was spread, according to Combs. Pence noted Wednesday that the county usually sees just five cases a year, according to The Associated Press. "This is a public health emergency, and I'm listening to my health department, I'm listening to the Centers for Disease Control and I'll make my decision based on the best science and the best way we can stop this virus and stop this outbreak in its tracks," Pence told the AP Wednesday. A public awareness campaign to alert residents about the increase in HIV cases has started in the region. Pence emphasized that testing and treatment for HIV would be covered under the Indiana Medicare plan and asked anyone who thinks they were exposed to the virus to see a doctor or go to a clinic. In addition to local and state health officials, the CDC has sent a team to the area to assist with the response.
An outbreak of in southeastern Indiana prompted the governor on Thursday to a public health emergency as officials worked to stop the spread of the virus that causes AIDS. Officials said that 71 cases of H. I. V. identified since mid-December have been traced to intravenous use of a prescription painkiller in Scott County north of Louisville, Ky. Nine more cases are still under investigation, and state health officials predicted that more would appear in coming weeks. The governor authorized a short-term exchange program that would provide drug users with access to sterile needles so that contaminated needles were less likely to be shared. Gov. Mike Pence, a Republican, has long opposed such programs. But he said that the outbreak, which was first identified in late January, had reached epidemic proportions, justifying the action. “This is all hands on deck,” Mr. Pence said. “This is a very serious situation. ”Mr. Pence’s order, which is in effect for 30 days, would allow for a needle-exchange program within Scott County if one is requested by local officials. Scott County has about 24,000 residents, 19 percent of whom live below the poverty line, a rate higher than the state average. Mr. Pence said that Scott County typically sees about five new cases of H. I. V. a year. The governor said the cluster of cases diagnosed so far had been traced to intravenous drug use, with the virus most likely spreading as people shared infected needles. He said those infected had illegally used Opana, a powerful prescription pain medication prescribed only in pill form. Opana is marketed by Endo Pharmaceuticals as a long-acting formulation of oxymorphone. It is prescribed less frequently than oxycodone and hydrocodone because of its strength. When used illicitly, it can provide a potent high. “Once you alter it and inject it, it’s no longer extended-release,” said Dr. Melinda Campopiano, a medical officer at the federal Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration. “It is much quicker. ”Allowing clinics and other entities to dispense sterile syringes in exchange for used ones has long been debated. Proponents, including the White House Office of National Drug Control Policy and the federal , say such programs can impede the spread of like H. I. V. and C. Opponents say they may encourage illegal drug use. United States law prohibits federal funding of needle-exchange programs. About half of states, generally those that are politically conservative, have banned the practice, according to the North American Network, which tracks state policies. Mr. Pence has supported Indiana’s , but after meeting with federal advisers he said he decided to “make an exception” and allow a temporary program in Scott County. “I’m going to put the lives of the people of Indiana first,” Mr. Pence said. He later added: “It’s a commitment to law and order, but it’s a commitment to compassion. ”The state will establish a command center in Scott County, with a task force of state agencies and a mobile enrollment facility for Indiana’s program, which covers H. I. V. testing and treatment. “The sooner we get people who may have been exposed, by whatever means, in this region, in for testing, in for treatment, the sooner that we will also suppress the spread of this virus,” Mr. Pence said. Dr. Jerome M. Adams, the state health commissioner, said his department had been working in Scott County after H. I. V. diagnoses began to surge in January. He said public health workers have had limited success locating and testing those at risk of infection. “Scott County is a rural area,” Dr. Adams said. “It’s also a very close-knit area. When you’re identified, the whole town knows. There’s a feeling of hopelessness within this community. They’re addicted, and they’re getting H. I. V. because they’re addicted. ”Misuse of prescription opioids has become a national concern, with more than 16,000 attributed to it in 2013, accordin
The group is dedicated to educating about HIV, especially in areas and with groups where new infections continue to rise.
Huffington Post 2015-04-01The findings represent the largest retrospective to date study of outcomes in adult kidney transplant recipients with HIV.
noodls 2015-04-01Texas in 2013 had the third-highest number of HIV diagnoses in the country.
Seattle Post 2015-04-01Texas would cut $3 million from programs to prevent HIV and other sexually transmitted diseases and ...
WPXI 2015-04-01... funding for programs to prevent HIV and other STIs and boost programs that teach abstinence instead.
Jezebel 2015-04-01Efforts are stepping up in educating and increasing public awareness about HIV, as the International ...
noodls 2015-04-01Article extract not available. Link to source for the full article.
Star Tribune 2015-04-01Some much-needed help arrived Tuesday at the epicenter of an HIV outbreak in southern Indiana.
MSNBC 2015-04-01... and HIV/AIDS that are prevalent worldwide, and ailments common in the Indian context like malaria."
The Hindu 2015-04-01... Irritable Bowel Disease, HIV/AIDS and Alzheimer's according to the World Health Organisation.
noodls 2015-04-01... of dollars from HIV and sexually transmitted disease prevention to abstinence sex education.
Austin American Statesman 2015-04-01Self-proclaimed scientist Munir Khan, who claimed to have a medicine for every disease including ...
DNA India 2015-04-01... reality series Survivor who co-founded a soccer organization that works for HIV and AIDS prevention.
Herald Tribune 2015-04-01Human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) is a lentivirus (a member of the retrovirus family) that causes acquired immunodeficiency syndrome (AIDS), a condition in humans in which progressive failure of the immune system allows life-threatening opportunistic infections and cancers to thrive. Infection with HIV occurs by the transfer of blood, semen, vaginal fluid, pre-ejaculate, or breast milk. Within these bodily fluids, HIV is present as both free virus particles and virus within infected immune cells. The four major routes of transmission are unsafe sex, contaminated needles, breast milk, and transmission from an infected mother to her baby at birth (perinatal transmission). Screening of blood products for HIV has largely eliminated transmission through blood transfusions or infected blood products in the developed world.
Stephen John Fry (born 24 August 1957) is an English actor, screenwriter, author, playwright, journalist, poet, comedian, television presenter, film director, and a director of Norwich City Football Club.
After a troubled childhood and adolescence, during which he was expelled from a number of schools and eventually spent three months in prison for credit card fraud, he was able to secure a place at Queens' College, Cambridge, where he studied English Literature.
He first came to public attention in the 1981 Cambridge Footlights Revue presentation "The Cellar Tapes", which also included Hugh Laurie, Emma Thompson and Tony Slattery. With Hugh Laurie, as the comedy double act Fry and Laurie, he co-wrote and co-starred in A Bit of Fry & Laurie, and took the role of Jeeves (with Laurie playing Wooster) in Jeeves and Wooster.
As an actor, Fry played the lead in the film Wilde, was Melchett in the BBC television series Blackadder, starred as the title character Peter Kingdom in the ITV series Kingdom, has a recurring guest role as Dr. Gordon Wyatt on the Fox crime series Bones and appeared as rogue TV host Gordon Deitrich in the dystopian thriller V For Vendetta. He has also written and presented several documentary series including the 2008 television series Stephen Fry in America, which saw him travelling across all 50 US states. Since 2003 he has been the host of the quiz show QI.
Alicia Augello Cook (born January 25, 1981), better known by her stage name Alicia Keys, is an American R&B singer-songwriter, record producer, and actress. Keys was raised by a single mother in the Hell's Kitchen area of Manhattan in New York City. At age seven, Keys began playing the piano. She attended Professional Performing Arts School and graduated at 16 as valedictorian. Keys released her debut album with J Records, having had previous record deals first with Columbia and then Arista Records.
Keys' debut album, Songs in A Minor, was a commercial success, selling over 12 million copies worldwide. She became the best-selling new artist and best-selling R&B artist of 2001. The album earned Keys five Grammy Awards in 2002, including Best New Artist and Song of the Year for "Fallin'". Her second studio album, The Diary of Alicia Keys, was released in 2003 and was also another success worldwide, selling eight million copies. The album garnered her an additional four Grammy Awards in 2005. Later that year, she released her first live album, Unplugged, which debuted at number one in the United States. She became the first female to have an MTV Unplugged album to debut at number one and the highest since Nirvana in 1994.
Got gooseflesh, got butterflies, got a temperature you
gonna feel em rise
I make a good man, like a bad son, like a daddy that
you call number one
I see this big heart like a big stain, makin your love
make me feel the lick
so when the clouds come, bad weather roam
aint a shame if I dont see the sun because
Who needs the sunshine when your here
Who needs the sunshine when your here
Who needs the sunshine when your here
When you carry the sunshine with you
Dont need no big train hor-cigary(???)
I got more than I need to complete the set
I make picturesque on the warm breast
Head how come I dont need no rest
But gimme medicine in the shape of your (?)
What kinda of fetish did I decide to cast you in
So when the storm break I'll leave the headache
To walk alone in the cloud for my own sake
Who needs the sunshine when your here
Who needs the sunshine when your here
Who needs the sunshine when your here
When you carry the sunshine all alone with you
I've been loved
I don't feel clever
One mans weakness
Is another mans pleasure
I got no feelings
I got no heart
Can't make no sense out of this
But I got to somehow
What you want me to do
What you want me to say
How you need me to be?
I can be that way
What you want me to do
What you want me to say
How you need me to do?
'Cause I can do that...
When I feel tender
Like I've been lost
Put myself together
'Cause paid my cost to be the boss
Now I sleepin'
I aint slept
I see what you see here
But in this life
Ain't nothing wrong with this chemistry,
Ain't nothing wrong with this place for me,
And time will tell if there's the pedigree,
Experience is another one made for me,
So tell me now, (tell me now)
And show me how, (show me how)
To understand, (understand)
What makes a good man
So tell me now, (tell me now)
And walk the line, (walk the line)
Can't understand, (understand)
What makes a good man
Good man
Now I ain't tired of swimming for blood and dust,
I ain't tired of swimming for, what it's worth,
Cause lives get drawn and lives get kicked and burnt,
Indelible is what I need to, spread the word,
And tell me now, (tell me now)
And show me how, (show me how)
To understand, (understand)
What makes a good man
To tell me now, (tell me now)
And walk the line, (walk the line)
Can't understand, (understand)
What makes a good man
Good man
Yeah! Yeah! Yeah!
Yeah! Yeah! Yeah!
Tell me now, (tell me now)
And show me how, (show me how)
To understand, (understand)
What makes a good man
To tell me now, (tell me now)
And walk the line, (walk the line)
Can't understand, (understand)
What makes a good man good man,
Good man, good man, good man
Good man, good man, good man
What makes a good man,
Good man, good man, good man
What makes a good man,
There was a frost when you left this morning
But there'll be fireworks when you come home
I never run from the early warning
I never asked to be alone
It's the truth I can do without
Getting harder to admit
Love, I can do without
I'm up in my neck and ear
I'm stuck
Till you make your mind up
Till you make your mind up
I'm stuck
Well you can shake it till it rains down
And you can shake it till it turns gold
Will you shake all the better lies
Will it taste like lips of gold
Cause it's the proof that without a doubt
It's too late to pray
Love, I can't breathe it out
I'm up to my neck in this shit
I'm stuck
Till you make your mind up
Till you make your mind up
I'm stuck
And I don't know if I can do it by myself
I just feel like I'm responsible
And I don't know if I can do it by myself
I feel loved but I'm not capable
And how can I breath
Till you make your mind up
How can I think of leaving you when
I'm stuck
Till you make your mind up
Till you make your mind up
I'm stuck
I'm stuck...
I saw her dancin with the devil
And he was wearing my shoe
Black and white Jordan leathers
And she was looking for abuse
Now she looked just like heaven
But her mind reeked of hell
Now I know I shouldn't be telling
But I guess I guess if you know her well
She's the kind of girl
She can believe me when I say, she can
She's already ready there, and already there.
Now what the devil want
Believe the devil gonna get
He gonna stretch her out
Like a tape in a cassette
And when you see these kinda girls
They all look big as fun (???)
But the devil know the devil know
There is only one thing tonight she gonna suck
Cuz she wont no she cant
Believe me when I say
She cant
She's already there
She's already there
We got sixteen year olds acting like they forty year
Yo we need to do it and we need to re-clense the souls
I have an idea, lets take rich style high tronic system
and we crush em out
Cuz she wont she cant
Believe me when I say
She's already there
I can't see where you coming from,
But I know, just what you, running from,
And what matters ain't the,
Who's baddest but the,
Ones who stop you falling from your ladder, angel
Feel, like you're feeling now,
Doing things just to please your crowd,
When I love you like the way I love you,
And I suffer but I ain't gonna cut you cause,
This ain't no place for no hero,
This ain't no place for no better man,
This ain't no place for no hero,
To call home,
This ain't no place for no hero,
This ain't no place for no better man,
This ain't no place for no hero,
To call home,
Every time, I close my eyes,
I think, I think bout you and I,
And your mother, given up on asking why,
Why you lie, and you cheat,
And you try to make a fool out of she,
Now, I can't see where you coming from,
But I know, just what you, running from,
And what matters ain't the,
Who's baddest but the,
Ones who stop you falling from your ladder cause,
This ain't no place for no hero,
This ain't no place for no better man,
This ain't no place for no hero,
To call home,
This ain't no place for no hero,
This ain't no place for no better man,
This ain't no place for no hero,
To call home
This ain't no place for no hero,
This ain't no place for no better man,
This ain't no place for no hero,
Where, oh, where is the girl that I found?
She was the best, the sweetest thing in this broken-down town
Where can this girl be now?
She used to make me feel like God when she'd go it on down
But now she got no time to play with me
Got no time to shake it with me
Got no time to make it with me
Got no feeling on my body
But I know what you want me to do
You know what you want me to do
Compromise the struggle with you
Compromise, but
I ain't got time for this
When there ain't no time, no time, no time for this
Where is the girl that I found?
She used to help me dig up dirt in my graveyard town
Making love was the only sound
That I remember you could hear for miles around
But now she got no time to play with me
Got no time to shake it with me
Got no time to make it with me
Got me feeling on my body
But I know what you want me to do
You know what you want me to do
Compromise the struggle with you
Compromise, but
I ain't got time for this
When there ain't no time, no time, no time for this
Where is the girl that I found?
She really helped me build this house from the dirt on the ground
But now she got no time to play with me
Got no time to shake it with me
Got no time to make it with me
Got no feeling on my body
But I know what you want me to do
You know what you want me to do
Compromise the struggle with you
Compromise, but
I ain't got time for this
And there ain't no time, no time, no time for this
Where has my baby disappeared to?
Where has my baby gone now?
Where has my baby disappeared to?
She want everything
She want the Gucci and the Louis Vuittons
All the Juicy and Canary Blue
She want the kind of things that go in style
And she won't give it up
Until you give her just about enough
Those girls are so dangerous
It's enough to make a lover broke
Now do you want that love?
Do you need that love?
She's gonna make you broke
She's gonna make you broke
Now do you want that love?
Do you need that love?
She's gonna make you broke
She's gonna make you broke
In magazines
Checking outs the inner scene
Can't afford to book the credit sleeve
Before she know it then she's in for g's
Now don't take it personal
If you're running with this kind of girl
I'm sure she's gonna rock your world
Like the way she won't rock with her own
Now do you want that love?
Do you need that love?
She's gonna make you broke
She's gonna make you broke
Now do you want that love?
Do you need that love?
She's gonna make you broke
She's gonna make you broke
[spoken section]
Now do you want that love?
Do you need that love?
She's gonna make you broke
She's gonna make you broke
Now do you want that love?
Do you need that love?
She's gonna make you broke
You made a man out of me
But you're not satisfied
You don't believe what you see
You don't believe when I
Got a million things on my mind cause of you
I don't know what I'm gonna do
I only wanted to love you
You only wanted a taste
My ambition to woo you
Was all the time that we waste
Time that we wasted
Why don't you set me free? yeah
Why don't you set me free?
Why don't you set me free? yeah
Why don't you set me free?
And every time that I think about the better days
Remember how we woud kiss
When we were high on haze?
We never knew about the way things work
I still need to forget
Cause when you wanted protection
You used to call out my name, yes you did
And all this changing direction
Ain't making me feel the same about you
Why don't you set me free? yeah
Why don't you set me free?
Why don't you set me free? yeah
Why don't you set me free?
All you got to do is just set me free
Now there was a time
When you loved me so
I could have been wrong
But now you needed to know
See, I've been a bad, bad, bad, bad man
And I'm in deep, Yes I am
I found a brand new love for this man
And I can't wait till you see
I can't wait
So how you like me now
How you like me now
How you like me now
How you like me now
How you like me now
How you like me now
How you like me now
How you like me now
Remember the time
When I eat you up
You know that I wasn't lyin'
that you can't give up
So if I was to cheat
on you baby would you see right through me
If I sing a sad, sad, sad, sad song
would you give it to me
How you like me now
How you like me now
How you like me now
How you like me now
How you like me now
How you like me now
How you like me now
How you like me now
Does that make you love me baby
Does that make you want me baby
Does that make you love me baby
Does that make you want me baby
How you like me now
How you like me now
How you like me now
When it's cold as a lizards heart
When it's cold as a grave
When it's engine will never start
When it's black as a pave?
You can blame it on delivery
You can blame it on the stars
You can say what you like for me
Damn your cold dead heart
They'll always be that someone
That gets caught on the way
They'll always be that two or three
Giving a little love away
They'll always be that silence
Despite what you were told
They'll always be that guarentee
You'll get there
On the Lonesome Road
When it's over from the start
(you know it's always)
You can hang by nails?
When it leak like a murdered heart
(been a fire?)
When it's too sad a tale?
You can blame the electricity
You can blame it on your tongue
You can run if you like from me
But you won't get far
They'll always be that someone
That gets caught on the way
They'll always be that two or three
Giving a little love away
They'll always be that silence
Despite what you were told
They'll always be that guarentee
You'll get there
Got my mind like the Pope got God
I Got the blues well it seems so far
Temptation all around the air that I breath
But you ain't got to worry cause you tamed the beast
And in the summer time
That we lost
Out of time and
At a cost
I need someone who can understand
I'll never be a prophet in my own land
When I'm a long way from home
With so much pressure on my bones
I'm such a long way from home
But I'll be back soon
Tongue tied on the telephone line
You got the words to help me ease up my mind
No one love me like the way that you love me so
I got to tell you from the tip of my tongue
Cause I know where I'll find you
I know just where you lie
Always deep in my heart
You're by my side
I know it's hard
When I'm a long way from home
With so much pressure on my bones
I'm such a long way from home
But I'll be back soon (yeah)
(I'm coming home)
I know where I'll find you
I know just where you lie
Always deep in my heart
You're by my side
It's so hard
When I'm a long way from home
It's so much pressure on my bones
I'm such a long way from home
But I'll be back soon
I'm gonna be back soon
Oh, I'm gonna be back soon
Take all my money
Take all my time
Take all the stars that hang above me
Be mine!
Take all my tears
Covet my eyes
Take what you need
To make you love me
Be mine!
If I could be that stranger
And knock you off your feet
Make amends for the lies I've told
And put an end to our deceit
If I could feel
No danger
I'd be all out war
Trade excuses for promises
That I can't keep anymore
Take all my money
Take all my time
Take all the stars that hang above me
Be mine!
Take all my tears
Covet my eyes
Take what you need
To make you love me
Be mine!
And didn't I try
Hard enough to fool you
Didn't I try
Hard enough to fail
Didn't I try
Hard enough to read between the lines
As this moment set sail...
Take all my money
Take all my time
Take all the stars that hang above me
Be mine!
Take all my tears
Covet my eyes
Take what you need
To say you love me
Maybe you will qualify
And maybe you won't
Maybe you can multiply
And maybe you don't
Haunt me in the dead of night
You can be so mean
If you're looking for a fight
Well, I'm a war machine
Is this just an exercise in self restraint?
Is your picture perfect size
Or a bitch to paint?
Be my bloody valentine
Or a cruise ship whore
If you're working overtime
What you need me for?
And if you wanna cry 'bout something
Then make it something worth lying for
And if you need to curse my name
Curse me good!
And if you wanna lie 'bout something
Then make it something worth lying for
And if you need to curse my name
Curse me good!
Baby isn't satisfied
Baby needed more
Baby left her alibi
At the front door
Be the morning sun in my eyes
Or a new disease
Why should i apologize
I do as i please
And if you wanna cry bout something
Make it something worth crying for
And if you need to curse my name
Curse me good!
And if you want to lie bout something
Then make it something worth dying for
And if you need to curse my name
Curse me good!
Don't you smile at my face, spit on my back
Do you kiss your mother with a mouth like that?
Love it, leave it, it's all good for me
Don't you smile at my face, spit on my back
Do you kiss your mother with a mouth like that?
Love it, leave it, it's all good for me
Don't you smile at my face, spit on my back
Do you kiss your mother with a mouth like that?
Love it, leave it, it's all good for me
Don't you smile at my face, spit on my back
Do you kiss your mother with a mouth like that?
Love it, leave it, it's all good for me
Don't you smile at my face, spit on my back
Do you kiss your mother with a mouth like that?
I can't see where you're comin' from
But I know just what you're runnin' from
And what matters thinkin' who's baddest but the
Ones who stop you falling from your ladder
When you feel like you're feeling now
And doin' things just to please your crowd
When I love you like the way I love you
And I suffer but I ain't gonna cut you 'cause
This ain't no place for no hero
This ain't no place for no better man
This ain't no place for no hero
To go home
This ain't no place for no hero
This ain't no place for no better man
This ain't no place for no hero
To go home
And every time I close my eyes
I think, I think about you inside
And your mother givin' up on asking why
Why you lie and you cheat
and you try to make a fool out of she
I can't see where you're comin' from
But I know just what you're runnin' from
And what matters thinkin' who's baddest but the
Ones who stop you falling from your ladder, cause
This ain't no place for no hero
This ain't no place for no better man
This ain't no place for no hero
To go home
This ain't no place for no hero
This ain't no place for no better man
This ain't no place for no hero
You keep talking that same, same song
But love lost
Make it hard to get along
I get it
If it's wrong then it's wrong
But you say nothing
'Bout all kinds of something
You got nothing to say
(Don't say nothing)
You got nothing to give
(Don't say nothing)
You got something to give, well
(Show me something)
You got nothing to say
(Don't say nothing)
I walk this ling like my mama told me
So why you wanna pick on
Lil' ol' me?
I got nothing
I can't give you what you need
Skin like mine, ain't got no blood to bleed
(So turn around and leave)
And come back when there's something to believe
Until then...
You got nothing to say
(Don't say nothing)
You got nothing to give
(Don't say nothing)
You got something to give, well
(Show me something)
You got nothing to say
(Don't say nothing)
Your cheap talk
(It grow like weeds)
Your cheap talk
(It grow like weeds)
Your cheap talk
(It grow like weeds)
It grow just like weed under the lights for me
Your cheap talk
(It grow like weeds)
Your cheap talk
(It grow like weeds)
Your cheap talk
(It grow like weeds)
'Cos always talking something
'Bout all kinds of nothing so...
You got nothing to say
(Don't say nothing)
You got nothing to give
(Don't say nothing)
You got something to give, well
(Show me something)
You got nothing to say
I believe
If a man could fly
Trying to escape from our lies
And the truth
Would never die
It would be just like I remembered
When you
Swallowed my pride
When you were talking that
Same ol'
And kept working that
Same ol
And kept making that
Same ol'
Fool out of me
All that Same ol'
Everyday it's that
Same ol'
You keep making the same ol'
Fool out of me
But you see that I can sleep
I don't know just how you do it
Must be counting more than sheep
And it's time
For you and me
To leave this fairy tale we fucked
'Cos we, both need to breathe
And I know it's not enough
But your love is like a drug
I know it's not enough
But your love is like a drug
Know it's not enough
Your love is like a drug
Your love is like
Like a
But you just keep talking that
Same ol'
And kept working that
Same ol
And kept making that
Same ol'
Fool out of me
All that Same ol'
Everyday it's that
Same ol'
You keep making the same ol'
I put my back into it
I put a hole right through it
Don't ever leave me
(Don't ever leave, baby)
I work the land all day and
I gave you all my pay, but
It's not enough girl
(Never enough, girl)
I don't need a love like that
(He don't want a love like that)
I don't need a love like that
(He don't want a love)
You took me to great lengths
All that I can do is summon up the strength to
Get a reaction
(Why you never love this man?)
How do you sit so still?
Don't you recognise that you haunt me still?
But bitch, I'm too lazy
(So, so lazy)
I don't need a love like that
(He don't want a love like that)
I don't need a love like that
(He don't want a love like that)
I don't need a love like that
(He don't want a love like that)
Who needs a love like that?
She's trying to tell this kid about herself
She ain't dissin him
So I'm gonna have to say something
Yo, he looks so good to me now you don't
Just trying to make a fool of me, he's turning around, so long
And I know a guy who knows it
I know it
He's trying to fuck with my dignity
Well, I love you
I can't trust you
You're always fucking with my dignity
Always fucking with my dignity
I make you dance like I never left in this song
I just hope that you dance that way for longer
Cause I don't care who knows it
I know it
You're trying to fuck with my dignity
And I love you
But can't trust you
You're always fucking with my dignity
Always fucking with my dignity
Always fucking with my dignity
Cause I don't care who knows it
I know it
You're trying to fuck with my dignity
And I love you
But can't trust you
You're always fucking with my dignity
You're always fucking with my dignity
Always fucking with my dignity
Always fucking with my dignity
Always fucking with my
Now you got no one to run to
You bang upon my door
I know things that might not hurt you
And things that will for sure
The words so well rehearsed
Pretend to sound original
I don't see your eyes when you talk
Please don't say you love me
Leave me, don't fuck with my mind
Try to understand like you're a good friend of mine
Cause I'm doing fine, yes I am
I'm doing...
Your actions give me boredoms
And I don't need a silencer
I got more sense than a wheel
Don't think that I'm fool for you
It's like X-ray
When you press play to the songs that I heard before
You know you should see your face when you perform
Talking `bout the future is in my eyes
And blinking out
I knew you before lies
Talking `bout the future is in my eyes
Please don't say you love me
Leave me, don't fuck with my mind
Try to understand like you're a good friend of mine
Cause I'm doing fine, yes I am
I'm doing fine like a heart of the grain
I'm doing fine like I said when you rang
I'm doing fine, yes I am
Forget about the love you lost
Forget about the love you lost
Heartless heartless
I got something on my mind
And you keep on talking
The only phone is on my side
And now I'm hanging up
I've been thinking about our love
I've been thinking about our love
Show me something
Cause what you give is not enough
And I'm not that kind of man
Whose gonna stay around and please
Just please her
I'm that kind of man
Who's deliberately confusing
Heartless heartless
You can wake up in our bed
And there must be something
Support that picture in your head
There's gotta be, I don't understand
When I feel like calling
I worked out there's something close
But I don't know, so I'm walking out the door
I'm walking out the front door
And I'm not that kind of man
Whose gonna stay around and please
Just please her
I'm that kind of man
Who's deliberately confusing
Now when you take me in the morning
In your eyes I see the sun rise baby
No more lies and if you're looking for maybe
Cause I love the way you take me
It seems like every day
That every time I wave
I see that look on your face
That hand I can taste
You got a tongue full of hunger
And eyes on your lover
Every time I sleep
I'll know I'm blessed with the summer
In the morning
When your eyes are like a sunrise baby
No lies you're gonna make me do the Swayze
Till the nght cause I love the way you take me
You got me working overtime baby
But this man can't get enough
You got me begging please on my knees
I didn't know you could get so alive
In the morning
When your eyes are like a sunrise baby
No lies you're gonna make me do the Swayze
Till the nght cause I love the way you take me
In the morning
When your eyes are like a sunrise baby
No lies you're gonna make me do the Swayze
It's just my luck
She don't give a fuck
She got that stone cold love
She ain't ever giving up
She says
Baby I love you
Oh baby I love you
But I don't think much
Of being kept on the clutch
But there's something 'bout the way
That she move this man
Something 'bout her way
That she bruise this man
Something 'bout her way
But I guess it's just my luck
My luck
Ok so baby now what
What if I don't make the cut?
You gonna leave me in the wilderness
All smash up and bruk
And don't say that I love you
Don't say that I'd love you to
'Cos I don't want fuss
Of turning us into rust
But there's something 'bout the way
That she make this man
Something 'bout her way
That she break this man
Something 'bout her way
But I guess it's just my luck
My luck
But there's something 'bout the way
That she hold this man
Something 'bout her way
She control this man
Something 'bout her way
But I guess it's just my luck
My luck
Through great vengeance and furious fire
I built this house
We built our house
And I believe
I truly believe
But we just fall down
But that just my
You must listen to this story
Pay attention to this tale
For you to bathe in glory
You must be doomed to fail
Let you in on no secret
Give yourself no extra
Take me when the breath is easy
Making is the artist's fall
This is a cause for alarm
Get on your knees and pray
Don't be a knight in armor
Without a beast to slay
There is no dress rehearsal
There's no easy lesson learned
Better to be breathing fire
Than to get your breeches burned
Let it be your only duty
Dedicate it to your own
If you gonna fight like lion
Someone ought get murdered off
This is a cause for alarm
Get on your knees and pray
Don't be a knight in armor
Without a beast to slay
This is a cause for alarm
Get on your knees and pray
Don't be a knight in armor
Without a beast to slay
Fire fall upon us
And lighting shall strike the Earth
For you to reach salvation
You must value what it's worth
When they up with expectation
There is no one else to blame
You can either shoot for freedom
Or you drag a ball and chain
This is a cause for alarm
Get on your knees and pray
Don't be a knight in armor
Without a beast to slay
This is a cause for alarm
Get on your knees and pray
Don't be a knight in armor
Well, hell she walk like zombie
Talk too cold
Live in a graveyard
Like the one I call home
And when she wish riger mortis
On my soul
I don't wanna tell her
But she gotta be told
Because she talk like crazy
Making my bed up
Messing with the future
When she know I got to get up
Cannot break this silence
Fuck my momentum
I ain't gonna play
Because I know just where she send 'em
To the grave!
To grave!
And I say
I just can't play dead
I just can't play dead
So I got one for my money
Two for my soul
Three times, I begging
Get me outta this hole!
I see her roll her sleeve up
Looking for a beat up
Telling you the things to feed the flavor in your ear
But when she spit that venom
Just like a viper
She evil to the core
But then she know that's what you like
Got the shit on eleven
Serving up a tension
She cooking in her kitchen
Seasoning, before she send 'em
To the grave!
To grave!
And I say
I just can't play dead
I just can't play dead
Because she talk like crazy
Making my bed up
Messing with the future
When she know I got to get up
Cannot break this silence
Fuck my momentum
I ain't gonna play
Because she send 'em
To the grave!
To grave!
Like I said
I just can't play dead