HomeTransnationalism, Identities’ Dynamics and Cultural Diversification in Urban Post-migratory Situations

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Published on Wednesday, May 14, 2014 by Rémi Boivin


The TRICUD Final International Conference on "Transnationalism, Identities’ Dynamics and Cultural Diversification in Urban Post-migratory Situations" will take place at the University of Liège on 14, 15 and 16 May 2014. It aims at presenting the main findings of the multidisciplinary research programme TRICUD (2010-2014) involving the following research centres: CEDEM, CLEO and Pôle SuD. TRICUD aims to better understand how migration transforms both sending societies in the South and receiving societies in the North. The conference will include keynote speakers Nina GLICK-SCHILLER (University of Manchester) and Steve VERTOVEC (Max Planck Institute). 



Wednesday 14 May 2014

18h30 – 20h00 Research perspectives on transnationalism and cultural diversification in Europe and beyond

Opening event at the new Espace Opéra ULg*

Panel discussion

  • Valentina MAZZUCATO (Maastricht University)  
  • Lionel THELEN (European Research Council)  
  • Pascal KAPAGAMA (University of Kinshasa)
  • Mohamed CHAREF (University of Agadir)


Sonia GSIR (CEDEM, University of Liège)

Espace Opéra ULg is located 41 Place de la République française in the Opera Gallery ground-floor, just beside Ibis Hotel.

Thursday 15 May 2014     

Transnational practices and identities    

9h30-10h00 Registration and welcome         

10h00-10h20 Welcome address - TRICUD programme

  • Marco MARTINIELLO (CEDEM, University of  Liège)

10h20-12h30 Opening session

Chair: Marc PONCELET (Pôle SuD, University of Liège)

10h30-11h15 New directions in the study of super-diversity?

Keynote speaker Steve VERTOVEC (Director of Max Planck Institute for the Study of Religious & Ethnic Diversity, Göttingen)

11h15-11h45coffee break

11h45-12h30 Discussion

12h30-13h30 Lunch

13h30-15h45 Session 1 - Transnational Families and Caregiving Practices

Chair: Mohammed CHAREF (University of Agadir)

  • 13h30-14h00 Flexible Families: Moroccan migration, transnational family practices and the malleability of social space. Caroline ZICKGRAF (CEDEM, University of Liège)
  • 14h00-14h30 Transnational families circulating care across borders: a framework for the analysis of intergenerational solidarities. Laura MERLA (Cirfase, Catholic University of Louvain)
  • 14h30-15h00 Care giving, Notions of Relatedness and Transnational Family Relations: Caribbean Perspectives. Karen FOG OLWIG (University of Copenhagen)

15h00-15h45  Discussion: Valentina MAZZUCATO (Maastricht University)

15h45-16h15  coffee break

16h15-18h30 Session 2 - Trans-locality : Anchors, Mobilities and Belongings Recomposition

Chair: Thomas MALOUTAS (Harokopio University)

  • 16h15-16h45 « Fils et Filles de la N’djili » : Sociogenèse d’une localité (post)coloniale et  transmigrations. Une approche ethnographique translocale : Liège-Kinshasa-Paris-Bruxelles/Liège-Geilenkirchen. Bénédicte MEIERS (Pôle SuD, Université de Liège)
  • 16h45-17h15 Practising translocalism in Maryland and Awing (Cameroon): a son, a brother, a father and his house in the village. Ben PAGE (University College London)
  • 17h15-17h45 Dismantling Diasporas, Rethinking Resistance & Mapping Resilience: Gender, Youth and Transnational Mobilities in the Post-Socialist Imagination, Anastasia CHRISTOU (Middlesex University)

17h45-18h30 Discussion: Pascal KAPAGAMA (University of Kinshasa)

Friday 16 May 2014 

Identities dynamics and cultural diversification

10h00-12h00 Opening session

Chair: Marc JACQUEMAIN (CLEO, University of Liège)

10H00-10H45 Displacements, Global Constraints, and Transnational Futures  

Keynote speaker Nina GLICK-SCHILLER (University of Manchester)

10H45-11H15  Coffee break 

11h15–12H00  Discussion 

12h00-13h00  Lunch

13h00-15h15  Session 3 - Cultural Diversity and Inter-ethnic Relations in European Societies

Chair: Hassan BOUSETTA (CEDEM, University of Liège)

  • 13h00-13h30 The changing relationship between the majority population and immigrant minorities in French-speaking Belgium. Petar KOVINCIC (CLEO, University of Liège)
  • 13h30-14h00 Competitive Threat, Racial Prejudice and the Rise of Anti-immigrant Sentiment in European Societies. Anastasia GORODZEISKY (Ben Gurion University of the Negev) 
  • 14h00-14h30 In the wake of extreme right electoral success. A cross country comparative study of anti-immigration attitudes over time. Mikael HJERM (Umea University)

14h30–15h15 Discussion: Andrea REA (Free University of Brussels)

15h15-15h45 coffee break

15h45-18h00 Session 4 - Artistic Expression and Identity Construction in Multicultural Cities 

Chair: Jean-Michel LAFLEUR (CEDEM, University of Liège)

  • 15h45-16h15 Immigrants, ethnicized minorities and the diversification of urban cultures: Comparing Naples and Liège. Marco MARTINIELLO (CEDEM, University of Liège)
  • 16h15-16h45 Qu’est-ce que l’interculturalité underground (rock, rap, techno) ? Jean-Marie SECA (Université de Lorraine)  
  • 16h45-17h15 Politisation et dépolitisation des expressions culturelles autochtones : le cas de Fort-de-France et Toulouse.  Lionel ARNAUD (Université de Toulouse)

17h15-18h00  Discussion: Fatima ZIBOUH (CEDEM, Université de Liège)

18h00-18h15  Concluding remarks

  • Marco MARTINIELLO (CEDEM, University of Liège)


During the conference some publications of the speakers will be available.  

The Conference will be held mainly in English. Participation to the conference is free but registration is mandatory before 1st May 2014. For more information and registration, contact: Sonia Gsir (Sonia.Gsir@ulg.ac.be) or Marco Martiniello (M.Martiniello@ulg.ac.be).

With the support of Wallonia-Brussels Federation – Research Concerted Action –Wallonia-Europe Academy


  • Salle des Professeurs (room of Professors), université de Liège - 9 Place du 20 Août
    Liège, Belgium (4000)


  • Wednesday, May 14, 2014
  • Thursday, May 15, 2014
  • Friday, May 16, 2014


  • Belgique, Maroc, RDC, transnationalisme, diversité culturelle, migration,


  • Sonia Gsir
    courriel : Sonia [dot] Gsir [at] ulg [dot] ac [dot] be

Reference Urls

Information source

  • Sonia Gsir
    courriel : Sonia [dot] Gsir [at] ulg [dot] ac [dot] be

To cite this announcement

« Transnationalism, Identities’ Dynamics and Cultural Diversification in Urban Post-migratory Situations », Colloquium, Calenda, Published on Wednesday, May 14, 2014, http://calenda.org/286504