Owen Campbell - Angry Busker - Australia's Got Talent 2012 audition 3 [FULL]
(Act Starts at 2:01 ) Watch Owen's Return https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wsW1ovRS6iE Watc...
published: 18 Apr 2012
author: hiptoeknee
Owen Campbell - Angry Busker - Australia's Got Talent 2012 audition 3 [FULL]
Owen Campbell - Angry Busker - Australia's Got Talent 2012 audition 3 [FULL]
(Act Starts at 2:01 ) Watch Owen's Return https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wsW1ovRS6iE Watch Semi Final https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vL3i01aruVE Talented b...- published: 18 Apr 2012
- views: 6729630
- author: hiptoeknee
Forget X-Factor - Watch this BUSKER in Peterborough City Centre #Peterborough
For some, buskers in Peterborough City Centre are a blight on the landscape ......... for ...
published: 10 Dec 2012
author: Darren Fower
Forget X-Factor - Watch this BUSKER in Peterborough City Centre #Peterborough
Forget X-Factor - Watch this BUSKER in Peterborough City Centre #Peterborough
For some, buskers in Peterborough City Centre are a blight on the landscape ......... for others they are a FREE and enjoyable source of entertainment showin...- published: 10 Dec 2012
- views: 14872
- author: Darren Fower
No tricks - Life as a Busker Full documentary
http://www.gadoev.com/notricks "NO TRICKS -- LIFE AS A BUSKER" We spent ten days with Busk...
published: 29 Mar 2013
author: gadoev
No tricks - Life as a Busker Full documentary
No tricks - Life as a Busker Full documentary
http://www.gadoev.com/notricks "NO TRICKS -- LIFE AS A BUSKER" We spent ten days with Buskers, during the Ferrara Busker Festival, to understand what's the i...- published: 29 Mar 2013
- views: 691
- author: gadoev
Racist Scumbags in Glasgow Attacking a Busker [couchtripper]
The busker's name is Melo.
To watch the full episode - go here - http://couchtripper.com/...
published: 17 Feb 2014
Racist Scumbags in Glasgow Attacking a Busker [couchtripper]
Racist Scumbags in Glasgow Attacking a Busker [couchtripper]
The busker's name is Melo. To watch the full episode - go here - http://couchtripper.com/forum2/viewtopic.php?t=13910 The fat moron was jailed for 10 months for this and another racist incident.- published: 17 Feb 2014
- views: 374776
Great busker lies to his mum about having job
Unfortunately, after she saw this video, she made him move back into her basement. For mor...
published: 27 Oct 2011
author: thebuskingproject
Great busker lies to his mum about having job
Great busker lies to his mum about having job
Unfortunately, after she saw this video, she made him move back into her basement. For more tragic stories, go to: http://www.thebuskingproject.com.- published: 27 Oct 2011
- views: 1753
- author: thebuskingproject
The full report can be found on our website: http://improvintoronto.com A HUGE THANKS to O...
published: 06 Mar 2012
author: ImprovInToronto
The full report can be found on our website: http://improvintoronto.com A HUGE THANKS to Oliver Bailey for writing the song, as well as singing it for us! He...- published: 06 Mar 2012
- views: 157318
- author: ImprovInToronto
버스커 버스커 (Busker Busker) - 처음엔 사랑이란게 (Love, at first) MV
★ Download on iTunes (Music) :
published: 24 Sep 2013
버스커 버스커 (Busker Busker) - 처음엔 사랑이란게 (Love, at first) MV
버스커 버스커 (Busker Busker) - 처음엔 사랑이란게 (Love, at first) MV
★ Download on iTunes (Music) : https://itunes.apple.com/us/album/beoseukeobeoseukeo-2jib-buskerbusker/id714846868?l=ko&ls;=1 아름다운 청춘, 젊은 날의 연가 버스커 버스커 2집 버스커 버스커는 독특한 정체성을 가지고 있는 팀이다. 이들이 지닌 '특별함'의 바탕에는 어찌 보면 무의미하고 소소해 보이는, 평범한 듯 색다른 요소들이 자리한다. 우선 그 외형을 보자. 이들은 세 명으로 구성된 '밴드'다. 일반적으로 밴드라는 건 그 자체로 음악적 완결성을 지니는 음악집단을 의미한다. 트리오 편성의 불안정함 또한 멤버들 개개인이 지닌 역량의 화학적 결합을 통한 시너지로 충분히 극복될 수 있는 부분이다.그런데 버스커 버스커는 애초부터 단단한 응집 대신 보다 느슨하고 여유로운 얼개를 가지고 있었다. 아마추어리즘과 불완전성을 품에 안고 시작한 출발, 그리고 '슈퍼스타K'와 관련 환경 속에서 여느 뮤지션이나 그룹과는 다른 성장 과정을 겪은 이들의 생명력과 경쟁력은 일반적이지 않은 영역에서 꿈틀대고 있었다. 누구보다도 짧은 기간에 대다수의 음악인이 평생을 해도 거머쥐기 쉽지 않은 성공을 경험한 이후에도 이들은 관습적이지 않은 길을 걸었다. 꽤나 모호하고 덧없는 지위임에도 지독한 중독과 함께숱한 사람들의 헤아릴 수 없는 꿈을 동반하는 '스타'라는 위상은 버스커버스커에게는 늘 해왔던 길거리 공연과도 같았다. 이름이 알려지면 누구나 거치는(거쳐야 하는) 매체에서 이들의 모습은 보이지 않았고 대중 앞에 존재감을 드러내지도 않았다. 의도적이든 그렇지 않든 '음악을 통한 즐거움'이라는 본질적 가치를 제대로 실현해가고 있었던 것이다. 여기에서 이 독특한 밴드의 특별한 정체성이 시작된다. 처음에 좋다고 느끼다가도 몇 번 들으면 쉽게 질리는 곡들이 있는가 하면 들을수록 가슴에 사무치며 감정을 뒤흔들거나 끝없는 편안함을 안겨주는 작품들이 있다. 버스커버스커의 두 번째 앨범은 변치 않는 감흥을 선사하는 데뷔작과 마찬가지로 후자에 해당된다. 곡 자체의 탁월함과 풍부한 감수성으로 공감을 이끌어내는 가사의 애절함이나 서정성이 그 매력의 근원이 되지만, 전작에서 보여주었던 사운드와 노래의 블루오션이 아직은 유효하기 때문이기도 하다. 혁신적 변화를 통한 성공이 아닌 한, 엇비슷한 스타일에서 약간의 변화와 질적 수준의 유지를 통해 공감을 이끌어내기란 쉬운 일이 아니다. 하지만 밴드는 사람들이 그들에게 품는 기대치를 충족시킬 수 있을 정도의 결과물을 완성했다. 사그라지지 않은 순수함을 간직한 버스커버스커의 음악은 인간적인 따스함과 치유를 필요로 하는 이 황폐한 시대에 여전히 사람들의 마음을 사로잡을 수 있는 강한 마력을 지닌다. 아름답게 빛나는 이 청춘의 노래들은마법 같은 힘과 산뜻한 에너지를 실은 묘약이 되어 우리 마음을 정화(淨化)시킬 준비를 마쳤다. 이제 편안한 마음으로 기분 좋게 쭉 들이킬 일만 남았다. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- CJ E&M; Music은 아시아 No.1 엔터테인먼트 기업인 CJ E&M;의 음악사업 브랜드로 음원/음반의 투자, 제작, 유통부터 콘서트, 페스티벌 개최까지 포함하고 있습니다. CJ E&M; MUSIC과 함께 하는 K-POP 아티스트들의 신곡과 뮤직비디오, 미공개 독점 영상 등을 이곳 YOUTUBE 채널에서 가장 먼저 만나보세요. Busker Busker has released their 2nd album called 'Busker Busker 2nd Album'. It's been a year after their song "Cherry Blossom Ending" became a craze in Korea. Their new album's style is somewhat very similar to their 1st album because they were sure that their style of music will warm up the heart of those people in the season of Fall. Busker Busker's unique style and their new music will bring another sensation and we believe there'll be a new born national song for the fall of 2013. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- CJ E&M; Music is a music business brand of CJ E&M;, Asia's No.1 entertainment company. CJ E&M; Music covers investment, production and distribution of album and also provides the best music festival and concerts. Meet the K-POP artists' brand new music videos and exclusive video clips on the official YouTube of CJ E&M; Music.- published: 24 Sep 2013
- views: 1567438
Racist thugs caught on camera attacking busker in Glasgow
Read the full story: http://www.dailyrecord.co.uk/news/scottish-news/racist-thug-whose-sha...
published: 18 Feb 2014
Racist thugs caught on camera attacking busker in Glasgow
Racist thugs caught on camera attacking busker in Glasgow
Read the full story: http://www.dailyrecord.co.uk/news/scottish-news/racist-thug-whose-shameful-attack-3154014- published: 18 Feb 2014
- views: 37370
The Best Busker In The World at Cavan Fleadh 2012
I saw this guy playing at the Cavan Fleadh Cheoil 2012, on the Friday afternoon at the top...
published: 20 Aug 2012
author: Diarmaid Hurley
The Best Busker In The World at Cavan Fleadh 2012
The Best Busker In The World at Cavan Fleadh 2012
I saw this guy playing at the Cavan Fleadh Cheoil 2012, on the Friday afternoon at the top of Bridge St. and I stopped to listen for about 5 of his sets. I o...- published: 20 Aug 2012
- views: 15758
- author: Diarmaid Hurley
AMAZING Street Juggler POV style (GoPro First Person - Best busker video ever)
Visit: http://www.helloeurope.pt/
Like: http://www.facebook.com/hello.europe.project
published: 12 Sep 2013
AMAZING Street Juggler POV style (GoPro First Person - Best busker video ever)
AMAZING Street Juggler POV style (GoPro First Person - Best busker video ever)
Visit: http://www.helloeurope.pt/ Like: http://www.facebook.com/hello.europe.project Luís Reis contacts: - luisvazreis@gmail.com - www.Luis-Reis.com - Facebook Page: Luis Reis Fan Club - Tel: 00351(917200748) (English) Luís Reis is a Portuguese street performer that gives life to Lisbon with his amazing contact juggling and diablo skills! Amazing to see what he sees! This video was brought by Hello Europe project. An adventure searching for the best buskers in Europe. Go to http://www.facebook.com/hello.europe.project and follow us! (Português) Luís Reis é um artista de rua Português que encanta as ruas com o seu malabarismo de contacto e truques fantásticos de diablo. Este vídeo foi realizado pelo projecto Hello Europe: Uma aventura pela Europa em busca dos melhores artistas de rua. Vão a http://www.facebook.com/hello.europe.project e sigam-nos nesta aventura!- published: 12 Sep 2013
- views: 37320
Vimeo results:
Boston's Busker
A short documentary on Eric Royer and his lifestyle as a street performer in downtown Bost...
published: 21 Aug 2011
author: Mike Holland
Boston's Busker
A short documentary on Eric Royer and his lifestyle as a street performer in downtown Boston. He performs folk and bluegrass music with his one man band contraption that he constructed himself.
Shot, Directed, and Edited by Mike Holland.
Like us on Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/ChuckwagonProductions
Assistant Direction by Pat Lizza
Audio and Music recording by Ellen Eastaugh
A Silver City Production
Music by Eric Royer
Official selection of The Santa Fe Independent Film Festival, Official Selection of Newfilmmakers Documentary Series.
Busker Bout
'You gotta' give the people what they want...'
Officially selected and shortlisted for...
published: 15 Mar 2012
author: Richard L. Pask
Busker Bout
'You gotta' give the people what they want...'
Officially selected and shortlisted for awards at numerous film festivals spread over four continents.
Parallel photography project 'The Busker' exhibited at The Riverfront Arts Centre, Newport in early 2012.
Be sure to sing along at the end!
Redfern Busker Man
Every day for the past 4 years I'd walked past this Aboriginal busker at Redfern Railway S...
published: 08 May 2011
author: Trixie Barretto
Redfern Busker Man
Every day for the past 4 years I'd walked past this Aboriginal busker at Redfern Railway Station, on my way to and from work. Unlike other station 'regulars' who simply beg commuters for money, this guy was there every single day with his guitar, singing and playing songs for passersby, but more or less keeping to himself. He was making an honest buck and I liked that about him, but had never been brave enough to talk to him. Mostly because, well, he looked a little derelict and unapproachable. He always seemed to have his head down, hunched over his guitar, not wanting to make eye contact with anyone. But I was always curious about him because, despite his appearance, he is one of the better buskers around Sydney.
About a month ago, I decided to go and say Hi. He was nothing but lovely. He served as a great reminder to not judge a book by its cover.
Thanks to Clarence for allowing me to film him, and for always playing a good tune.
About the Stolen Generations: http://www.actnow.com.au/Issues/Stolen_Generations.aspx
About Redfern Railway Station: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Redfern_railway_station
Award-Winning Short Musical Film by Ian Power (14 min)...
published: 08 Nov 2010
author: Ian Power
Award-Winning Short Musical Film by Ian Power (14 min)
Youtube results:
Man In The Mirror Acoustic - Leeds Busker
published: 05 Sep 2010
author: Lee CollingsPhotography
Man In The Mirror Acoustic - Leeds Busker
Man In The Mirror Acoustic - Leeds Busker
- published: 05 Sep 2010
- views: 15701
- author: Lee CollingsPhotography
Amazing busker "Nelly Niel" get's a surprise!
Nelly's story touched me and so I decided to help, you can subscribe to his new Youtube ch...
published: 17 Mar 2014
Amazing busker "Nelly Niel" get's a surprise!
Amazing busker "Nelly Niel" get's a surprise!
Nelly's story touched me and so I decided to help, you can subscribe to his new Youtube channel here: http://www.youtube.com/nellyslideguitar And his Facebook is here: https://www.facebook.com/pages/Nelly-Niel/305645006249750- published: 17 Mar 2014
- views: 73203
Electric Violin Busker / Musician - Bryson Andres
found on tumbr lol Edit1 - What he is playing seems to be Secrets by OneRepublic, thank yo...
published: 12 Feb 2012
author: cryingpain
Electric Violin Busker / Musician - Bryson Andres
Electric Violin Busker / Musician - Bryson Andres
found on tumbr lol Edit1 - What he is playing seems to be Secrets by OneRepublic, thank you for the ppl who commented on what he was playing. Edit2 - so seem...- published: 12 Feb 2012
- views: 10328
- author: cryingpain
Busker Busker - Cherry Blossom Ending (벚꽃 엔딩) (english sub+romanization+ Hangul)
i dont own all the content inside the music videos ..i'm just try to sub it as their fans ...
published: 31 Mar 2012
author: subbercharming Finhojun
Busker Busker - Cherry Blossom Ending (벚꽃 엔딩) (english sub+romanization+ Hangul)
Busker Busker - Cherry Blossom Ending (벚꽃 엔딩) (english sub+romanization+ Hangul)
i dont own all the content inside the music videos ..i'm just try to sub it as their fans :) just for entertainment purpose to show my support for them and p...- published: 31 Mar 2012
- views: 342225
- author: subbercharming Finhojun