HomeQuality Assurance and Value Management in Higher Education

Quality Assurance and Value Management in Higher Education

Quality et conduite de la valeur pour l'enseignement du supérieur (pédagogie, organisation etc.)

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Published on Thursday, March 12, 2015 by João Fernandes


This book will aim to provide identified and relevant proposals of good practices to promote the outcomes and favor the issues of Higher Education providers; proposals that integrate all stakeholders dialogic expectations (the clients: trainers, trainees, companies and society) in a resolutely innovative optical within the sense of sustainability and the EFQM Excellence model. Within theoretical results into perspective by the concrete practice work, clues will be presented to help quality through design process, pedagogy, organization and management for WIL in Higher Education. Value management principles and standards are considered as a global framework to develop such trainings to achieve success in a European Environment (European Standards and Guidelines) but not only: facing uncertainties and constraints. Obviously strategy, policy and leadership have to be considered.



The Advances in Educational Marketing, Administration, & Leadership (AEMAL) Book Series strives to provide publications that address all these areas and present trending, current research to assist professionals, administrators, and others involved in the education sector in making their decisions. 


Today Higher Education Providers face a World Wild Environment full of competitors. Therefore they are urged to satisfy Quality Assurance criteria to improve their operations. The main criteria are mostly the following : adequacy of training offer and design to society needs, accessibility of training at all ages and for all at any time with adapted pedagogy devices that are convenient to the public, efficiency of the training realization, high level of the skills of trainers throughout the training process but also operational performance triangle (objectives, results and resources among which funding, skill workforce), welfare at work and security, efficiency of the organization and added value with respect to shareholders and stakeholders (among which partners with companies, financial organization and the and the skilled workforce; teachers, trainers, tutors and researchers..). In a complex environment (both local and international) and due to public diversity (heterogeneous background of work experience), these issues enhance the necessity of Quality Management for sustainability; by obligation or voluntary initiative, it's an opportunity to develop innovative trainings relying on the collective and intercultural skilled workforce; a guidance for excellence that relies on values to manage the present, develop the future and prepare people all along their life in complex, interrelated and tremendously evolving societies. Work integrated learning and learning within professional practice could be real benefits for Higher Education efficiency; closer to society needs, i.e. giving people opportunity to learn and to develop their skills to face workplace evolution all along their life. Based on the international diversity of the community of practice of Higher Education (and of their experiments), the aim of this handbook is to bring out the common key processes that can be identified to guarantee quality and sustainability making sense to Guidance to Excellence; a global vision not depending on local constraint but helping how to manage specificity and singularity of WIL models. Focus will be made on: client satisfaction (training and learning, skills and assessment, curriculum), leading talents (pedagogical tools, joint design of work formative, organization, well fare at work), involvement of skill workforce (training trainers and mentors), continuous improvement and innovation, processes and factual approach (management), mutually beneficial relationship (alternation, employability, funds, long life learning and sustainability in a global world). 

Objective of the Book

This book will aim to provide identified and relevant proposals of good practices to promote the outcomes and favor the issues of Higher Education providers; proposals that integrate all stakeholders dialogic expectations (the clients: trainers, trainees, companies and society) in a resolutely innovative optical within the sense of sustainability and the EFQM Excellence model. Within theoretical results into perspective by the concrete practice work, clues will be presented to help quality through design process, pedagogy, organization and management for WIL in Higher Education. Value management principles and standards are considered as a global framework to develop such trainings to achieve success in a European Environment (European Standards and Guidelines) but not only: facing uncertainties and constraints. Obviously strategy, policy and leadership have to be considered. This handbook will be written by and for professionals who want to improve their understanding, training offer, strategy and management at different level to innovate and conduct training in Higher Education; trainings that integrate complex issues such as long life learning, work experience and skills with learner-centered pedagogies and hybrid devices without the oblivion of the skilled workforce that brings to success and the public for mutual enrichment; the employee first and therefore the client too: learners. The core will be based on the invariants (through precise topic or synthetic global surveys on topics) whatever the field of qualification or the HE provider is. The book stands for an opportunity to mix research fields with respect to the topic of WIL in HE to cover the different angles of the required fields for Higher Education; Humanities and social science, Educational Engineering, Management and Quality Assurance. 

Target Audience

The target audience of this book will be composed of professionals, policy makers, managers and researchers working in the field of Higher Education, especially with close relation with the industry. Among them first we quote pedagogic teams and teachers that design training curriculum, syllabus, decide the pedagogy and realize in synchronous and asynchronous time the trainings. Second let's quote the academic tutors and industrial mentors who guide and support the path of trainees. Third researchers working in various disciplines, e.g. : Social Education, Quality and management, adult education, sociology, computer science, and information technology … that help the development of new training strategy and digital devices and tools adapted to the evolution of the new public and the increasing development of technology. Finally, we add the workforce in the position of deciding, controlling, supporting and developing the training offer with respect to society needs and World wide framework will find clues to perform a high quality educational system to face sustainable issues of Higher Education as they are important to allow innovation. Moreover, the book will provide insights and support executives concerned with management of expertise and talents, knowledge, information and organizational development in different types of complex work communities and environments taking into account all factors. 

Recommended topics include, but are not limited to, the following

  • Long life learning and Higher Education; training throughout life
  • Organization within the international and European framework; Standards, from to Quality control and
  • Quality Assurance to Quality management, European Guidelines and standards, accreditation of diploma and impacts
  • Excellence guidance for Higher Education; countering the risks brought out by management urging quality and sustainability, creation of a state of mind (support culture change).
  • Facing expected issues of Higher Education now and in the coming years; strategic analysis and prospects.
  • Complexity of Higher Education in a globalized complex world; World wild recognition of training, constraints and opportunities for shareholders and public
  • Global mobility of engineering and technology professions and its impact on the quality of Higher Education
  • Validated solutions for better training access all life long (previous qualification and work experience, grade, skill, digital divide, motivation and available time, disabled, social, age, fees and funding…) and higher employability of graduates
  • Good practices to achieve total quality of WIL in Higher Education; Impact of internationalization/globalization for Higher Education
  • Assessment of the training versus Assessment of the organization supporting training; impact of Quality strategy on learners' assessment to be graduate
  • Sustainable development and innovation.
  • Value Management; evaluations, feedback, and surveys to improve quality of Higher Education; impact on the skilled workforce. Ability of organization to evolve, to involve and support the skilled workforce (pedagogic team), action plan
  • Knowledge versus Competencies; skill definition and assessment, developing interpersonal abilities (adaptability, autonomy, intercultural and creativity…), self-evaluation and joint assessment
  • Learning and training complexity; learning process, hybridization of means to train
  • The new paradigm for teachers and learners; helping their personal and professional evolution
  • Learners and Teachers as clients for Higher Education providers; motivation and involvement
  • Tutoring, Mentoring, Guiding and support of trainees' personal training route; circle of personal evolution of learners,
  • Training mentors and tutors; advantages, risk and solution for the right guiding and support of learners (tutor, mentor,)
  • Involving all actors of higher education for mutual benefit; link of organization with partners, enterprises, stakeholders of the civil society, impact on efficiency of trainings
  • New pedagogic tools and devices; adapting pedagogy to public, convenient pedagogy to heterogeneous public taking advantage of alternation, sandwich courses, time reduction in the classroom and hybridization of tools, previous and actual work experience (learning through and by the work)…
  • Theories and practices to develop skill and knowledge; active pedagogy; educational games, serious game (not digital), problem-based pedagogy, digital learning, e-port folio …
  • Hybridization of pedagogical devices including Personal Learning Environment of actors (teachers and learners); community of practice
  • Work Integrated Learning; Competency-based training and assessment practices which impacts quality of Higher Education
  • Joint design of integrated formative work situation and joint assessment with companies with respect to transversal field of knowledge and competencies
  • Training design (curriculum and syllabus, pedagogic device); adaptation and evolution to society needs and evolution (learner, employees, and companies).
  • Asynchronous and synchronous training; distance learning and digital learning, emphasize the educational value to a non-rational use of tics
  • Processes, Systemic approach
  • Implying, developing talents and training the skilled workforce that supports and realizes trainings (i.e. teachers, trainers, tutors and mentors who are the clients too, both at school and in the company), implying and developing talents
  • Policy, Management and Leadership
  • Continuous improvement; Clue indicators for the action plan to conduct the training
  • Sharing good practices in the Higher Education community 

Submission Procedure

All researchers and professionals working and having experiences in the area of Higher Education (with interest in Long Life Learning, WIL, pedagogy, Quality Assurance) and concerned by Excellence guidance for Higher Education training are invited to submit on or

before March 20, 2015,

a chapter proposal of 1,000 to 2,000 words clearly explaining the objective of his or her proposed chapter. Authors are expected to include in their proposal an abstract of 150 words with keywords, a short content and quote some selected references to stress on the main added value of their proposal with respect to the given topics that motivate the Handbook of Research on Quality Assurance and Value Management in Higher Education. Authors will be notified by April 10, 2015 about the status of their proposals and sent chapter guidelines. Full chapters (respecting IGI Global chapter formatting and submission guidelines, in APA format including references, saved in a word or RTF format with separate file for figures in TIF format) are expected to be submitted online byJune 30, 2015, and all interested authors must consult the journal’s guidelines for manuscript submissions prior to submission.

All submitted chapters to the Handbook of Research on Quality Assurance and Value Management in Higher Education undergo a double-blind peer-review, and utilize the IGI Global Book Online Submission System to do so. Contributors may also be requested to serve as reviewers for this project. 

Full chapters may be submitted to this book here: Submit a chapter 

All proposals should be submitted through the link at the bottom of this page. 

To be published by IGI Global: http://bit.ly/1xRqXXf 

For release in the Advances in Educational Marketing, Administration, & Leadership (AEMAL) Book Series


ISSN: 2326-9022 

Propose a chapter for this book: http://www.igi-global.com/publish/call-for-papers/submit/1630

The evaluation of proposal is double blind review from IGI Global


  • Walter Nuninger, University of Lille
  • J-M. Chatelet, University of Lille


This book is scheduled to be published by IGI Global (formerly Idea Group Inc.), an international academic publisher of the “Information Science Reference” (formerly Idea Group Reference), “Medical Information Science Reference,” “Business Science Reference,” and “Engineering Science Reference” imprints. IGI Global specializes in publishing reference books, scholarly journals, and electronic databases featuring academic research on a variety of innovative topic areas including, but not limited to, education, social science, medicine and healthcare, business and management, information science and technology, engineering, public administration, library and information science, media and communication studies, and environmental science. For additional information regarding the publisher, please visit www.igi-global.com. This publication is anticipated to be released in 2016. 

Important Dates

  • March 20, 2015: Proposal Submission Deadline
  • April 10, 2015: Notification of Acceptance
  • June 30, 2015: Full Chapter Submission
  • August 30, 2015: Review Results Returned
  • September 30, 2015: Final Acceptance Notification


  • Friday, March 20, 2015


  • Longlife learning, Higher Education, Pedagogy, Quality, Value Management, Organisation, Work Integrated Learning


  • Walter Nuninger
    courriel : Walter [dot] Nuninger [at] polytech-lille [dot] fr

Reference Urls

Information source

  • Walter Nuninger
    courriel : Walter [dot] Nuninger [at] polytech-lille [dot] fr

To cite this announcement

« Quality Assurance and Value Management in Higher Education », Call for papers, Calenda, Published on Thursday, March 12, 2015, http://calenda.org/321146