Plant Engineering and Maintenance Association of Canada

PEMAC is a national not for profit association providing global leadership, education and certification in asset management practices.


Over the last 20 years our focus has been on the development and growth of our signature Maintenance Management Professional Certificate program.  Dedicated to remaining leaders in education and certification we have just initiated a new certificate program in Asset Management aligned with ISO 5500x.

Recognized Professional Development

Our Maintenance Management Professional Education & Certification Program is offered by 14 teaching institutions across Canada. Completion of the program leads to the MMP professional designation. The new Asset Management certificate program leads to a CAMP professional designation.


MainTrain Conferences

PEMAC's national MainTrain Conference brings you the opportunity to learn and network from the experts in maintenance, reliability and asset management.


Learn from other Members

Local Chapters host lunch and dinner meetings with guest speakers. At Chapter Meetings you have the opportunity to talk with others who share your interests and challenges.



PEMAC provides you with several opportunities for getting to know others who are striving for excellence in their maintenance, reliability and asset management professional practice. Become a member today!

MainTrain Conferences

MainTrain is developed and produced by the Plant Engineering and Maintenance Association of Canada (PEMAC) - Canada's national not-for-profit association providing global leadership, education and certification in world-class maintenance, reliability and asset management practices. The next conferences will be held at the Radisson Vancouver Airport Hotel in Richmond, British Columbia from September 21 to 24, 2015.


Chapter Activities

Through participation at Chapter events you can meet people who do a similar job to you for another company or in another industry and get a fresh view point on challenges you are currently facing. In addition, if you are looking for work or looking for new team members, Chapter events are a great way to connect with people and companies with a view to professionalism.


Training Events

Education and training is also a great networking opportunity. Many participants in the Maintenance Management Professional Certifice program state that meeting and learning with other professionals was one of the key benefits of taking an MMP course.



PEMAC’s mission is to improve its member’s professionalism, safety, performance, and outside recognition, by providing specialized training and certification, undertaking research, providing forums for the exchange of information and acting as a public voice for its members and the profession.

Are you passionate about any of these areas? Become a member! There are many ways you can be involved:



The "Projects" page outlines projects associated with the 2009 - 2014 strategic plan for development of the Association. If you would like to become an active part of helping to realize our Vision and Mission, contact the Executive Director to find out how you can get involved.


Become a sponsor

Sponsoring PEMAC events and publications puts your name before a large audience of maintenance, reliability and asset management professionals while aiding us in our work of helping Canadian companies build world-class organizations.


Become an instructor or a speaker

We are always looking for speakers for Chapter Events, Webinars and Conferences. Contact the Executive Director for more information.

Contact the executive director

PEMAC is proud to be partnering with the Canadian Institute for it's Asset Reliability Conference taking place February 4 & 5 in Edmonton, Alberta. The conference will provide you with the tools and insights to drive best practices in reliability at your organization. Cliff Williams and Susan Lubell will be onhand Feb 4 to share more about the resources that PEMAC offers to assist you in the journey to maximizing reliability. Click here for more information about the conference.

The PEMAC Saskatoon Chapter is currently accepting nominations for positions on the chapter executive. The positions of President, Vice-President, Secretary and Treasurer are now up for election.

If you are a Saskatoon Chapter member, and are interested in putting your name forward, or nominating someone else, please forward the name and resume for the potential candidate to the nominations committee at by February 13th.

More details will be available about the elections shortly.

Hammad Sharif,

PEMAC Saskatoon

Jan 12 2015

Join PEMAC for lunch!

PEMAC invites you to join us for our 2015 Lunch & Learn Series. We have planned a number of informative webcasts throughout the year on a variety of maintenance, reliability and asset management topics. These webcasts will provide you with the opportunity to gain insights from your peers and industry experts, and hear the many success stories from organizations across the country. 

There are eight webcasts in this series, each taking place from 12:00 pm to 1:00 pm in a different Canadian time zone. We invite you to attend all of the webcasts regardless of the time zone. And if you do attend all eight webcasts, PEMAC is pleased to honor you with a wonderful gift!


Time Zone


Fri, Jan 30

Newfoundland Time Zone

Realizing Value from your CBM Program - Dharmen Dhaliah, City of Toronto

Thur, Feb 19

Atlantic Time Zone

Asset Life Cycle Management…to Optimize Total Cost of Ownership - Ramesh Gulati, AEDC/ATA-Jacobs

Fri, Mar 20

Eastern Time Zone

Optimizing Your Defect Elimination Program - Reid Jenner, Commissioning Agents

Fri, Apr 17

Central Time Zone

New Rules for Managing Assets - Roopchan Lutchman , GHD Inc.

Thur, May 21

Mountain Time Zone

How to Facilitate Productive, Interactive, Engaging Meetings that Bring out the Skills and Talents of the Team – Marie Gervais, Shift Management

Wed, Sept 9

Pacific Time Zone

Maintenance Crew Performance Management Through KPIs - J.-P. Pascoli, Cameco Corporation

Tue, Oct 20

Mountain Time Zone

Getting to the Bottom of Things – Cliff Williams, ERCO Worldwide

Thur, Nov 26

Central Time Zone

Conditioned-Based Maintenance Strategy for the Shaganappi Pump Station - Kendal Martens, City of Calgary, Water

Click the link below for details about each of the webcasts and register for the events: 

We are pleased to be partnering with Northern Lakes College for the series. Details about how to connect to each lunch & learn will be shared in your confirmation email.

If you have any questions about the series, or to register for all eight, email or call (905) 823 7255 extension 4. We look forward to your participation!

MainTrain 2015 Call for Papers

PEMAC is very excited to announce the new date for MainTrain 2015! Mark your calendars for this year's conference on September 21 to 24, 2015 in Vancouver, British Columbia! More details about the conference will be available very soon.

We are now accepting submissions for presentations and workshops at MainTrain 2015!  If you have a presentation idea that will Inspire, Innovate and Improve conference delegates we want to hear from you. For more information and to submit your idea visit: 

Contact Nicolle Guillen at or (905) 823-7255 extension 4 with any questions or for more information.

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