ICQ is an instant messaging computer program, which was first developed and popularized by the Israeli company Mirabilis, then bought by America Online, and since April 2010 owned by Mail.ru Group. The name ICQ is a homophone for the phrase "I seek you". This is an adaptation of the Morse code callout "CQ", which means "calling any station".
The first version of the program was released in November 1996 and ICQ became the first Internet-wide instant messaging service, later patenting the technology. AOL acquired Mirabilis on June 8, 1998, for US$407 million.
In 2001, ICQ had over 100 million accounts registered. In April 2010, AOL sold ICQ to Digital Sky Technologies for $187.5 million.
Mirabilis was first established in 1996 by five Israelis: Yair Goldfinger, Sefi Vigiser, Amnon Amir, Arik Vardi, and Arik's father Yossi Vardi. They recognized that many people were online accessing the Internet through a non-UNIX operating system, and that there was no software that enabled an immediate connection between them.
Sunan Ampel (also Raden Rakhmat)was one of Wali Songo, who spread Islam in Java. He can be considered a focal point of the wali songo, because several of them were descended from him and/or studied with him.
Local legend says that he built the great mosque of Demak Masjid Agung Demak in 1479 CE , but other legends attribute that work to Sunan Kalijaga.
A long lineage indicates that Sunan Ampel was a descendant of Ahmad al-Muhajir, a Hadhramaut saint who migrated from Basra (now in Iraq) to Yemen to avoid strife during the Abbasid Caliphate.
However, another theory claims that Sunan Ampel had Chinese ancestry and identifies him as Bong Swi Hoo.
The two theories are not mutually exclusive, because Muslims from China interacted extensively with southeast Asia during the time of Zheng He. It was also common for a Muslim man to marry a local woman when settling far from his country of origin.
The father of Sunan Ampel was Maulana Malik Ibrahim also known as Ibrahim as-Samarkandy ("Ibrahim Asmarakandi" to Javanese ears). His mother was a princess of Champa and Sunan Ampel was born there in 1401 CE.
Ibrahm Malik (or Ibrahim Malik Bayyu, Ibrahim Malick) (born near Kamta, in Afghanistan) is the progenitor of the Malik Muslim community of Bihar, India.
His ancestors had migrated to the region from Baghdad to escape from persecution at the hands of the Abbasids. Ibrahim Malick came to India in 740 Hijri (1339 AD), where he served as a general in Sultan Mohammad Tughlaq's army. After several successful battles and campaigns he received the title of Mallick Biya from the Sultan Tughlaq, and was later appointed the Governor of the district of Bihar by the Sultan's son.[citation needed]
Ibrahim Malick settled in Bihar Shareef (India) with his family, and ruled over the region until his assassination on Monday, 13th Zul-Hijjah, 753 Hijri (1353 AD). Ibrahim Malick`s mazaar (tomb) is over a hill known as Peer Pahari in Bihar Shareef. Descendants of Ibrahim Malick include the Maliksfrom Bihar, India, now scattered throughout the region, including Karachi (Pakistan), Bihar, Gaya, Jehanabad, Nawada, Aurangabad, Patna, Monghyr, Jamui, Shekhpura, Nalanda. There is a fairly large community in the US, UK, other countries of Europe, Canada as well.
Demo Mahasiswa UIN Suka Menentang Kenaikan BBM 2014
Profile UIN Syarif Hidayatullah Jakarta 2014 - english
Breakout - Cover Songs - UIN
Himne UIN Sunan Ampel Surabaya
Profil UIN Alauddin Makassar 2014
Bentrok Mahasiswa dengan Polisi, Demo Mahasiswa UIN Suka Menentang Kenaikan BBM, 4 Ditahan
Terlibat Tawuran Antar Fakultas Mahasiswa UIN Makassar
Desain UIN Sunan Gunung Djati Bandung masa depan
Dahsyat!! Angin Badai Landa Sekitar Kampus UIN SGD Bandung
Inilah Bahrumsyah Anggota ISIS Yang Ternyata Mantan Mahasiswa UIN Syarif Hidayatullah
Universitas Islam Negeri (UIN) Maulana Malik Ibrahim Malang - a Video Profile
Perang Demonstran Mahasiswa UIN Sunan Kalijaga dengan Polisi
Profil UIN Sunan Kalijaga Yogyakarta
Demo Mahasiswa UIN Suka Menentang Kenaikan BBM 2014
Profile UIN Syarif Hidayatullah Jakarta 2014 - english
Breakout - Cover Songs - UIN
Himne UIN Sunan Ampel Surabaya
Profil UIN Alauddin Makassar 2014
Bentrok Mahasiswa dengan Polisi, Demo Mahasiswa UIN Suka Menentang Kenaikan BBM, 4 Ditahan
Terlibat Tawuran Antar Fakultas Mahasiswa UIN Makassar
Desain UIN Sunan Gunung Djati Bandung masa depan
Dahsyat!! Angin Badai Landa Sekitar Kampus UIN SGD Bandung
Inilah Bahrumsyah Anggota ISIS Yang Ternyata Mantan Mahasiswa UIN Syarif Hidayatullah
Universitas Islam Negeri (UIN) Maulana Malik Ibrahim Malang - a Video Profile
Perang Demonstran Mahasiswa UIN Sunan Kalijaga dengan Polisi
Profil UIN Sunan Kalijaga Yogyakarta
MIDNIGHT QUICKIE - Full Performance at 2ndSTEP 2014 - Madrasah Pembangunan UIN (Part 3)
Dua Kelompok Mahasiswa Di UIN Terlibat Bentrok
IRSSAT ( " ZALZALAH " UIN MALANG Bintang Tamu Festival Shalawat AL-BANJARI )
PSM UIN Jakarta - Anoman Obong
Mars Uin Suska Riau
ISIS Deklarasi hingga Sebar Lowongan Budak Seks di UIN
Rossy Goes to Campus UIN Syarif Hidayatullah Jakarta
Film Pena UIN Sunan Kalijaga Yogyakarta
Dokumentasi pendek OPAK UIN Sunan Kalijaga 2013