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Author Guidelines

Submitted articles can be in English, French, German or Spanish. They should be less than 50 000 characters, bibliography included. They should be sent in Word (.doc) or LibreOffice (.odt) format. The text should be justified, written in Times New Roman, size 12, with simple spacing. A 6pts blank space should be left after each paragraph.

The articles should be followed by a bibliography. The references should be listed alphabetically and presented according to the following model (in case of doubt, please look at the articles already published on the website) :

- Bloch Ernst, 1982, Le principe espérance, tome II, Les épures d'un monde

meilleur, Paris, Gallimard

The references of the quotations made in the text should be given in footnotes. Footnotes should be written in Times New Roman, size 11, with simple spacing and justified.

On the first page of the article, the author should indicate his name, affiliation, e-mail address as well as the title of the article. The author should also provide a short abstract and five keywords in French, English, German and Spanish.

Submissions will be sent to the following e-mail address :

Two experts will peer-review anonymously each article. Authors may suggest peer-reviewers as long as they do not have any past or present academic links with them.
