2UE - Fairfax Radio Network


Advertise with Us

Advertise-with-Us-Thumb News, Sport, Talk and Entertainment. Click on the image on the left to find the latest news and information and have your say in the 2UE blog section. Listen to your favourite segments from 2UE programs and listen live to 2UE.

The Benefits of Talk Radio

Mic-Thumb Talk Radio is recognised as potentially the most powerful form of media currently in Australia. It offers incredible opportunities for businesses that have previously relied on either the press or TV to relay their message to potential customers. Click the image on the left for more details!

The Power of Talk Radio

Foreground Factor Don't just look for any audience when you buy radio advertising. Look for an audience of attentive listeners. Radio 2UE has that audience. Talk radio listeners don't simply hear, they pay attention to what they are listening to.

Online Advertising

2UE-Online-Advertising-Thumb Our websites are an important resource for our listeners. With growing traffic, longer session duration times and competitive online rates, consider adding an online component for a well integrated radio campaign.

Overall Strengths in Radio

Overall-Strengths-of-Radio Radio reaches virtually everyone in many environments - at home, in the office, car or even while surfing the Internet. No matter where people are, radio is there. Here are some reasons why you should choose radio for your next advertising campaign and why you should consider advertising on Radio 2UE.

Contact Us:


Paul Price - Sales Director - T: (02) 9930 9460 E: paul.price@fairfaxmedia.com.au


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