Get Involved


  • Gator Wrestling Alumni Purple/Gold Match
    11:00 am to 1:00 pm
  • Art of Wadaiko: The Heartbeat of Japan
    8:00 pm to 10:00 pm
    Creative Arts Bldg., McKenna Theatre
  • Wrestling Hosting 21 Under 21/College Open
    9:00 am to 6:00 pm
    The Swamp, Main Gym

Get Social

Happy Friday, Gators! Stay dry! #rain

Alumni Making a Difference

SF State alumni are a force for change. You can find them leading high-tech start-ups and social service programs, and on-camera and behind the scenes in film and television. Meet just a few Gators who are making creativity and innovation happen.
picture of Alumni Yvonne Cagle

SF State was the launch pad for this biochemistry major, now a medical doctor and NASA astronaut assigned to the Johnson Space Center's Space and Life Science Directorate.