The SAFE Place

Image: Photos of SF State students and scenes from around campus

The SAFE Place


The SAFE Place at SF State is a resource center for sexual violence prevention and crisis intervention. We serve the campus community in the areas of sexual assault, domestic violence, sexual harassment and stalking.

 If you or someone you know thinks they have been sexually assaulted you have options.

  • Call 911 or 338-2222
  • Go to The SAFE Place Monday thru Friday 9-5pm
  • Go to the Student Health Service
  • Go to SFWAR for more options.


Student peer educators and professional staff work as a team to provide information about student rights, responsibilities and resources. Professional staff members are campus advocates and certified Crisis Intervention Counselors. The SAFE Place Men's Program provides opportunities for college men to develop a healthy masculine identity and serve as allies in preventing sexual violence. We offer peer education, volunteer and internship opportunities.


Only an aware, committed community can create a truly safe campus.


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