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The Cormannator is back

When the Finance Minister isn’t channelling Arnie, he might be taking an interest in Reserve Bank minutes and speeches, inflation figures, Chinese growth numbers and Wall Street’s mood as corporate results roll in.

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This wouldn't help the government sell its proposal to index age pension increases to the CPI: one bank's economics team is tipping Wednesday's consumer price index will show no increase at all in the September quarter.

That's definitely a minority opinion, a rather lonely outlier in the Bloomberg survey of 26 economists.

But coming from NAB, it's a possibility that deserves to be considered seriously.

Some growth in wages might help bring workers to the services sectors that need them, says the RBA's Christoper Kent.

Some growth in wages might help bring workers to the services sectors that need them, says the RBA's Christoper Kent. Photo: Rob Homer

With zero movement for the September quarter, the CPI would have increased by just 1.9 per cent of the year. The median forecast in the Bloomberg survey is for growth of 0.4 per cent for the quarter and 2.3 per cent for the 12 months.

Factors arguing for a low (or no) CPI score include lower petrol, fruit and veg prices, plus the impact of scrapping the carbon tax – if anyone noticed that.

NAB will look like geniuses if proven correct, but it's a brave call straying so far from the pack.

On the other hand, TD Securities runs its own monthly inflation count, trying to copy the Australian Bureau of Statistics, and is tipping the median 0.4 per cent for the quarter.

Outside the small world of economist's boasting rights, NAB being right would result in plenty of headlines about inflation being so low, the lowest it's been in five years.

Cue stories about deflationary fears and the Reserve Bank needing to cut interest rates. Someone might even mistakenly mention that it's the RBA's job to keep inflation in the 2 to 3 per cent band.

But annual CPI growth of 1.9 per cent wouldn't really matter much to the RBA – our central bankers trim off the wilder swings of the CPI to get a core figure and they look through one-off factors such as imposing or removing the occasional tax.

Despite thinking the CPI will be flat for the quarter, the NAB reckons the core measure will still be up by half a per cent and the year-to figure should be 2.5 per cent – smack in the middle of the RBA's forecast, which makes it easier for the central bank to continue to sit pat.

The RBA is buying into plenty of other issues this week, starting with a speech this morning by assistant governor economic, Chris Kent, on aging and Australia's economic outlook.

As usual with the RBA heavyweights, it's an interesting speech with several insights that go beyond the usual political clichés on our aging population.

Kent says what everyone says about our aging population and the falling proportion of people in the traditional workforce age group, but goes an interesting step or two beyond what the politicians tend to repeat.

From an economic viewpoint, the demographics and the spending patterns of older people mean there will be a shortage of workers for the services sector just when the demand for services will be increasing faster.

That will mean upwards pressure on wages in the service sector – most obviously in the aged care and health sectors – but Kent says that is a good thing:

"It is important for stronger wage growth, and an increase in the relative prices of services to occur. Such signals will encourage higher labour force participation than would otherwise be the case and bring forth the additional supply of services that we will want and need."

No, economics isn't as simple as the average minister for employment might make out.

Kent is clear that the RBA's contribution to Australia handling its demographic challenge is to keep inflation low and stable. It's up to government to assist the market to move in the right direction of increasing savings and workforce participation and encouraging people to work longer.

He reports that people are already tending to do that, with the average retirement age creeping higher for several occupations in recent years, as shown in the accompanying chart.

But that chart may well come as a surprise to most of us, as averaging out the occupations shows an average retirement age of less than 60 years, a long way from the 65-plus both sides of politics are pushing.

There are indeed policy challenges requiring tough government decision-making ahead. It's never simple.