Stuffed Dog Attacks Real Dog
Dogs just don't want to bath - Funny dog bathing compilation
Cute dogs waking up owners - Funny dog compilation
Dog Vines - Most Amazing 30 MINUTES of Dogs and Puppy Vines Compilation!
Dogs Welcoming Soldiers Home Compilation 2012 [HD]
Funny Guilty Dogs Compilation 2013 [HD]
Minecraft Xbox - Dangerous Dog [223]
Best funny and cute dog videos compilation 2014
Poor dog doesn't understand why they want to bury his sleepy brother
DEAD DOG!!! - Aug 28, 2014
Jiff - The fastest dog on two paws - Guinness World Records 2015
Funny dogs and babies talking - Cute dog & baby compilation
Under the Dog Episode 1 Kickstarter Promotion
23 year old poet and malcontent Donnie Domingo hears of the discovery of a planet 600 light years away that is strikingly similar to Earth. He develops a fascination with the planet and wonders if there just may exist a level of class and originality that hasn't been prevalent on Earth in years. He sets out in search of his ideal utopia with no fixed course but soon discovers that a path has already been paved for him.
Actually the dog just wants to play patience. But then peace in the subway station ends.
Two friends arrive back from Vietnam, scarred in different ways. One has physical injuries, the other has mental problems that make him yearn to be a bird, a subject he has always been fascinated with.
Keywords: 1960s, atlantic-city-new-jersey, auto-repair, aviary, bandaged-face, baseball, based-on-novel, bathtub, best-friend, binoculars
A soaring experience unlike anything you've ever seen before.
[reaction to Al extolling the female breast]::Birdy: They're just like on a cow, but in a more stupid place.
[about his psychiatrist]::Sergeant Al Columbato: I don't trust the guy. Everything's too interesting to him.
Birdy: You ever wondered what our lives down here must look like to a bird?
Birdy: Al, sometimes you're so full of shit.
[last lines]::Birdy: [to a surprised Al, who was expecting to see Birdy dead] What?
Birdy: I guess it's kinda hard to be good at something nobody wants, huh?
Birdy: There's nothing in my life to keep me here anymore. I wish I could die and be born again as a bird.
Sergeant Al Columbato: You always were hard to hurt, Birdy. Real losers never hurt.
Birdy: Last night I flew. I really know what it feels like to fly.::Sergeant Al Columbato: Oh, you flew? How you flew?::Birdy: Well, I'm not sure. It's not something you can really take apart. When I fly, it's like in a dream. Only it's not a dream. The thing is, Al, you can't really put it into words. You just kind of have to feel it.::Sergeant Al Columbato: You're telling me you can fly like a bird?::Birdy: When I fly, Al... I am a bird.::Sergeant Al Columbato: This is getting too weird, Birdy. You gotta stop it with this.::Birdy: I thought if anybody would understand it would be you, Al.::Sergeant Al Columbato: Well, I don't. I don't even wanna hear about it.::Birdy: Why?::Sergeant Al Columbato: Because I'm tired of it! We used to have fun together. Now you are always off by yourself flying around inside your goddamn head! I hope this dream or whatever it is goes away. I think it's bullshit.
Sergeant Al Columbato: Maybe life is shitty. It is shitty. I'll tell you something. I'm not trying to pin life anymore. I don't even fucking understand it. I just want to make it through with some dignity, like everybody else. Of course, if there was any real dignity, there wouldn't be any sex.
The movie combines songs, color and sequences of live action blended with the movements of animated figures. Mary Poppins is a kind of Super-nanny who flies in with her umbrella in response to the request of the Banks children and proceeds to put things right with the aid of her rather extraordinary magical powers.
Keywords: 1910s, actor-playing-multiple-roles, admiral, apology, bank, bank-of-england, banker, based-on-novel, bird, bird-feeding
See It Again and Again with that Supercalifragilistic Music! [re-release Australia 1976]
It's supercalifragilisticexpialidocious!
Mr. Banks: [singing] With tuppence for paper and strings, you can have your own set of wings! With your feet on the ground you're a bird in flight, with your fist holding tight to the string of your kite! Oh, oh, oh, let's go fly a kite, up to the highest height! Let's go fly a kite, and send it soaring! Up through the atmosphere, up where the air is clear! Oh, let's go... fly a kite!
[On the failure of their previous nanny]::Mrs. Banks: I'm sorry, dear, but when I chose Katie Nana, I thought she would be firm with the children. She looked so solemn and cross.::George Banks: My dear, never confuse efficiency with a liver complaint.
Mr. Banks: [singing] I feel a surge of deep satisfaction, much as a king astride his noble steed.::[speaks]::Mr. Banks: Thank you.::[sings]::Mr. Banks: When I return from daily strife, to hearth and wife, how pleasant is the life I lead!::Mrs. Banks: Dear, it's about the children...::Mr. Banks: Yes, yes, yes.::[sings]::Mr. Banks: I run my home precisely on schedule. At 6:01, I march through my door. My slippers, sherry, and pipe are due at 6:02. Consistent is the life I lead!::Mrs. Banks: George, they're missing!::Mr. Banks: Splendid, splendid.::[sings]::Mr. Banks: It's grand to be an Englishman in 1910! King Edward's on the throne, it's the age of men! I'm the lord of my castle, the sovereign, the liege!::[speaks]::Mr. Banks: I treat my subjects, servants, children, wife with a firm but gentle hand, noblesse oblige.::[sings]::Mr. Banks: It's 6:03, and the heirs to my dominion are scrubbed and tubbed, and adequately fed. And so I'll pat them on the head, and send them off to bed. Ah, lordly is the life I lead!::[speaks]::Mr. Banks: Winifred, where are the children?::Mrs. Banks: They're not here, dear.::Mr. Banks: What? Well, of course they're here! Where else would they be?
Michael: [talking about Mary Poppins] We better keep an eye on this one. She's tricky.
Mary Poppins: Our first game is called Well Begun is Half-Done.::Michael: I don't like the sound of that.::Mary Poppins: Otherwise titled Let's Tidy up the Nursery.::Michael: [to Jane] I told you she was tricky.
Mary Poppins: That's a piecrust promise. Easily made, easily broken.
Mary Poppins: [singing] Stay awake, don't rest your head. Don't lie down upon your bed. While the moon drifts in the skies... Stay awake, don't close your eyes. Though the world is fast asleep, though your pillow's soft and deep, you're not sleepy as you seem; stay awake, don't nod and dream... Stay awake... don't nod... and... dream.
Mrs. Banks: But you're always saying that you wanted a cheerful and pleasant household.::Mr. Banks: Winifred, I should like to make a slight differentiation between the word cheerful and just plain giddy irresponsibility.
Jane: Mary Poppins, we won't let you go!::Mary Poppins: Go? What on earth are you talking about?::Michael: Didn't you get sacked?::Mary Poppins: Sacked? Certainly not. I am never sacked!::Jane: Oh, Mary Poppins!::Jane, Michael: Hurrah, hurray, hurray, hurray, hurray, hurray...::Mary Poppins: Neither am I a Maypole. Kindly stop spinning about me.
Mary Poppins: [singing] Early each day to the steps of St. Paul's, the little old bird woman comes... In her own special way to the people she calls, come buy my bags full of crumbs. Come feed the little birds, show them you care, and you'll be glad if you do. Their young ones are hungry, their nests are so bare; all it takes is tuppence from you. Feed the birds, tuppence a bag. Tuppence, tuppence, tuppence a bag... Feed the birds, that's what she cries, while overhead her birds fill the skies. All around the cathedral the saints and apostles look down as she sells her wares. Although you can't see it, you know they are smiling each time someone shows that he cares. Though her words are simple and few, listen, listen, she's calling to you. Feed the birds, tuppence a bag. Tuppence, tuppence, tuppence a bag. Though her words are simple and few, listen, listen she's calling to you. Feed the birds, tuppence a bag. Tuppence, tuppence, tuppence a bag.
Stuffed Dog Attacks Real Dog
Dogs just don't want to bath - Funny dog bathing compilation
Cute dogs waking up owners - Funny dog compilation
Dog Vines - Most Amazing 30 MINUTES of Dogs and Puppy Vines Compilation!
Dogs Welcoming Soldiers Home Compilation 2012 [HD]
Funny Guilty Dogs Compilation 2013 [HD]
Minecraft Xbox - Dangerous Dog [223]
Best funny and cute dog videos compilation 2014
Poor dog doesn't understand why they want to bury his sleepy brother
DEAD DOG!!! - Aug 28, 2014
Jiff - The fastest dog on two paws - Guinness World Records 2015
Funny dogs and babies talking - Cute dog & baby compilation
Under the Dog Episode 1 Kickstarter Promotion
Dog imitates baby
Britain's Biggest Dog
(FULL) CEO Desmond Hague KICKING Dog in Elevator Caught On Camera
Dog passes out from overwhelming joy
A terrified abandoned dog gets rescued. His transformation will warm your heart. Please share.
Dog getting a head massage relaxing
Dog vs. Shark: Cute Dog Maymo
dog massage
When the dog's owner died, he was left behind. Watch what happens next! Please share
Epic Mojave Desert Dog Rescue Mission - A MUST SEE. Please Share.
Cool Dog Full Movie
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Courage the Cowardly Dog Season 1 Full Episodes Part 2 (HD)
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Rainbow Loom Charm: DOG (Puppy): How to make a Doggy / Puppy Dog Tutorial
Clifford the Big Red Dog - Over 1 Hour Non-Stop!
My Magic Dog - Full Movie
Wolf and Human - The Creation of The Dog (Full Nature Documentary)
Courage the Cowardly Dog Season 1 Full Episodes Part 1 (HD)
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Dingo: Wild Dog At War
Dog With a Blog Avery body Dance Now Full Episode
Nazareth - Hair Of The Dog (Full Album) with Guilty
The Dog Whisperer | Season 6 Episode 1 | Full Episode
Dog Soldiers - Full Movie
DOGS BARKING for 12 Hours Sound Effect
dog humps girl
Boxer vs Dog
Dog with a Blog Season 2 Episode 24 STREAMING
Rottweiler acting crazy because of a small dog
Dog Vines - Most Amazing 30 MINUTES of Dogs and Puppy Vines Compilation
The Gruesome World of Dog Fighting (Full documentary)
Dog Soldiers: Fresh Meat (2014) Full Movie
Dog Trainer Salary
Police called when dog attacks owner in Floren
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Rottweiler Dog At YMCA Dog Show Owners giving some Traning. chennai
Alpha Dog (2006) full movie part 1
Sunglasses Dog Loves Truck Rides
Firehouse Dog full movie part 1
Aris my dog - Pitbull
Imran Khan's Dog Sheru Annoying Mehar Bukhari OLD VIDEO
Dog Horny | Dog vs Beautiful Girl New Documentary
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Donald Duck Cartoons Donald`s Dog Laundry and Donald`s Diary H
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The domestic dog (Canis lupus familiaris), is a subspecies of the gray wolf (Canis lupus), a member of the Canidae family of the mammilian order Carnivora. The term "domestic dog" is generally used for both domesticated and feral varieties. The dog may have been the first animal to be domesticated, and has been the most widely kept working, hunting, and companion animal in human history. The word "dog" may also mean the male of a canine species, as opposed to the word "bitch" for the female of the species.
The present lineage of dogs was domesticated from gray wolves about 15,000 years ago. Remains of domesticated dogs have been found in Siberia and Belgium from about 33,000 years ago. None of these early domestication lineages seem to have survived the Last Glacial Maximum. Although mDNA suggest a split between dogs and wolves around 100,000 years ago no specimens predate 33,000 years ago that are clearly morphologically domesticated dog.
Dogs' value to early human hunter-gatherers led to them quickly becoming ubiquitous across world cultures. Dogs perform many roles for people, such as hunting, herding, pulling loads, protection, assisting police and military, companionship, and, more recently, aiding handicapped individuals. This impact on human society has given them the nickname "Man's Best Friend" in the Western world. In some cultures, dogs are also source of meat. In 2001, there were estimated to be 400 million dogs in the world.
God, god
Get down
Can you make my love console myself
Could've broken with no-one else
I was so a fear, but I know that life was everything
Love was a one-time thing
But I only brought my hand to my knife when I sing
Love, make it dog-style
Come on baby
Come on baby
Come on baby
Love myself with a broken-hearted love
What I never saw what do I care?
You don't want a sick celebration love
Think about a broken time was soulless
And oh and I was fear and I was on my knees
You gonna tell me, would you break my love you're stealing my love
Come on baby
Come on baby
Come on baby
Love come on baby
Come on baby
Let me feel my gift to god grow
And I love one time when your life goes suck
And you did it with an open heart now
I feel it, I am awake 'till my only time
Wanna go down so you can wake up tired
I was holding my
And I was looking for something else, but I want love
Come on baby
Love come on baby
Come on baby
Come on baby
Oh fuck it
I see it forever
When you waking, I'm going to break your love
Come on
Love come on baby
Come on baby
Love come on baby
Come on baby
Come on baby
Come on baby
Come on baby
You'll know it feels good
Come around in the morning, and I come around at night
Sniff it in the air in the morning light, yeah
Here's love and the world well lost...
Learned how to bark and I learned how to bite
When you start bleeding, you talk all night, yeah
Here's the place where the scent got lost...
Scratched at the gate and I scratched at the ground
My hair stands up when the gate swings around, yeah
It's all comin' out into the open
And I'm lickin' your hand all over
It's all comin' out into the open
And I'm lickin' your hand all over...
Come around in the morning and I come around at night
Sniff it in the air in the morning light, yeah
Here's love and the world well lost...
Learned how to bark and I learned how to bite
When you start bleeding you talk all night, yeah...
Here's the place where the scent got lost
Your name is Hazel, the hammer and tongs girl
You've got fingers like ginger-roots
Now it's, it's all comin' out into the open
And I'm lickin' your hand all over
They're all comin' out into the open
And I'm lickin' your hand all over
Here's love and the world well lost
Here's love and the world well lost, yeah
It's all comin' out into the open
Lickin' your hand all over
Lickin' your hand all over
Lickin' your hand all over
Do the dog, do the dog
Do the dog now, baby
Come on, do the dog, yeah
Do the dog, everybody's doin' the dog
Come on, heh, ha baby
Do the hound dog, yeah
Do the hound dog, baby, come on
Let's do the hound dog, babe
Do the hound dog, yeah
Do the dog, everybody's doin' the dog
Do the bird dog, yeah
Do the bird dog, yeah
Do the bird dog, oh babe
Come on and do the bird dog, yeah
Do the dog, everybody's doin' the dog
Come on
Do the bird dog, do the hound dog
Do the poodle or any kind of dog
Let's do the dog, do the dog, do the dog
Oh every, everybody, let's do the dog
Come on, baby, let's walk this dog now
Oh just-a, just-a, just-a walkin'
Just-a, just-a, just-a walkin'
Just-a, just-a, just-a walkin'
Yeah, let's do the dog
Then we'll walk the dog
Come on, baby
Let's walk it one more time
Whoa, baby
Oh [Incomprehensible]
Just-a, just-a, just-a walkin'
Well my dog wears a path on the same line
And lately i'm thinking i might take his advice
Yeah yeah
Cause he sees through the fence and he thinks i'm free
Well, my brain and his chain look the same to me
All alone with a cage and a headrest
There's a thing I could get off of my chest
Cause I
Want to wear the path that's true
And I
Want to wear the path with you
Out on the cold off the leash four years or more
I don't even know what it was I was waiting for
Well maybe I barked up the wrong tree
That was then, now i'm back
Won't you see me?
Cause I
Want to wear the path that's true
And I
Want to wear the path with you
Oh it's true
I used to be afraid of growing old
And hanging around the same old place
But I got older anyway
So won't you
So won't you
So won't you brush my fears away
My dog wears a path and that's a good sign
Cause my dog wears a path on the same line
(same line)
All alone in this cage with a headrest
There's a thing I should get off my off chest
(I could get off of my chest)
Buy a house, go to work in the same car
Feed the dog, put our teeth in the same jar
Want to tell you that I
Want to wear the path that's true
And I
Want to wear the path with you
And I
Want to wear the path that's true
(you there?)
(what'cha doing?)
(you didn't even say hello)
(haha, that's not normal way to answer your phone)
(well there's a lot of ways to answer the phone)
(you could say Gruss G--)
(you just picked it up and didn't say anything, "are you there?"
(i'm sorry)
(what are you doing?")
(making a record)
(you're a qumkwat)
(we were doing a vocal track, you are all over it now)
black dog i see
daily, nightly
monthly, yearly
sweetly, dearly
she says
"when you pat me i feel neatly
rub my paws please, scratch my belly"
in the evening i try songwriting
i'm self loathing, but i love singing
i'll try escaping these evil feelings
Painted old lady
Collecting splinters on the bench
She's waiting to go to heaven
One-eyed old man
With his party hat on
Swears there is no hell
I know a girl who believes
A girl who believes
She used to be a dog
Elevator rising
I wonder what's on the top floor
The numbers are on the wall
The sun also rises
And the shadow soon fall
I keep looking to the sky
I know a girl who believes
A girl who believes
She used to be a dog
It don't matter what I say
'Cause no one is right
and no one is wrong
I guess that we'll find some day
That no one was right
and no one was wrong
I know a girl who believes
A girl who believes
Ukkah chakka ukkah ukkah
Ukkah chakka ukkah ukkah
Ukkah chakka ukkah ukkah
Ukkah chakka ukkah ukkah
Hey hey hey have you seen my dog today
Have you seen my dog come walking
He was walking down this way
Hey hey hey have you seen my dog today
Have you seen my dog come walking
He was walking down this way
I remember leaving him
Inside my house at nine
Riding down the railway tracks
Arrived at work on time
Never thought he planned escape
We always got on well
Now he's left me all alone
In memories to dwell
Ukkah chakka ukkah ukkah
Ukkah chakka ukkah ukkah
Ukkah chakka ukkah ukkah
Ukkah chakka ukkah ukkah
Hey hey hey have you seen my dog today
Have you seen my dog come walking
He was walking down this way
Hey hey hey have you seen my dog today
Have you seen my dog come walking
He was walking down this way
Trained him for a contest
Where he won the best in show
Always knew the difference
Between a friend or foe
Still he seemed so miserable
And left me here all alone
Sitting all by myself
And work out on the bone
Ukkah chakka ukkah ukkah
Ukkah chakka ukkah ukkah
Ukkah chakka ukkah ukkah
Ukkah chakka ukkah ukkah
Hey hey hey have you seen my dog today
Have you seen my dog come walking
He was walking down this way
Hey hey hey have you seen my dog today
Have you seen my dog come walking
He was walking down this way
And the entire population of the universe
Says hallelujah
Hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah
Hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah
it's not so bad when you think about it it's not so bad things could be much worse what about that man the guy who drove all the way to boston he needed a kidney he was on the news the front page of all the papers he was so famous they let him go then he died they came after his money his wife and kids all his pets all those debts it's important to have little things like that to compare your life with it's important to have little things like that to compare your life with it's important to have little things like that to compare your life with yeah life with and what about the lady who went all that way to ethiopia to become a missionary they beat her to death while she was preaching what about the guy who saw the tarzan movies on his way home he tried to swing on a high voltage wire killed him right there on the spot it's important to have little things like that to compare your life with it's important to have little things like that to compare your life with it's important to have little things like that to compare your life with yeah life with
You thought I was in the dark
(No, no, never me)
Baby boy from the start
(You was trippin')
I was asking questions to see if you was creepin' at all
(For no reason)
I am accusing you of cheatin' no matter what you saying
It's so irritating, so baby stop playin'
Tryna run your game on me
Thinkin' you can cheat on me
Boy you know you lost my trust
And I know it's obvious
Tryna run your game on me
Thinkin' you can cheat on me
Boy you know you lost my trust
And I know it's obvious
I heard you say you were gonna push up on her
I played along boy, you think I'm stupid
I'm on point, no, I don't miss a damn thang
Fed up but Jhene ain't foldin'
Think I don't know but she is my dog, yeah
I got my friend on you tellin' her to call
You got caught and now I know that your a dog
Tryna run your game on me
Thinkin' you can cheat on me
Boy you know you lost my trust
And I know it's obvious
Tryna run your game on me
Thinkin' you can cheat on me
Boy you know you lost my trust
And I know it's obvious
I'm a D O G from the T U G
It's hard tryna be F I double Z
I'm the Jay-Z of my generation
So sick, I'm every hospitals number one patient
Girls be killin' me with they fantasies
When all I really wanted was the [Incomprehensible]
Two minutes of conversation and you're out of control
I'm a D O G ain't no changin' me
You think I didn't know you
(You were playin games on me)
Tried to play me for a fool
(I'm your new enemy)
You're barkin' up the wrong tree
Now you turned into my enemy
I bet it all out, I tried to test you
Tryna run your game on me
Thinkin' you can cheat on me
Boy you know you lost my trust
And I know it's obvious
Tryna run your game on me
Thinkin' you can cheat on me
Boy you know you lost my trust
And I know it's obvious
Tryna run your game on me
Thinkin' you can cheat on me
Boy you know you lost my trust
And I know it's obvious
Tryna run your game on me
Thinkin' you can cheat on me
Boy you know you lost my trust
And I know it's obvious
You're a dog
You're a dog
You're a dog
Dogs are howlin' at my door
Wild old eagle's got me scrapin' the floor
Mercy, mercy, down on your knees
I know somethin' you can't live without
Take your time girl
I know somethin'
Telling lies yet
I don't say it's so
I know something
Some think's wrong now
Tell me like it is sweat little child
Lost in the midnight hour
Oh, oh,
I know something
You can't find out
Time will tell if you're a telling man
Lizard man in a lizard suit now
Just got killed
I'm across the road
Lost in the midnight hour
Oh, oh
Dogs are howlin' at my door
Dogs won't tell me when I take more
I know somthin'
You won't change
I don't love it
You said I'm all the same
Lost in the midnight hour
Lost in the midnight hour
I feel like you've died and I want you back
But I know that I will never see you again
Walking around trying to keep my mouth shut
While the pity piles up
While the pity piles up
Like a goddamn dog with it's tail between it's legs
Ashamed of trying to butter up your obituary
At least I can say I tried with you
Platinum Status
Oh no
No no (Now cause we'll never be)
You're a dog
Why you go and do that
Know it didn't work
You were playin' games on me
You're a dog
You thought I was in the dark (No no never me)
Baby boy, from the start (You was trippin)
I was askin questions to see if you was creepin
(For no reason) At all (At all)
I am accusing you of cheatin no matter what you sayin
So irritatin so baby stop the playin
Dog - Tryin run game on me
You're a dog - Thinkin you could cheat on me
You're a dog - Boy you know you lost my trust
You're a dog - And I know its obvious
Dog - Tryin run game on me
You're a dog - Thinkin you could cheat on me
You're a dog - Boy you know you lost my trust
You're a dog - And I know its obvious
You were playin games on me
I'm your new enemy
I heard you say you were gonna push up on her
I played along boy you think I'm stupid
I'm on point no I don't miss a damn thang
Fed up but Jhene ain't fallin
They all know (But she is my dog, yeah)
I got my friend on you tellin her to call
(You act like I don't know that your a dog)
Dog - Tryin run game on me (Tryna run yo game)
You're a dog - Thinkin you could cheat on me (Ohh)
You're a dog - Boy you know you lost my trust (You were tryna test me)
You're a dog - And I know its obvious (I played it all out)
Dog - Tryin run game on me
You're a dog - Thinkin you could cheat on me (I was tryin to test you)
You're a dog - Boy you know you lost my trust (I was playin games on you, baby)
You're a dog - And I know its obvious
I'm a D-O-G
From the T-U-G
It's hard tryna be F-I double Z
I'm the Jay Z of my generation
So sick I'm every hospital's number one patient
Girls be killin me with they fantasies
When all I really wanted was the GTD's
Two minutes of conversation then ya outta control
I'm a D-O-G, ain't no changin me
You think I didn't know you (You could be doggin me)
Tryna play me for a fool (I'm your new enemy)
(You barked up the wrong tree)
(Now you turned into my enemy)
I planned it all out
I tried to test you
I guess it didn't work
(I'm so, I'm so, I'm so)
Dog - Tryin run game on me
You're a dog - Thinkin you could cheat on me
You're a dog - Boy you know you lost my trust
You're a dog - And I know its obvious
Dog - Tryin run game on me
You're a dog - Thinkin you could cheat on me (Ooh yeah yeah)
You're a dog - Boy you know you lost my trust (I'm so disappointed)
You're a dog - And I know its obvious
Tryna run yo game, tryna run yo game on me
Thinkin you could cheat on me
Boy you know you lost my trust
You're a dog - And I know its obvious (Ohh I)
Dog - Tryin run game on me (You were tryna test me)
You're a dog - Thinkin you could cheat on me (You were tryna test me yeah)
You're a dog - Boy you know you lost my trust (You were playin games on me)
You're a dog - And I know its obvious
I'm your new enemy yeah
Now because we'll never be
You were tryna test me, I'm so disappointed
You were tryna test me, and I'm so disappointed
You're a dog
You're a dog
Ever been alone, ever been alone
As we stand we are innocent dog
You can look to the future
When your confident
What does a red herring mean?
Don?t know, don?t know
How stable is smoke screen?
Don?t know, don?t know
You ever seen a snow job in the snow?
No, oh no
Where does a false trail go?
Don?t know, don?t know
You can look to the future
When your confident
Nothing has an answer and that?s a fact
And all religions are the devil's pacts
And one step forward is two steps back
And you know and I know and that?s a fact
And as we stand, we are innocent
Adam and Eve are innocent
And all mankind is innocent
We can all do without judgment
And all confusion is confident
You can look to the future
When your confident
I, I, I, I, I, I
Nothing has an answer
And that?s a fact
I am innocent
Good doggie, dog
False prophet on the T.V screen
3 piece suit and eyes that gleam
think that he will lead the way
so listen to what I say
I dont need your god
I dont need your god
I dont need your god
I take what I want
Preaches salvation for a soul thats clean
takes your money, tells you what to see
in this concrete city theres no god
it all depends on the money you got
you hide behind your cross it seems
in its shadows hides your deeds
listen close and hear the cry
Bring out your death thoughts
Let's start again
Building to break
Natural to hate
You're tired of your reason to be
Part of something when I know it when I'm high
Part of nothing when I know it when I crack
And I could be your god
I could be your love
And I could be your dog
And I could be more
And I could be your
Tinker tailor soldier sailor rich man poor man male or female
Look in detail for a sign
The crown of thorns is mine
Be my subject
My accessory to murder 'cause I wanna get on further
My life depends on profit
What I am and what I'm not
All I ever wanna be
Is only a shadow of how you see me
And if you didn't look
Being part of it requires dedication
It's what I need
It's inspiration
It's what I feed on
It's what I need when I bleed
Empty head empty head empty head
i live it to the matter
want it to be better
i can only fake it
when i'm sitting naked
on the floor i wonder what i would be doing
if there weren't 4 walls
i'm sitting in the box and watching it all talk
and making all my minds up is it finally times up
no matter what the facts are it is anti matter
i'm waking up and blind
i'm feeling like a dog
i'm taking up the time now
watching all the balls burn
and i'm feeling high now oh and no connecter
wanna go for walk now i just don't know what to
feeling like a dog
are you alone so
you can make it alone so you can make it alone
so you can make it all out
the tourniquet around my neck is slowly tightening and i feel as if these things are coming in through all of those windows kept up nice and tight and feeling as if sound
i'm feeling like a dog
and it's getting me down
(Bag, Gene Simmons)
That's right
You know I kinda love ya (yeah)
All the way to the bitter end
Because you're breaking my balls
You're making me crawl
On all fours again (Aw)
I like it rough (Ha-ha)
You know I like that rough stuff
I don't need your affection
Let me shake and lift a leg (yeah)
Your eyes are a-gog
I'll bark like a dog
And let's roll in bed
I like it
And when I take your body
So help me God
We go all night long
Let me tie you up
And you make me bark like a dog (yeah)
And you say, "what big eyes you have"
And I say, "better to see you with" (hmmm)
And you say, "what big arms you have"
And I say, "the better to hold you with"
And you say, "that's a big tongue you've got"
And I say, "the better to eat you with my dear" (Ha-ha-ha)
I like it
Again and again and again
The purr of a tame house cat
The smile of a Miss Congenial
The worth of a poison rat
This at last
The nerve of you
The nerve of you
You treat me like a fool
Tryin' to make me blow my cool
You think you know it all
But you've got a lot to learn
Every dog, yeah, has his day now
Now I'm gonna see you get yours
You took the key to my heart
Now I'm gonna change the lock on the door
One dog, yeah, one day now
When it's over I'll be on my way singin'
Doggie, doggie, doggie, doggie
Singin' dog dog oooh dog
The sweetness of a flower
The love you put on me
The glow of a silver moon beam
The sting of a mad queen bee
You stung me
The nerve of you
The nerve of you
You treat me like a fool
Tryin' to make me blow my cool
You think you know it all
But you've got a lot to learn
Every dog, yeah, has his day now
Now I'm gonna see you get yours
You took the key to my heart
Now I'm gonna change the lock on the door
One dog, yeah, one day now
When it's over I'll be on my way singin'
Doggie, doggie, doggie,
Singin' doggie doggie ooh
Dog dog oooh dog
Dog dog oooh dog
I wish I was your dog ¡®cause you treat him better
You'd be proud to share me with
Your mother, brother or your sister
Give you hugs when you were sad
Clean up my shit when I was bad
I wish I was your dog ¡®cause you treat him better
If you were me and I was you
We would still have opposing views
You would still lie and I would still cry
If you were me and I was you
La da de da, la da de da, la da de da, la da de da
If we'd never met I'm willing to bet
We'd both be better off being separate
Not knowing my name, not placing the blame
If we never met, I'm willing to bet
I am ruined I feel nothing I can't remember where I begin
and you end
Your breath became mine and my heart it beats your blood
two headed beast with four green eyes we are one mind
Could be like that dog caught in a trap
Could I be like that dog chews off his limbs just to feel
free again
You left me wounded but I feel nothing in my head
your voice tells me my thoughts and my mouth speaks your
I only see what you want me to
two headed beast w/four green eyes
we are one mind
Am I like that dog, left for dead and ruined I am like
that dog.
let me feel, let me feel again
Just like a pretty picture I am dead on the inside
Starving for your attention and gasping for my breath
tried to separate before
Nearly bled to death I am wasted this is wasted breath
Don't want to be a guy who get a dog at twenty-five
To cure my loneliness from the girl I thought I had
And in a fucked-up state, on a different world, in a
far out place
I made huge mistakes and I fell in love and told it to
her face
And then she told me that she loved me but she didn't
She just thaught the words were nice and fitting
And this sums up how she felt for me
How the apple of my eye turned out to be
Sorry and stinking and full of shit
And I'm proud of myself for putting up with it
Love just sucks
I lost that girl
It's all messed up
It really hurts
And where's my dog?
I need you more then ever
Love just sucks
I lost that girl
She told my friends that she found someone
And where's my dog?
I need you more then ever
Still it was the best I ever had.
Don't want to be a guy who gets a dog at twenty-five
To cure my loneliness from the girl I thought I had
And on the phone to me she said, "well there's this guy
I see"
I guess they call it quality can't you please put up a
smile for me?
And then she told me that she loved me but she didn't
She just thaught the words were nice and fitting
And this sums up how she felt for me
How the apple of my eye turned out to be
Sorry and stinking and full of shit
And I'm proud of myself for putting up with it
Love just sucks
I lost that girl
It's all messed up
It really hurts
And where's my dog?
I need you more then ever
Love just sucks
I lost that girl
I told my friends I bet you found someone
And where's my dog?
I need you more then ever
Still it was the best I ever had.
Still it was the best I ever had...
All the feelings you got
From me
Is like for a dog
All the feelings you got
From me
Is like for a dog
I want a feeling
I want a feeling for a dog
I want a feeling
I want a feeling for a dog
I want a feeling
I want a feeling for a dog
I want a feeling
In the morning
Wake up choking
But it's sunny under
There the same too
When you blame everybody else
Still I'll be your dog x4
Still I'll be your ahhh x4
Still I'll be your dog x4
In the evening
Less than easy but I'm coming
Under the same tune
Like I'm doing this for nothing ohhh
Still I'll be your dog x3
Still I'll be your Ahh x5
So come on lets
chase those memories away
and drink the night into oblivion.
I’ve been watching you
and memorised
every last line of your profile.
Every shade of your complexion,
every tone of your skin.
And I am not surprised to find
you in his eyes.
Hanging on every word
dropped from his mouth.
Cos lately I’ve been watching you.
I’ve been waiting for
you to take me home.
So tell me all of your deepest dark secrets
She left today, she ran away,
Please sir won't you find my dog
She's white and black, we want her back,
Please sir won't you find my dog
My furry, my fuzzy
My lady, my baby
My conscience, my Jesus,
My lover, my only friend
She left today, she ran away,
Please sir won't you find my dog
She catches mice, we think she's nice,
Please sir won't you find my dog
My baby, my honey,
My furry, my fuzzy,
My conscience, my Jesus,
My lover, my only friend
Find my dog