
Canberra's ACTION bus drivers have been warned not to distribute unauthorised flyers to passengers with contact details of a government minister in response to anger over new bus routes and timetables. 

The first week of changed services as part of the Network 14 plan has meant a nearly 10 per cent increase in bus trips around Canberra, but large-scale changes to routes and school services. 

Responding to passenger complaints about the changes, some drivers gave passengers contact details for the office of Territory and Municipal Services Minister Shane Rattenbury and encouraged them to make complaints. 

A flyer handed out to passengers on ACTION buses.

A flyer handed out to passengers on ACTION buses.

Mr Rattenbury is currently overseas, but on Thursday a TAMS directorate spokesman said adjustments would be made as required. 

"When ACTION became aware that flyers were being handed out, a general reminder was given to drivers not to become involved in handing out any unauthorised material," thespokesman said. 

"Due to the commencement of the new network, ACTION drivers have been encouraged to put forward any issues they have noticed regarding run times. Feedback has been received from some drivers regarding particular bus runs. This will now be looked at, including using GPS data which the MyWay system provides." 

The spokesman said some complaints were inevitable in periods of change for Canberra's bus network, and that some passengers did not realise some poorly patronised routes would no longer be serviced. 

"The nature of the bus network is that it can never run to every individual's specific needs, however we are confident we have developed the best, most effective and efficient network we can with the resources available," he said. 

A government call centre and special information line for school services received 143 calls on Monday, 30 on Tuesday and just two on Wednesday.

ACTION staff are assisting passengers at bus stations this week and information about the changes will be published online.

Transport Workers Union branch secretary Klaus Pinkas said he was not surprised drivers had encouraged passengers to contact Mr Rattenbury. 

"The amount of concern from passengers and the short amount of time bus drivers have to complete their runs is a huge concern to us," he said. 

"We've got a commitment from ACTION that they will fix it up by the start of the first school term next year but in the meantime it is a concern for our members, including the lack of time for breaks." 

Mr Pinkas said some drivers did not have enough time to take required 10-minute breaks. 

"ACTION have said if you haven't got a break time, just take a break and run late but ... if you're running that late you will have passengers [complaining] all the time. 

"Quite obviously this network wasn't ready to go on September 1. We've raised concerns with the Fair Work Commission, with ACTION and with the minister's office," he said. 

More than 14.5 million passengers have boarded ACTION buses since July last year. This year's patronage peaked in March, when 1,652,281 people boarded.

There is an average of 70,000 boardings each weekday, and 16,000 each day at weekends.