Max Blumenthal

Candid video reveals NYT bureau chief Jodi Rudoren's Zionist bubble

Max Blumenthal
2 August 2014

In private meeting shown on video, Rudoren calls Abe Foxman, head of pro-Israel ADL, “my personal defamation protector.”

Netanyahu government knew teens were dead as it whipped up racist frenzy

Max Blumenthal
8 July 2014

Government lied to victims’ families and the world after three Israeli teens went missing in the occupied West Bank.

How Israel buys loyalty of US university administrators

Max Blumenthal
New York City
20 May 2014

University of South Florida provost taken on lavish Israel propaganda tour ahead of historic divestment push.

How school privatization hawks Teach For America promote Israel

Max Blumenthal
20 August 2013

Funded by ideological billionaires, Teach For America’s young corps are being indoctrinated with a pro-Israel message.

Oslo Freedom Forum founder’s ties to Islamophobes who inspired mass killer Anders Breivik

Max Blumenthal
New York City
14 May 2013

Norwegian government and Amnesty International co-sponsor “human rights” forum produced by group funded by big donors to Islamophobes who were cited by murderer.

Weddady's Free Arabs, American Islamic Congress and the pro-Israel funders who helped them rise

Max Blumenthal
New York City
7 May 2013

A group that rose with US government and Israel lobby funding during the early stages of the Iraq war incubated the controversial new website “Free Arabs.”

Brooklyn College battle reveals hidden agenda of “liberal Zionism”

Max Blumenthal
New York City
12 February 2013

Why are J Street leaders afraid to debate Palestinians advocating a boycott of Israel?

Eviction of Bab Al Shams exposes Israel as a lawless state

Max Blumenthal
14 January 2013

Israeli prime minister ordered evacuation of protest village despite court order.

How Kobe Bryant blows a hole in the Irvine 11 prosecution's case

Max Blumenthal
11 September 2011
Did the Irvine 11 really “shut down” Michael Oren? Or did he simply have better things to do than finish his engagement with a packed auditorium of avid pro-Israel supporters?

Interview: Planning the Nakba Day movement in Lebanon

Max Blumenthal
5 June 2011
In an interview with The Electronic Intifada contributor Max Blumenthal, agronomist and Palestinian rights activist Rami Zurayk described how 150 representatives of Palestinian factions and refugee groups gathered to wrangle over the nascent May 15 movement’s language and long-term strategy.


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