
(Thaer Ganaim / Maan Images)

Power Suits

We go through the revolving door of the “peace process” and “diplomacy”

Democrat youth wing fires members who criticized Israel's child killings

The youth arm of the Democratic party forced two of its members to resign following a right-wing smear campaign that labeled them anti-Semitic for sympathizing with Gaza.

Israel uses Palestinians as human shields but US lawmakers condemn Hamas

A resolution being circulated in Washington echoes Israel’s most extreme propaganda.

PA parrots Israeli claims on Gaza attack

Blaming Hamas for the loss of Palestinian life is ludicrous.

EU regurgitates Israeli propaganda

Israel’s murderous attacks on Gaza constitute “retaliatory fire,” according to Brussels spindoctor Michael Mann.

US State Department rejects Gaza's right to self-defense from Israeli aggression

US State Department spokesperson refuses to answer when asked if the people of Gaza have a right to defend themselves from Israeli aggression.

Israel elected to leadership of UN committee on “Decolonization”

Israel’s election to UN body that also deals with Palestinian refugees comes as it massively expands its colonial settlements.

Mahmoud Abbas: collaboration with Israeli army, secret police is “sacred”

Known euphemistically as “security coordination,” PA intelligence and security forces work closely with Israeli occupation forces to suppress any Palestinian resistance.

NYC's top cop defends racist policing at Israel "security" conference

Israeli and New York Police Department commissioners meet to “learn from each other” and “strengthen partnership,” says Bill Bratton.

Kerry declines to say Israel gives “equal rights for all citizens”

Kerry acknowledged that Israeli leaders have frequently used the term “apartheid,” but asserted that “it is a word best left out of the debate here at home.”

John Kerry and Israeli apartheid

Anti-Palestinian advocates are up in arms over US Secretary of State John Kerry’s warning that Israel could become an “apartheid state” in the absence of a “two-state solution.”


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