Imgur is home to the web's most popular image content, curated in real time by a dedicated community through commenting, voting and sharing.
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Help shape the Internet

Have an impact on the lives of over 130 million people, while working in a fun and collaborative environment with people who love the Internet.

Join our team

At Imgur, one person can make a huge impact. You'll be responsible for creating tools that will help shape one of the fastest growing communities on the Internet, your work will be seen and used by hundreds of millions, and your role in shaping Imgur will be unlimited.

We're looking for people who love the Internet as much as we do. We want to take the smartest and most passionate Internet-hobbyists we can find and put them in an environment where they thrive.



Our office is in downtown San Francisco, and if you haven't lived or worked here yet, prepare to fall in love. We're three blocks from Union Square, home to one of the largest shopping areas in the world and hundreds of incredible restaurants. To top it off, the BART and MUNI stations are right down the street which makes getting to and from the office totally hassle free.

Great benefits

  • Flexible hours
  • Health insurance
  • Vision insurance
  • Dental insurance
  • 401(k) matching
  • Moving stipend
  • Catered lunches
  • Personal computer and desk budget

In addition to a casual, fun work environment we are also offering health/vision/dental insurance, a 401K retirement plan, generous paid time off, a moving stipend to get you out to San Francisco, and a technology budget to spec for your own computer.

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