
BTR-80 Armored Personnel Carrier | Military-Today.com
www.military-today.com/apc/btr_80.htm The BTR-80 armored personnel carrier is a successor ...
published: 15 Aug 2013
author: Military-Today.com
BTR-80 Armored Personnel Carrier | Military-Today.com
BTR-80 Armored Personnel Carrier | Military-Today.com
www.military-today.com/apc/btr_80.htm The BTR-80 armored personnel carrier is a successor to the BTR-70 APC. It's development began in the 1980s. Vehicle ent...- published: 15 Aug 2013
- author: Military-Today.com

The Soviets based the BTR-80 on the BTR-70 APC. It has a 260-hp, V-8 turbocharged, water-c...
published: 01 Feb 2008
author: petteerr
The Soviets based the BTR-80 on the BTR-70 APC. It has a 260-hp, V-8 turbocharged, water-cooled, diesel engine. The reconfigured rear portion of the hull acc...- published: 01 Feb 2008
- views: 618751
- author: petteerr

BTR-80A bemutatása
published: 19 Mar 2012
author: sonicXx1000
BTR-80A bemutatása
BTR-80A bemutatása
http://game.desert-operations.hu/?recruiter=5e0c&world;=d29ybGQx.- published: 19 Mar 2012
- views: 3532
- author: sonicXx1000

Dare to Compare --- M1126 Stryker ICV versus BTR-80!
The BTR-80 is essentially the Stryker's direct counterpart in the Russian Army, and was al...
published: 21 May 2014
Dare to Compare --- M1126 Stryker ICV versus BTR-80!
Dare to Compare --- M1126 Stryker ICV versus BTR-80!
The BTR-80 is essentially the Stryker's direct counterpart in the Russian Army, and was also the main inspiration for the IAV Project that resulted in the Stryker. It's another fast-moving 8x8 APC, but the similarities to the Stryker quickly peter-out from there; unlike the Stryker, the BTR-80 has a turret, amphibious capability, foamcore tires, spall liners, all-wheel steering... the list goes on. In short, this is going to be painful for the M1126 Stryker ICV. Music credits... Opening: "The Liberty Bell March", by Phillip Sousa. BTR-80 intro/outro: "Choose Your Mother", by CoLD StoRAGE. Comparison: "Mars", from the Armored Core V soundtrack. BTR-80 video: "Battle Cry", from the Gunship soundtrack.- published: 21 May 2014
- views: 186

BTR-90 Russian amphibious infantry fighting vehicle
BTR-90 (GAZ-5923) is an 8×8 wheeled infantry fighting vehicle developed in Russia, designe...
published: 31 May 2009
author: 01e9
BTR-90 Russian amphibious infantry fighting vehicle
BTR-90 Russian amphibious infantry fighting vehicle
BTR-90 (GAZ-5923) is an 8×8 wheeled infantry fighting vehicle developed in Russia, designed in 1993 and first shown publicly in 1994. It is a larger version ...- published: 31 May 2009
- views: 59198
- author: 01e9

A Magyar Honvédség BTR-80 harcjárművei 2. rész / Hungarian Defence Force's BTR-80 vehicles part 2
Csatornámon zenés összefoglaló videókban láthatjátok a Magyar Honvédség különböző eszközei...
published: 08 Mar 2014
A Magyar Honvédség BTR-80 harcjárművei 2. rész / Hungarian Defence Force's BTR-80 vehicles part 2
A Magyar Honvédség BTR-80 harcjárművei 2. rész / Hungarian Defence Force's BTR-80 vehicles part 2
Csatornámon zenés összefoglaló videókban láthatjátok a Magyar Honvédség különböző eszközeit You can see the Hungarian Defence Force's military vehicles on my channel- published: 08 Mar 2014
- views: 25

BTR 80 BTR 82 Armored Personnel Carrier Factory Test Drive
published: 05 May 2011
author: lilgangsta616
BTR 80 BTR 82 Armored Personnel Carrier Factory Test Drive
BTR 80 BTR 82 Armored Personnel Carrier Factory Test Drive
- published: 05 May 2011
- views: 3601
- author: lilgangsta616

BTR-80 of Russian Army (part 6)
Music video. BTR-80 armored personnel Russia's main army. Although BTR-90 more powerful an...
published: 26 Oct 2009
author: RussiaTvSold
BTR-80 of Russian Army (part 6)
BTR-80 of Russian Army (part 6)
Music video. BTR-80 armored personnel Russia's main army. Although BTR-90 more powerful and better armored, plus BTR-80 is in its simplicity and undemanding....- published: 26 Oct 2009
- views: 54095
- author: RussiaTvSold

Very Angry BTR 80 Tank
Very Angry BTR 80 Tank....
published: 08 Apr 2009
author: swisstestpilot
Very Angry BTR 80 Tank
Very Angry BTR 80 Tank
Very Angry BTR 80 Tank.- published: 08 Apr 2009
- views: 8685
- author: swisstestpilot

Trumpeter BTR-80 review
as the title says... the In Box Review of the New BTR-80 from Trumpeter...
Full inter...
published: 25 Jan 2014
Trumpeter BTR-80 review
Trumpeter BTR-80 review
as the title says... the In Box Review of the New BTR-80 from Trumpeter... Full interior... minus the engines... awesome level of details and a must have for those that like RUSSIAN AFV's... comes with rubber tires and Vinyl bushings... Photo Etch and metal tow cable plus... Clear parts... I cant' wait to build that puppy as a AFG serving beast of burden ! I give it an A+ for Awesome ! Thanks Trumpeter for a great model ! Norm. ********************************************** Post production notes : SONY I have recorded the movie using a Sony Digital Handy-cam HDR-PJ10 in HD, with the aid of a Sony VCL-HGE08B Wide Lens, mounted on a "DIY" JIB Crane; I have not used any Background music during filming nor in post-production; All intros are from FlixPress.com for which I paid them for custom animations and those came with their own soundtracks. The Video was edited using COREL Video Studio 6 LICENSE AGREEMENT Flixpress LLC owns exclusive and reserved copyright to the content on the site, including music, animation, and rendered material. Some of the content is being sub-licensed for royalty-free use by third parties. You are granted a non-exclusive royalty free license to use the rendered videos from Flixpress.com for both commercial and non-commercial use.- published: 25 Jan 2014
- views: 496

New Russian Weapons 2014 - Armored Personnel Carriers (BTR- 80 & 82A)
New Russian Weapons 2014 - Armored Personnel Carriers (BTR- 80 & 82A) - apc armored armour...
published: 14 Jul 2014
New Russian Weapons 2014 - Armored Personnel Carriers (BTR- 80 & 82A)
New Russian Weapons 2014 - Armored Personnel Carriers (BTR- 80 & 82A)
New Russian Weapons 2014 - Armored Personnel Carriers (BTR- 80 & 82A) - apc armored armoured army bm btr carrier com command dd device edit engine equipment fire gaz gun hp http hull improved including infantry km machine mm na navigation nd night ordered personnel production radio register retrieved ru russian sa service signals soviet system turret used variant vehicle version wheeled www The BTR-80 (Russian: бронетранспортер, BTR stands for bronyetransportyor, literally meaning "armoured transporter") is an 8x8 wheeled amphibious armoured personnel carrier (APC) designed in the USSR. Adopted in 1986 and replaced the previous versions, BTR-60 and BTR-70 in the Soviet Army.[2] The Soviets based the BTR-80 on the BTR-70 APC. It has a single 260-hp, V-8 turbocharged, water-cooled, diesel engine, an improvement over the twin gasoline engines installed in the BTR-60 and BTR-70 vehicles. The reconfigured rear portion of the hull accommodates a new, single engine. The Soviets removed the roof chamfers of the modified BTR-70, raised the rear, and squared off the rearward-sloping engine compartment. Standard equipment include TNPO vision blocks, optical devices TNP-B and TKN-3 for the driver and commander, an OU-3GA2M infra-red search light, six 81 mm smoke grenade launchers 902V "Tucha", a radioset (R-173 or R-163-50U), an intercom and hydrojets. In 1984, the Soviets began production of a diesel-engined variant of the BTR-70, which they called the BTR-80. The Soviets have retrofitted some BTR-70s with several of the improvements incorporated into the BTR-80, including the high-angle-of-fire turret. The twin doors are designed to allow the infantry to disembark while the vehicle is in motion, and allow the infantry inside to exit from one side if the other is receiving fire. The 30mm Cannon variants are capable of engaging most threats effectively besides modern tanks, where they can still cause significant damage to optics, weapons, and important systems. The main gun is not stabilized (neither in the BTR-80 nor the BTR-80A), so accurate fire on the move is limited (only at low speeds), and the rotation mechanism is manually operated. The gunner sits in a roof mounted chair located above the flat floor behind the driver/commander and two passengers, and before the passenger bench. The gunner's station is basic, but uncharacteristically uncramped for a Soviet armored vehicle. The gunner is equipped with both a day time optical sight and an infra red night sight. video youtube amazing amasing awesome interesting cool insane badass wall share channel topic search 2014 2015 2016 2017 VIDEO WALL - http://www.georgedominik.tumblr.com/ BLOG - http://www.georgedominik.blogspot.com/ ▬ ★ MORE INTERESTING VIDEOS: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=UUYH8swcp71EHt-88lkaMDTQ ★ SUBSCRIBE: http://goo.gl/GynuUU ★ Follow my Twitter: https://twitter.com/GeorgeDominik1 ★ Thanks For Watching ★ Post comment , share and tell us what u think ▬ https://www.facebook.com/ https://twitter.com/ http://www.wykop.pl/ http://www.liveleak.com/ http://www.pinterest.com/ http://www.tumblr.com/ http://www.reddit.com/ http://www.yandex.ru/ https://www.google.com http://vk.com/ http://www.bing.com/ http://www.ask.com/- published: 14 Jul 2014
- views: 929

BTR-80 SKJ.divx
BTR-80 Sebesült Kihordó Jármű Rendeltetése: a sérültek elsősegélyben részesítése és a fegy...
published: 10 Jun 2011
author: marketingcurrus
BTR-80 SKJ.divx
BTR-80 SKJ.divx
BTR-80 Sebesült Kihordó Jármű Rendeltetése: a sérültek elsősegélyben részesítése és a fegyveres küzdelem zónájából az ellátó tagozatokhoz történő kimentése.- published: 10 Jun 2011
- views: 2849
- author: marketingcurrus
Youtube results:

BTR-80A Armored Personnel Carrier | Military-Today.com
http://www.military-today.com/apc/btr_80a.htm The BTR-80A armored personnel carrier is an ...
published: 28 Jun 2013
author: Military-Today.com
BTR-80A Armored Personnel Carrier | Military-Today.com
BTR-80A Armored Personnel Carrier | Military-Today.com
http://www.military-today.com/apc/btr_80a.htm The BTR-80A armored personnel carrier is an improved variant of the BTR-80. It is claimed that a smrful armamen...- published: 28 Jun 2013
- views: 96
- author: Military-Today.com

Blindado BTR 80 protagonista de un spot publicitario
Más sobre este video en Universo Armas: www.universoarmas.com.ar....
published: 02 Mar 2012
author: UniversoArmas
Blindado BTR 80 protagonista de un spot publicitario
Blindado BTR 80 protagonista de un spot publicitario
Más sobre este video en Universo Armas: www.universoarmas.com.ar.- published: 02 Mar 2012
- views: 431
- author: UniversoArmas

Flash... Perú ya Compró los BTR-80A a Rusia
De acuerdo al Diario Expreso y el Medio Ruso Pravda Perú ya Compró los BTR-80A a Rusia
published: 23 May 2014
Flash... Perú ya Compró los BTR-80A a Rusia
Flash... Perú ya Compró los BTR-80A a Rusia
De acuerdo al Diario Expreso y el Medio Ruso Pravda Perú ya Compró los BTR-80A a Rusia Fuente: Diario Expreso en Lima "¿Y la transparencia? Rusia y Perú firmaron un contrato por 700 millones de dólares para el suministro de blindados BTR-80, vehículos de combate de infantería armados con dos potentes ametralladoras PKTM y KPVT, según la publicación del diario ruso Pravda, que el último 5 de mayo tituló; "Los intereses de Rusia no solamente se limitan a Ucrania". . Lo que genera cierta suspicacia es que el gobierno no informe sobre estas compras. En todo caso debe argumentarse las hipótesis de conflicto para realizar tamaña compra, ¿cuáles son las estrategias militares? Ni el Congreso, ni nadie parecen conocer este gasto. Tienen que explicarle al país" señaló el ex canciller Francisco Tudela a EXPRESO." Ahora bien esto es lo que dice el diario Ruso Pravda: Peru last year signed a contract for the supply of the BTR-80A in the amount of $ 700 million. And in December, Lima announced that its armed forces are planning to buy 24 Russian military Mi-171SH helicopter http://www.pravda.ru/world/northamerica/caribbeancountries/05-05-2014/1206700-lavrov_latin_america-0/ Defensape http://www.expreso.com.pe/noticia/2014/05/23/peru-compro-armamento-ruso-por-us-700-millones- published: 23 May 2014
- views: 2585

Motorter BTR-80 English Subtitles
BTR-80 Wheeled Armoured Personnel Carriers, Russia....
published: 21 Aug 2008
author: Motorter
Motorter BTR-80 English Subtitles
Motorter BTR-80 English Subtitles
BTR-80 Wheeled Armoured Personnel Carriers, Russia.- published: 21 Aug 2008
- views: 32468
- author: Motorter