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Cincinnati Archdiocese warns about anti-life group behind viral "ice bucket challenge"...

USCCB calls for special collection for victims of Middle East violence...
Lisa Hendey
If you’ve been watching the nightly news and wondering how in the world you can possibly help amidst the rising tide of violence that seems to be running rampant, mark your calendars for September 6-7. Archbishop Joseph E. Kurtz of Louisville, Kentucky, president of the U. S.

When I set out for two weeks on the Camino de Santiago, I didn't realize how grueling it would be...
Tim Drake
When a friend invited me to join him for a two-week pilgrimage on the Camino de Santiago (The Way of St. James) in Spain this summer, I expected that there would be trials. What I didn’t expect was how grueling the pilgrimage would be. Nor did I expect the many consolations God provided along the way.

What Pope St. Pius X can teach us in 2014...
Kevin Tierney
Today we celebrate the feast day of St. Pius X, one of the great reformer popes and the first pope of the 20th century. On this 100th anniversary of his death, we should pay special attention to this pope’s life, and see what wisdom he has for us. When discussing his legacy, many will talk about the great strides he took against modernism...

Finding what should never have been lost: Four priests discuss how they came to know and love the TLM...

Believe it or not, color photography existed during World War I. Here are eight rare examples...

Pope St. Pius X was a great reformer and a holy pope...
He fostered liturgical renewal, frequent Holy Communion from childhood, and the codification of canon law. He also waged war against the heresies of his day. Unfortunately, this last facet of his pontificate receives an outsized share of attention from certain people, influenced by the “spirit of St. Pius X.” This spirit...

5 books Catholic students should take with them to college...
Tom Perna
As students enter their freshman year or return to their respective universities, I think there are 5 books Catholic Students in College Need to Possess. You might be asking yourself, are there really only five books? With all the great books in the world, you’re only picking five of them? We all know there other good books out there...

After James Foley's beheading, it bears repeating: prayer is a subversive means of freedom...
Elizabeth Scalia
A great deal has been written about the late James Foley, his beheading at the hands of a barbarous Islamic State: the moving response from this band of Syrians, the Jesuit education which, along with the example of his family kept him grounded in his faith; his own words on the power of prayer, written in previous captivity.

Actor Gary Sinise (Lt. Dan of 'Forrest Gump') discusses his deepening Catholic faith...

Learn how to make a skivvy roll and you'll never look at packing the same way again...

When an accident robbed John Muir of his sight, he gained a vision that shaped the National Park Service...

ISIS has threatened to "march on Rome and Spain." We can't say we weren't warned...
Greg Erlandson
Like a bullet whistling overhead, the ruthless rise of ISIS under al-Baghdadi has had the effect of concentrating the fretful and forgetful minds of Western leaders. Despite the various terrors inflicted by al-Qaida, the Taliban and other radical Muslim groups over the years, and despite the spreading regional war between Islam’s Sunni and Shia factions...

‘The Giver’ is the most pro-life movie I've ever seen...

Get to know these 5 Americans who may someday be canonized...

Introducing the new website...

Slain journalist James Foley on praying the Rosary in captivity...

Archbishop Paul Coakley files lawsuit against organizers of Black Mass in Oklahoma City...

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Can the world be made safe for democracy? Can democracy be made safe for the world?
Fr. James Schall
These are two different questions. Both involve the extent to which we know our enemies and how they act. They also imply that our enemy knows us and how we act. Aristotle had remarked that a tyrant seeks to have everything made public so that no conspiracy against his rule can arise without his knowledge. This fear is why, he thought...

Edmund Cardinal Szoka, former Vatican official and Archbishop of Detroit, dead at 86...

Fixing ugly church graphics, one parish at a time...
Brandon Vogt
Michael Marchand knows parishes. He’s been a youth minister for ten years and he helps run, one of the largest youth ministry sites in the world. During his years of experience he’s noticed a common problem. Friends and parish staff routinely ask the same question: How do I get better graphics for my parish or ministry on a very limited budget?

Three fascinating videos of Padre Pio, the 20th century miracle worker and stigmatist...

Catholic couple fined $13,000 for refusing to host same-sex ‘wedding’ at their farm...

Actress Alexa Vega on being Christian in Hollywood...
Philip Kosloski
Last week actress Alexa Vega offered a candid interview with The Christian Post about the struggles of being Christian in Hollywood. She has been known to share her Christian faith on her Twitter account and is not ashamed to publicly profess her religious beliefs. In fact, in her interview she admits that her "faith is hands down the number one thing...

God gives the pope infallibility as a gift to us all, to preserve the unity of the Church...
Fr. Ryan Erlenbush
We should recall the meaning of the term “Papal infallibility.” We do not claim that the Pope is impeccable (unable to sin), but only that he is infallible (unable to err). Furthermore, we certainly do not claim that, merely because he cannot err in certain instances...

4 things NASA can teach you about getting a good night's sleep...

Moderns and Muslims are alike held captive by their rejection of the Cross...
Anthony Esolen
On February 16, 1979, a secular leftist professor of politics, Richard Falk, enjoying in the security of France a sabbatical for international meddling, wrote an editorial for The New York Times, entitled “Trusting Khomeini.” When the history of the collapse of western civilization is written...

How much $100 is really worth in every state...

Parishes could offer a solution to the problem of a caregiver's 36-hour days...
Russell Shaw
"The 36-Hour Day" is a handbook familiar to many caregivers of people with Alzheimer’s and other forms of dementia. That seemingly mysterious title is no mystery to the caregivers. They know from plenty of experience that they would need not just the regular 24 hours but a solid day and a half to touch all the bases they’re called on to touch during a typical day.

What were the rituals associated with death and burial in Jesus’ day?
Msgr. Charles Pope
The Jewish people took the burial of the dead quite seriously; it was the way a community paid its last respects to the one who died. The Scriptures laid down quite firmly that no dead body was to be left unburied—even that of one’s worst enemy.

Man doesn't matter if he's nothing but matter...

Ferguson represents failure at all levels...

Why isn't 'Arkansas' pronounced like 'Kansas'?

James Foley is an American hero...

The ancient Mass in the "house churches" was not as informal as many think...

Get this entire Catholic website on CD-ROM...
The full contents of the New Advent website are available on CD-ROM. It includes the Catholic Encyclopedia, Church Fathers, Summa, Bible and more — and it's only $19.99...


Copyright © 2014 by Kevin Knight email Dedicated to the Immaculate Heart of Mary.