Buddha and Ashoka: Crash Course World History #6
In which John relates a condensed history of India, post-Indus Valley Civilization. John e...
published: 01 Mar 2012
Buddha and Ashoka: Crash Course World History #6
Buddha and Ashoka: Crash Course World History #6
In which John relates a condensed history of India, post-Indus Valley Civilization. John explores Hinduism and the origins of Buddhism. He also gets into the reign of Ashoka, the Buddhist emperor who, in spite of Buddhism's structural disapproval of violence, managed to win a bunch of battles. Resources: Awesome comic book about Ashoka by Anant Pai: http://dft.ba/-ashoka He did a huge series of comics about Indian history and religion: http://dft.ba/-AnantPai India: A History by John Keay: http://dft.ba/-IndiaHistory The Bhagavad Gita: http://dft.ba/-gita The Bhagavad Gita, Upanishads, and Rig Veda, all-in-one edition: http://dft.ba/-India Credits: Executive Producer: John Green Producer: Stan Muller Writer and historian: Raoul Meyer Script Supervisor: Danica Johnson Music: Jason Weidner Thought Bubble is a product of the Smart Bubble Society: http://dft.ba/-smartbubble the Smart Bubble Society is: Suzanna Brusikiewicz Jonathon Corbiere Nick Counter Allan Levy James Tuer Adam Winnik Set Design: Donna Sink Props: Brian McCutcheon Photos: David Shankbone ClipWorks Follow us! @thecrashcourse @realjohngreen @raoulmeyer @crashcoursestan @saysdanica @thoughtbubbler Like us! http://www.facebook.com/youtubecrashcourse Follow us again! http://thecrashcourse.tumblr.com Support CrashCourse on Subbable: http://subbable.com/crashcourse- published: 01 Mar 2012
- views: 944413
Bharat Ek Khoj - Episode 13 - Ashoka - Part 1
The scene opens in Ashoka's many-pillared hall in his place at Pataliputra (dug up in Nehr...
published: 09 Feb 2013
author: AnandaVardhan Gangapuram
Bharat Ek Khoj - Episode 13 - Ashoka - Part 1
Bharat Ek Khoj - Episode 13 - Ashoka - Part 1
The scene opens in Ashoka's many-pillared hall in his place at Pataliputra (dug up in Nehru's time in an incredible state of preservation). Ashoka, grandson ...- published: 09 Feb 2013
- views: 7179
- author: AnandaVardhan Gangapuram
Ore Kanchi - Ashoka 720p HD
published: 02 Jun 2012
author: rahulsngh355
Ore Kanchi - Ashoka 720p HD
Kings of India - Ashoka the Great
http://www.mocomi.com presents the life of Ashoka, one of India's greatest emperors. An em...
published: 16 Apr 2013
author: Mocomi Ani
Kings of India - Ashoka the Great
Kings of India - Ashoka the Great
http://www.mocomi.com presents the life of Ashoka, one of India's greatest emperors. An emperor of the Maurya Dynasty who ruled almost all of the Indian sub-...- published: 16 Apr 2013
- views: 2363
- author: Mocomi Ani
Ashoka musica 1.wmv
De la pelicula....
published: 25 Jan 2010
author: matias chaparro
Ashoka musica 1.wmv
Ashoka [Mauryan Empire] -Tragedy of Kalinga War . HD
Ancient Indian wars....
published: 04 Mar 2012
author: Mohsinur Rahman
Ashoka [Mauryan Empire] -Tragedy of Kalinga War . HD
Ashoka [Mauryan Empire] -Tragedy of Kalinga War . HD
Ancient Indian wars.- published: 04 Mar 2012
- views: 6975
- author: Mohsinur Rahman
Samrat Ashoka the Great Indian king
In the history of the world there have been thousands of kings and emperors who called the...
published: 21 Jan 2010
author: utubekhiladi
Samrat Ashoka the Great Indian king
Samrat Ashoka the Great Indian king
In the history of the world there have been thousands of kings and emperors who called themselves 'their highnesses,' 'their majesties,' and 'their exalted m...- published: 21 Jan 2010
- views: 126271
- author: utubekhiladi
Ashoka Is...
Ashoka is "a day-by-day tutorial in how the...
published: 21 Oct 2013
Ashoka Is...
Ashoka Is...
http://makeitbright.us http://usa.ashoka.org/ Ashoka is "a day-by-day tutorial in how the world works, where the world is going -- and also in courage and values." Our story, told by our community. For more, and to help support our work, please visit: http://makeitbright.us- published: 21 Oct 2013
- views: 3906
How to Tie the Ashoka Chakra Knot by TIAT
Paracord Fusion Ties - Volume 1: http://www.amazon.com/Paracord-Fusion-Ties-Volume-Bundles...
published: 11 Mar 2011
author: TyingItAllTogether
How to Tie the Ashoka Chakra Knot by TIAT
How to Tie the Ashoka Chakra Knot by TIAT
Paracord Fusion Ties - Volume 1: http://www.amazon.com/Paracord-Fusion-Ties-Volume-Bundles/dp/098555780X The Ashoka Chakra Knot is a fusion knot based upon t...- published: 11 Mar 2011
- views: 71218
- author: TyingItAllTogether
Ashoka - Der indische Krieger Buddhas (Doku)
Er gilt als Brudermörder und gnadenloser Kriegsherr, aber auch als Wegbereiter für den Auf...
published: 06 Dec 2013
Ashoka - Der indische Krieger Buddhas (Doku)
Ashoka - Der indische Krieger Buddhas (Doku)
Er gilt als Brudermörder und gnadenloser Kriegsherr, aber auch als Wegbereiter für den Aufstieg des Buddhismus, einer damals kleinen indischen Sekte, zur Weltreligion: Ashoka, Herrscher der Maurya-Dynastie im 3. Jahrhundert vor Christus und einer der wichtigsten Regenten der indischen Geschichte. Das Maurya-Reich ist das erste Großreich Indiens. Seine Könige herrschen von der Hauptstadt Pataliputra aus, damals eine Millionenmetropole und vermutlich die bevölkerungsreichste Stadt der Welt. Die Maurya sind große Förderer der Wissenschaft und der Künste. Aufgrund seiner Brutalität, seiner Skrupellosigkeit und seiner Kriegslust erhält Ashoka von seinen Feinden den Namen: "Chandashoka" - "Ashoka der Grausame". 261 vor Christus befiehlt er den Angriff auf eines der letzten unabhängigen Nachbarreiche Indiens: Kalinga, ein Land von immenser strategischer und wirtschaftlicher Bedeutung. Es wird eine der größten Invasionen in der Geschichte Indiens. Ashokas Armee richtet ein furchtbares Gemetzel an: 150.000 Menschen werden verschleppt, 100.000 ermordet. Die Szenen der Schlacht sind so verheerend, dass sie zum Wendepunkt in Ashokas Leben werden. Der Mann, dem nichts heilig war, der seine eigenen Brüder ermordete und Angst und Schrecken verbreitete, erfährt eine wundersame Wandlung: Er wird zu einem großen Anhänger des Buddhismus, damals eine nahezu unbekannte Lehre. Seinen Ehrgeiz und seine Macht stellt Ashoka von nun an in den Dienst des neuen Glaubens. Er pilgert zu den Wirkstätten Buddhas und wandert fast ein Jahr durch sein Imperium, um die buddhistische Religion zu verbreiten. Überall in seinem Reich lässt Ashoka auf mächtige Säulen und Felsen seine Edikte einmeißeln, die von der Überwindung seines Machtstrebens und von seinem Einsatz für Glück und Frieden berichten. Erstmals erhebt ein Herrscher Begriffe wie "Gerechtigkeit" und "Gewaltlosigkeit" zum Staatsziel. In vielen asiatischen Staaten wird Ashoka bis heute als Wegbereiter des Buddhismus verehrt, der es einer kleinen indischen Sekte ermöglichte, in den Rang einer der großen Religionen der Menschheit aufzusteigen.- published: 06 Dec 2013
- views: 12
Ashoka , The Great
Emperor Ashoka , ruled over the Indian subcontinent around 304 -268 BC . He led his army t...
published: 03 Feb 2013
author: Uday Shankar
Ashoka , The Great
Ashoka , The Great
Emperor Ashoka , ruled over the Indian subcontinent around 304 -268 BC . He led his army to war against Kalinga resulting in the death of a hundred thousand ...- published: 03 Feb 2013
- views: 1154
- author: Uday Shankar
History of King Ashoka- Grandpa's Indian Heritage Summer Camp Vol. I
King Ashoka is one of the greatest of the kings that ever lived. At the zenith of his powe...
published: 12 Jun 2011
author: kanai mukherjee
History of King Ashoka- Grandpa's Indian Heritage Summer Camp Vol. I
History of King Ashoka- Grandpa's Indian Heritage Summer Camp Vol. I
King Ashoka is one of the greatest of the kings that ever lived. At the zenith of his power, he gave up everything and became a disciple of Buddha. Every chi...- published: 12 Jun 2011
- views: 35289
- author: kanai mukherjee
Youtube results:
Meet Ashoka Fellow Janelle Orsi
The Sustainable Economies Law Center is developing the legal infrastructure necessary for ...
published: 16 Jun 2014
Meet Ashoka Fellow Janelle Orsi
Meet Ashoka Fellow Janelle Orsi
The Sustainable Economies Law Center is developing the legal infrastructure necessary for a new, resilient, sharing economy to thrive in the United States.- published: 16 Jun 2014
- views: 6
The Edicts of Ashoka - The Story of India - BBC
A fascinating look at one of the pillars of King Ashoka, on to which are inscribed some of...
published: 12 Jan 2010
author: BBCExplore
The Edicts of Ashoka - The Story of India - BBC
The Edicts of Ashoka - The Story of India - BBC
A fascinating look at one of the pillars of King Ashoka, on to which are inscribed some of his Edicts. Great short video from BBC show The Story of India. Wa...- published: 12 Jan 2010
- views: 21273
- author: BBCExplore
Ashoka - Video Institucional (Brasil)
A Ashoka é uma organização sem fins lucrativos pioneira no trabalho com empreendedores soc...
published: 11 Sep 2008
author: jonathasbarreto
Ashoka - Video Institucional (Brasil)
Ashoka - Video Institucional (Brasil)
A Ashoka é uma organização sem fins lucrativos pioneira no trabalho com empreendedores sociais. Há mais de 25 anos, a Ashoka identifica e investe em pessoas ...- published: 11 Sep 2008
- views: 3036
- author: jonathasbarreto
Bharat Ek Khoj - Episode 14 - Ashoka - Part 2
Ashoka is now the Emperor and is relaxing with a vina recital in court. There is an interr...
published: 09 Feb 2013
author: AnandaVardhan Gangapuram
Bharat Ek Khoj - Episode 14 - Ashoka - Part 2
Bharat Ek Khoj - Episode 14 - Ashoka - Part 2
Ashoka is now the Emperor and is relaxing with a vina recital in court. There is an interruption by the Buddhist emissaries from Ujjain on a tiding of gratit...- published: 09 Feb 2013
- views: 8288
- author: AnandaVardhan Gangapuram