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Ebola Doc’s Condition Downgraded To ‘Idiotic’–Can’t Anyone Serve Christ In America Anymore?

I wonder how the Ebola doctor feels now that his [...]

Immigration’s Human Dirty Bomb—A Weapon of Mass Diversity

Congressman Todd Rokita (R-IN) is on the receiving end of a typical Main Stream Media Two Minute Hate for mildly suggesting that, with the Obama Regime’s border nullification and “Ebola circulating,” we need to “know the condition of these kids” that are being put in American homes. [Congressional Republican Says Central American Immigration Children Could Spread Ebola, by Ben Mathis-Lilley, Slate, August 5, 2014] But if anything, Rokita understating the danger: current immigration policy is in effect a human dirty bomb.

A dirty bomb is a standard explosive laced with radioactive material. Up until now, we’ve avoided a terrorist dirty bomb. But the human dirty bomb seems unstoppable. By combining mass immigration with disease, to say nothing of social pathologies like out of wedlock birth, ignorance, and Hispanic supremacism, the immigration we’re suffering through now is (to adapt Iraq War terminology) a Weapon of Mass Diversity.

The contents of the human dirty bomb are quite nasty: As if the massive welfare state, one-party politics, genital mutilation, and Hate Crimes were not enough, we now have a few new benefits of diversity in the form of communicable diseases. In fact, taxpayers are now getting the privilege of footing the bill for diseased illegal aliens to travel and reunite with family.

Among the benefits of the latest wave of diversity is scabies—“a mite-type parasite that burrow under the skin, leading to itchiness and skin eruptions.” [Immigrant illness: What you need to know about scabies and tuberculosis, by Nicole Kwan,, July 7, 2014].

I’ve heard of otherwise healthy people having

Border Patrol Agent’s Murder in Rio Grande Valley: ‘This Is Coming to a Town Near You’


Border Patrol Agent Javier Vega Jr., deceased, murdered by previously deported Mexican illegals

The voice on the other end of the line is exasperated. "It's insane," he wants America to know. "We're in a war zone." And there's no room for apathy.

"This is coming to a town near you," he warns.

The man on the phone is a veteran of the Department of Homeland Security who works in South Texas. He reached out to me Monday night in the wake of an off-duty U.S. Border Patrol agent's horrific murder on Sunday. The 36-year-old agent, Javier Vega Jr., was shot execution-style in front of his wife, his parents, two of his sons and another child in the Rio Grande Valley. Vega's father was also shot but survived. They were on an idyllic family fishing trip before being robbed and ambushed.

The two suspects are Mexican nationals from Matamoros. "They're here illegally," my source said with a weary sigh. And not just that. They had been previously deported after committing other serious crimes, he says. "But we just drop the thugs off at the border, and they come right back."

The National Border Patrol Council issued a moving statement after a middle-of-the-night manhunt led to the capture and confessions of the two suspects this weekend:

"Agent Vega was armed and fought back to protect his family. During the course of the ensuing firefight Agent Vega's father was hit in the leg and Agent Vega was mortally wounded. After Agent Vega fell, his family members continued to fight back. Agent Vega's actions were in keeping with the finest traditions of the United States Border Patrol and his will be a place, deserved of honor and glory, when the final story of the United States Border Patrol is written."

The White House and U.S. Chamber of Commerce may not speak up, but the NBPC gave the law enforcement

Memo From Middle America | California’s Jerry Brown Visits Mexico–To Speed Up Reconquista

In the midst of an illegal alien invasion facilitated by our own federal government, the governor of America’s most populous state just took a trip to Mexico, apparently to help things along.

The governor: none other than the famous Edmund Gerald “Jerry” Brown, Jr., known by some “Governor Moonbeam”, whom Dick Morris and others think might run for the Democratic presidential nomination against Hillary Clinton. See VDARE.COM’s file on Jerry Brown here.

The trip was organized by the California Chamber of Commerce and included

“…a delegation of more than 100 state government, business, economic development, investment and policy leaders. Delegates paid $5,000 each for the four-day trip, which is subsidizing the cost of Brown’s travel.”

Jerry Brown to meet with Mexican president, Politico, July 27, 2014

Brown was also accompanied by wife Anne Gust Brown and, significantly, by five (!) Mexican consuls general (those posted in Sacramento, Los Angeles, San Diego, San Francisco and San Jose).

Governor Brown’s motives for going, in his own words:

“We want to increase trade. We want to deal with some issues on the refugees that are coming across the border. And I also want to collaborate with Mexico in pushing an intelligent climate change agenda.”

The rapid Mexicanization of California was shamelessly cited by Governor Brown as another reason:

“The relationship with Mexico, the role of those of Mexican heritage in California, is fundamental to our schools, to our well-being, and I think this trip will be productive.”

That’s akin to what former Governor Gray Davis said about California and Mexico forming “one magnificent region”.

Brown spent three days in Mexico City in a mind-boggling succession of meetings with Mexican movers and shakers. He met with Mexican President Enrique Pena Nieto , who, according to the presidential website, “emphasized the economic, political and social links that unite Mexico and California”. Brown and Pena Nieto discussed the fact “that in California resides the largest community of Mexicans abroad.” So both leaders agreed to “increase the collaboration with the goal of guaranteeing the well-being of that population, with the support of the 10 consulates which Mexican has in that state of the American Union. “

Mexico’s paper of record, el Universal, said that the Mexican Presidente “recognized the leadership of Governor Brown….and the decisive actions in favor of diversity and inclusion that benefit the Mexican communities that live in his state.” [EPN se reúne con gobernador de California, By Alberto Morales, el Universal, July 29, 2014] [My translations throughout]

Bottom line: Brown and Pena Nieto talked about how important it is to keep the Mexicans in California happy.

How about non-Mexicans in California?

Brown also visited the Mexican Senate where he said Mexico should...

Nixon—Before Watergate

It has been a summer of remembrance.

51-sjuXJb6L[1]The centennial of the Great War that began with the Guns of August 1914. The 75th anniversary of the Danzig crisis that led to Hitler's invasion of Poland on Sept. 1, 1939. The 70th anniversary of D-Day.

In America, we celebrated the 50th anniversary of the Civil Rights Act of 1964. And this week marks the 40th anniversary of the resignation of President Richard Nixon.

Once again, aging liberals will walk the children through the tale of that triumph of American democracy when they helped to save our republic from the greatest menace to the Constitution in all of history.

Missing from the retelling will be the astonishing achievements of that most maligned of statesmen in the 20th century. And as this writer was at Nixon's side for more than eight years before that August day in 1974, let me recount a few.

When Nixon took the oath...

National Data | July Jobs: Immigrants Gain Jobs At Twice The American Rate

Back down the Memory Hole—none of the Main Stream Media reports of the July job numbers released Friday factored in immigrant displacement of American workers, although the phenomenon caused a brief MSM sensation in June. President Obama was able to boast at his press conference about job growth without fear that anyone would point out that essentially all new jobs since 2000 have gone to immigrants. At, we’ve been patiently reporting displacement every month since 2004. This month’s news: it’s back in full force.

The July job growth figure—209,000—was tepid compared to the (revised) 298,000 reported in June. Of course, Wall Street likes a slowing job market, because it suggests the Fed will not withdraw its monetary medicine anytime soon, the stock market bubble will continue to inflate, making the rich richer and…well, you know. But the “other” job survey, based upon households rather than businesses, suggests that Main Street is already in a funk.

The Household Survey reports a sub-par 131,000 jobs were created last month, pushing unemployment (which is based on the Household Survey) up to 6.2%. To put this in context, remember that as many as 90,000 new jobs per month are needed to absorb the ongoing influx of one million or so immigrants allowed to enter each year. And that’s just the legal immigrants.

Our analysis of the Household data finds that foreign-born workers—legal and illegal—gained jobs at twice the rate of native-born Americans last month:

In July:

  • Total employment rose by 131,000, or by 0.09%
  • Native-born American employment rose by 93,000 or by 0.08%
  • Foreign-born employment rose by 38,000, or by 0.16%

July’s job picture marked a resumption of the displacement of native-born American workers by immigrants that has been a fact of life during the Obama years. The trend is made clear in our New American Worker Displacement Index (NVDAWDI) graphic:


Native-born Americans employment growth is the blue line...

Washington Post’s Jennifer Rubin Endorses Rick Perry. He’s More Dangerous Than Obama


Rick Perry: Even with the new glasses, he can't see his way clear to deport anyone.

Texas Governor Rick Perry is still trying to climb out of his coffin, despite my recent stomping on his ludicrous pretense to be an immigration patriot. After the GOP base frustrated the House Leadership’s Becky Tallent-authored attempt to slip amnesty provisions into its border bill, Perry put out a faux-tough statement that by an amazing coincidence played into the attempt to stampede the GOP: Rick Perry to Boehner: Pass Something to Address Border Before Congressional Recess, by Matthew Boyle,, July 31, 2014. (NumbersUSA’s Roy Beck applauds the final legislationhere). Ominously, and significantly, the Washington Post’s fanatical immigration enthusiast blogger Jennifer Rubin has just (again) virtually endorsed Perry for president: Rick Perry leads on Israel, August 1, 2014. It’s time to nail this coffin shut.

The illegal immigration invasion continues to devastate Texas. Perry has sent 1,000 Texas National Guard troops to the border. But because the National Guard can’t arrest anyone and most of the damage is on private property, Rick Perry’s public relations gambit won’t actually do anything to assist law enforcement or besieged Texas citizens. [Texas Sheriffs Speak Out On Damage From Illegal Immigration, by Chuck Ross, Daily Caller, July 29, 2014]

Unfortunately, this hasn’t prevented Perry from becoming a hero of the opposition to Obama’s Children’s Crusade (with some skeptics like's Joan Fleming and Michelle Malkin). The otherwise-estimable Matt Drudge rewarded Perry with a headline...

John Derbyshire Is Taking A Month Off From The Cold Civil War

This week’s column is an apology. I am taking off the entire month of August, like a Frenchman. I plan to write nothing at all for 31 days, at or anywhere else; although Radio Derb, which I actually put together on Thursday evening, gets in under the wire and will appear on Taki’s Magazine Saturday morning (August 2) as usual. (And I wouldn’t rule out an occasional blog post on

So: My apologies to readers, and to the editors, who’ll be a tad short on copy.

(When I started doing freelance writing in the early 1980s I assumed the field would be ferociously competitive and hard to break into. To my surprise I found that newspaper and magazine editors were hungry for copy. They lay awake at night wondering how to fill their pages. If you could put decent sentences together and had something halfway interesting to say, they’d gladly publish you. Don’t get your enthusiasm up, though: the pay is terrible.)

Some explanation for my absence is in order. No, there’s no kind of personal crisis. My health is fine and my domestic life blessedly cloudless [touches lucky rabbit foot]. If things were otherwise I’d probably write more, being of the school of thought that believes hard work to be the only cure for unhappiness.

I’ll confess, though to being somewhat burned out—on the point of despair, frankly—in the matter of public affairs. This recent surge of illegal aliens across our southern border, with the obvious complicity of our own national government, is especially appalling. But the same thing has been happening more slowly for thirty years, as has amply documented.

Yet nobody important cares, nothing gets done. Overwhelming majorities in both big political parties see mass immigration...

GOP Base Spoils GOP Leadership’s Parting Gift To Eric Cantor: Amnesty

As a way to honor Eric Cantor’s last day as Majority Leader in the House, Speaker John Boehner did his best to help Barack Obama replace the Republican base with teenagers from Central America. Unfortunately for him, the base has identified mass immigration as the critical issue in American politics and brought enough pressure to prevent the bill being brought to the floor. The danger now: the stupider GOP congresscritters, believing they have to “do something” before recess, will hand Barack Obama a political victory even when he is desperately weak.

A chaotic day on Capitol Hill began with a revolting tribute to Cantor. True to his destructive ideas to the last, Eric Cantor in his last speech talked about being the grandson of immigrants, repeated his call for school choice as a “civil rights” policy, and paid tribute to amnesty stalwarts John Boehner, Kevin McCarthy, and Paul Ryan. Members of both parties stood and applauded a man who, with his last House speech, proved he represented the Beltway Political Class instead of his own constituents. [Eric Cantor says goodbye as House majority leader, by Catalina Camia, USA Today, July 31, 2014]

But although the bipartisan Political Class began the day by closing ranks around Cantor, it was partisan politics that prevented John Boehner from honoring his erstwhile colleague by allowing more migrants into the country. His bill would have made things worse by

However, Boehner could not bring the bill to the floor--because he did not have the votes from either Republicans or Democrats.

Democrats are evidently hoping to blame Republicans for creating a so-called humanitarian crisis. An increasingly unhinged Nancy Pelosi called the bill a “statement of meanness,” arguing that the $659 million it laid out to cater to illegals is “not enough resources” to “feed the children.” [Nancy Pelosi: Republican Border Bill A ‘Statement of Meanness, by Charlie Spiering, Breitbart, July 31, 2014]

Such is the state of American statesmanship.

It’s almost redundant to add that these schoolyard taunts come at a time when the federal government is spending $74,000 a day to house 532 immigrants in “suites” complete with flat screen televisions...

Obama’s Environmental Corruption Agency

The lofty motto of the Environmental Protection Agency is “protecting [...]