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The Fulford File | MSM/ GOP Establishment Point-And-Splutter Attack On CA’s Tim Donnelly Shows Disconnect With Normal Americans (And Second Amendment).


The Leftist Daily Beast just had some kind of fit—channeled, typically, by the California GOP Establishment—about potential GOP Gubernatorial candidate Tim Donnelly being caught, two years ago, accidentally carrying a gun on a plane.
Will California nominate a vigilante, busted boarding an airplane with a loaded gun, as the Republican alternative for Governor?

To defeat a popular incumbent Democratic governor this November, who will California primary voters choose as an alternative??

A social libertarian responsible for helping avert the worst of the financial crisis—or a former vigilante on the Mexican border who got busted trying to board an airplane with a loaded gun two years ago? It seems likely that primary voters will go with the latter on Tuesday.

Inside California's Crazy Race To Be The GOP Gubernatorial Candidate, By Olivia Nuzzi, May 30, 2014

In fact,this happens all the time to normal i.e. non-MSM Americans. It happened to (Democratic) Senator Jim Webb of Virginia—his aide was found fetching Webb’s carry gun into the Senate offices. [Webb Aide Tried To Take Gun Into Senate Building, Capitol Police Say, By Allison Klein, Washington Post, March 27, 2007]

According to the New York Times, it happens to normal Americans about 1200 times a year—47 in the week ending...

Rand Paul’s Gotta Get Beyond Pandering to Minorities

Senator Rand Paul has teamed up with Obama advisor David Axelrod and agreed on the open borders, multiculti amnesty consensus. Paul and Axelrod want the eleven million illegal aliens to stay and enrich your community:
David Axelrod: So you would grant them a legalized status in the form of a work visa and allow them to await citizenship?

Rand Paul: Right

[Rand Paul discusses Immigration Reform with David Axelrod,, May 23, 2014]

Like most libertarians, but certainly not all, Rand Paul is a gullible, well-meaning white male who refuses to face racial realities.

First, Paul proved how gullible he is on immigration by saying, “We gotta get beyond deportation to get to the rest of the issues.” [Katie Glueck, Rand Paul: GOP must get ‘beyond deportation’, Politico, April 14, 2014]

Paul’s comment is on par with the ‘When did you stop beating your wife?’ line of reasoning. Republicans were never at deportation, so how can they get beyond deportation? The GOP floats amnesty proposals each generation, when it’s not allowing high levels of legal immigration and turning its back on illegal immigration.

And what’s this about how, “[Hispanics are] not going to care whether we go to the same church, or have the same values, or believe in the same kind of future of our country until we get beyond [deportation].”

Nancy Pelosi goes to the “same church” as Hispanics. She’ll even wash immigrants’ feet during Catholic Holy Week. [Cheryl Chumley, Nancy Pelosi washes immigrants’ feet in humble Holy Week act- then promotes on Twitter, Washington Times, April 18, 2014] Try topping that with speeches about Ludwig Von Mises!


Eric Cantor Must Be Really Afraid—He’s Using the Word “Amnesty” Again, And Lying About Opposing It!

This just in: House Majority Leader Eric Cantor has $1.5 million in the bank compared to his primary challenger David Brat’s measly $84,000. [Eric Cantor Brings in Bucks for Primary Challenge, By Emily Cahn, Roll Call, May 30, 2014]. Despite this, Cantor is apparently afraid enough to send out mailers claiming "Conservative Republican Eric Cantor Is Stopping the Obama Reid Plan to Give Illegal Aliens Amnesty."

Brat, an economics professor who has never held elected office, is making immigration the central issue in his campaign. He commented: “Eric Cantor saying he opposes Amnesty is like Barack Obama saying he opposes Obamacare.” For good measure, Bratt noted that Cantor’s stance is due to his support from corporate donors and added: “Eric Cantor does not represent his constituents. He represents large corporations that want more cheap labor.” Dave Brat: Eric Cantor is pro-amnesty, Augusta Free Press, May 28, 2014.

Eric Cantor responded though his strategist Ray Allen, who said “In the real world, we all know that the system is broken and what Eric has said is he is not for these blanket amnesty plans. He has also said we should be able to reach a consensus on some of these other issues: border security, e-Verify, and what we do about children. That's called leadership." [Eric Cantor Wants You to Know He Stopped Plan 'to Give Illegal Aliens Amnesty', By Elahe Izadi, National Journal, May 28, 2014]

In a sense, Cantor mouthpiece Allen is correct. Under Cantor and Boehner’s “leadership” that House has not passed the Senate bill, what Cantor now calls the “Reid-Obama Amnesty.” Instead Cantor supports his own Amnesty...

Christians’ Love Of The Warfare State Is Killing Other Christians

Ever since the George W. Bush administration, evangelical pastors and churches have been America’s loudest cheerleaders for virtually every act of war the U.S. has waged against foreign countries. For pastors such as John Hagee, wars of aggression in the Middle East are predicated upon the notion of protecting Israel—even though military meddling by the United States has only served to make life more dangerous for Israel. But leaving Israel out of the equation, evangelicals are the first to trumpet U.S. wars of aggression. I would even suggest that the favorite hymn of most evangelical churches these days is no longer John Newton’s “Amazing Grace,” but John McCain’s “Bomb, Bomb, Bomb, Bomb, Bomb Iran.”

I would go even further to say that evangelical churches have become the very best friend that the military/industrial complex has ever had. It is congressmen and senators from districts and states heavily-laden with evangelical churches that continue to pump unlimited tax-dollars into the Warfare State. One could even make the argument that in most evangelical churches, Jesus’ adage “Blessed are the peacemakers” has been changed to “Blessed are the warmongers.”

Let’s set the record straight: perpetual war is a tool of elitists and globalists to enslave the U.S. citizenry. While we are killing thousands of people abroad (most of whom are innocents)—all in the name of “liberating” them—we are tightening the tyrannical noose around the necks of the American people. In the name of the “War on Terror,” the most sophisticated surveillance society in the history of mankind has been created right here in the continental United States. With the advent of the Patriot Act and the Department of Homeland Security (DHS) under G.W. Bush, Washington, D.C., has constructed (and is continuing to construct) a burgeoning police state the likes of which Joseph Stalin, Mao Tse-tung, and Adolf Hitler could have only dreamed about. And for the most part, evangelicals are fine with it.

The Data-Mining Body Monitors in Our Schools

Off-Topic: Michelle Malkin goes after the Nanny State bureaucrats who want to monitor the weight of every child in America (including Michelle's eighth-grade daughter.)

Is Obama Blundering Into a Syrian Quagmire?

President Obama Delivers Commencement Address At West PointWith his address at West Point, President Obama succeeded where all his previous efforts had failed. He brought us together.

Nobody seems to have liked the speech.

John Derbyshire On Maya Angelou, Ta-Nehisi Coates: The Whining Of Pampered Pets

John Derbyshire On Maya Angelou, Ta-Nehisi Coates: The Whining Of Pampered Pets

The news of Maya Angelou’s passing arrived just as I was bracing myself to write something about Ta-Nehisi Coates’ big cover story in Atlantic arguing that the U.S.A. should pay reparations to American blacks. [The Case for Reparations, May 21, 2014]

Well … that’s not actually what Coates is arguing. Of the 57 occurrences of the word “reparations” in the Coates piece, numbers 38 through 53 (which is 16 occurrences, or 28 percent) refer to reparations paid to European Jews and their descendants by the post-WW2 German governments …

[Long digression] At this point you are hazarding a guess that I failed to read all the way through the Coates piece, as due diligence surely requires, and instead am just doing keyword searches for things to comment on. Could I really be so delinquent?

I certainly could. For one thing, Coates’ piece is very long: 15,768 words. That’s longer than the Book of Proverbs. I read at about 300 words a minute, so I’d have to commit....

OH NO! Missed Its Spring Fundraising Appeal!!

kid Editor Peter Brimelow’s daughter Karia, Spring 2014

It’s true— missed our Spring Fundraising Appeal, because the site was undergoing a technical overhaul.

Result: we’re now almost out of money.

And money is our secret weapon. Our writers are patriots and would publish their facts and analyses exposing the Main Stream Media/ Treason Lobby for nothing. But they have families to feed.

This is why so many excellent patriot blogs burn out.

This is why I must ask for your (tax-deductible!) support—now

Liberals Are More Afraid Of “Stigmatizing” The Insane Than The Occasional Mass Murder

Never Trust a Liberal Over Three-Especially a Republican Mass murder at a sunny college campus in a beach town would normally be considered "newsy," but Elliot Rodger's massacre at the University of California-Santa Barbara last Friday is getting surprisingly little press.

This is not a good case for liberals: The killer was an immigrant, a person of color, and the majority of his casualties resulted from attacks with a car or knife. It makes as much sense to rant about the NRA as to blame the Auto Club of America or the National Knife Collectors Association.

Rather, what we have is yet another mass murder committed by a schizophrenic—just like those of Seung-Hui Cho, Jared Loughner, James Holmes and Adam Lanza.

Yes, they all used guns. Also, they were all males. They were all college-aged. They all had hair. Those are not distinctive characteristics.

When the last five mass murderers share something that only 1 percent of the population has, I think we've found the relevant common denominator.

Rodger had been seeing therapists since ...

McDaniel vs. Cochran In Mississippi: Who Is The Better Immigration Patriot?

McdanielCochranWebChris McDaniel, a Mississippi State Senator, is challenging incumbent U.S. Senator Thad Cochran (R-MS) in a June 3 primary election that will determine who’ll occupy that seat in the next three Congresses. (The Democrats have a negligible chance of winning the seat in the fall election.)

McDaniel was elected to Mississippi’s state senate in November, 2007 and cosponsored SB 2988 [PDF], a strong E-Verify bill [PDF; see pp. 4 - 5] which was introduced on February 4, 2008, quickly passed by huge margins in both chambers, and signed into law by their governor that March 17.

Now in his second term, the 41-year-old McDaniel was heartily endorsed for the U.S. Senate by the redoubtable Laura Ingraham, when she interviewed him on her radio show in late April. You can listen here—the entire-10-minute clip focuses on immigration policy, and Ingraham introduces McDaniel at about five minutes in, saying, “He is probably the closest thing to [Senator] Jeff Sessions that I’ve come across.”

What about the 77-year-old Cochran? He was first elected to Congress in 1973, then was...