Press Complaints Commission Halton House, 20-23 High Holborn, EC1N 7JD
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Complainant Name:
Basim Shamsuddin

Clauses Noted: 1

Publication: The Mail on Sunday


Basim Shamsuddin complained to the Press Complaints Commission that the newspaper had published an article which wrongly asserted that a mosque was to be built in Chipping Norton and the development would alter the skyline of the town. The complainant considered this to be in breach of Clause 1 (Accuracy) of the Editors' Code of Practice, as planning permission for the mosque had been granted on the basis that it would merely involve a change of use to an existing property.


The complaint was resolved when the PCC negotiated amendments to the online article and the publication of the following corrective footnote:

‘An earlier version of this article showed a picture of a mosque with dome and minaret and suggested that such a building might be added to the skyline of Chipping Norton. We would like to make clear that the proposal is for a conversion of an existing shop and there will be no addition to the skyline of Chipping Norton.'

Date Published: 19/03/2013

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