Press Complaints Commission Halton House, 20-23 High Holborn, EC1N 7JD
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Ever since its inception in 1991, the PCC has been committed to engaging with all sections of the community to ensure that people understand the rules covering the UK press, and know how we can help if problems arise. The links below will explain the various strands of this work in more detail.

If you have any comments or suggestions for other areas of work, please contact Tonia Milton on

Training editors and journalists
The PCC has an important role to play in ensuring that the industry as a whole strives for the highest possible standards. Senior representatives from the PCC regularly run practical, hands-on seminars for journalists, using real cases dealt with by the Commission. These help are designed to explain the Code of Practice and the Commission’s interpretation of it in more detail.

Talks to journalism students
Those just starting out in journalism also need to know what is expected of them under the Code, so the PCC regularly speaks to journalism students at various colleges accredited by the NCTJ. We are also happy to explain our work to Media Studies students with a particular interest in the press, either by giving a talk or by encouraging them to work through a free resource pack we have made available on this website.

Industry publicity of the PCC
The PCC works hard to publicise its work and regularly features in both the broadcast and print media, including in specialist publications. It is also important, however, that the newspaper and magazine industry itself helps to raise the PCC’s profile. One of the easiest ways it can do this is by publishing adverts produced by the Commission which highlight the role of the PCC and provide all the relevant contact details.

Dialogue with the community
The press affects almost everyone in one way or another, so it is obviously important that as many people as possible understand how the PCC works. We hold several public meetings each year at which the public can meet PCC representatives and find out more; while we also run a rolling contact programme with those groups of people most likely to need to know about us. We place particular emphasis on vulnerable people, who are accorded special protection under the Code.

Government Relations and Public Affairs
Although the PCC is an independent body, it nonetheless maintains ongoing relationships with various government departments and committees. This page will explain our government and public affairs work in more detail.

From time to time, the PCC undertakes research into public attitudes, as part of its ongoing efforts to engage with the public. This page provides further details of that research.

International work
Although the PCC’s remit extends only to the UK press (and journalists working abroad for UK publications), we nonetheless have an active interest in press regulation in other parts of the world. The PCC is a member of AIPCE, the Alliance of Independent Press Councils of Europe; while PCC staff regularly speak to journalists and dignitaries from other parts of the world.

The PCC retains the help of two experienced speakers who conduct seminars and talks about the PCC on an ongoing basis. In addition, other members of the PCC’s staff are always keen to explain the Commission’s work in more detail as appropriate.

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