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Detroit Free Press
GAZA CITY — A seven-hour “humanitarian” truce between Hamas and Israel appeared to be holding Monday although several similar cease-fire attempts have failed. The partial...
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Article By Guest Writer Sherwood Ross. Japanese and United Nations authorities have placed "a cone of silence" over medical information an endangered Japanese public is...
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The Independent
Rebekah Brooks, the former editor of The Sun, was “the most powerful person in Britain”, according to one of Gordon Brown’s closest aides. Damian McBride, a Downing Street spin...

An apple seller walks past graffiti saying "cash," decorated with change and small-value Nigerian naira notes, in Lagos, Nigeria  Thursday, March 26, 2009.
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Nigeria has confirmed the country's second case of Ebola in a doctor who treated a Liberian man who died of the virus last month in Lagos. This comes as a South Korean university rescinded an invitation for three Nigerians to attend a conference and...
photo: AP / Sunday Alamba
A woman leaves a center to scan residents, who have been within 20 kilometers of the Fukushima Dai-ichi nuclear plant damaged by Friday's earthquake, carrying a metal heat blanket in the rain Tuesday, March 15, 2011, in Koriyama, Fukushima Prefecture, Japan.
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Very heavy rain is expected to fall in western Japan, mainly on the island of Shikoku, until Tuesday noon, the Japan Meteorological Agency said. A man drowned in a raging river while more than half a million people were advised to evacuate over the...
photo: AP / Gregory Bull
A Molotov cocktail thrown by protesters flies over police during their clash in central Kiev, Ukraine, Wednesday, Jan. 22, 2014.
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DONETSK, UkraineFighting raged yesterday on the western outskirts of Donetsk as the advancing Ukrainian army tried to seize control of the rebel stronghold. In danger of being encircled, the separatists renewed their calls for Russia to send...
photo: AP / Darko Vojinovic
Ukrainian border guards have a break in their training at a military camp in the village of Alekseyevka on the Ukrainian-Russian border, eastern Ukraine, Friday, March 21, 2014.
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MOSCOW (AP) — More than 400 Ukrainian soldiers have crossed the border into Russia and deserted the Kiev government, news agency Interfax quoted a border security official as saying Monday. Ukraine confirmed the crossing but said the soldiers were...
photo: AP / Sergei Grits
U.S. Secretary of State John Kerry and Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu shake hands amid a news conference in Jerusalem on December 5, 2013.
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Documents published Monday by The Intercept revealed the "far-reaching" extent of the U.S. National Security Agency's collaboration with Israeli intelligence services. The revelations came as the U.S. State Department criticized Israel for its...
photo: US DoS
Facebook privacy settings are shown in San Francisco, Thursday, Dec. 17, 2009
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OSCAR Aguilar was a man who loved to impress with his selfies, but when he decided to pose with a handgun it resulted in his death. Aguilar, 21, a veterinarian from Mexico City has a...
photo: AP / Russel A. Daniels
President Barack Obama gestures as he speaks in Las Vegas. Just as President Barack Obama is pushing new initiatives on gun control and immigration, the gloomy old problem of a sluggish economy is shoving its way back into prominence. That could imperil his focus on other issues, just as he is shaping a second-term agenda.
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WASHINGTON — A senior White House adviser says President Barack Obama will make a decision by the end of the summer on how to use his authority to address immigrants living illegally in the...
photo: AP / Isaac Brekken
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  • Play next
  • Death of Ken Saro-Wiwa...13:11
  • Baby Gammy's surrogate mother 'loves him like my own'...1:34
  • Aerial footage shows devastating China earthquake destruction...1:06
  • Israeli airstrike targets another UN school in Gaza, 10 dead...2:52
  • Ukraine War - Unique Footage Video of the Battle of Dmitrievka...4:48
  • Israel Palestine Conflict : Israel Attacks Building in Gaza | 3 August 2014 | RAW VIDEO...2:35
  • ‘We are all Gaza’: West bank rises up against Israel...3:12
  • Pestilence : American Ebola Patient arrives at Emory University in Atlanta Georgia (Aug 02, 2014)...33:33
  • Investigation into death of cyclist Marco Pantani reopened amid murder claims...0:59
  • Obama on CIA’s post-9/11 tactics: ‘We tortured some folks’...3:59
  • Israeli PM Netanyahu on CNN - FULL INTERVIEW 7/27/2014...10:58
  • Mars 2020 Rover and Beyond News Teleconference from NASA Headquarters in Washington DC...51:43
  • John Boehner Confirms Republicans Are Suing Obama Over Executive Actions He's Taken...13:16
  • The World Today: W.H.O. Calls Emergency Talks On Outbreak Of Ebola Virus...2:50
add video playlist "Don't Let Shell Kill Again" is public policy video edited from two films to support the City of Berkeley's boycott of companies doing business with Shell Oil Company because of the multinational corporation's impact on Nigeria and for the death of Ken Saro-Wiwa with eight other environmental activists. The video presentation was seen at the City of Berkeley's Regular Council meeting in 1997 and several public showings in our community. A very special thanks to Carol Denney for the narration and to the East Bay Media Center in Berkeley for postproduction. For more information
Death of Ken Saro-Wi­wa
After being offered $16,000 to be surrogate mother for an Australian couple, Pattaramon Chanbua found she was carrying twins, one of whom has Down syndrome. It\'s claimed the Australians abandoned that boy, but his surrogate mother says she won\'t give him up now. WATCH the full story:
Baby Gammy's sur­ro­gate moth­er 'loves him like my own'
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Aerial footage shows the large numbers of collapsed buildings in the Yunnan Province of China, after a 6.3 earthquake hit on Sunday. After the earthquake killed at least 381 people and left 1,801 injured, rescue workers and local residents have been searching through debris. Many people rushed out of buildings into the streets after the quake hit, electricity supplies were cut and at least one school collapsed. More than 12,000 houses were also destroyed and 30,000 more were damaged. A team of about 100 more rescuers boarded a plane to join ground operations on Monday, part of a 6,000 strong rescue and relief operation. Report by Claire Lomas.

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Aeri­al footage shows dev­as­tat­ing China earth­quake de­struc­tion
An Israeli air strike has hit another UN-operated school in Gaza Strip, killing at least 10 people and injuring 35 others, Palestinian health authorities reported. READ MORE

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RT (Russia Today) is a global news network broadcasting from Moscow and Washington studios. RT is the first news channel to break the 1 billion YouTube views benchmark.
Is­raeli airstrike tar­gets an­oth­er UN school in Gaza, 10 dead
Ukraine War - Unique Footage Video of the Battle of Dmitrievka
Ukraine Crisis - Unique Footage Video of the Battle of Dmitrievka
Ukraine War - Unique Footage Video of the Battle of Dmitrievka

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Ukraine War - Unique Footage Video of the Bat­tle of Dmitriev­ka
Israel Palestine Conflict: Israel Attacks Gaza
Israel Palestine Conflict: Israel Attacks Gaza
Israel Palestine Conflict: Israel Attacks Gaza
Israel Palestine Conflict: Israel Attacks Building in Gaza | 3 August 2014 | RAW VIDEO

# Israel Gaza Conflict
# Israel Gaza War 2014
# Israel vs Palestine War
# Israel vs Palestine Perang

Israel Forces, Israel Military, IDF, Israel Aircraft, Israel Palestine, Israel Hamas, Israel Gaza, Israel vs Palestine, Israel Palestine War, Israel Palestine Conflict, Tel Aviv, Iron Dome, Rocket, Missile, Attack, Blast Bomb, Building, Children, Fire, Firing, Tank, Jet Fighters, Combat Footage, Combat Attack, World War 3 ( WW3 ), Tunel, Israel vs Hamas, Israel Hamas, Palestine Conflict, Gaza Conflict, Save Gaza, Save Palestine, Ground Operations, Israel Protective Edge Operations, Mosque, Attack Gaza, New Video, Breaking News, Latest Video From Gaza, Palestine

Video Terbaru Gaza, Israel vs Palestina, Serangan Israel di Jalur Gaza, Konflik Israel Palestina Di Gaza, Ledakan Bom Di Gaza, Roket Hamas, Roket Israel, Berita Israel Palestina, Info Israel Palestina, Jalur Gaza, Perang Israel Palestina.

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Is­rael Pales­tine Con­flict : Is­rael At­tacks Build­ing in Gaza | 3 Au­gust 2014 | RAW VIDEO
The death toll in Gaza has hit over 1,600 since Israel launched operation Protective Edge on July 8. The international community is pushing the sides to ceasefire as the world opinion rallies against Tel Aviv\'s operation. And Palestinians living in the West Bank express their solidarity with Gaza. Harry Fear reports.

Israel-Gaza conflict LIVE UPDATES:


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RT (Russia Today) is a global news network broadcasting from Moscow and Washington studios. RT is the first news channel to break the 1 billion YouTube views benchmark.
‘We are all Gaza’: West bank rises up against Is­rael

News Articles:

Dr. Kent Brantly, one of two American Ebola patients, lands in US, headed to Emory

American Doctor With Ebola Able to Walk Into Georgia Hospital

American Doctor Infected With Ebola Arrives in the U.S. for Treatment

Doctor with Ebola arrives at Atlanta hospital; 2nd infected American to follow

Obama Signs Executive Order to Detain Americans With ‘Respiratory Illnesses’

Specific Laws and Regulations Governing the Control of Communicable Diseases

Executive Order -- Revised List of Quarantinable Communicable Diseases

FAIR USE NOTICE: This video may contain copyrighted material. Such material is made available for educational purposes only. This constitutes a \'fair use\' of any such copyrighted material as provided for in Title 17 U.S.C. section 106A-117 of the U.S. Copyright Law.
Pesti­lence : Amer­i­can Ebola Pa­tient ar­rives at Emory Uni­ver­si­ty in At­lanta Geor­gia (Aug 02, 2014)
An investigation into the death of Tour de France winner Marco Pantani has been reopened, according to Italian media reports.

Family members of the cyclist are said to have presented fresh evidence, alleging that Pantani was beaten by a group of men, forced to drink cocaine and murdered. They also reportedly claim that key evidence was missed in the initial inquiry.

A giant of Italian cycling, Pantani was found dead in a hotel room on Valentine\'s Day 2004.  His death was ruled accidental - the…

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In­ves­ti­ga­tion into death of cy­clist Marco Pan­tani re­opened amid mur­der claims
President Barack Obama made a rare acknowledgment during a Friday press briefing concerning the United States’ past use of enhanced interrogation tactics in the wake of the September 11 terrorist attacks. “In the immediate aftermath of 9/11, we did some things that were wrong. We did a whole lot of things that were right, but we tortured some folks. We did things that were contrary to our values,” Pres. Obama said near the end of a nearly hour-long press briefing at the White House in Washington, DC. See what else the commander-in-chief had to say about the CIA’s use of torture, as well as the admission that they spied on Congress.

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Obama on CIA’s post-9/11 tac­tics: ‘We tor­tured some folks’
(CNN) Today on CNN’s State of the Union with Candy Crowley, Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu spoke to Crowley about the ongoing Israeli-Palestinian conflict. Following the interview with Prime Minister Netanyahu, Crowley spoke with Mohammed Shtayyeh, senior adviser to President Abbas, to hear the Palestinian response.
Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and Mohammed Stayyeh offer insights on both sides of the Israeli-Palestinian conflict.

Netanyahu on ceasefires: “Israel has accepted five cease-fires since this conflict began, five. We accepted them and we implemented them, including two humanitarian cease-fires in the last 24 hours which Hamas rejected, as they rejected all the other cease-fires. And they violated them.”

 “So, you say Israel resumed its offensive. No, we didn\'t resume our offensive. We had a cease-fire. They violated it. And now they are violating their own cease-fire. And, obviously, we will take whatever action is necessary to protect our people, including against the terror tunnels that they are trying to dig against us.”


Shtayyeh on ceasefires: “Well, my reaction is that, since this morning, while Israel is claiming that it is abiding by a cease-fire, six Palestinians have been killed, including a Christian nurse in one of the clinics in Gaza.”

“So, by all means, we are very much entrusted to see an end to the Israeli aggression. And, as I understand, the efforts of Secretary Kerry is yielding some fruits. There will be a Palestinian delegation formed by President Mahmoud Abbas going to Cairo to negotiate the terms of cease-fire.”

“But, by all means, if the Israeli army is going to be stationed where it is and continue shelling, obviously, Israel is very much endangering. Whether it\'s a humanitarian cease-fire, whether it\'s a timing cease-fire, whether it is a long-lasting cease-fire, the Israeli army should not stay where it is now, because the Israeli army now is nearly occupying 50 percent of the total area of the Gaza Strip, which is no less than - which is more than 370 square kilometers, with 1.9 million Palestinians living in that very small territory.”
Is­raeli PM Ne­tanyahu on CNN - FULL IN­TER­VIEW 7/27/2014
During a July 31 briefing at NASA headquarters, agency officials announced seven science instruments, out of fifty-eight proposed, have been selected to be part of the next rover NASA will send to Mars in 2020. The Mars 2020 rover will be a new version of the Curiosity rover currently operating on Mars – with more sophisticated hardware to conduct unprecedented science and exploration technology investigations, including geological assessments, habitability of the environment and searching for signs of past life on the Red Planet.
Mars 2020 Rover and Be­yond News Tele­con­fer­ence from NASA Head­quar­ters in Wash­ing­ton DC
June 25, 2014 C-SPAN








John Boehn­er Con­firms Re­pub­li­cans Are Suing Obama Over Ex­ec­u­tive Ac­tions He's Taken
As the deadly Ebola virus continues to ravage some parts of West Africa, health ministers from 11 African countries are meeting in Accra, Ghana, in an attempt to try and contain the deadly and worsening outbreak.

So far, 763 people have been infected with the virus - and 468 of these have died.

Most of the cases have been in guinea where the outbreak started.

For more information log on to
The World Today: W.H.O. Calls Emer­gen­cy Talks On Out­break Of Ebola Virus
Just two hours after a ceasefire - announced by the US and UN - went into effect, Israeli tanks shelled the eastern part of Rafah, which lies close to Gaza\'s borders with Israel and Egypt, killing at least four people and wounding 15, according to local officials in Gaza.


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RT (Russia Today) is a global news network broadcasting from Moscow and Washington studios. RT is the first news channel to break the 1 billion YouTube views benchmark.
Cease­fire over: Is­rael strikes Gaza, claims Hamas broke 72-hour truce

updated 28 Sep 2011; published 28 Sep 2011
Death of Ken Saro-Wi­wa 04 Aug 2014, Article by Correspondent Dallas Darling. "We tend to think of oil spills," writes Alex Prud Homme in The Ripple Effect: The Fate Of Freshwater In The Twenty-First Century, "as dramatic events-crude carriers impaled on Alaskan rocks, a blowout shooting geysers of oil into the Texas desert, a burning platform sinking into the Gulf of Mexico....
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updated 04 Aug 2014; published 04 Aug 2014
Baby Gammy's sur­ro­gate moth­er 'loves him like my own'
Independent online (SA) 04 Aug 2014, Conburi, Thailand – The Thai surrogate mother of a baby born with Down Syndrome vowed on Monday to “never abandon” him after the Australian parents reportedly refused to care for the child, sparking a moral debate and a cascade of donations for the boy's medical care. Pattaramon Chanbua and seven-month old Gammy have been at the...
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updated 04 Aug 2014; published 04 Aug 2014
Aeri­al footage shows dev­as­tat­ing China earth­quake de­struc­tion
Longview News Journal 04 Aug 2014, BEIJING (AP) — A strong earthquake in southern China’s Yunnan province toppled thousands of homes on Sunday, killing at least 367 people and injuring more than 1,800. About 12,000 homes collapsed in Ludian, a densely populated county located around 366 kilometers (277 miles) northeast of Yunnan’s capital, Kunming, China’s official Xinhua News...
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updated 03 Aug 2014; published 03 Aug 2014
Is­raeli airstrike tar­gets an­oth­er UN school in Gaza, 10 dead
The Times of India 04 Aug 2014, JERUSALEM: Israel announced it would be holding its fire in most of Gaza for seven hours Monday, amid world outrage over a deadly strike on a UN school in the Palestinian territory. The unilateral truce, four weeks into fighting with Gaza de facto rulers Hamas, came after world powers fiercely condemned the attack that left 10 Palestinians...
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updated 04 Aug 2014; published 04 Aug 2014
Ukraine War - Unique Footage Video of the Bat­tle of Dmitriev­ka
Al Jazeera 03 Aug 2014, Nine civilians have been killed in new fighting between government forces and pro-Russian separatists around the cities of Luhansk and Donetsk in east Ukraine, local officials say. Six people were killed in shelling and gunfire on the outskirts of Donetsk, Deputy Mayor Kostantyn Savinov said on Sunday, while city officials said three others were...
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updated 03 Aug 2014; published 03 Aug 2014
Is­rael Pales­tine Con­flict : Is­rael At­tacks Build­ing in Gaza | 3 Au­gust 2014 | RAW VIDEO
Denver Post 03 Aug 2014, Protestors and counter-protestors shout slogans at each other during a demonstration against Israel's military operations in the Gaza Strip, August 2, 2014 in front of the Federal Building in Los Angeles, California. (Robyn Beck, Getty) Related Stories Aug 1:US: Abduction of Israeli would be 'outrageous'Saudi king condemns Gaza war but not...
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updated 04 Aug 2014; published 04 Aug 2014
‘We are all Gaza’: West bank rises up against Is­rael
The Independent 03 Aug 2014, As Gaza is devastated by a new paroxysm of violence, what has Israel achieved by its 26-day bombardment and ground intervention? The outcome so far is similar to that of past Israeli wars in Lebanon and Gaza: massive firepower is used to inflict heavy losses on the other side, the great majority of the casualties being civilians. But, as the war...
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updated 02 Aug 2014; published 02 Aug 2014
Pesti­lence : Amer­i­can Ebola Pa­tient ar­rives at Emory Uni­ver­si­ty in At­lanta Geor­gia (Aug 02, 2014)
Belfast Telegraph 02 Aug 2014, An American doctor infected with the Ebola virus is the first being flown to the US for treatment and expected to arrive in Atlanta on Saturday, a missionary group said. Two seriously-ill American aid workers will be treated at Atlanta's Emory University Hospital. Samaritan's Purse missionary group spokesman Todd Shearer told The Associated Press...
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updated 02 Aug 2014; published 02 Aug 2014
In­ves­ti­ga­tion into death of cy­clist Marco Pan­tani re­opened amid mur­der claims
Independent online (SA) 02 Aug 2014, RomePublic prosecutors in Italy have reopened the case into the death of former cycling champion Marco Pantani after new evidence emerged. The news led to several Italian media regurgitating the theory that 'Il Pirata' was murdered in 2004. “We have just received documents sent by those close to (Pantani) and we have opened an...
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updated 01 Aug 2014; published 01 Aug 2014
Obama on CIA’s post-9/11 tac­tics: ‘We tor­tured some folks’
Novosti 02 Aug 2014, MOSCOW, August 2 (RIA Novosti) – US President Barack Obama has admitted that the CIA used controversial techniques of torture against al-Qaeda suspects in the aftermath of 9/11, Reuters reported. "We did a whole lot of things...
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updated 27 Jul 2014; published 27 Jul 2014
Is­raeli PM Ne­tanyahu on CNN - FULL IN­TER­VIEW 7/27/2014
The Associated Press 02 Aug 2014, WASHINGTON (AP) -- Following the quick collapse of the cease-fire in Gaza, Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu told the White House not to force a truce with Palestinian militants on Israel. Sources familiar with conversations between Netanyahu and senior U.S. officials, including Secretary of State John Kerry, say the Israeli leader advised...
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updated 31 Jul 2014; published 31 Jul 2014
Mars 2020 Rover and Be­yond News Tele­con­fer­ence from NASA Head­quar­ters in Wash­ing­ton DC
The Times of India 02 Aug 2014, MUMBAI: With eye on human occupation of Mars, Nasa on Thursday unveiled a selection of seven instruments which will be on board the Mars 2020 rover to conduct unprecedented science and exploration technology investigations. One of the instrument includes the Mars Oxygen ISRU Experiment (MOXIE), an...
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updated 26 Jun 2014; published 26 Jun 2014
John Boehn­er Con­firms Re­pub­li­cans Are Suing Obama Over Ex­ec­u­tive Ac­tions He's Taken 01 Aug 2014, Article by Correspondent Dallas Darling. If only President Barack Obama had declared war. If only he had exceeded his executive authority and preemptively invaded and militarily occupied another nation. If only he had unleashed the dogs of war to slaughter thousands of foreigners. If he had done all of this, Republicans would not have just...
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updated 02 Jul 2014; published 02 Jul 2014
The World Today: W.H.O. Calls Emer­gen­cy Talks On Out­break Of Ebola Virus
The Independent 01 Aug 2014, The Ebola virus outbreak has led both Sierra Leone and Liberia to declare states of public emergency, meaning the army can now move in to enforce quarantine zones. It is a major escalation of both governments’ responses to the disease, which has killed more than 670 people across four West African countries since February. The measures in Sierra...
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The Guzzle Effect and Death of Us All
Full Article
04 Aug 2014

Article by Correspondent Dallas Darling. "We tend to think of oil spills," writes Alex Prud Homme in The Ripple Effect: The Fate Of Freshwater In The Twenty-First Century, "as dramatic events-crude carriers impaled on Alaskan rocks, a blowout shooting geysers of oil into the Texas desert, a burning platform sinking into the Gulf of Mexico....
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Protesters march to remember the 10th anniversary of a military junta's execution of Ken Saro-Wiwa at the city of Port Harcourt, Nigeria, on Thursday, Nov. 10, 2005.
photo: AP / Sunday Alamba

I love my Down’s baby: surrogate mom
Full Article Independent online (SA)
04 Aug 2014

Conburi, Thailand – The Thai surrogate mother of a baby born with Down Syndrome vowed on Monday to “never abandon” him after the Australian parents reportedly refused to care for the child, sparking a moral debate and a cascade of donations for the boy's medical care. Pattaramon Chanbua and seven-month old Gammy have been at the...
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Pattaramon Chanbua, right, kisses her baby boy Gammy at a hospital in Chonburi province, southeastern Thailand Sunday, Aug. 3, 2014
photo: AP / Apichart Weerawong

Strong earthquake kills 367 in China
Full Article Longview News Journal
04 Aug 2014

BEIJING (AP) — A strong earthquake in southern China’s Yunnan province toppled thousands of homes on Sunday, killing at least 367 people and injuring more than 1,800. About 12,000 homes collapsed in Ludian, a densely populated county located around 366 kilometers (277 miles) northeast of Yunnan’s capital, Kunming, China’s official Xinhua News...
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File photo: In this photo released by China's Xinhua News Agency, a local resident clears the debris of his house following a strong earthquake in China.
photo: AP / Xinhua, Qin Qing

Israel declares 7-hour Gaza truce after fury over school strike
Full Article The Times of India
04 Aug 2014

JERUSALEM: Israel announced it would be holding its fire in most of Gaza for seven hours Monday, amid world outrage over a deadly strike on a UN school in the Palestinian territory. The unilateral truce, four weeks into fighting with Gaza de facto rulers Hamas, came after world powers fiercely condemned the attack that left 10 Palestinians...
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 Palestinian children follow an Israeli tank as it rolls through the Gaza town of Beit Hanoun. Tanks, troops and bulldozers reoccupied a Gaza town yesterday in a bid to curb Hamas rocket attacks on Israel, after the crudely made missiles claimed their fir
photo: WN / Ahmed Deeb

Civilians die in latest Ukraine offensive
Full Article Al Jazeera
03 Aug 2014

Nine civilians have been killed in new fighting between government forces and pro-Russian separatists around the cities of Luhansk and Donetsk in east Ukraine, local officials say. Six people were killed in shelling and gunfire on the outskirts of Donetsk, Deputy Mayor Kostantyn Savinov said on Sunday, while city officials said three others were...
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Pro-Russian rebels shoot in the air as they celebrate Paratroopers' Day in the city of Donetsk, eastern Ukraine Saturday, Aug. 2, 2014.
photo: AP / Dmitry Lovetsky

Israel vows to continue operation in Gaza; soldier declared dead
Full Article Denver Post
03 Aug 2014

Protestors and counter-protestors shout slogans at each other during a demonstration against Israel's military operations in the Gaza Strip, August 2, 2014 in front of the Federal Building in Los Angeles, California. (Robyn Beck, Getty) Related Stories Aug 1:US: Abduction of Israeli would be 'outrageous'Saudi king condemns Gaza war but not...
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Fire rises during an explosion following an Israeli strike on the border tunnels between Egypt and Rafah in the southern Gaza Strip on November 20, 2012. In a backdrop of airstrikes and mounting casualties, American efforts to negotiate a cease-fire in the latest Gaza fighting between Israel and Hamas continues. Photo by Ahmed Deeb / WN
photo: WN / Ahmed Deeb

Israel-Gaza conflict: What has Israel achieved in 26 bloody days?
Full Article The Independent
03 Aug 2014

As Gaza is devastated by a new paroxysm of violence, what has Israel achieved by its 26-day bombardment and ground intervention? The outcome so far is similar to that of past Israeli wars in Lebanon and Gaza: massive firepower is used to inflict heavy losses on the other side, the great majority of the casualties being civilians. But, as the war...
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Palestinians inspect the debris of a house, which witnesses said was hit in an Israeli air strike, in Rafah in the southern Gaza Strip on August 2, 2014.
photo: WN / Ahmed Deeb

Ebola virus patient due in Atlanta
Full Article Belfast Telegraph
02 Aug 2014

An American doctor infected with the Ebola virus is the first being flown to the US for treatment and expected to arrive in Atlanta on Saturday, a missionary group said. Two seriously-ill American aid workers will be treated at Atlanta's Emory University Hospital. Samaritan's Purse missionary group spokesman Todd Shearer told The Associated Press...
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An ambulance departs Dobbins Air Reserve Base, Saturday, Aug. 2, 2014, in Marietta, Ga. Officials at Emory University Hospital in Atlanta expect an American that was infected with the Ebola virus to be transported today.
photo: AP / Mike Stewart

Case into cycling star’s death reopened
Full Article Independent online (SA)
02 Aug 2014

RomePublic prosecutors in Italy have reopened the case into the death of former cycling champion Marco Pantani after new evidence emerged. The news led to several Italian media regurgitating the theory that 'Il Pirata' was murdered in 2004. “We have just received documents sent by those close to (Pantani) and we have opened an...
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Marco Pantani of Italy waves from his bicycle in Palma de Mallorca, Spain Saturday Jan. 11, 2003. Pantani is currently training in Mallorca.
photo: AP / Jaime Reina

Obama Admits CIA ‘Tortured Some Folks’ After 9/11
Full Article Novosti
02 Aug 2014

MOSCOW, August 2 (RIA Novosti) – US President Barack Obama has admitted that the CIA used controversial techniques of torture against al-Qaeda suspects in the aftermath of 9/11, Reuters reported. "We did a whole lot of things...
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President Barack Obama, accompanied by CIA Director Leon Panetta, waves to the crowd as he arrives to deliver remarks at the Central Intelligence Agency
photo: AP / Gerald Herbert

Netanyahu to US: Don't second guess me on Hamas
Full Article The Associated Press
02 Aug 2014

WASHINGTON (AP) -- Following the quick collapse of the cease-fire in Gaza, Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu told the White House not to force a truce with Palestinian militants on Israel. Sources familiar with conversations between Netanyahu and senior U.S. officials, including Secretary of State John Kerry, say the Israeli leader advised...
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Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu speaks to the media during a press conference at the defense ministry in Tel Aviv, Israel, Saturday Aug. 2, 2014. Netanyahu warned Hamas on Saturday that it will "pay an intolerable price" if it continues to fire rockets at Israel, but also hinted that Israel would reassess its Gaza operation once troops have demolished Hamas military tunnels under the Gaza-Israel border.
photo: AP / Oded Balilty

Nasa’s new plan: To make O2 on Mars
Full Article The Times of India
02 Aug 2014

MUMBAI: With eye on human occupation of Mars, Nasa on Thursday unveiled a selection of seven instruments which will be on board the Mars 2020 rover to conduct unprecedented science and exploration technology investigations. One of the instrument includes the Mars Oxygen ISRU Experiment (MOXIE), an...
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Artist’s concept of rover spelling out the word "Mars" with its wheel tracks.
photo: NASA

The Real Reason Obama Is Being Sued and Impeached
Full Article
01 Aug 2014

Article by Correspondent Dallas Darling. If only President Barack Obama had declared war. If only he had exceeded his executive authority and preemptively invaded and militarily occupied another nation. If only he had unleashed the dogs of war to slaughter thousands of foreigners. If he had done all of this, Republicans would not have just...
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President Barack Obama gestures during a news conference.
photo: AP / Pablo Martinez Monsivais

Ebola crisis: Sierra Leone and Liberia announce state of emergency
Full Article The Independent
01 Aug 2014

The Ebola virus outbreak has led both Sierra Leone and Liberia to declare states of public emergency, meaning the army can now move in to enforce quarantine zones. It is a major escalation of both governments’ responses to the disease, which has killed more than 670 people across four West African countries since February. The measures in Sierra...
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File - A 43 year old Congolese patient, right, who has been confirmed to have Ebola hemorrhagic fever, following laboratory tests, is comforted by Medecins Sans Frontieres (Doctors without Borders) nurse Isabel Grovas, left, and Doctor Hilde Declerck, not pictured, in Kampungu, Kasai Occidental province, Congo, Saturday, Sept. 29, 2007.
photo: AP / WHO, Christopher Black

Michael Kors and Pike Are Big Market Movers
Full Article Atlanta Journal
04 Aug 2014

Stocks that moved substantially or traded heavily Monday on the New...
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Iraq chaos catches up with Kurdistan
Full Article France24
04 Aug 2014

It was nearly the perfect heist. In June, Iraq’s Kurds snuck in behind retreating government troops to grab long-coveted land and watched from their new borders as Baghdad and jihadists fought over the rump state....
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Israel continues Gaza assault despite 'destroying all known tunnels'
Full Article France24
04 Aug 2014

The Israeli army said on Monday that it still has many missions to carry out in Gaza despite announcing it had destroyed all of the known tunnels militants use to attack its territory....
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Both sides prepare for new Gaza war crimes probe
Full Article Fresno Bee
04 Aug 2014

GAZA CITY, Gaza Strip — In a replay of the last major Gaza conflict, human rights defenders are again accusing Israel and Hamas of violating the rules of war, pointing to what they say appear to be indiscriminate or deliberate attacks on civilians. In 2009, such war crimes allegations leveled by U.N. investigators — and denied by both...
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Same-sex marriage ban struck down for Fla. county
Full Article Sacramento Bee
04 Aug 2014

MIAMI -- A third judge in Florida has overturned the state's ban on same-sex marriage in a single county but stayed his decision...
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Neymar -- My Back Is Good Enough to Party with Paris Hilton
Full Article TMZ
04 Aug 2014

A fractured vertebra might be enough to keep Brazilian soccer star Neymar off the pitch, but it's not enough to stop him from partying with Paris Hilton. The 22-year-old posted a photo to his Instagram page, posing with Paris in a nightclub in Ibiza. Neymar suffered the terrible back injury during Brazil's quarter-final win against Chile in the...
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FC Barcelona's Neymar, from Brazil, right, attends a training session the Sports Center FC Barcelona Joan Gamper in San Joan Despi, Spain, Saturday, Aug. 17, 2013.
photo: AP / Manu Fernandez

McIlroy: I'm better than ever
Full Article Orange News
04 Aug 2014

Rory McIlroy says he is in the best form of his life after backing up his Open success by winning the WGC-Bridgestone Invitational. The Northern Irishman will head into this week's US PGA Championship back on top of the world rankings and in the midst of a rich vein of form. At Valhalla he will be aiming to regain the title he won in 2012, a year...
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Rory McIlroy, from Northern Ireland
photo: AP / J Pat Carter

Nasri set for France retirement
Full Article Goal
04 Aug 2014

The midfielder has suggested he might already have played his last game for the national team after being ignored for the World Cup and hopes his Manchester City displays benefit Manchester City midfielder Samir Nasri has hinted he could quit international football after revealing he has made a decision about his future with France. The attacking...
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France’s Samir Nasri, left, challenge for the ball with Ukraine’s Anatoliy Tymoshchuk during the Euro 2012 soccer championship Group D match between Ukraine and France in Donetsk, Ukraine, Friday, June 15, 2012.
photo: AP / Efrem Lukatsky

Lampard can join whoever he wants
Full Article Goal
04 Aug 2014

The midfielder left Chelsea after a 13-year spell to join New York City FC in July, but is now set for a surprise loan move to Manchester City and his former boss is not concerned Jose Mourinho has insisted Frank Lampard will always by welcome at Chelsea despite his shock loan move to Manchester City. The 36-year-old ended a 13-year association...
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Chelsea's Frank Lampard, left, takes the ball forward watched by Basel's Fabian Frei during their Europa League semifinal second leg soccer match, at Chelsea's Stamford Bridge stadium in London, Thursday, May 2, 2013.
photo: AP / Kirsty Wigglesworth

Mourinho: Lampard welcome at Chelsea despite Manchester City move
Full Article Goal
04 Aug 2014

The midfielder left Stamford Bridge after 13 years to join New York City FC, but is now set for a surprise loan move to the Etihad Stadium, and his former boss is not concerned Jose Mourinho says Frank Lampard will always by welcome at Chelsea despite his shock loan move to Manchester City. The 36-year-old ended a 13-year stay with the Stamford...
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Chelsea' new coach Jose Mourinho speaks to the media during a press conference at Chelsea's Stamford Bridge stadium in London, Monday, June 10, 2013. Mourinho has been reappointed coach to the team for the second time .
photo: AP / Alastair Grant

Rodgers keen to claim bragging rights over Manchester United
Full Article Goal
04 Aug 2014

With Liverpool set to face their rivals in the final of the International Champions Cup, the manager insists the match is more than just a pre-season friendly ahead of the new term Brendan Rodgers has emphasised the importance of Liverpool's clash with Manchester United despite the games being a pre-season friendly. The two rival clubs are set to...
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Liverpool's manager Brendan Rodgers reacts during the English Premier League soccer match between West Ham United and Liverpool at the Boleyn Ground in London, Sunday, Dec. 9, 2012.
photo: AP / Kirsty Wigglesworth

Nasri: Lampard's Champions League experience will boost Manchester City
Full Article Goal
04 Aug 2014

The Frenchman is excited about the former Chelsea midfielder's knowledge of what it takes to succeed in Europe, with his loan from New York City FC all but officially announced Manchester City midfielder Samir Nasri has welcomed the arrival of Frank Lampard on loan as a big boost to their Champions League hopes. The former Chelsea star, having...
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Manchester City's Samir Nasri celebrates after he scores the fourth goal of the game for his side during their English Premier League soccer match against Manchester United at the Etihad Stadium in Manchester, England, Sunday, Sept. 22, 2013.
photo: AP / Clint Hughes

International Champions Cup 2014: Are Manchester United in better shape than Liverpool?
Full Article The Independent
04 Aug 2014

It is 141 days since they last met in a match which confirmed how far Liverpool had risen and how completely Manchester United had fallen: a 3-0 defeat for the home team at Old Trafford in which their then manager, David Moyes, did not even consider his own side to be the favourites. Both have covered some distance in so many ways ahead of their...
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Manchester United's Wayne Rooney, left, vies for the ball against Liverpool's Jordan Henderson during their English Premier League soccer match at Anfield, Liverpool, England, Saturday Oct. 15, 2011.
photo: AP / Tim Hales

Chris Brown CANCELS OVO Festival Performance As Justin Bieber ‘Disses’ Drake
Full Article Entertainment Wise
04 Aug 2014

Chris Brown has shattered the dreams of fans who were hoping he would join Drake on stage at tonight’s OVO Festival with reports claiming the singer has been forced to cancel his appearance due to being banned from entering Canada. The ‘Loyal’ hitmaker is said to have been planning to jet over to Toronto today in a bid to join his...
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Chris Brown performs during SpringFest/Best of the Best Miami 2011at Bicentennial Park Miami, Florida - May 29, 2011
photo: WN / Aaron Gilbert

Lollapalooza Festival 2014: Rihanna Crashes Eminem’s Set, Iggy Azalea Wows Audience & Lorde Gets Stage Fright
Full Article Entertainment Wise
04 Aug 2014

This year’s Lollapalooza festival was certainly a mixed bag of surprises with Rihanna joining Eminem on stage for an epic performance and Lorde, who usually finds it hard to bite her tongue, becoming overwhelmed and losing her words during her day one...
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Rihanna arrives at the MTV Movie Awards on Sunday, April 13, 2014, at Nokia Theatre in Los Angeles.
photo: AP / Matt Sayles

Magic Knock Cheryl Cole Off The Top Spot: UK Chart News
Full Article Entertainment Wise
04 Aug 2014

Magic! have switched places with the artist formerly known as Cheryl Cole at the top of the UK singles chart; climbing a place to nab their first Number 1 single. 'Rude' has already topped listings in several countries around the world, and this week 16% of its chart performance was made up of audio streams - the highest proportion for any No1...
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Cheryl Cole arrives for the Brit Awards 2011 at The O2 Arena in London, Tuesday, Feb. 15, 2011.
photo: AP / Joel Ryan

Gomez in car accident
Full Article Music News
04 Aug 2014

Selena Gomez has been involved in a minor car accident. The Come & Get It hitmaker was pulling out of a 7/11 in North Hollywood, California Sunday afternoon when she backed into another vehicle, according to TMZ. The outlet reports her SUV sustained minor damage. Police were...
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Selena Gomez takes a picture with a fan at a special screening of "Behaving Badly" on Tuesday, July 29, 2014 in Los Angeles.
photo: AP / Matt Sayles

Beyoncé & Jay Z 'joined by lawyers on tour'
Full Article Music News
03 Aug 2014

Beyoncé and Jay Z's concert promoters have allegedly held an emergency meeting to discuss their 'imploding marriage'. The superstar couple have been rocked for months by rumours their relationship is on the rocks - despite putting on a united front while performing their On The Run Tour. But PageSix now reports executives at concert...
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Recording artists Beyonce, center left, and Jay-Z, attend a NBA basketball game between the Brooklyn Nets and Houston Rockets at the Barclays Center, Tuesday, April 1, 2014, in New York.
photo: AP / John Minchillo

Bieber 'still bragging about Kerr'
Full Article Music News
03 Aug 2014

Justin Bieber has allegedly bragged Miranda Kerr vowed to 'make him a man'. The 20-year-old pop star was reportedly attacked by Orlando Bloom in Ibiza last week after Justin allegedly taunted the actor about his relationship with the model, who split from Orlando last year after three years of marriage. Various media reports...
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Justin Bieber performs during the 'Believe Tour' at the Amway Center Orlando, Florida - January 25, 2013
photo: WN / Aaron Gilbert

Beyonce responds to newest round of Jay Z break-up rumors
Full Article Celebrity Café
30 Jul 2014

Beyonce is responding to rumors about her personal life through pictures, just as she did when the elevator fiasco surrounding her sister Solange and husband, Jay Z, took over headlines. It’s been reported...
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Beyonce sings the National Anthem at the ceremonial swearing-in for President Barack Obama at the U.S. Capitol during the 57th Presidential Inauguration in Washington
photo: AP / Evan Vucci

Keith Urban's Boston Concert Plunged Into Chaos As 50 Arrested And More Than 20 Hospitalised
Full Article Entertainment Wise
28 Jul 2014

Keith Urban most likely expected his show in Boston to be run-of-the-mill last weekend but disaster struck suddenly when more than 20 people were taken ill and rushed to hospital while another 50 attendees were arrested at the venue. The country music star, 46, brought his Raise 'Em...
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Keith Urban perform during the CMA Fest at LP Field on Saturday, June 7, 2014, in Nashville, Tenn.
photo: AP / Wade Payne

Director James Gunn Confirms He's Started Work On Guardians Of The Galaxy Sequel In Thank You Letter To Fans
Full Article Entertainment Wise
04 Aug 2014

The mammoth promo trail and months of teasers paid off for Guardians of the Galaxy, with Marvel's latest epic scoring stratospheric numbers at the box office over the weekend. There was plenty of risk with Marvel's new venture: a brand new franchise, an indie director and a decidedly less starry leading man in Chris Pratt. But proving they don't...
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James Gunn arrives for the European Premiere of Guardians Of The Galaxy at a central London cinema, Thursday, July 24, 2014.
photo: AP / Jonathan Short

Feathers ruffled as world heritage body questions why Star Wars crew was allowed on Skellig Michael
Full Article Belfast Telegraph
30 Jul 2014

Filming of Star Wars on Skellig Michael has ruffled more feathers than just those of the native puffin population with UNESCO also making inquiries as to who authorised the shoot. Work on day two of filming for Star Wars: Episode VII began early yesterday morning with boats carrying crew to the remote island off the County Kerry coast at around...
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The cemetery and large oratory on Skellig Michael. The Island was inscribed on the World Heritage List in 1996, at the 20th Session of the World Heritage Committee in Mérida, Mexico.
photo: Creative Commons

Aretha Franklin slams rude and obnoxious waitress: 'Respect' singer floored
Full Article The Examiner
28 Jul 2014

At 72 Aretha Franklin is still on the road touring and bringing her iconic music to her fans. After one recent concert in Niagara falls, Ontario, Aretha headed over to one of her favorite eateries, Johnny Rocket. When she got there, the waitstaff so rude that she told her what to do with the food she had just ordered and walked out, according to...
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Singer and musician Aretha Franklin performs during the 2013 National Christmas Tree Lighting ceremony at the Ellipse in Washington, Friday, Dec. 6, 2013.
photo: AP / Carolyn Kaster

Peter Jackson, director of the "Lord of the Rings trilogy," discusses his career during the Santa Barbara International Film Festival in Santa Barbara, Calif., Saturday, Jan. 31, 2004.
photo: AP / Michael A. Mariant

Chris Nolan and Matthew McConaughey Rock the Con with Surprise 'Interstellar' Footage
Full Article IMDb
25 Jul 2014

After a quiet first day at Comic-Con, Hall H was finally rocked Thursday afternoon at the Paramount panel by an original movie of clear scope and...
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Actor Matthew McConaughey arrives at the movie premiere of "We Are Marshall" at the Keith-Albee Theater in downtown Huntington, W.Va., Tuesday, Dec 12. 2006. (js1)
photo: AP / Jeff Gentner

"Entertainment is a necessity of life," says Akshay Kumar
Full Article The Siasat Daily
24 Jul 2014

New Delhi, July 24: Akshay Kumar is going all the way to promote his upcoming film 'Entertainment', as he feels entertainment is a necessity of life. During a unique promotional event held in Mumbai, Akshay recorded a live song for the film and made his fans sing along. The actor dedicated the song to world entertainment, and said, "Everyone needs...
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photo: WN / Bhaskar Mallick

Re-Creating The Magic Of Harry Potter In The Real World
Full Article Fast Company
23 Jul 2014

Hundreds of wannabe-magicians walk down a cobblestone street, lugging bags filled with wands, robes, and plush three-headed dogs. A dragon breathes fire atop a giant bank, where animatronic goblins lead visitors--some probably crying after waiting on a four-hour line--to a massive thrill ride, in which they have to smuggle gold past evil wizards...
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Box Standee of Harry Potter Deathly Hallows 2
photo: WN / Arturo Ubaub

Paquin: Bisexuality not a problem
Full Article Belfast Telegraph
22 Jul 2014

Anna Paquin has said her bisexuality is not a problem for her marriage because she doesn't view the two things as mutually exclusive. The True Blood star is married to Stephen Moyer, who she met when they filmed the show's pilot together, and told HuffPost Live why her sexuality was not an issue. According to Mail Online, she said: "The reason I...
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Anna Paquin speaking at the 2012 San Diego Comic-Con International in San Diego, California.
photo: Creative Commons / Gage Skidmore

Americans Are Totally Over Fast Food Burgers
Full Article Huffington Post
04 Aug 2014

Some day soon, a burger and fries will no longer be the quintessential American fast-food meal. By 2020, the only burger joint in the top five fast-food restaurants in America by sales will be McDonald's, predicted a note published Monday by analysts at Janney Capital Markets, a financial-services firm. Burger chains Wendy's and Burger King,...
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The oldest operating McDonald's restaurant was the third one built, opening in 1953. It is located at 10207 Lakewood Blvd. at Florence Ave. in Downey, California (at 33.9471°N 118.1182°W).
photo: Creative Commons / Bryan Hong

Banks reportedly discuss Argentina default exit
Full Article Fresno Bee
04 Aug 2014

BUENOS AIRES, Argentina — Several international banks were reportedly in talks Monday that could end the legal battle that pushed Argentina into a default that threatens its economy. The banks are said to be negotiating to buy some of the Argentine bonds held by...
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Bank of Argentina, Buenos Aires, 29th. Dec. 2010.
photo: Creative Commons / Phillip Capper

>Elephants in tourism - right or wrong? World's first global guide to elephants in tourism released
Full Article Seattle Post
04 Aug 2014

Should travellers boycott elephant trekking and Is it right for elephants to play football for tourists’ amusement? The world’s first online guide to elephants in tourism by allows travellers to make thoughtful and informed decisions. Brighton (PRWEB UK) 4 August 2014 In response to the growing scrutiny around elephant welfare...
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Indian Elephant  rest inside the Alipore Zoo in Kolkata in Eastern India City
photo: WN / Bhaskar Mallick

HSBC first-half profit falls 12% as investment banking drops
Full Article North Jersey
04 Aug 2014

HSBC Holdings Plc, Europe's largest bank, reported a steeper-than-estimated decline in first-half profit, marking the first such decrease since 2009, as investment banking weakened....
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File - A pedestrian passes a branch of HSBC bank in London, Monday, Feb. 27, 2012.
photo: AP / Kirsty Wigglesworth

US STOCKS-Wall St up on earnings, Portugal bank deal
Full Article Reuters
04 Aug 2014

* Berkshire Hathaway shares up after results * Michael Kors shares reverse premarket move, fall 5.5 pct * Diamond Offshore weighs on Loews earnings * Indexes: Dow flat, S&P; up 0.2 pct, Nasdaq up 0.3 pct (Updates prices, adds comment) By Rodrigo Campos NEW YORK, Aug 4 (Reuters) - U.S. stocks rose in morning trading on Monday, lifted by earnings...
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Specialist Michael Sollitto, right, directs trades at his post on the floor of the New York Stock Exchange Wednesday, July 28, 2010
photo: AP / Richard Drew

Asian Markets Are On The Defensive
Full Article Business Insider
04 Aug 2014

An employee of the Tokyo Stock Exchange stretches at the bourse in Tokyo TOKYO (Reuters) - Fears of further declines on Wall Street kept Asian shares mostly on the defensive on Monday, with concerns over geopolitical tensions eclipsing U.S. data that argued against an earlier start to the Federal Reserve's rate-tightening cycle. MSCI's broadest...
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A man watches a screen showing stock prices at a brokerage firm in Hong Kong Wednesday, Feb. 11, 2009. Asian stock markets
photo: AP / Vincent Yu

A man a mobile phone in front of an electronic stock indicator in Tokyo, Monday, July 8, 2013.
photo: AP / Shizuo Kambayashi

European Sanctions Force Russian Carrier to Suspend Flights
Full Article New York Times
04 Aug 2014

Dobrolet, a low-cost subsidiary of the Russian state carrier Aeroflot, announced that it would suspend all flights as a result of sanctions imposed on Russia by the European Union....
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Sheremetyevo International Airport (Russian: Международный Аэропорт Шереметьево; IPA: [ʂɨrʲɪˈmʲetʲjɪvə]) (IATA: SVO, ICAO: UUEE), is an international airport located in the Moscow Oblast, Russia, 29 km (18 mi) north-west of central Moscow.
photo: Creative Commons / Sasha Krotov

Death of Ken Saro-Wiwa
Death of Ken Saro-Wiwa
  • Order:
  • Duration: 13:11
  • Updated: 28 Sep 2011
"Don't Let Shell Kill Again" is public policy video edited from two films to support the City of Berkeley's boycott of companies doing business with Shell Oil Company because of the multinational corporation's impact on Nigeria and for the death of Ken Saro-Wiwa with eight other environmental activists. The video presentation was seen at the City of Berkeley's Regular Council meeting in 1997 and several public showings in our community. A very special thanks to Carol Denney for the narration and to the East Bay Media Center in Berkeley for postproduction. For more information
  • published: 28 Sep 2011
  • views: 39034

Baby Gammy's surrogate mother 'loves him like my own'
Baby Gammy's surrogate mother 'loves him like my own'
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  • Duration: 1:34
  • Updated: 04 Aug 2014
After being offered $16,000 to be surrogate mother for an Australian couple, Pattaramon Chanbua found she was carrying twins, one of whom has Down syndrome. It's claimed the Australians abandoned that boy, but his surrogate mother says she won't give him up now. WATCH the full story:
  • published: 04 Aug 2014
  • views: 3506's_surrogate_mother_'loves_him_like_my_own'

Aerial footage shows devastating China earthquake destruction
Aerial footage shows devastating China earthquake destruction
  • Order:
  • Duration: 1:06
  • Updated: 04 Aug 2014
Subscribe here: Aerial footage shows the large numbers of collapsed buildings in the Yunnan Province of China, after a 6.3 earthquake hit on Sunday. After the earthquake killed at least 381 people and left 1,801 injured, rescue workers and local residents have been searching through debris. Many people rushed out of buildings into the streets after the quake hit, electricity supplies were cut and at least one school collapsed. More than 12,000 houses were also destroyed and 30,000 more were damaged. A team of about 100 more rescuers boarded a plane to join ground operations on Monday, part of a 6,000 strong rescue and relief operation. Report by Claire Lomas. ITN is becoming ODN. Stay tuned. Like us on Facebook: Follow us on Twitter: Add us on Google+: More stories from ITN: Devastating aerials of China earthquake destruction: Huge crop circle pops up in Germany: Amazonian tribe makes contact with outside world: Giraffe dies in bridge smash: Spooky! Is this a ghost caught on CCTV? Women nearly get killed by train: Aerial footage of fire raging on pier: UP CLOSE: Hungry Siberian tiger feeds on ox: Policeman flung from speeding getaway van: VIDEO: Israel airstrike hits building in Gaza: Baby rescued from bus on flooded road: Weirdest beach invention ever? Italian Navy rescue 620 migrants: Queen photobombs Australian hockey star's selfie: At least 16 dead in attack on UN school in Gaza: Air Algerie plane crashes with 116 people on board: Dramatic rescue: Young boy saved from rip current: Dutch mourn victims of Flight MH17: See 2013's Most Watched Videos: See our Biggest Videos of All Time:
  • published: 04 Aug 2014
  • views: 2754

Israeli airstrike targets another UN school in Gaza, 10 dead
Israeli airstrike targets another UN school in Gaza, 10 dead
  • Order:
  • Duration: 2:52
  • Updated: 03 Aug 2014
An Israeli air strike has hit another UN-operated school in Gaza Strip, killing at least 10 people and injuring 35 others, Palestinian health authorities reported. READ MORE RT LIVE Subscribe to RT! Like us on Facebook Follow us on Twitter Follow us on Instagram Follow us on Google+ RT (Russia Today) is a global news network broadcasting from Moscow and Washington studios. RT is the first news channel to break the 1 billion YouTube views benchmark.
  • published: 03 Aug 2014
  • views: 12840,_10_dead

Ukraine War - Unique Footage Video of the Battle of Dmitrievka
Ukraine War - Unique Footage Video of the Battle of Dmitrievka
  • Order:
  • Duration: 4:48
  • Updated: 04 Aug 2014
Ukraine War - Unique Footage Video of the Battle of Dmitrievka Ukraine Crisis - Unique Footage Video of the Battle of Dmitrievka Ukraine War - Unique Footage Video of the Battle of Dmitrievka Video: Ukraine Ukraine Ukraine donetsk donetsk donetsk Ukraine crisis Ukraine crisis Ukraine crisis war war war украина украина украина ukraine war 2014 ukraine war 2014 ukraine war 2014 Ukraine news Ukraine news Ukraine news Ukraine russia Ukraine russia Ukraine russia Russia ukraine Russia ukraine Russia ukraine ukraine russia war ukraine russia war ukraine russia war ukraine august 2014 ukraine august 2014 ukraine august 2014 don't read : ukraine crisis, ukraine, ukraine war 2014, ukraine referendum, ukraine revolution, ukraine army attack, ukraine news, ukrainian war, war in ukraine, russia ukraine, ukraine war news, ukraine today, ukraine military attack, ukraine shooting, pro-Russia, terorrist, russia ukraine, russia vs ukraine, ukraine got talent 2014, ukraine russia war 2014, ukraine news, ukraine update, ukraine revolution, raw footage, video, full video, footage 2014, pro-Moscow separatists, ukraine tension, ukraine today, ukraine battle, ukraine war, ukraine armed, ukraine tank, ukraine air force, ukraine jet, tank, ukraine vs separatist, ukraine military, ukraine crisis 2014, ukraine russia, ukraine military power 2014, ukraine military base, mobilization, ukraine army, ukraine army 2014, ukraine crisis, donetsk, odessa, slaviansk, sloviansk, separatist, militan, militia, pro-Russia, terorrist, russia ukraine, russia vs ukraine, ukraine got talent 2014, ukraine russia war 2014, ukraine news, ukraine update, ukraine tension, riots, ukraine referendum, ukraine revolution, Ukraine military, ukraine war 2014, ukraine vs russia, ukraine russia, ukraine military power 2014, ukraine army, ukraine army 2014, donetsk, odessa, mariupol, slaviansk, sloviansk, kiev, russia today ukraine, separatist, ukraine raw, militan, militia
  • published: 04 Aug 2014
  • views: 1228

Israel Palestine Conflict : Israel Attacks Building in Gaza | 3 August 2014 | RAW VIDEO
Israel Palestine Conflict : Israel Attacks Building in Gaza | 3 August 2014 | RAW VIDEO
  • Order:
  • Duration: 2:35
  • Updated: 03 Aug 2014
Israel Palestine Conflict: Israel Attacks Gaza Israel Palestine Conflict: Israel Attacks Gaza Israel Palestine Conflict: Israel Attacks Gaza Israel Palestine Conflict: Israel Attacks Building in Gaza | 3 August 2014 | RAW VIDEO # Israel Gaza Conflict # Israel Gaza War 2014 # Israel vs Palestine War # Israel vs Palestine Perang Israel Forces, Israel Military, IDF, Israel Aircraft, Israel Palestine, Israel Hamas, Israel Gaza, Israel vs Palestine, Israel Palestine War, Israel Palestine Conflict, Tel Aviv, Iron Dome, Rocket, Missile, Attack, Blast Bomb, Building, Children, Fire, Firing, Tank, Jet Fighters, Combat Footage, Combat Attack, World War 3 ( WW3 ), Tunel, Israel vs Hamas, Israel Hamas, Palestine Conflict, Gaza Conflict, Save Gaza, Save Palestine, Ground Operations, Israel Protective Edge Operations, Mosque, Attack Gaza, New Video, Breaking News, Latest Video From Gaza, Palestine Video Terbaru Gaza, Israel vs Palestina, Serangan Israel di Jalur Gaza, Konflik Israel Palestina Di Gaza, Ledakan Bom Di Gaza, Roket Hamas, Roket Israel, Berita Israel Palestina, Info Israel Palestina, Jalur Gaza, Perang Israel Palestina. israel invades gaza, israeli palestine conflict 2014 israel, palestine, gaza, israel vs palestine, israel invasion gaza, israel vs palestine war, israeli ground invasion, israeli invasion of palestine, israeli invasion of gaza, israeli ground invasion gaza, israeli air force attack gaza, israeli war, israel war, israeli, israel vs hamas, israeli vs hamas, israel hamas war, july 2014, war israel vs palestine, israel gaza, israel war 2014, israeli hamas war 2014, video, footage. first hand rocket missile israel attack gaza strip full video footage. israel invades gaza, israel palestina, perang israel palestina, konflik gaza, bom, bomb, serangan roket israel di jalur gaza palestina, roket hamas, tel aviv, airport, shot down
  • published: 03 Aug 2014
  • views: 19044|_3_August_2014_|_RAW_VIDEO

‘We are all Gaza’: West bank rises up against Israel
‘We are all Gaza’: West bank rises up against Israel
  • Order:
  • Duration: 3:12
  • Updated: 04 Aug 2014
The death toll in Gaza has hit over 1,600 since Israel launched operation Protective Edge on July 8. The international community is pushing the sides to ceasefire as the world opinion rallies against Tel Aviv's operation. And Palestinians living in the West Bank express their solidarity with Gaza. Harry Fear reports. Israel-Gaza conflict LIVE UPDATES: RT LIVE Subscribe to RT! Like us on Facebook Follow us on Twitter Follow us on Instagram Follow us on Google+ RT (Russia Today) is a global news network broadcasting from Moscow and Washington studios. RT is the first news channel to break the 1 billion YouTube views benchmark.
  • published: 04 Aug 2014
  • views: 11256‘We_are_all_Gaza’_West_bank_rises_up_against_Israel

Pestilence : American Ebola Patient arrives at Emory University in Atlanta Georgia (Aug 02, 2014)
Pestilence : American Ebola Patient arrives at Emory University in Atlanta Georgia (Aug 02, 2014)
  • Order:
  • Duration: 33:33
  • Updated: 02 Aug 2014
SOURCE: News Articles: Dr. Kent Brantly, one of two American Ebola patients, lands in US, headed to Emory American Doctor With Ebola Able to Walk Into Georgia Hospital American Doctor Infected With Ebola Arrives in the U.S. for Treatment Doctor with Ebola arrives at Atlanta hospital; 2nd infected American to follow Obama Signs Executive Order to Detain Americans With ‘Respiratory Illnesses’ Specific Laws and Regulations Governing the Control of Communicable Diseases Executive Order -- Revised List of Quarantinable Communicable Diseases FAIR USE NOTICE: This video may contain copyrighted material. Such material is made available for educational purposes only. This constitutes a 'fair use' of any such copyrighted material as provided for in Title 17 U.S.C. section 106A-117 of the U.S. Copyright Law.
  • published: 02 Aug 2014
  • views: 13664,_2014

Investigation into death of cyclist Marco Pantani reopened amid murder claims
Investigation into death of cyclist Marco Pantani reopened amid murder claims
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  • Duration: 0:59
  • Updated: 02 Aug 2014
An investigation into the death of Tour de France winner Marco Pantani has been reopened, according to Italian media reports. Family members of the cyclist are said to have presented fresh evidence, alleging that Pantani was beaten by a group of men, forced to drink cocaine and murdered. They also reportedly claim that key evidence was missed in the initial inquiry. A giant of Italian cycling, Pantani was found dead in a hotel room on Valentine's Day 2004. His death was ruled accidental - the… READ MORE : What is in the news today? Click to watch: euronews: the most watched news channel in Europe Subscribe! euronews is available in 14 languages: In English: Website: Facebook: Twitter: Google+: VKontakte:
  • published: 02 Aug 2014
  • views: 301

Obama on CIA’s post-9/11 tactics: ‘We tortured some folks’
Obama on CIA’s post-9/11 tactics: ‘We tortured some folks’
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  • Duration: 3:59
  • Updated: 01 Aug 2014
President Barack Obama made a rare acknowledgment during a Friday press briefing concerning the United States’ past use of enhanced interrogation tactics in the wake of the September 11 terrorist attacks. “In the immediate aftermath of 9/11, we did some things that were wrong. We did a whole lot of things that were right, but we tortured some folks. We did things that were contrary to our values,” Pres. Obama said near the end of a nearly hour-long press briefing at the White House in Washington, DC. See what else the commander-in-chief had to say about the CIA’s use of torture, as well as the admission that they spied on Congress. Find RT America in your area: Or watch us online: Like us on Facebook Follow us on Twitter
  • published: 01 Aug 2014
  • views: 9837’s_post-9/11_tactics_‘We_tortured_some_folks’

Israeli PM Netanyahu on CNN - FULL INTERVIEW 7/27/2014
Israeli PM Netanyahu on CNN - FULL INTERVIEW 7/27/2014
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  • Duration: 10:58
  • Updated: 27 Jul 2014
(CNN) Today on CNN’s State of the Union with Candy Crowley, Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu spoke to Crowley about the ongoing Israeli-Palestinian conflict. Following the interview with Prime Minister Netanyahu, Crowley spoke with Mohammed Shtayyeh, senior adviser to President Abbas, to hear the Palestinian response. Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and Mohammed Stayyeh offer insights on both sides of the Israeli-Palestinian conflict. Netanyahu on ceasefires: “Israel has accepted five cease-fires since this conflict began, five. We accepted them and we implemented them, including two humanitarian cease-fires in the last 24 hours which Hamas rejected, as they rejected all the other cease-fires. And they violated them.” “So, you say Israel resumed its offensive. No, we didn't resume our offensive. We had a cease-fire. They violated it. And now they are violating their own cease-fire. And, obviously, we will take whatever action is necessary to protect our people, including against the terror tunnels that they are trying to dig against us.” Shtayyeh on ceasefires: “Well, my reaction is that, since this morning, while Israel is claiming that it is abiding by a cease-fire, six Palestinians have been killed, including a Christian nurse in one of the clinics in Gaza.” “So, by all means, we are very much entrusted to see an end to the Israeli aggression. And, as I understand, the efforts of Secretary Kerry is yielding some fruits. There will be a Palestinian delegation formed by President Mahmoud Abbas going to Cairo to negotiate the terms of cease-fire.” “But, by all means, if the Israeli army is going to be stationed where it is and continue shelling, obviously, Israel is very much endangering. Whether it's a humanitarian cease-fire, whether it's a timing cease-fire, whether it is a long-lasting cease-fire, the Israeli army should not stay where it is now, because the Israeli army now is nearly occupying 50 percent of the total area of the Gaza Strip, which is no less than - which is more than 370 square kilometers, with 1.9 million Palestinians living in that very small territory.”
  • published: 27 Jul 2014
  • views: 100251

Mars 2020 Rover and Beyond News Teleconference from NASA Headquarters in Washington DC
Mars 2020 Rover and Beyond News Teleconference from NASA Headquarters in Washington DC
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  • Duration: 51:43
  • Updated: 31 Jul 2014
During a July 31 briefing at NASA headquarters, agency officials announced seven science instruments, out of fifty-eight proposed, have been selected to be part of the next rover NASA will send to Mars in 2020. The Mars 2020 rover will be a new version of the Curiosity rover currently operating on Mars – with more sophisticated hardware to conduct unprecedented science and exploration technology investigations, including geological assessments, habitability of the environment and searching for signs of past life on the Red Planet.
  • published: 31 Jul 2014
  • views: 5991

John Boehner Confirms Republicans Are Suing Obama Over Executive Actions He's Taken
John Boehner Confirms Republicans Are Suing Obama Over Executive Actions He's Taken
  • Order:
  • Duration: 13:16
  • Updated: 26 Jun 2014
  • published: 26 Jun 2014
  • views: 4865's_Taken

The World Today: W.H.O. Calls Emergency Talks On Outbreak Of Ebola Virus
The World Today: W.H.O. Calls Emergency Talks On Outbreak Of Ebola Virus
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  • Duration: 2:50
  • Updated: 02 Jul 2014
As the deadly Ebola virus continues to ravage some parts of West Africa, health ministers from 11 African countries are meeting in Accra, Ghana, in an attempt to try and contain the deadly and worsening outbreak. So far, 763 people have been infected with the virus - and 468 of these have died. Most of the cases have been in guinea where the outbreak started. For more information log on to
  • published: 02 Jul 2014
  • views: 349

Ceasefire over: Israel strikes Gaza, claims Hamas broke 72-hour truce
Ceasefire over: Israel strikes Gaza, claims Hamas broke 72-hour truce
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  • Duration: 1:44
  • Updated: 01 Aug 2014
Just two hours after a ceasefire - announced by the US and UN - went into effect, Israeli tanks shelled the eastern part of Rafah, which lies close to Gaza's borders with Israel and Egypt, killing at least four people and wounding 15, according to local officials in Gaza. RT LIVE Subscribe to RT! Like us on Facebook Follow us on Twitter Follow us on Instagram Follow us on Google+ RT (Russia Today) is a global news network broadcasting from Moscow and Washington studios. RT is the first news channel to break the 1 billion YouTube views benchmark.
  • published: 01 Aug 2014
  • views: 37267,_claims_Hamas_broke_72-hour_truce