| Ph. (03) 9639 8623

RISE: Refugees Survivors and Ex-Detainees

RISE acknowledges that the Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people are the original owners and custodians of the land that we live and work on.

RISE runs a driving project in three areas of the metropolitan Melbourne region: Altona, Dandenong and the Melbourne CBD (including immediate suburbs).

RISE addresses the mobility needs of refugees/asylum seekers by offering driver training and education, so as to enable refugee and asylum seeker communities to obtain their driving permits and gain greater accessibility to the community. This is an educational and practical project delivered by professional instructors and volunteers, who teach important skills for safe driving and minimising risks on the road. The aim is to assist refugees and asylum seekers to become safe drivers and to have better understanding of Australian road rules.

The program involves pre-driver training, road safety workshops and practical driving lessons. While our practical lessons are provided by certified driving schools, the theoretical component of the driving lessons, such as supporting refugees trying to pass the learner’s permit test, is facilitated by a diverse group of volunteers from the refugee and asylum seeker community.