
The Haunted Castle 1896 George Melies Silent Film
The Haunted Castle 1896 Silent Film. Early Geoge Melies filmed. Le Manoir du diable (Engli...
published: 20 Mar 2011
author: silentfilmhouse
The Haunted Castle 1896 George Melies Silent Film
The Haunted Castle 1896 George Melies Silent Film
The Haunted Castle 1896 Silent Film. Early Geoge Melies filmed. Le Manoir du diable (English: The Haunted Castle) is a three-minute-long French film directed...- published: 20 Mar 2011
- views: 183252
- author: silentfilmhouse

Athens 1896 Olympic Games
published: 21 Sep 2011
author: Filotipon Fil
Athens 1896 Olympic Games

Palestine 1896
First film footage taken in Palestine (Lumier Bros.)...
published: 19 Mar 2009
author: Bernadotte01
Palestine 1896
Palestine 1896
First film footage taken in Palestine (Lumier Bros.)- published: 19 Mar 2009
- views: 106157
- author: Bernadotte01

1896 Henry Ford´s Quadricycle replica
The first ford car replica made in Spain. Visit http://www.quadricycle1896.com....
published: 20 Aug 2009
author: Antonio Perez
1896 Henry Ford´s Quadricycle replica
1896 Henry Ford´s Quadricycle replica
The first ford car replica made in Spain. Visit http://www.quadricycle1896.com.- published: 20 Aug 2009
- views: 146907
- author: Antonio Perez

Scenes at Balmoral (1896)
This is the first film to feature a British monarch. The film, with its original colour ti...
published: 26 Oct 2012
author: BFIfilms
Scenes at Balmoral (1896)
Scenes at Balmoral (1896)
This is the first film to feature a British monarch. The film, with its original colour tinting restored, includes footage of Queen Victoria, Tsar Nicholas I...- published: 26 Oct 2012
- views: 5732
- author: BFIfilms

Olympic Games, Athens, 1896
The history of first Olympic Games, Athens, 1896 - Events and winners....
published: 13 Mar 2012
author: onlinefootagetv
Olympic Games, Athens, 1896
Olympic Games, Athens, 1896
The history of first Olympic Games, Athens, 1896 - Events and winners.- published: 13 Mar 2012
- views: 33881
- author: onlinefootagetv

The Kiss - First Ever Kiss On Film (April 1896) - El beso - Primer beso en una película (Abril 1896)
The Kiss (also known as The May Irwin Kiss, The Rice-Irwin Kiss and The Widow Jones) is an...
published: 12 Aug 2013
author: escuelacine.com
The Kiss - First Ever Kiss On Film (April 1896) - El beso - Primer beso en una película (Abril 1896)
The Kiss - First Ever Kiss On Film (April 1896) - El beso - Primer beso en una película (Abril 1896)
The Kiss (also known as The May Irwin Kiss, The Rice-Irwin Kiss and The Widow Jones) is an 1896 actuality, and was one of the first films ever shown commerci...- published: 12 Aug 2013
- views: 206
- author: escuelacine.com

Blackfriars Bridge (1896)
'Blackfriars Bridge' is available to buy as part of the BFI DVD compilation 'R.W. Paul: Th...
published: 07 Jul 2008
author: BFIfilms
Blackfriars Bridge (1896)
Blackfriars Bridge (1896)
'Blackfriars Bridge' is available to buy as part of the BFI DVD compilation 'R.W. Paul: The Collected Films 1895-1908' - http://filmstore.bfi.org.uk/acatalog...- published: 07 Jul 2008
- views: 147722
- author: BFIfilms

Louis & Auguste Lumière - L'arroseur arrose' - 1896
the sprinkler sprinkled....
published: 11 Mar 2007
author: kineofilms
Louis & Auguste Lumière - L'arroseur arrose' - 1896
Louis & Auguste Lumière - L'arroseur arrose' - 1896
the sprinkler sprinkled.- published: 11 Mar 2007
- views: 127637
- author: kineofilms

The Vanishing Lady (1896) - GEORGES MELIES - Escamotage d'une Dame au Theatre Robert Houdin
Georges Méliès stops the camera to create The Vanishing Lady (aka Escamotage d'une Dame au...
published: 30 Nov 2011
author: changebeforegoing
The Vanishing Lady (1896) - GEORGES MELIES - Escamotage d'une Dame au Theatre Robert Houdin
The Vanishing Lady (1896) - GEORGES MELIES - Escamotage d'une Dame au Theatre Robert Houdin
Georges Méliès stops the camera to create The Vanishing Lady (aka Escamotage d'une Dame au Théâtre Robert Houdin aka The Conjuring of a Woman at the House of...- published: 30 Nov 2011
- views: 13959
- author: changebeforegoing

Vidéo rare d'alger 1896
une superbe vidéo d'Alger datant de 1896, un trésor historique filmée a voir absolument....
published: 20 Dec 2008
author: Azeeddine Touhami
Vidéo rare d'alger 1896
Vidéo rare d'alger 1896
une superbe vidéo d'Alger datant de 1896, un trésor historique filmée a voir absolument.- published: 20 Dec 2008
- views: 64909
- author: Azeeddine Touhami

1896-1992 - High Jump - Olympic Story
from Eurosport Television....
published: 09 Mar 2013
author: Leif Bugge
1896-1992 - High Jump - Olympic Story
1896-1992 - High Jump - Olympic Story
from Eurosport Television.- published: 09 Mar 2013
- views: 2806
- author: Leif Bugge

[HD] Alger & la Belle Époque (1896-1903) Troisième République
En 1870, la Troisième République est proclamée. La France qui fait sa « Seconde Révolution...
published: 08 Mar 2011
author: Entertainment-Education WebTV
[HD] Alger & la Belle Époque (1896-1903) Troisième République
[HD] Alger & la Belle Époque (1896-1903) Troisième République
En 1870, la Troisième République est proclamée. La France qui fait sa « Seconde Révolution Industrielle » connait une période de paix et de progrès, c'est la...- published: 08 Mar 2011
- views: 5204
- author: Entertainment-Education WebTV
Youtube results:

1896-1992 - finals 100m - Olympic Story - WR 9.85 - 1994
from Eurosport Television....
published: 09 Mar 2013
author: Leif Bugge
1896-1992 - finals 100m - Olympic Story - WR 9.85 - 1994
1896-1992 - finals 100m - Olympic Story - WR 9.85 - 1994
from Eurosport Television.- published: 09 Mar 2013
- views: 350
- author: Leif Bugge

Epoca Vittoriana 1896. Milano, Londra, Parigi, Venezia... (real footage)
published: 17 Jun 2013
author: MediaSelectLLC
Epoca Vittoriana 1896. Milano, Londra, Parigi, Venezia... (real footage)
Epoca Vittoriana 1896. Milano, Londra, Parigi, Venezia... (real footage)
- published: 17 Jun 2013
- views: 33
- author: MediaSelectLLC

African victory against colonisation : Battle of Adwa (Ethiopia)
In March 1896 a well-disciplined and massive Ethiopian army did the unthinkable—it routed ...
published: 11 Nov 2013
African victory against colonisation : Battle of Adwa (Ethiopia)
African victory against colonisation : Battle of Adwa (Ethiopia)
In March 1896 a well-disciplined and massive Ethiopian army did the unthinkable—it routed an invading Italian force and brought Italy's war of conquest in Africa to an end. In an age of relentless European expansion, Ethiopia had successfully defended its independence and cast doubt upon an unshakable certainty of the age—that sooner or later all Africans would fall under the rule of Europeans. This event opened a breach that would lead, in the aftermath of world war fifty years later, to the continent's painful struggle for freedom from colonial rule. Raymond Jonas offers the first comprehensive account of this singular episode in modern world history. The narrative is peopled by the ambitious and vain, the creative and the coarse, across Africa, Europe, and the Americas—personalities like Menelik, a biblically inspired provincial monarch who consolidated Ethiopia's throne; Taytu, his quick-witted and aggressive wife; and the Swiss engineer Alfred Ilg, the emperor's close advisor. The Ethiopians' brilliant gamesmanship and savvy public relations campaign helped roll back the Europeanization of Africa. Figures throughout the African diaspora immediately grasped the significance of Adwa, Menelik, and an independent Ethiopia. Writing deftly from a transnational perspective, Jonas puts Adwa in the context of manifest destiny and Jim Crow, signaling a challenge to the very concept of white dominance. By reopening seemingly settled questions of race and empire, the Battle of Adwa was thus a harbinger of the global, unsettled century about to unfold.- published: 11 Nov 2013
- views: 51

Classic 1992 LEGO Trauma Team set 1896 reviewed!
Follow my blog at http://www.JANGBRiCKS.com !
I do set builds, reviews, custom MOCs, and ...
published: 21 Dec 2013
Classic 1992 LEGO Trauma Team set 1896 reviewed!
Classic 1992 LEGO Trauma Team set 1896 reviewed!
Follow my blog at http://www.JANGBRiCKS.com ! I do set builds, reviews, custom MOCs, and more! Subscribe to see the latest videos as they're released! -------------------------------------------------- Thoughtful comments are encouraged & appreciated, so let your opinion be heard! Just don't post pointless number-spam like "1st" & "second" & "under 300 views" ;) -------------------------------------------------- Answers to common questions & thoughts: Q: What's the price of [some set] & where can I buy it? A: Search Google.com for the product by name and view the shopping results to quickly & easily see the current price range & availability. I buy from Toys R Us, Target, Walmart, wherever toys are sold. Q: Can you show your whole custom layout? A: See the dedicated playlist on my channel. Every time there's anything new to show, I show it! Q: Will you put [some official set] in your custom layout? A: Nope. My custom layout is custom :) No official sets! Q: What does M-O-C stand for? A: My Own Creation. It means anything custom-made, not following any official instructions. Q: Will you make a how-to or instructions for a custom creation? A: Sorry, how-to vids take far more time than I can afford to spend. However, I usually show enough detail in my videos to let anyone Pause & see the construction of my MOCs. Q: Will you sell or give me your [set/parts/creation]? A: No. Sorry :( Q: How do you get your money to buy this stuff? A: I am an adult who works. Hard. Really hard. Q: Why don't you show your FACE in all of your videos? A: I show my face in many videos on multiple channels, but JANGBRiCKS isn't about my face. It's about building toys. So I show those! Q: I hit thumbs down on a video. Are you devastated yet? A: On the contrary! I thank you for your help! Every thumb down OR up counts equally as "user engagement" which boosts the video in search results for more views! Q: I read the title and then watched the video, but I don't like the topic in the first place. Why did you upload this? A: Don't watch videos you don't want to watch :) Q: If I copy/paste a comment repeatedly, ask people to "plz like" my post, or SCREAM IN ALL CAPS, will you respond? A: No. Please don't do any of that. Ever. Q: 1st? 2nd? 100th?! A: Abject failure.- published: 21 Dec 2013
- views: 13439