Clive Palmer in Canberra on Tuesday.

Clive Palmer in Canberra on Tuesday. Photo: Stefan Postles/Getty Images

Those seeking financial advice they can trust have been sold a pup after the big puppy himself, Clive Palmer, caved-in to the Coalition to ensure that watered-down consumer protections were passed by the Senate.

For all of the big man’s huffing and puffing about protecting the little people, Palmer has traded Palmer United Party support for practically nothing in return. Most of the “changes” to the government’s diluting of Labor's Future of Financial Advice (FOFA) laws are simply re-statements of what the government intended anyway. It is genuinely baffling to know what has happened.

Did the bank lobbyists and the government get to him? Was he just so bewildered by the detail of the watering down of the laws that he did not know which way was up? The banks and AMP, who control more than 70 per cent of financial planning, have got what they wanted. Advisers will have to tick a set of check boxes that they have gone through certain things with their clients.

Having ticked the boxes they will have met the best interest test of the Corporations Act. Tick box compliance is not good enough for an occupation that wants to be a profession. And this is just for personal advice. The banks have won big time with the general advice exemption. It means that tellers will be able to flog their employer’s superannuation funds to unsuspecting customers under the guise of it being only “general” advice.

There will be no disclosure about how the teller is rewarded for making the sale. It is a big win for the banks because as things stand a teller would have to refer customers to one of the bank’s planners for all but the simplest of bank products.

But even when the advice is “personal” the planner who receives an ongoing fee from a client will be able to continue to receive the fee even if the planner never contacts the client again. Palmer, the Great Negotiator, even managed to wring this grand concession from the government – that there be a 14-day cooling off period during which a financial product can be returned.

This provision is already provided for under the Corporations Act, but customers of advisers will be reminded of the fact in writing. Then there are some curious aspects to the agreement between Palmer and the government that are new, but appear to be meaningless.

There is something about clients “having the right to change his or her instructions to their adviser”. Since when was this not a right? And then, there is something about new instructions being in writing, signed by the client and acknowledged by the adviser.

The adviser must provide a statement that he or she “genuinely believes” that is in the client’s best interests, as in really, truly, cross my heart and hope to die. There is only one definitely good change. That is, the government will work with the financial service industry to establish a public register of financial advisers, including employee advisers, which will show the adviser’s credentials and other details.