Friends in high places: Tony Abbott helped <i>The Australian</i> celebrate its 50th birthday.

Friends in high places: Tony Abbott helped The Australian celebrate its 50th birthday.

Every Australian political leader since Black Jack McEwen and John Gorton has cosied up to Rupert Murdoch – or tried to – but none has done it quite so publicly or effusively as Tony Abbott.

The Australian newspaper, according to Mr Abbott during his enthusiastic celebration of the paper's 50th birthday on Tuesday, has been Mr Murdoch's gift to our nation.

Mr Abbott has every reason to enthuse about Mr Murdoch and his newspaper, of course. Mr Abbott, as a young journalist, wrote editorials for The Australian, and Mr Murdoch's media empire went boots and all at the Labor government during the last election, endorsing Mr Abbott for prime minister.

Mr Abbott, nevertheless, was stepping where others might fear to tread. There are gifts and there are gifts where prime ministers and Mr Murdoch are concerned, as a long series of prime ministers from Gough Whitlam to John Howard and Kevin Rudd have discovered after the Murdoch papers endorsed them only to turn on them with savagery.

Not Mr Murdoch's personal doing, according to Mr Abbott.

''The Australian has borne his ideals but not his fingerprints,'' Mr Abbott assured the gathering at the birthday bash. A British prime minister, by contrast, would probably have been required to resign after giving such a speech these days. After the British Murdoch empire's phone-hacking scandal, it would not do to celebrate any form of gift from Mr Murdoch, least of all a newspaper.

There is a curious circulatory in the story of gifts and Mr Murdoch.

In 1969, Mr Gorton's gift to Mr Murdoch was, it happens, the British newspaper that took him to the international big time before causing a lot of his current woes, which were, unsurprisingly, not mentioned at this week's birthday knees-up.

The News of the World was the newspaper Murdoch decided to close two years ago after it became engulfed by the infamous phone-hacking scandal.

In 1969, Murdoch needed to transfer enough foreign exchange out of Australia to buy the British paper, but there were all sorts of official regulations on such a currency transfer.

His friend Black Jack McEwen, then deputy prime minister, keen to bypass the less-than-helpful treasurer Billy McMahon, phoned Mr Gorton.

''John, we have a bit of a problem,'' Mr McEwen said, according to Mr McEwen's press secretary Bill Carew, quoted in Peter Golding's book Black Jack McEwen, Political Gladiator.

''Young Rupert Murdoch needs some foreign exchange out of the country and we can't track Billy down. Can you do it?''

''Righto, John,'' said Mr Gorton, who only wanted a bottle of scotch out of the deal.

And so the PM signed and, in Mr Carew's words, ''Gorton went off with his scotch. Rupert went off to buy his newspaper.''

Soon enough, Mr Gorton and then Mr McMahon were gone and Mr Murdoch's paper was howling its support for Mr Whitlam.

And here, 45 years later, we are: a new prime minister celebrating the gift of a newspaper to Australia from Rupert Murdoch, who would not want to hear the words News of the World, that old gift, whispered in his presence.

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