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No risk that ATO job losses will hit revenue

The Tax Office will just have to become more efficient, says Nationals Senator John 'Wacka' Williams

PT3M22S 620 349

Large staff cuts at the Australian Tax Office could see the Abbott government lose nearly a billion dollars in potential revenue.

ATO second commissioner Neil Olesen has admitted that for every dollar the government spends on ATO salaries the agency collects between $1 and $6 in tax revenue.

But the agency is bearing the brunt of the Abbott government's public service cuts. It is set to lose more than 10 per cent of its workforce in the next 12 months, according to the budget papers.

Labor is warning that those job cuts could see the government forgo nearly $1 billion in revenue over the next four years.

According to the federal budget papers, the ATO's staff numbers will drop from 21,390 to 19,068 in the next 12 months. The agency lost 900 staff last year.

The Abbott government expects to make a net saving of $143 million from ATO staff cuts over the next four years.

But Mr Olesen told a Senate standing committee in February that every dollar invested in the ATO's tax compliance effort meant a return in revenue for the government of between $1 and $6.

Shadow assistant treasurer Andrew Leigh says that meant the government could forgo nearly $1 billion in tax collection over the next four years - based on that $143 million savings figure.

''On the evidence provided to the standing committee on tax and revenue, the best case for the government is that the multiplier on ATO staff is just $1,'' Dr Leigh said.

''That would mean ATO staff cuts are not a net saving at all, because every $1 less that the government spends on ATO salaries results in $1 less revenue to the government,'' he said.

''But that is only the best case. If the multiplier is $6, the government could be losing up to a billion dollars of revenue over future years as a result of its short-sighted cuts.''

At the same estimates committee in February, ATO second commissioner Geoff Leeper said the agency had been ''looking hard'' at back office functions when considering job cuts.

But he also admitted that agency could not be confident that more staff cuts would not impact negatively on revenue collection.

His comments came after the agency lost 900 jobs, and was preparing for hundreds more.

''I am not suggesting that we have 900 people's worth of excess capacity, because there has to be some impact at some stage, yes,'' Mr Leeper said.

He said 96 per cent of tax came to the agency voluntarily, and its compliance team spent its time chasing the other 4 per cent. ''That is largely where our new policy effort is focused, on high-risk areas, and that is where you get those [1:6] rates of return,'' he said.

But last month, ATO commissioner Chris Jordan told a Senate estimates committee that his agency's ability to collect tax would not be "materially affected" by staff cuts as high as 5000.

Labor senator Mark Bishop, who left the Senate on June 30, asked Mr Jordan on June 5: "We identified that in last year's budget and up to the end of the out years in this budget you would lose, all things being equal, something in the order of 4700 staff."

"Are you putting to us that the revenue collection you will be providing to government is not going to be materially affected by a reduction of almost 5000 people over four or five years?"

Mr Jordan replied: "Yes, that is what I am putting to you."

The ATO's 2012-13 annual report shows the office generated more than $9.3 billion in tax liabilities and more than $2.8 billion in penalties and interest liabilities in that 12-month period.

Finance Minister Mathias Cormann could not be reached for comment.

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