The Palestine-Israel Journal is a quarterly of MIDDLE EAST PUBLICATIONS, a registered non-profit organization (No. 58-023862-4).
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Editorial Board

Hisham Awartani

Danny Rubinstein

Sam'an Khoury

Boaz Evron

Walid Salem

Ari Rath

Zahra Khalidi

Daniel Bar-Tal

Ammar AbuZayyad

Galit Hasan-Rokem

Khaled Abu Aker

Galia Golan

Nazmi Ju'beh

Gershon Baskin

Edy Kaufman

Ata Qaymari

Benjamin Pogrund

Nafez Nazzal

Simcha Bahiri

Nadia Naser-Najjab

Dan Jacobson

Jumana Jaouni

Dan Leon

Anat Cygielman

Khuloud Khayyat Dajani

Izhak Schnell

Obstacles and Challenges Facing the Negotiations

Table of Contents


  • Kerry Initiative at the Crossroads
         by Hillel Schenker

    Grants and Donations
  • Grants and Donations 2013/2014

  • Determined American Policy Is Required
         by Daniel Kurtzer

  • Final Status Agreement: Possibilities and Challenges
         by Nabil Shaath

  • Societal Beliefs and Emotions as Socio-Psychological Barriers to Peaceful Conflict Resolution
         by Daniel Bar-Tal and by Eran Halperin

  • Israel And Palestine – Last Chance for the Bilateral Process
         by Ziad AbuZayyad

  • Can Kerry Succeed? How Much Can a Secretary of State Do?
         by Alan Elsner

  • Challenges Set in Stone: The Iron Wall and Israeli-Palestinian Peace Process
         by Hind Khoury

  • Barriers to Peace in Israeli Peacemaking — Process and Substance
         by Galia Golan

  • Peaceful Relationships and Nonviolent Struggle
         by Byron Bland

  • Why Have We Failed After 20 Years of Negotiating?
         by Rana Bishara

  • The Family of Nations, Our Two Nations and Peace
         by Ilan Baruch

  • Obstacles to a Peace Agreement
         by Sam’an Khoury

  • Nelson Mandela and the Israel-Palestine Conflict: Lessons, Messages and Misinterpretations
         by Benjamin Pogrund

  • The Politics of Decency: Martin Buber’s Vision of Arab-Jewish Rapprochement
         by Paul Mendes-Flohr

  • The Peace Process … Opportunities and Obstacles
         by Firas Yaghi

  • The Occupation: A Powerful and Self-Regulating Mechanism of Organized Cruelty
         by David Shulman

  • Palestinian-Israeli Political Parties: A New Role?
         by Scott Ratner

  • Obstacles to Successful Israeli-Palestinian Negotiations: How to Overcome Them
         Ron Pundak, Hind Khoury, Gadi Baltiansky, Ashraf Ajrami, Ziad AbuZayyad Moderator: Hillel Schenker

  • Four Haiku for Israel/Palestine
         by Dan Brook

  • Poetry
         by John Ashley

  • Recently Received Books and Publications

  • The Palestinian Committee for Interaction with the Israeli Society

  • Council Conclusions on the Middle East Peace Process

  • 12th Graders (Shministim) Protest Letter 2014

  •  © 2012 Palestine-Israel Journal. All Rights Reserved. Articles, excerpts, and translations may not be reproduced in any form without written permission.
    The Palestine-Israel Journal gratefully acknowledges the support of UNESCO for the initial development of the website.
    The Palestine-Israel Journal gratefully acknowledges the support of the European Union for the maintenance and development
    of the website.