Editorial Board

Hisham Awartani

Danny Rubinstein

Sam'an Khoury

Boaz Evron

Walid Salem

Ari Rath

Zahra Khalidi

Daniel Bar-Tal

Ammar AbuZayyad

Galit Hasan-Rokem

Khaled Abu Aker

Galia Golan

Nazmi Ju'beh

Gershon Baskin

Edy Kaufman

Ata Qaymari

Benjamin Pogrund

Nafez Nazzal

Simcha Bahiri

Nadia Naser-Najjab

Dan Jacobson

Jumana Jaouni

Dan Leon

Anat Cygielman

Khuloud Khayyat Dajani

Izhak Schnell

About Us

 The Palestine-Israel Journal is a non-profit organization, founded in 1994 by Ziad AbuZayyad and Victor Cygielman, two prominent Palestinian and Israeli journalists, and was established concurrently with the first phases of the Oslo peace process to encourage dialogue between civil societies on both sides and broaden the base of support for the peace process. It was obvious from the start that, alongside the institutional efforts of Palestinians and Israelis, channels of communication must be opened for academics and other intellectuals, opinion and policy makers, grassroots organizations and activists to voice their views and take part in the public debate for a democratic and just solution to the conflict.

 As an independent publication, with an often critical voice, the Palestine-Israel Journal provides background material and in-depth analysis of various aspects of the conflict from the perspective of both sides, thus helping to shed light on the complex issues dividing Israelis and Palestinians and the relationship between the two peoples. Through the journal, our website www.pij.org and internet newsletter, and the program of roundtables and public events that are organized in conjunction with each issue, the Palestine-Israel Journal aims:

  • to promote rapprochement and better understanding between the two peoples;
  • to provide a platform for Palestinians and Israelis - academics, public figures, journalists and other experts to take part in the on-going debate;
  • to raise awareness, inform and clarify to a wider public within both communities about the issues at the crux of the conflict and how they impact on the lives of both peoples, from the perspective of each side;
  • to foster, in a climate of constructive criticism and mutual respect, active dialogue and exchanges within and between the two civil societies.

 Despite the extensive media coverage of the Israeli-Palestinian conflict, much of this comes in sound-bites, as immediate reaction to daily events on the ground, generally from the perspective of one of the sides only. There is therefore a need for means of communication that can increase each side's exposure to and understanding of the other, and promote sober and meaningful exchanges between the two peoples around central issues.

 The Palestine-Israel Journal is the only independent, joint publication to be produced locally, and in which the crucial issues at stake are presented from the perspective of both sides. As such, we are more convinced than ever that we have an important responsibility and role to play in maintaining open the channels for dialogue between the two peoples and providing a forum where the complex issues of the Palestinian-Israeli conflict can continue to be examined seriously, freely and critically.

 Now in its 13th year, the Palestine-Israel Journal testifies to the fact that it is possible to work together in a spirit of mutual respect, cooperation and recognition, even on the most conflicting and sensitive issues. While the present situation, is economically and politically challenging for the Journal, we successfully continue to publish as a joint venture in pursuit of these aims.

ABOUT THE JOURNAL                                   

 The Journal is staffed by a joint team of Palestinians and Israelis working from a single office based in East Jerusalem. In order to ensure that the views of both sides are equally reflected, the Journal employs two Chief editors and two managing editors, one Israeli and one Palestinian respectively. The Editorial Board composed of 22 members (journalists, academics and other intellectuals), is also equally divided between Palestinians and Israelis. The Board once every six weeks and takes an active role in the Journal providing guidance, suggestions and feedback on the content and quality of the Journal and its related activities. These occasions also provide Israeli and Palestinian board members with the opportunity to consolidate links and engage in informal debate and dialogue.

 The Journal is produced quarterly, with each issue (128 pages) devoted to a particular topic related to the Israeli-Palestinian conflict and relations between the two peoples. A range of articles written by Israeli and Palestinian experts examine the focus topic from different perspectives, giving readers a comprehensive overview and analysis of the subject.

 Past issues focused on the following topics:

 Water, the environment, peace education, human rights; the role of the media; the right of return; national identities; collective narratives; settlements; the status of Jerusalem; religion and politics; Post-Oslo: impasse and options, refugees, the role of women and youth in the conflict; the effects of the conflict on mental health; regional security, the role of the international community and public opinion.

 A roundtable debate and public event are held before and after the publication of each issue, thus extending the dialogue beyond the pages of the Journal and strengthening opportunities for direct dialogue between the two sides. Our newly developed website (www.pij.org) with on-line access to selected articles, a bi-monthly e-newsletter and information about the content of past issues and authors enable us to reach out to and forge links with a wider public.

 The Journal seeks to reach a targeted, but diverse public. Our readership includes academics, journalists and political figures, as well as opinion and policy-makers, grass-roots activists and associations, students, diplomatic missions and international agencies as well as members of the general public who want to understand what is behind the daily headlines. It currently has an average circulation of about 3,500. It is generally estimated that readership is about three times the circulation level. A large number of copies are sent to locally-based decision and policy makers, opinion leaders, relevant NGOs and international bodies, and the media on a complimentary basis. It is also available by subscription and through local points of sale and distributors in third countries. One third of our subscribers are based in the region.

Founders and Publishers
Ziad AbuZayyad & Victor Cygielman

Ziad AbuZayyad      Hillel Schenker

Managing Editors
Leila Dabdoub    Avi Hoffmann

Copy Editor
Kyoko Uchida

Circulation & Production
Najat Hirbawi

Editorial Board
Hisham Awartani, Danny Rubinstein, Sam'an Khoury, Boaz Evron, Walid Salem, Ari Rath, Zahra Khalidi, Daniel Bar-Tal, Ammar AbuZayyad, Galit Hasan-Rokem, Khaled Abu Aker, Galia Golan, Nazmi Ju’beh, Gershon Baskin, Edy Kaufman, Ata Qaymari, Benjamin Pogrund, Nafez Nazzal, Simcha Bahiri, Nadia Naser-Najjab, Dan Jacobson, Jumana Jaouni, Dan Leon, Anat Cygielman, Khuloud Khayyat Dajani, Izhak Schnell.

Board of Sponsors
Mahdi Abdul-Hadi (Jerusalem), Lamis Alami (Jerusalem), Hanan Ashrawi (Ramallah), Uri Avnery (Tel Aviv), Gavri Bargil (Kibbutz Ramot Menashe), John Bunzl (Vienna), Naomi Chazan (Jerusalem), Jean Daniel (Paris), Yael Dayan (Tel Aviv), Giora Forman (Kibbutz Ma’abarot), David Grossman (Jerusalem), Manuel Hassassian (London), Nabil Kassis (Ramallah), Rashid Khalidi (Chicago), Ghassan Khatib (Ramallah), Tony Klug (London), Riad Malki (Ramallah), Sari Nusseibeh (Jerusalem), Ishaq al-Qutub (Jerusalem), Tsali Reshef (Jerusalem), Yazid Sayigh (Oxford), Alice Shalvi (Jerusalem), Simone Susskind (Brussels).

Palestine-Israel Journal, East Jerusalem, P.O. Box 19839 Tel 972-2-6282115/59 Fax 972-2-6273388 E-mail pij@pij.org, http://www.pij.org

 © 2012 Palestine-Israel Journal. All Rights Reserved. Articles, excerpts, and translations may not be reproduced in any form without written permission.
The Palestine-Israel Journal gratefully acknowledges the support of UNESCO for the initial development of the website.
The Palestine-Israel Journal gratefully acknowledges the support of the European Union for the maintenance and development
of the website.