
Dear Calenda users,

You wish to announce an event on Calenda, the social science calendar. Thank you for your participation. Please note the following information.

  • You authorize Calenda to publish and archive some information about the event you are about to announce.
  • Announcements with no content will be rejected. Please fill in the submission form with a short summary presenting the event as well as the complete programme/presentation of the event. Use the dedicated fields. Note that the addition of a pdf version of the programme does not replace this action.
  • Calenda publishes:However, Calenda is not intended to announce publications (paper or electronic form), thesis viva examinations, or events related to scientific popularization, commemoration and the political issues.
    • announcements of colloquiums or study days;
    • seminar and conference programs;
    • calls for participation to colloquiums, study days or journal special issues;
    • job offers and scholarships.
  • When submitting the announcement to Calenda , you are bound to hold or to obtain permission to publish online iconographic elements attached to the announcement.
  • When filling the submission form, you can ask for your announcement to be spread by one or more of our partner websites. However, the editorial decision to publish your announcement is made by the Calenda team and its partners, who remain free not to publish the announcement.
  • To improve the visibility of the announcement on the Internet, Calenda will proceed to various data enrichments: translation, classification, etc. By submitting the announcement, you agree to these enrichments.

Submit an announcement to Calenda