NATO's Military Committee Conference - Slovakia 2010
In the run-up to the NATO Summit in Lisbon NATO's Military Committee (MC) met in Chiefs of...
published: 08 Oct 2010
author: NATO
NATO's Military Committee Conference - Slovakia 2010
NATO's Military Committee Conference - Slovakia 2010
In the run-up to the NATO Summit in Lisbon NATO's Military Committee (MC) met in Chiefs of Defence Staff (CHODs) session from 17-19 September. Military Commi...- published: 08 Oct 2010
- views: 616
- author: NATO
Slavin War Memorial in Bratislava Slovakia | FPV
Slavín is a memorial monument and military cemetery in Bratislava, the capital of Slovakia...
published: 22 Mar 2014
Slavin War Memorial in Bratislava Slovakia | FPV
Slavin War Memorial in Bratislava Slovakia | FPV
Slavín is a memorial monument and military cemetery in Bratislava, the capital of Slovakia. It is the burial ground of thousands of Soviet Army soldiers who fell during World War II while liberating the city. Craft: s800 evo Camera: Nex 5n- published: 22 Mar 2014
- views: 369
NATO Secretary General - Joint Press Point w/ Prime Minister of Slovakia
Remarks by NATO Secretary General Anders Fogh Rasmussen at the joint press point with the ...
published: 24 Apr 2012
author: NATO
NATO Secretary General - Joint Press Point w/ Prime Minister of Slovakia
NATO Secretary General - Joint Press Point w/ Prime Minister of Slovakia
Remarks by NATO Secretary General Anders Fogh Rasmussen at the joint press point with the Prime Minister of Slovakia, Robert Fico NATO Homepage: http://www.n...- published: 24 Apr 2012
- views: 795
- author: NATO
Tim Ferriss - Military Weapons Firing in Slovakia -www.bestscopereviews.com
Tim Ferriss testing out some arms. For great reviews of various scopes check out http://ww...
published: 12 Nov 2010
author: tsneds01
Tim Ferriss - Military Weapons Firing in Slovakia -www.bestscopereviews.com
Tim Ferriss - Military Weapons Firing in Slovakia -www.bestscopereviews.com
Tim Ferriss testing out some arms. For great reviews of various scopes check out http://www.bestscopereviews.com.- published: 12 Nov 2010
- views: 157
- author: tsneds01
Rekord of 34 World military parachuting championships SLOVAKIA 2009
Rekord na 34 Majstrovstvách sveta vo vojenskom parašutizme letisko Boľkovce okr. Lučenec...
published: 27 Aug 2009
Rekord of 34 World military parachuting championships SLOVAKIA 2009
Rekord of 34 World military parachuting championships SLOVAKIA 2009
Rekord na 34 Majstrovstvách sveta vo vojenskom parašutizme letisko Boľkovce okr. Lučenec- published: 27 Aug 2009
- views: 269
Heroes of Slovakia "Slovenskí Hrdinovia " Flying Home
7 rokov od havárie v Hejciach.Slovenské armádne lietadlo, ktoré viezlo vojakov z juhosrbsk...
published: 01 Feb 2013
author: Branislav Kysucký
Heroes of Slovakia "Slovenskí Hrdinovia " Flying Home
Heroes of Slovakia "Slovenskí Hrdinovia " Flying Home
7 rokov od havárie v Hejciach.Slovenské armádne lietadlo, ktoré viezlo vojakov z juhosrbskej provincie Kosovo, narazilo v roku 2006 19. januára do kopca vyso...- published: 01 Feb 2013
- views: 4958
- author: Branislav Kysucký
Slovakia: NATO exercises in Central Europe
M/S Military untie a BMP-1 from its holder as part of a drill operation, Slovakia
M/S A...
published: 26 Apr 2014
Slovakia: NATO exercises in Central Europe
Slovakia: NATO exercises in Central Europe
M/S Military untie a BMP-1 from its holder as part of a drill operation, Slovakia M/S Artillery personnel use binoculars whilst standing on a balcony overlooking the drills W/S Three BMP-1 stand at a 90 degree angle on pedestals, as artillery personnel watch, the tanks begin to move from their pedestals M/S Military personnel use crane to unleash artillery C/U BMP-1 moves from its pedestal holder M/S Artillery personnel watch ahead of them M/S BMP-1 moves along M/S Artillery personnel enter a door of an artillery machine M/S Crane and smoke in the distance M/S Mi-8 Helicopter flies through smoke M/S Personnel look on M/S Artillery trucks drive forward M/S Bundeswehr tank W/S Bundeswehr tank SCRIPT Slovakia: NATO exercises in Central Europe Slovakia is hosting multinational logistic exercises from June 8-26 at the Slovak Military Training Area at Lest and also at their Air Base in Sliac. Up to 1,700 soldiers will participate in the military drills, which use 650 pieces of equipment. Organised by the Prague-based MLCC (Multinational Logistics Coordination Centre), the exercise brings together 35 NATO (North Atlantic Treaty Organization) nations and several partnering countries, including between 1,500 and 1,700 troops. Running alongside the drills is the Centre for European and North Atlantic Affairs-organised politico-military conference 'NATO 2020: Train, Support, Combat', focusing on energy security and the impact of Afghan re-deployment issues on the NATO practice of logistical cooperation.- published: 26 Apr 2014
- views: 26
Slovakia: "Nad Tatrou sa blýska" — Stephen Squires & Millar Brass Ensemble
"Nad Tatrou sa blýska" (English: Lightning over the Tatras) is the national anthem of Slov...
published: 14 Feb 2012
author: darkrhawk
Slovakia: "Nad Tatrou sa blýska" — Stephen Squires & Millar Brass Ensemble
Slovakia: "Nad Tatrou sa blýska" — Stephen Squires & Millar Brass Ensemble
"Nad Tatrou sa blýska" (English: Lightning over the Tatras) is the national anthem of Slovakia. The origins of the anthem are in the Central European activis...- published: 14 Feb 2012
- views: 1331
- author: darkrhawk
Military Vehicles [Czech]: Tatra T815-7 MTV (Armády České Republiky)
Tatra T815 is a truck family, produced by Czech company Tatra. It uses the traditional tat...
published: 24 Jul 2010
author: DanieruShidebuteru
Military Vehicles [Czech]: Tatra T815-7 MTV (Armády České Republiky)
Military Vehicles [Czech]: Tatra T815-7 MTV (Armády České Republiky)
Tatra T815 is a truck family, produced by Czech company Tatra. It uses the traditional tatra concept of rigid backbone tube and swinging half-axles giving in...- published: 24 Jul 2010
- views: 900369
- author: DanieruShidebuteru
Urban Exploration - Military base on Devinska Kobyla (Slovakia)
Me and my friends went on trip to old rocket military base from soviet times. I dont own m...
published: 16 May 2011
author: Gusttafa
Urban Exploration - Military base on Devinska Kobyla (Slovakia)
Urban Exploration - Military base on Devinska Kobyla (Slovakia)
Me and my friends went on trip to old rocket military base from soviet times. I dont own music in this video.- published: 16 May 2011
- views: 573
- author: Gusttafa
Karpaty 1914-1915 - Inscenizacja 2013 (Výrava) Slovakia WW1 reenactment
Video-relacja z inscenizacji historycznej "KARPATY 1914-1915", która odbyła się na Słowacj...
published: 22 Apr 2013
author: WaderaStudio
Karpaty 1914-1915 - Inscenizacja 2013 (Výrava) Slovakia WW1 reenactment
Karpaty 1914-1915 - Inscenizacja 2013 (Výrava) Slovakia WW1 reenactment
Video-relacja z inscenizacji historycznej "KARPATY 1914-1915", która odbyła się na Słowacji 20.04.2013 r we wsi Výrava. Na inscenizację bitwy przybyły grupy ...- published: 22 Apr 2013
- views: 1409
- author: WaderaStudio
Visit of Prime Minister of Slovakia, Iveta Radičová
President Barroso and Prime Minister Iveta Radičová discussed today the current economic s...
published: 19 Jul 2010
author: Barroso
Visit of Prime Minister of Slovakia, Iveta Radičová
Visit of Prime Minister of Slovakia, Iveta Radičová
President Barroso and Prime Minister Iveta Radičová discussed today the current economic situation and the priorities of the new Slovak government. Both lead...- published: 19 Jul 2010
- views: 1171
- author: Barroso
Guard of Slovakia
Slovak white patriots....
published: 25 Jan 2010
author: 14zapravdu88SK
Guard of Slovakia
Youtube results:
Fotky Slovenských jednotiek/ Pics of Slovak forces in ww2
Na pamiatku našich vojakov ,ktorí bojovali a hrdo bránili náš národ....
published: 11 Jul 2012
Fotky Slovenských jednotiek/ Pics of Slovak forces in ww2
Fotky Slovenských jednotiek/ Pics of Slovak forces in ww2
Na pamiatku našich vojakov ,ktorí bojovali a hrdo bránili náš národ.- published: 11 Jul 2012
- views: 42
NATO Military Power 2013 - Message to Russia,China,Iran,N.Korea HD 1080p
NATO Military Power 2013 - Message to Russia,China,Iran,N.Korea HD 1080p
published: 05 Oct 2013
NATO Military Power 2013 - Message to Russia,China,Iran,N.Korea HD 1080p
NATO Military Power 2013 - Message to Russia,China,Iran,N.Korea HD 1080p
NATO Military Power 2013 - Message to Russia,China,Iran,N.Korea HD 1080p USA,,,TURKEY,,UK,,FRANCE,,GERMANY,,İTALY,,POLAND,,NETHERLANDS,,BELGİUM,,CANADA,,SPAIN,,PORTUGAL,,DENMARK,,BULGARİA,,GREECE,,SLOVAKIA,,SLOVENIA,,HUNGARY,,ROMANIA,,NORWAY,,LATVIA,,LUXEMBOURG,,LITHUANIA,,CZECH REP,,ESTONIA,,ICELAND GLOBAL PARTNERS OF NATO JAPAN,,S.KOREA,,AUSTRALİA,,NEW ZEALAND,,,PAKISTAN,,AFGHANISTAN,,IRAQ,,MONGOLİA These countries develop cooperation with NATO in areas of mutual interest, including emerging security challenges, and some contribute actively to NATO operations either militarily or in some other way. Individual global partners choose the areas where they wish to engage with NATO, as well as the extent of this cooperation, in a spirit of mutual benefit and reciprocity- published: 05 Oct 2013
- views: 93
Slovakia military radar
RADAR ,prewief fromsourcemonitor , security ,panoramiqe end mor in HD on www.hd-tube.com....
published: 27 Jul 2008
author: HDOperator
Slovakia military radar
Slovakia military radar
RADAR ,prewief fromsourcemonitor , security ,panoramiqe end mor in HD on www.hd-tube.com.- published: 27 Jul 2008
- views: 1295
- author: HDOperator
Military Paintball Poprad (Slovakia)
www.paintballpp.sk ©2007 matus.jancik@gmail.com....
published: 23 Apr 2007
author: o5tok
Military Paintball Poprad (Slovakia)
Military Paintball Poprad (Slovakia)
www.paintballpp.sk ©2007 matus.jancik@gmail.com.- published: 23 Apr 2007
- views: 5493
- author: o5tok