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Photos/Video-Boston Solidarity With 50th Anniv. of Martin Luther King 1963 March on Washington
mlk anniv boston 8-28-13 7.jpgBoston Common-Aug. 28, 2013:
Rally to carry on MLK's Dream of social justice-on the 50th anniv. of Martin Luther King's March for Jobs and Freedom.
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30 Aug 2013 | Filed under: News / Human Rights
iww114.jpgThe IWW was joined by Harvard’s Student Labor Action Movement (SLAM), Common Struggle and other allies in a lively demonstration in front of Harvard Square’s Insomnia Cookies, where striking workers are fighting back against poverty pay, zero job security and long shifts without any breaks
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29 Aug 2013 | Filed under: News / Labor
Bread and Puppet Circus on Cambridge Common Sept. 1

Total This & That Circus

Cambridge Common
Sunday, September 1st, 3 pm
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26 Aug 2013 | Filed under: Announcement / Social Welfare
Boston Wobblies turn up the heat on Insomnia Cookies!
iww107.jpgOn August 22 at Harvard Square, Wobblies, students, radicals, community members, and workers from Insomnia Cookies hit the picket line hard. Roughly about forty people came out to show solidarity with workers who are struggling for better pay, better working conditions, and respect. Many passersby showed solidarity with the striking workers by offering kind words. Some even joined the picket line. When curious people found out about the disgustingly low wages, and the disrespect workers receive, they where appalled. We turned away many a customer at a time when the shop gets increased business from tourists and college students. Fast food employees across the nation are starting to resist their oppressive work situations. The staff at Insomnia Cookies has joined this common front that been developing against very exploitative corporate food chains. Wobblies are helping fast food workers to organize. We call on all workers to show solidarity with this struggle.

An Injury to One is an Injury to All !!!
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23 Aug 2013 | Filed under: News / Labor
Tent City Resisting Roslindale Foreclosure, Help Needed!
City Life/Vida Urbana is urging everyone available to come to a Tent City in Roslindale to block the foreclosure of Olivé Hendricks' home. The address is 21 Pinedale Road.

Fannie Mae, the mortgage holder on Hendricks' property, has obtained a court order allowing them to evict Hendricks and his family with no notice, in contrast to the 48 hours that are usually required.

Shortly before 3PM today moving trucks and police were spotted approaching the Hendricks' house. At 5PM CLVU organizers texted supporters saying there was still time and that they would be there into the evening. Boston luminaries Carlos Arredondo and Mel King, along with several local politicians, are at the scene or have visited.

Yesterday CLVU released the following statement:
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22 Aug 2013 | Filed under: News / Gentrification : Organizing
Video/Photos-Boston Free Bradley Manning Protest 8/21/2013
free bradley manning sentencing protest-boston 8-21-13 006_1600x1200.jpgBoston, Mass.-Aug. 21, 2013:
Free Bradley Manning protesters spoke in impassioned and eloquent expression at Park St. in Boston, to protest the 35 year prison sentence handed down to Manning today.
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22 Aug 2013 | Filed under: News / War and Militarism
Three Insomnia Workers Fired for Striking, Call for Picket and Phone Blast
Striking Insomnia Cookies workers are calling for a phone and email blast, along with a picket and rally tomorrow, to demand the reinstatement of three of their number who were fired last Sunday. The strikers, who were working at Insomnia's Harvard Square location, are also demanding a pay raise, health insurance, improved working conditions, and a halt to management interference with union organizing.

Phone numbers: (347)366-0991 and (877) 632-6654

Email addresses: chris (at) and harvard (at)

Picketing starts at noon at the Insomnia store on Mt. Auburn Street, rally at 6:00 PM.

Today the strikers released the following statement:
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21 Aug 2013 | Filed under: News / Labor : Organizing
Wildcat Strike at Insomnia Cookies in Harvard Square
Strike! Calling all Allies of Low-Wage Workers
Turn Out to Support Striking Workers at Insomnia Cookies!
Tues, Weds, and Thurs: Noon pickets at the Harvard Square location, 65 Mt
Auburn St Cambridge, MA 02138.
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20 Aug 2013 | Filed under: News / Labor : Organizing
Local Interest
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