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Photos-Video/ Anti-Drones Protest in Boston
1 a anti-drones boston 11-16-13--2.jpgBoston, Mass.-Nov. 16, 2013:
About 50 anti-war activists in Boston protested the US use of drones in warfare and domestic spying.
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17 Nov 2013 | Filed under: News / War and Militarism
Rally for Workers Rights and Against Police Brutality!
Tomorrow, Saturday November 16th, Rally in Harvard Square at 3:30pm, march on Insomnia Cookies.
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15 Nov 2013 | Filed under: News / Labor : Organizing : Police and Prisons
Wobbly Beaten and Arrested by Cambridge Cops for Picketing at Insomnia Cookies
Insomnia Cookies fires workers for joining the union. Cambridge police brutalize union members for protesting the illegal firing. We will return with ten times the numbers and continue to fight, until there is justice at Insomnia Cookies.

Watch this space for details of time and date!

Emergency march against police brutality tonight! 5:30 PM in Harvard Square!
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15 Nov 2013 | Filed under: News / Labor : Organizing : Police and Prisons
An Appeal from the Philippines
On November 8, 2013, typhoon Haiyan or Yolanda (local name) shoot its landfall in the Philippines. Typhoon Yolanda is one of the strongest typhoons which struck Philippines on a record. It has sustained winds of 235 kph (147 mph) with gusts of 275 kph (170 mph) when it made landfall. By those measurements, Yolanda can be compared to a strong Category 4 hurricane in the U.S, nearly in the top category, a 5.
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14 Nov 2013 | Filed under: News / Environment : International : Organizing
Super typhoon Haiyan is climate wake-up call
2013_ruins_typhoon_haiyan_yolanda.jpgIt seems these days that whenever Mother Nature wants to send an urgent message to humankind, it sends it via the Philippines. This year the messenger was Haiyan, known in the Philippines as Yolanda.
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14 Nov 2013 | Filed under: News / Environment : Globalization : International : Social Welfare
Photos/Video- Veterans For Peace Anti-War Veterans Day March
1 vfp 2013.jpgBoston Veterans For Peace again forced to march behind the official pro-war Veterans Day parade.
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12 Nov 2013 | Filed under: News / War and Militarism
Boston Anarchist Bookfair Schedule
Below is the tentative schedule for the Boston Anarchist Bookfair!
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04 Nov 2013 | Filed under: Announcement / Education : Organizing : Radical Culture
SF Protest At Veolia To Back USW Local 8751 Boston Bus Drivers
Boston Say No To Veolia.jpgSan Francisco bus and transit workers rallied to demand the rehiring of the five Boston USW Local 8751 union leaders and an end to union busting by Veolia. They picketed the San Francisco office of Veolia and also attacked Veolia for trying to bust the BART workers during their struggle for a contract.
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31 Oct 2013 | Filed under: News / Labor
Local Interest
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BI4J's 2nd Annual LGBTQ Health and Wellness Weekend! ("0")
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CCB’s Annual Hiroshima/Nagasaki Day Commemoration ("0")
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Boston Billboards - Right Wingers Attack Abortion Rights! ("1")
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Mass Teachers Union Leader Interviewed About Upcoming Struggles ("0")
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Boston Gas Tank Photographer - "I'm not a 'terrorist' for taking pictures, don't put me on a list!" ("1")
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Dorchester Diva - Donna Summer - Build a Memorial! Roller Disco Tribute - City Hall 18 July 6-10pm ("1")
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MBTA Removes Pro-Palestinian Ads in Boston Without Notifying NGO ("7")
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Middlesex Community College - Robert Redford Guest ("0")
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Police Militariazed - Population Disarmed - Mass. Lawmakers May Vote Soon On Gun Bill ("1")
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Worcester police officer accused of rape pleads not guilty ("2")
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Netroots meeting in Detroit - “Progressive” cover for right-wing Democrats ("0")
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Philippines: 5 Makabayan bloc legislators got P481M pork barrel ("0")
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TTIP Undermines the Constitutional State ("0")
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The Average Vegan Weighs 23 Lbs Less Than The Average Nonvegetarian ("1")
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Comics - Archie To Be Shot Saving Gay Friend ("2")
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Israel's far-right spreads from the fringes ("1")
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Two Florida cops off the job for KKK connections ("3")
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On Israel-Palestine and BDS - Choose Effective Tactics - Noam Chomsky ("1")
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The Battle for Baghdad - 14 July 2014 ("2")
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Police Open Fire on Protest in LA ("1")
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