Christian conservative James Dobson called President Barack Obama “the abortion president” during a National Day of Prayer event on Thursday.
Dobson, founder of the controversial Christian hate group Focus on the Family, read from a letter he allegedly sent to 250,000 people saying he would not support Obama’s “wicked regulations” regarding reproductive health.
Dobson said:
“President Obama, before he was elected, made it very clear that he wanted to be the abortion president. He didn’t make any bones about it. This is something that he really was going to promote and support, and he has done that, and in a sense he is the abortion president.”
Rep. Janice Hahn (D-Calif.) walked out of the event at the U.S. Capitol on Thursday, saying she was "outraged" by what she later characterized as a “hateful political rant” by Dobson after the Christian extremist called President Barack Obama the “abortion president.”
Hahn sent out a tweet, expressing her disgust with the crude characterization:
Outraged that Dr. James Dobson brought politics to #Natldayofprayer event-- calling President Obama "The Abortion President." I walked out.
Hahn told the Post “It was very disturbing to me, and really a shame. James Dobson hijacked the National Day of Prayer — this nonpartisan, nonpolitical National Day of Prayer — to promote his own distorted political agenda.”
The event was supposed to be non-partisan, before Dobson went on an his anti-woman, anti-Obama, pro-fetus rant. At one point Dobson whined:
“The Creator will not hold us guiltless if we turn a deaf ear to the cries of His innocent babies. So come and get me if you must, Mr. President. I will not bow before your wicked regulation.”
All in all, it was an embarrassing performance by a backward thinking man who has made a career out of pandering to ignorant, fundamentalist Christians.
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