On September 13th The TORCH antifascist network is holding their first annual conference in Chicago via south side Chicago ARA. This conference has 2 parts; a private portion for those within the TORCH network and a public portion open to all antifascists. The public day is going to be on September 13th and will consist of workshops/speakers followed by an antifascist show. We are inviting any and all antifascists to come out and network, see speakers, see bands, and grab literature. There will be also be tons of free antifascist merchandise (shirts, CD’s etc.) for those who come out. This will be a benefit for antifascist prisoners. Below is a detailed schedule with all the necessary info for our public day.


5pm – speakers/workshops- This portion of our public day will be donation based. No one turned away.Speakers and their workshop descriptions:

Matthew N Lyons from the Three way fight blog

“Taking the game away from the left”

“One of fascism’s most dangerous features is its ability to present itself as radical or even revolutionary. From Third Position anti-capitalism to Nazi ecology, from National-Anarchism to the slogan “Women’s Power as well as White Power,” far rightists have embraced many leftist ideas in distorted form. What are some leading examples of this dynamic today and where do they come from? To what extent is this empty posturing, and to what extent does it reflect real conflict between fascism and the established order? What kind of challenges does it pose for antifascist work?”

more speakers TBA

Workshop descriptions posted soon.


7pm -show starts- This portion of the conference will be 10$



WRATHCOBRA (D-Beat metal punk from PGH)


KRANG (crustards from Chicago)


LA ARMADA (Chicago hardcore punk)



ARID (Blackened crust from crete, IL)



1 More TBA

There will be tables throughout the show with literature and merchandise

@Chitown Futbol

2343 S. Throop, Chicago, Illinois

Benefit for political prisoners!

Endorsed by the May 1st anarchist alliance and the Black Rose/ Rosa Negra anarchist federation.

Interested in playing, tabling etc?

contact southsidechicagoara@hushmail.com



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Welcome to the newest (Fifth!) edition of the South Side Chicago ARA zine. Every year we put together a collection of our updates on local antifascist work and intelligence, as well as a few relevant articles and updates from other sources.

Its been another busy year for antifascists in Illinois. As always, we’ve collected and posted the addresses and personal information on local white supremacists.

Antifascists have also been busy on the ground. We reported on the exposing of the Illinois NSM membership, which has since effectively been shut down following the resignation of their leader. David Irving, the world’s most well-known Holocaust denier, once again had his Chicago stop on his speaking tour abruptly cancelled. It also pleased us to see that the Illinois white supremacists responsible for organizing the White Man March in Centralia were richly rewarded for their efforts. These are just a few of the accomplishments this past year has seen.

South Side ARA was involved in the founding of TORCH, a new North American antifascist network along with Hoosier Anti-Racist Movement, Central Texas ARA, Central Florida Antifa, and ARA LA/PART. We have also welcomed the addition of Philly Antifa. For more information on TORCH, scope it out at http://torchantifa.org/.

Watching Europe, we’ve seen many reasons why antifascism is still necessary. In this crisis of the capitalist system, we’ve seen from across the pond fascism rearing its ugly head again. From Greece to Ukraine to Sweden and elsewhere, fascist parties have been gaining seats in parliament and street groups have been attacking immigrants, gays, Jews, Roma, and leftists. Neo-nazis in Paris, France murdered a young antifascist and gay rights organizer Clement Meric, and Swedish fascists assaulted multiple people at an International Women’s Day demo in the Swedish city of Malmo, sending another gay rights organizer to the hospital with life-threatening stab wounds.

If you are excited by what you read inside this zine, we encourage you to join in the fight against fascism. There are lots of ways to join in the struggle, like hosting benefits and letter-writing parties for antifa political prisoners, taking part in demos, or even getting involved in a local antifascist crew. Whatever path you choose, we hope to see you in the streets.

We would like to dedicate this issue of the South Side Chicago ARA Zine to antifascist Clement Meric, who was murdered by neo-nazis in Paris, and to the victims of the Overland Park, Kansas shooting on April 13 by Frazier Glen Miller, a longtime KKK and neo-nazi organizer.

No Pasaran!

South Side Chicago ARA


Taken from onepeoplesproject:

OVERLAND PARK, KS – The shooter that shot and killed three persons at a Jewish community center and a retirement home a mile away has been identified as veteran white supremacist Frazier Glenn Miller, who once ran a white supremacist paramilitary operation before he turned FBI informant and in recent years had been seen posting regularly on a white supremacist website forum, where his last post was to note that he had spoken yesterday to Craig Cobb the white supremacist who attempted to take over a small town in North Dakota last year.

While police have not publicly named the suspect in the shootings, his picture was shot as he was taken into custody and was spread throughout several media outlets. Several postings on the Vanguard News Network VNN) forum confirmed it was indeed Miller, who also is known as Fraiser Glenn Cross Jr.

Miller was a major player in the 1980s white supremacist scene, organizing a parimilitary Klan outfit based in North Carolina called the White Patriot Party (WPP) using $200,000 stolen from armored trucks by the neo-Nazi terrorist group the Order, according to Miller himself during his testimony during a 1988 sedition trial in Arkansas. The WPP collapsed after he violated an injunction against paramilitary activity and was convicted of threatening Morris Dees of the Southern Poverty Law Center. He was imprisoned for three years before being released in 1990. He was branded as a traitor for turning informant and went underground, but in recent years Miller was more of an internet presence posting as “Rounder” on the VNN forum. He also maintained a website which has videos and writings he authored. He also attempted to run for congress with the support of VNN. Another longtime white supremacist, Ron Doggett, who was a Unit leader in the WPP, supported his 2010 run.

His last VNN posting about Craig Cobb was one of several in recent weeks where he indicated he was in close contact with the white supremacist who attempted to create a white’s only enclave in Leith, ND before his arrest on terroristic threats. “Sounded confident and healthy. His PSI is completed, in the hands of his attorney, and next hearing (release hearing presumeably) is 29 April,” Miller said of Cobb, who is awaiting sentencing after agreeing to plead guilty to five misdemeanors and one felony. Cobb was in nearby Kansas City on Nov. 9 for a National Socialist Movement rally.

It has also been learned that two of the persons that Miller is alleged to have killed were Methodists.


Taken from LibCom:

Late last night several people were attacked in central Malmö by members of the fascist Svenskarnas Parti (Swedes Party). They were on their way home after having taken part in celebrations for International Women’s Day.

The incident occurred just after a nighttime demonstration against violence against women finished up at around midnight on Möllenvångstorget (a square in the heart of a multicultural and left wing district of Malmö). One person is now in intensive care with serious head injuries and a further three have suffered knife wounds to the arms and lung, amongst which was a member of Allt åt Alla Malmö. The nazis had been searching for potential victims the entire evening in the vicinity of the March 8th Festival at Moriska pavilion in Folketspark. The attack was, in other words, no coincidence.

The attack on the 8th of March demonstrators can’t be seen as an isolated incident. The arson attack on Kvarnby peoples high school in October 2013 was only the beginning of an escalation in nazi violence around Malmö. Left wing locales and premises have been exposed to graffiti and broken windows. In January a 16 year old member of SSU (Sweden’s Socialdemocratic Youth organisation) was attacked by two men, warning her about spreading her views. In several other places and cities nazis have been identified registering participants in demonstrations during International Women’s Day.

The seriously injured 25 year old, who is currently being cared for in a sedated state in hospital, is a leading figure in the fight against racism and homophobia in the football world, a SAC member and devoted supporter of Malmö FF. He also helped to found “Football fans against homophobia”. Based on this, he has been recently hung out on the Swedes Party linked website ‘Realisten’.

According to witnesses at the scene, a high ranking member of the Swedes Party – Andreas Carlsson, was involved in the attempted murder. He was seen attacking feminists with a knife. Andreas Carlsson is one of the members of the Swedes Party who travelled down to Kiev as “Ukrainafrivilliga” (Ukraine Volunteers) to support the Svoboda party’s efforts in taking power. On Realisten he has reported on the Swedish Nationalist delegation’s operation.Some of the delegations participants have stayed, according to their own reports, “to enlist in the Ukrainian army”, while Carlsson’s group returned to Sweden only a few days before the 8th of March.

The Security Services’ (Säpo) chief analyst Ahn-Za Hagström claimed on the 8th of March that they “see no increased intention or capability of committing politically motivated crimes when they get home.” (SR.se March 8th) That same evening the nazis attacked. Foreign Minister Carl Bildt said in a recent interview on Swedish Radio’s P1 channel that the Swedes Party’s sister party Svoboda are “European democrats who work for values that are ours”. This minimization and normalization of fascist parties has given the Swedes Party and their “Ukraine Volunteers” the belief that they have a free pass for their violent acts.

Not only the Security Service, but also the ordinary police have ignored the far-right violence, by depicting the murder attempt as a “gang war” between “opponents on opposite fringes”. This comes less than half a year after police ignored warnings that a similar nazi party, Svernska Motståndsrörelsen (The Swedish Resistance Movement), planned to attack the anti-racist demonstration in Kärrtorp.

It is abundantly clear that the fascist threat against Sweden and Europe, against individuals and social movements, is not taken seriously. Neither the government, the security services nor the police have been able to present a clear and coherent approach towards this. Fascist violence should never be reduced to youth fights or extreme phenomena, such as, Birgitta Ohlsson’s government extremist investigation. Then one misses the powerful political force that the fascist parties in Europe have become, the impetus it gives the corresponding parties at home in Sweden and ignores the seriousness of the weapons training and street fighting skills Swedish right-wing extremists have gained during his travels and visits with Jobbik in Hungary, Svoboda in Ukraine and the Golden Dawn in Greece these last few months.

Today, they stand for violence in the streets. In September, they stand for parliamentary elections.


On September 12th, 13th, and 14th of 2014, South Side Chicago ARA will be hosting the 1st Annual Torch Network Conference. Torch is a North American antifascist Network that evolved out of the Anti-Racist Action network. This conference has 2 parts; A private portion reserved for vouched antifascist chapters within the network (get vouched in now!) and a public portion for any and all antifascists interested in either the network or simply meeting other antifascists and having a good time. There will be workshops, tables, and more. 

If you have any questions or want to become a vouched chapter before the conference, email us a southsidechicagoara@hushmail.com

We will post a detailed schedule in the coming months!


Hey everyone, We would like to encourage all our readers to donate to one or both of these brave individuals who were imprisoned for taking a stand against Racism and Fascism.

Cece McDonald is a trans woman who was attacked in 2011, along with several friends, by a group of Transphobic Racists.  In the ensuing melee, one of the attackers was stabbed and killed.  Cece is scheduled to be released this month and her supporters are fundraising to give her some help when she get out. Click here to donate to Cece McDonald.

John Tucker is one of the Tinley Park 5, 5 Antifascists imprisoned on trumped-up charges stemming from a disruption of a meeting of representatives of several Neo-Nazi/White Power groups. John is also slated for release this month.  His supporters have also started a prison release fund.  Click here to donate to John Tucker.

Please give all you can to support these two Antifascists.


Taken from pastebin:

The Traditionalist Youth Movement (TYN) is a white supremacist and self identified fascist organization based out of Indiana. The groups mission is to provide resources and support to independent groups of high school and college students about the “traditional” school of thought. They have attended several white nationalist events this year. The Leif Erickson day parade, an NSM rally, and the American Freedom Party conference, to name a few. Private details on their core membership and others can be found below.

Thomas C Buhls
Age: 30 – 06/06/1983
3382 West Spruce Dr
Bloomington, IN 47403
Drivers license: 0130725411 IN
other associated addresses:
396 Country View Court, Apt. 13
Martinsville, IN  46151

Matthew W Heimbach
Age:22 – 04/08/1991
19616 Selby Ave
Poolesville, MD 20837 (allegedly moved in with Buhls in Indiana)
cell: 301 525 1474

David M Parrott “Matthew Parrott”
Age:31 -  07/01/1982
950 South Ridgecrest Lane
Paoli, IN 47454
cell: 317 324 8282
previous address:
1145 Golfview Dr
Apt FCarmel, IN 46032
Email: parrott.matt@gmail.com
Recently divorced Connie Adams Parrott after 2 years
Lives at his moms house and is unemployed

On October 9th, TYN protested against Tim Wise at Indiana University in Terre Haute, IN. Here is private information on three white nationalist attendees/supporters:

James Berry
213 West Wheeler Ave
Terre Haute, IN 47802
Drivers license: 903690571 AR

Brian L Bryant
617 Teresa St
Harrison, AR 72601
home: 870 416 4687

Daniel Wilson
Lowell, AR