Get Involved

Starting a Torch Chapter
    • All Torch members and chapters MUST agree with the Points of Unity.

If you don’t agree with everything you read in the Points of Unity,  Torch might not be the place for you. But don’t let that stop you from acting up! We stand in solidarity with those who confront fascism.

    • Get in touch with the Torch chapter nearest to you.

If there isn’t a Torch chapter in your area already, your nearest chapter will be able to help you get one started.

    • Open an email account, PO Box, and voice mail.

You don’t need all of them, but the more ways people can contact you, the better. At the very least, however, you should have an email address to accept intelligence.

    • Get the word out.

Print fliers with your local contact information on them and pass them out where you see fit. You also might want to try making or buying t-shirts, buttons or patches to sell or give away to get your chapters name out around town. Try to contact local musicians /acts to see if they’re willing to show their support for Torch. Eventually, you might even want to start organizing your own anti-racist shows and events.

You also might want to set up a website, too. It doesn’t have to be fancy, Torch can assist you with something that has basic contact information about your chapter, what projects you’re working on, and upcoming events.

    • Get organized.

When you have enough people interested, start an email list so people can keep informed about what’s going on both in your community and around the world. Eventually, you’ll want to start having regular meetings to start coordinating activities.

    • Find an issue that’s important to you, and take action!

Whatever the issue is, don’t be afraid to speak up, There are people out there who will have your back. If you have questions, don’t hesitate to ask Torch Network chapters for help or advice. We’re always willing to help!

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