A frosty morning in the capital.

A frosty morning in the capital. Photo: Jean Herring

Temperatures dropped below freezing for the first time since November in Canberra on Monday morning as meteorologists warned of more freezing starts to come this week.

Senior Bureau of Meteorology meteorologist Sean Carson said Canberra was colder than anywhere in the country on Monday morning as frosts were reported throughout the territory.

“Temperatures dropped to -1.7 at Canberra Airport, while it was -2.6 at Tuggeranong,” he said. “It was -3 at Cooma Airport and 0 at Braidwood, while Goulburn had cloud cover so only reached -2 and it was -2 on the Snowy Mountains.”

Mr Carson said Canberrans were likely to see frost every morning this week as it experiences an unusually cold start to the winter season.  

Weatherzone meteorologist Brett Dutschke said Canberra has been experiencing colder and drier air over the weekend, which was particularly noticeable on Saturday. “On Saturday, we only reached a top of 9 degrees, which is the coldest start to the season in 31 years,” he said. “1983 was the last time it was this cold so early in autumn.”

Mr Dutschke said Canberrans should prepare for more cold starts this week as winter sets in. “We’ve got another cold front passing through tonight that will cause winds to pick up again, meaning it’s likely to warm up tomorrow morning, although Wednesday to Friday will be different story,” he said.

“We’re likely to experience temperatures dropping to freezing or even below during the end of the week, with winds eventually dropping off for clear mornings.”

Mr Dutschke said southerly winds will change to northerly from Friday, which will mean autumn will have one last chance to shine on the weekend.

“This change of winds will allow the air to gain a little more humidity, which will tend to keep the nights a little warmer on the weekend. The frost may stay away on the weekend and early next week, although we need to get through a cold snap later this week before we get there.” 

The forecast for the days ahead for Canberra:

  • Monday: 14 degrees; mostly sunny, areas of fog and frost in the morning. 
  • Tuesday: 3-15 degrees; areas of fog and light frost in the morning. 
  • Wednesday: 0-15 degrees; sunny. 
  • Thursday: -1-16 degrees; patchy fog and frost in the morning, mostly sunny day. 
  • Friday: 1-16 degrees; mostly sunny.