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Bayern Munich's humiliation against Real Madrid and Barcelona's decline show that the Catalan coach and Argentine superstar are not the same without one another The wrong kind of...
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Business Day
THERE is something thrilling about the rise of Narendra Modi. Indian politics has been dominated by the Gandhi dynasty since independence. In India’s present elections, the...
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BBC News
30 April 2014 Last updated at 05:31 BST More than 100,000 strong, Iraq's Awakening Councils, or Sahwa, are Sunni tribesman who once fought against American troops but then joined...

New pact reflects closer US-Philippine ties
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A new defense pact that will allow thousands of U.S. troops to be temporarily based in Philippines for the first time in more than 20 years signals closer cooperation in the allies' hot-and-cold relationship that has been shaped over the decades by...
photo: US Navy / Chris Church
Confronting Russia and China Militarily
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Washington's imperial agenda reflects madness. Overreach may be its undoing. Potential global war threatens everyone. On Tuesday, Obama ended his Asian trip. Confronting China was prioritized. On April 28, Stripes headlined "Obama's Asia trip yields...
photo: US Navy / Chris Church
With no real government, can Thailand escape recession?
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BANGKOK: Some bold assumptions about a rapid end to a six-month political crisis are all that stand between Thailand and its first real recession since the global financial crisis. Southeast Asia's second-largest economy is confronting weak exports,...
photo: WN / marzena
Serbia Will Never Target Russia With Sanctions – Foreign Minister
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BELGRADE, April 30 (RIA Novosti) – Belgrade will never impose sanctions against Russia and will remain neutral on the crisis in Ukraine, Serbian Foreign Minister Ivica Dacic said Wednesday. “We respect the territorial integrity...
photo: European Community / EC
Real goalkeeper Iker Casillas smiles after winning the Champions League semifinal
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On paper, Real had the strongest team, but it is hard to dismiss a club of Bayern’s caliber, much less think that they were going to get blown away at home, no less. However that is exactly what happened in Munich. Sergio Ramos scored in the...
photo: AP / Matthias Schrader
	International community warns Haiti in for more political crisis if elections don’t happen in 2014
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Indicating increasing frustration with an ongoing political stalemate in Haiti, the international community warned Tuesday that the country could be headed for another political crisis with unpredictable consequences. The tough stance from the United...
photo: UN / Nektarios Markogiannis
Skyline of Canary Wharf, viewed from the west. Canary Wharf is a major business district located in Tower Hamlets, London, United Kingdom.
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Published April 29, 2014Associated Press Facebook0 Twitter0 Gplus0 NEW YORK – A British shoe-bomb plotter testifying by video for a second time in a New York courtroom revealed potential U.S. and English terror targets that were discussed...
photo: Creative Commons / Diliff
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  • Play next
  • Guilty by Association? Kerry blames EU for stirring up Ukraine unrest...2:50
  • OPCW to investigate Syria chlorine attack...1:42
  • One Month in Iraq - April 2014 election special - Truthloader...6:05
  • India election: Modi votes as millions go to polls in seventh phase...3:20
  • Iran : President Hassan Rouhani says that Iran will never seek a Nuclear Bomb (Sep 18, 2013)...5:19
  • Built Britain - Canary Wharf (London)...7:48
  • Uproar in Egyptian court halts Muslim Brotherhood trial...0:57
  • World War 3 : North Korea test fires RoDong Ballistic Missiles as Rivals meet (Mar 26, 2014)...4:15
  • LES PLEURS D'UN ANGE 3, Nigeria movie in french, Film nigérian , ghanéen en anglais...1:11:40
  • Part 5 - Paul's EU Adventure - Arrival in Slovakia!...3:27
  • Ukraine crisis: Russia alarmed over US-Nato activity...2:20
add video playlist Washington is spinning the wheel of blame in regard to the Ukrainian stand-off. This time it is pointing at the EU. The criticism came in comments made by US Secretary of State, John Kerry. For more on this RT is joined by Gayane Chichakyan. RT LIVE Subscribe to RT! Like us on Facebook Follow us on Twitter Follow us on Instagram Follow us on Google+ RT (Russia Today) is a global news network broadcasting from Moscow and Washington studios. RT is the first news channel to break the 1 billion YouTube views benchmark.
Washington is spinning the wheel of blame in regard to the Ukrainian stand-off. This time it is pointing at the EU. The criticism came in comments made by US Secretary of State, John Kerry. For more on this RT is joined by Gayane Chichakyan.


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RT (Russia Today) is a global news network broadcasting from Moscow and Washington studios. RT is the first news channel to break the 1 billion YouTube views benchmark.
Guilty by As­so­ci­a­tion? Kerry blames EU for stir­ring up Ukraine un­rest
The global chemical weapons watchdog overseeing the destruction of Syria\'s toxic stockpile will send a fact-finding mission to Syria to investigate allegations by rebels and activists of chlorine gas attacks, the organisation has said.  The Hague-based Organisation for the Prohibition of Chemical Weapons (OPCW) said President Bashar al-Assad\'s government had agreed to accept the mission and had promised to provide security in areas under its control.  Al Jazeera\'s Cath Turner reports from the United Nations in New York.
OPCW to in­ves­ti­gate Syria chlo­rine at­tack
The first parliamentary elections in Iraq since US troops left the country three years ago have taken place today. In the past year the civilian death toll in sectarian violence in Iraq has risen to alarming levels, with hundreds killed every single month. The surge in violence predicted by most experts came to be reality and 2014 has, so far, been particularly deadly. This is our monthly round up of the violent attacks in Iraq, which have been getting inadequate coverage in the mainstream media. This month the focus is on those elections as Prime Minister Nouri al-Maliki attempts to secure a third term but there are 9,000 candidates for only 328 seats and many observers have voiced concerns about the transparency of the vote. In the build up to the election the suicide attacks, gun fights and car bombings have continued to claim lives on a daily basis and the country is as dangerous as ever since the end of the allied invasion.

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One Month in Iraq - April 2014 elec­tion spe­cial - Truthload­er
Narendra Modi, the man tipped to be India\'s next prime minister, has voted in his home state of Gujarat in the seventh phase of the general election.

He cast his vote at a school in the city of Ahmedabad. All 26 seats are up for grabs in the state.

Mr Modi was greeted by cheering crowds lining the streets and on rooftops as he arrived at the polling station.

Andhra Pradesh also goes to the polls on Wednesday for the last time as a united state before it is divided.

It is among nine states and union territories sending 139 million eligible voters to make their choice between some 1,300 candidates contesting 89 seats on Wednesday. India\'s general election, with 814 million eligible voters, is the world\'s biggest exercise in democracy and the governing Congress party is battling the opposition Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) for power.

But it is the BJP\'s Mr Modi who is ahead in all the opinion polls.

Surging crowds
Mr Modi took a \
India elec­tion: Modi votes as mil­lions go to polls in sev­enth phase

News Articles:

Rouhani says Iran willing to forswear nuclear arms: TV interview

Analysis || Rohani\'s correspondence with Obama signifies winds of change in Iran

Rohani: We will never seek nuclear bomb,73...

FAIR USE NOTICE: This video may contain copyrighted material. Such material is made available for educational purposes only. This constitutes a \'fair use\' of any such copyrighted material as provided for in Title 17 U.S.C. section 106A-117 of the U.S. Copyright Law.
Iran : Pres­i­dent Has­san Rouhani says that Iran will never seek a Nu­cle­ar Bomb (Sep 18, 2013)
David Dimbleby explores Canary Wharf and then goes back to his hometown, Polegate in the last episode of BBC1\'s brilliant \'How We Built Britain\' series
Built Britain - Ca­nary Wharf (Lon­don)
The first parliamentary elections in Iraq since US troops left the country three years ago have taken place today. In the past year the civilian death toll in sectarian violence in Iraq has risen to alarming levels, with hundreds killed every single month. The surge in violence predicted by most experts came to be reality and 2014 has, so far, been particularly deadly. This is our monthly round up of the violent attacks in Iraq, which have been getting inadequate coverage in the mainstream media. This month the focus is on those elections as Prime Minister Nouri al-Maliki attempts to secure a third term but there are 9,000 candidates for only 328 seats and many observers have voiced concerns about the transparency of the vote. In the build up to the election the suicide attacks, gun fights and car bombings have continued to claim lives on a daily basis and the country is as dangerous as ever since the end of the allied invasion.

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One Month in Iraq - April 2014 elec­tion spe­cial - Truthload­er
More Breaking News:

Chaotic courtroom scenes cause Egyptian judge to halt the trial of Muslim Brotherhood leaders after they shouted slogans and refused to cooperate. Rough Cut (no reporter narration).

Reuters tells the world\'s stories like no one else. As the largest international multimedia news provider, Reuters provides coverage around the globe and across topics including business, financial, national, and international news. For over 160 years, Reuters has maintained its reputation for speed, accuracy, and impact while providing exclusives, incisive commentary and forward-looking analysis.
Up­roar in Egyp­tian court halts Mus­lim Broth­er­hood trial

News Articles:

North Korea fires two medium-range ballistic missiles,0,4873839.story#axzz2xAFav1FF

North Korea Fires 2 Missiles as Obama Talks With Japan, South Korea

North Korea ups stakes with latest missile launch

North Korea Fires 2 Missiles as Its Rivals Meet

US Wants Security Council Meeting After North Korea Fires Missiles

FAIR USE NOTICE: This video may contain copyrighted material. Such material is made available for educational purposes only. This constitutes a \'fair use\' of any such copyrighted material as provided for in Title 17 U.S.C. section 106A-117 of the U.S. Copyright Law.
World War 3 : North Korea test fires RoDong Bal­lis­tic Mis­siles as Ri­vals meet (Mar 26, 2014)
Quand la perversité d\'un père prend le dessus sur lui, il ne peut que commettre des actes si horribles. Tout le monde dira peut être que la fille à eu tort vu qu\'elle n\'as rien dit ni à sa mère ni à son entourage. Mais pendant ce temps que faisait sa mère? Et à la place de la fille que feriez vous?. Restez connecté pour plus de films gratuits.

When the evil of a father takes over, he can only commit such horrible acts. Everyone can tell that the girl was wrong because it did not say anything or his mother or his entourage. But during this time was his mother? And instead of the girl would you?. Stay tuned for more free movies

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LES PLEURS D'UN ANGE 3, Nige­ria movie in french, Film nigérian , ghanéen en anglais
Nigel Farage on Ser­bia join­ing EU
Christmas is just a few days away and what a present awaits me in Slovakia...Christopher, Karin and Alexander!
Part 5 - Paul's EU Ad­ven­ture - Ar­rival in Slo­vakia!
Moscow has voiced concern over an \
Ukraine cri­sis: Rus­sia alarmed over US-Na­to ac­tiv­i­ty
Zainab Ban­gu­ra - Spe­cial Rep­re­sen­ta­tive of UN Sec­re­tary Gen­er­al on Sex­u­al Vi­o­lence in Con­flict
Tornado 2014 tornado videos Oklahoma Tornado 2014 oklahoma tornado arkansas tornado 2014 tornado arkansas  tornado 2014 april video Mississippi tornado  Quapaw Tornado Alabama tornado arkansas twister US tornado news  US tornadoes Videos tornado caught on camera tornado caught on tape Mayflower Tornado Ottawa Tornado Video

Twisters Create Havoc in Mississippi, Alabama Tornadoes Arkansas Quapaw Oklahoma Little Rock Arkansas Video Quapaw Tornado Little Rock Oklahoma Arkansas Tornado Tornadoes Tornadoes Quapaw

Tornadoes sweep across southern US, leaving at least 17 dead
Twister touches down in Arkansas and leaves 80-mile trail of destruction, with more storms expected on Monday

Arkansas tornado damage.
At least 17 people were killed when a powerful storm system wreaked havoc through the southern and central US on Sunday night.

The tornado touched down Sunday about 10 miles west of Little Rock, Arkansas, at around 7pm, then carved an 80-mile path of destruction as it passed through or near several suburbs north of the state capital, including Vilonia.

Local television station THV 11 said the local sheriff in Faulkner county had confirmed that six people died in Vilonia.

Tor­na­do 2014 April: Tor­na­does Rip Through Cen­tral South­ern Ok­la­homa Al­aba­ma Mis­sis­sip­pi Tor­na­do

updated 30 Apr 2014; published 30 Apr 2014
Guilty by As­so­ci­a­tion? Kerry blames EU for stir­ring up Ukraine un­rest
Reuters 30 Apr 2014, HORLIVKA, Ukraine (Reuters) - Masked gunmen in military fatigues seized government offices in another Ukrainian town on Wednesday, in a further sign that pro-Western authorities in Kiev are losing control of the country's eastern industrial heartland bordering Russia. The gunmen, who turned up at dawn, took control of the offices in Horlivka, a...
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updated 30 Apr 2014; published 30 Apr 2014
OPCW to in­ves­ti­gate Syria chlo­rine at­tack
Al Jazeera 30 Apr 2014, The global chemical weapons watchdog is to send a team to Syria to investigate allegations by rebels and activists of chlorine gas attacks, the organisation has said. The Organisation for the Prohibition of Chemical Weapons said on Tuesday that President Bashar al-Assad's government had agreed to accept the mission and had promised to provide...
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updated 30 Apr 2014; published 30 Apr 2014
One Month in Iraq - April 2014 elec­tion spe­cial - Truthload­er
Fox News 30 Apr 2014, Published April 30, 2014Associated Press Facebook0 Twitter0 Gplus0 In this Monday, April 28, 2014 photo, masked anti-government gunmen move with their weapons as they patrol in Fallujah, Iraq. Al-Qaida-linked fighters and their allies seized the city of Fallujah and parts of the Anbar provincial capital Ramadi in late December after authorities...
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updated 30 Apr 2014; published 30 Apr 2014
India elec­tion: Modi votes as mil­lions go to polls in sev­enth phase
BBC News 30 Apr 2014, Narendra Modi, the man tipped to be India's next prime minister, has voted in his home state of Gujarat in the seventh phase of India's poll. He cast his vote at a school in the city of Ahmedabad. All 26 seats are up for grabs in the state on Wednesday. Transport hubs in the city are bursting with people returning to their homes to vote,...
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updated 08 Nov 2013; published 08 Nov 2013
Iran : Pres­i­dent Has­san Rouhani says that Iran will never seek a Nu­cle­ar Bomb (Sep 18, 2013)
New Straits/Business Times 30 Apr 2014, TEHRAN: President Hassan Rouhani defended a potential nuclear deal with the West on Tuesday, insisting that an agreement would benefit the majority of Iranians, while encountering resistance. In a primetime interview lasting 90 minutes, Rouhani, who is under growing pressure from hardliners and hard-pressed citizens, stood by the steps taken...
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updated 27 Jul 2007; published 27 Jul 2007
Built Britain - Ca­nary Wharf (Lon­don)
Taipei Times 29 Apr 2014, Al-Qaeda considered an attack on London’s Canary Wharf just weeks after Sept. 11, 2001, a British terror convict, reportedly hugged by former al-Qaeda leader Osama bin Laden and allegedly dispatched to blow up a US jetliner, said on Monday. Al-Qaeda recruit Saajid Badat, 35, made the revelation while testifying against British cleric Abu Hamza, on...
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updated 30 Apr 2014; published 30 Apr 2014
One Month in Iraq - April 2014 elec­tion spe­cial - Truthload­er
BBC News 29 Apr 2014, Iraqis go to the polls on 30 April in parliamentary elections overshadowed by violence and sectarian tension. Prime Minister Nouri Maliki is bidding for a third term, presenting himself as the only candidate capable of defeating a growing al-Qaeda-inspired insurgency. But Sunni Arabs and Kurds accuse Mr Maliki of and pro-Shia. Some observers think...
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updated 11 Dec 2013; published 11 Dec 2013
Up­roar in Egyp­tian court halts Mus­lim Broth­er­hood trial
Mail Guardian South Africa 29 Apr 2014, The United Nations and Washington have condemned death sentences handed to 683 alleged exremist Islamists, including Muslim Brotherhood leader Mohamed Badie, in an Egyptian court Monday after a brief hearing. The court in the southern province of Minya sparked an international outcry with its initial sentencing last month, amid an extensive...
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updated 27 Mar 2014; published 27 Mar 2014
World War 3 : North Korea test fires RoDong Bal­lis­tic Mis­siles as Ri­vals meet (Mar 26, 2014)
The Times of India 29 Apr 2014, SEOUL: North Korea announced a live-fire drill near its maritime border with South Korea on Tuesday, prompting Seoul to vow a "strong" response after a similar exercise a month ago triggered an artillery exchange. "Our military is fully prepared," defence ministry spokesman Kim Min-Seok said after Pyongyang notified Seoul of its proposed drill. "If...
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updated 31 Dec 2012; published 31 Dec 2012
LES PLEURS D'UN ANGE 3, Nige­ria movie in french, Film nigérian , ghanéen en anglais
Newstrack India 29 Apr 2014, Tweet United Nations, April 29 (IANS) The UN Security Council (UNSC) Monday adopted a resolution to strengthen its support for the security sector reform in countries emerging from conflict, and assist them to prioritise the development of the sector. The...
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updated 23 Feb 2013; published 23 Feb 2013
Nigel Farage on Ser­bia join­ing EU
Newstrack India 29 Apr 2014, Tweet Belgrade, April 29 (IANS) Catherine Ashton, the European Union's (EU) foreign policy chief, has assured Serbian officials that Serbia will not be pressured to choose between Russia and EU membership....
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updated 22 Apr 2013; published 22 Apr 2013
Part 5 - Paul's EU Ad­ven­ture - Ar­rival in Slo­vakia!
Sacramento Bee 29 Apr 2014, Ukraine and Slovakia signed a natural gas transport deal Monday in what European officials hailed as the first step toward reducing Ukraine's heavy dependence on Russian supplies that are now more costly and at risk of being cut off as hostilities escalate between the two former Soviet republics. The agreement signed in the Slovakian capital,...
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updated 29 Apr 2014; published 29 Apr 2014
Ukraine cri­sis: Rus­sia alarmed over US-Na­to ac­tiv­i­ty
Voa News 29 Apr 2014, The Pentagon says Russian Defense Minister Sergei Shoygu has assured Defense Secretary Chuck Hagel that Russian forces will not invade Ukraine. The two spoke by telephone Monday, with Hagel wanting clarification on...
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updated 13 Feb 2014; published 13 Feb 2014
Zainab Ban­gu­ra - Spe­cial Rep­re­sen­ta­tive of UN Sec­re­tary Gen­er­al on Sex­u­al Vi­o­lence in Con­flict
The Japan News 28 Apr 2014, By Zainab Hawa BanguraConflict-related sexual violence is a war crime mired in myths and shrouded in secrecy and stigma. Perhaps the greatest misperception is that it is an atrocity of a bygone era, and that in today’s age of high-tech warfare rape is no longer used as a weapon of mass destruction. Nothing could be further from the truth. Shame and...
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Restive eastern Ukraine slips from Kiev government's grasp
Full Article Reuters
30 Apr 2014

HORLIVKA, Ukraine (Reuters) - Masked gunmen in military fatigues seized government offices in another Ukrainian town on Wednesday, in a further sign that pro-Western authorities in Kiev are losing control of the country's eastern industrial heartland bordering Russia. The gunmen, who turned up at dawn, took control of the offices in Horlivka, a...
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A pro-Russian gunman prepares his weapon as his comrades are about to storm a regional police station building in Luhansk, Ukraine, one of the largest cities in Ukraine's troubled east, Tuesday, April 29, 2014, as demonstrators demand greater autonomy for Ukraine's regions.
photo: AP

Syria attacks probed by chemical watchdog
Full Article Al Jazeera
30 Apr 2014

The global chemical weapons watchdog is to send a team to Syria to investigate allegations by rebels and activists of chlorine gas attacks, the organisation has said. The Organisation for the Prohibition of Chemical Weapons said on Tuesday that President Bashar al-Assad's government had agreed to accept the mission and had promised to provide...
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Syria attacks probed by chemical watchdog
photo: AP / Shaam News Network via AP video

Iraq holds key vote as it slides deeper into bloody strife
Full Article Fox News
30 Apr 2014

Published April 30, 2014Associated Press Facebook0 Twitter0 Gplus0 In this Monday, April 28, 2014 photo, masked anti-government gunmen move with their weapons as they patrol in Fallujah, Iraq. Al-Qaida-linked fighters and their allies seized the city of Fallujah and parts of the Anbar provincial capital Ramadi in late December after authorities...
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Iraqi women give the victory signs while showing their inked fingers after casting votes at a polling center in Baghdad, Iraq, Wednesday, April 30, 2014.
photo: AP / Khalid Mohammed

India election: Modi votes as millions go to polls in seventh phase
Full Article BBC News
30 Apr 2014

Narendra Modi, the man tipped to be India's next prime minister, has voted in his home state of Gujarat in the seventh phase of India's poll. He cast his vote at a school in the city of Ahmedabad. All 26 seats are up for grabs in the state on Wednesday. Transport hubs in the city are bursting with people returning to their homes to vote,...
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India's main opposition Bharatiya Janata Party’s prime ministerial candidate Narendra Modi displays his inked finger to supporters after casting his vote in Ahmadabad, India, Wednesday, April 30, 2014.
photo: AP / Ajit Solanki

Rouhani defends plan for nuclear deal with West
Full Article New Straits/Business Times
30 Apr 2014

TEHRAN: President Hassan Rouhani defended a potential nuclear deal with the West on Tuesday, insisting that an agreement would benefit the majority of Iranians, while encountering resistance. In a primetime interview lasting 90 minutes, Rouhani, who is under growing pressure from hardliners and hard-pressed citizens, stood by the steps taken...
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Iranian President Hassan Rouhani attends a joint press conference with his Azeri counterpart Ilham Aliyev after their meeting at the Saadabad Palace in Tehran, Iran, Wednesday, April 9, 2014.
photo: AP / Ebrahim Noroozi

Canary Wharf was possible target: convict
Full Article Taipei Times
29 Apr 2014

Al-Qaeda considered an attack on London’s Canary Wharf just weeks after Sept. 11, 2001, a British terror convict, reportedly hugged by former al-Qaeda leader Osama bin Laden and allegedly dispatched to blow up a US jetliner, said on Monday. Al-Qaeda recruit Saajid Badat, 35, made the revelation while testifying against British cleric Abu Hamza, on...
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Skyline of Canary Wharf, viewed from the west. Canary Wharf is a major business district located in London, United Kingdom. It is one of London's two main financial centers – alongside the traditional City of London – and contains many of the UK's tallest buildings, including the second-tallest (and tallest completed), One Canada Square.
photo: Creative Commons / Pointillist

Iraq elections: Can country be saved from break-up?
Full Article BBC News
29 Apr 2014

Iraqis go to the polls on 30 April in parliamentary elections overshadowed by violence and sectarian tension. Prime Minister Nouri Maliki is bidding for a third term, presenting himself as the only candidate capable of defeating a growing al-Qaeda-inspired insurgency. But Sunni Arabs and Kurds accuse Mr Maliki of and pro-Shia. Some observers think...
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An Iraqi policeman shows his inked finger while holding his pistol after casting a vote at a polling center in Khalidiya, some 100 kilometers (some 60 miles) west of Baghdad Iraq, Monday, April 28, 2014.
photo: AP

Egypt condemned after court hands down 683 death sentences
Full Article Mail Guardian South Africa
29 Apr 2014

The United Nations and Washington have condemned death sentences handed to 683 alleged exremist Islamists, including Muslim Brotherhood leader Mohamed Badie, in an Egyptian court Monday after a brief hearing. The court in the southern province of Minya sparked an international outcry with its initial sentencing last month, amid an extensive...
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Leader of Egypt's Muslim Brotherhood Mohammed Badie, bottom center, and senior Brotherhood figurer Salah Soltan, right, gesture, during an appearance at a courtroom in Cairo, Egypt, Tuesday, April 1, 2014.
photo: AP / Mohammed Abu Zaid

North Korea plans live-fire drill, South vows 'strong' response
Full Article The Times of India
29 Apr 2014

SEOUL: North Korea announced a live-fire drill near its maritime border with South Korea on Tuesday, prompting Seoul to vow a "strong" response after a similar exercise a month ago triggered an artillery exchange. "Our military is fully prepared," defence ministry spokesman Kim Min-Seok said after Pyongyang notified Seoul of its proposed drill. "If...
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File - North Korean soldiers observe through binoculars on the North Korean side of the Demilitarized Zone.
photo: US Army / Edward N. Johnson

UNSC strengthens support for security sector reform
Full Article Newstrack India
29 Apr 2014

Tweet United Nations, April 29 (IANS) The UN Security Council (UNSC) Monday adopted a resolution to strengthen its support for the security sector reform in countries emerging from conflict, and assist them to prioritise the development of the sector. The...
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UNSC strengthens support for security sector reform
photo: UN / Evan Schneider

'Serbia not to be forced to choose Russia or EU membership'
Full Article Newstrack India
29 Apr 2014

Tweet Belgrade, April 29 (IANS) Catherine Ashton, the European Union's (EU) foreign policy chief, has assured Serbian officials that Serbia will not be pressured to choose between Russia and EU membership....
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'Serbia not to be forced to choose Russia or EU membership'
photo: European Community / EC

Ukraine-Slovakia gas deal is first step out of dependence on Russia
Full Article Sacramento Bee
29 Apr 2014

Ukraine and Slovakia signed a natural gas transport deal Monday in what European officials hailed as the first step toward reducing Ukraine's heavy dependence on Russian supplies that are now more costly and at risk of being cut off as hostilities escalate between the two former Soviet republics. The agreement signed in the Slovakian capital,...
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Ukraine-Slovakia gas deal is first step out of dependence on Russia
photo: European Community / EC

World free of wartime rape within reach
Full Article The Japan News
28 Apr 2014

By Zainab Hawa BanguraConflict-related sexual violence is a war crime mired in myths and shrouded in secrecy and stigma. Perhaps the greatest misperception is that it is an atrocity of a bygone era, and that in today’s age of high-tech warfare rape is no longer used as a weapon of mass destruction. Nothing could be further from the truth. Shame and...
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World free of wartime rape within reach
photo: UN / Evan Schneider

Juventus v Benfica
Full Article BBC News
30 Apr 2014

Juventus defender Leonardo Bonucci is intent on restoring the club to Europe's elite by winning the Europa League. The Turin club must overcome a 2-1 deficit against Benfica in the second leg of their semi-final in Italy to reach the final on their own ground. And Bonucci claims a...
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Juventus defender Leonardo Bonucci reacts during a Serie A soccer match between Inter Milan and Juventus, at the San Siro stadium in Milan, Italy, Saturday, March 30, 2013.
photo: AP / Luca Bruno

Banana-thrower arrested in soccer racism row
Full Article Canberra Times
30 Apr 2014

Spanish police say they have laid criminal charges against a soccer fan for throwing a banana at Barcelona defender Dani Alves, a slur that has sparked a global storm of anti-racist protest. The Spanish authorities arrested the young man Tuesday, two days after the ugly incident...
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 Philippines - Fruit - Fruits - Banana - Supermarket
photo: WN / Sweet Radoc

'I made a mistake'
Full Article Goal
30 Apr 2014

The manager has apologised for the humiliating defeat his side suffered in their Champions League semi-final tie and insists his team cannot win every title Bayern Munich coach Pep Guardiola says he made a mistake in his side's Champions League semi-final loss to Real Madrid on Tuesday and apologised to the club's fans. Cristiano Ronaldo and Sergio...
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Bayern head coach Pep Guardiola, left, looks to team captain Philipp Lahm during the Champions League semifinal
photo: AP / Matthias Schrader

Amir Khan to get back on top of world
Full Article Belfast Telegraph
30 Apr 2014

Amir Khan is confident he will show the world how much he has improved in his year out of the ring when he goes toe-to-toe with tricky southpaw Luis Collazo in Las Vegas this weekend. The Bolton fighter had been hoping to take on Floyd Mayweather but will instead box on his undercard after the American decided to fight Argentinian bruiser Marcos...
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Amir Khan, left, of England, speaks during a news conference to promote their upcoming fight Wednesday, May 12, 2010 against Paulie Malignaggi in New York. Khan and Malignaggi will fight Saturday May 15, 2010 at Madison Square Garden in New York.
photo: AP / Frank Franklin II

Manchester United were wrong to make Ryan Giggs interim manager
Full Article Belfast Telegraph
30 Apr 2014

Making Ryan Giggs the interim manager of Manchester United is a big mistake. Here's why: 1. United will probably skate through their last few, meaningless, games under Giggs this season. 2. This will lead to a large percentage of Red Devils fans demanding that Giggs and his 'Class of '92' buddies to be given the job of running United full-time. 3....
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Manchester's Ryan Giggs celebrates after scoring the opening goal during the the Champions League semifinal soccer match between FC Schalke 04 and Manchester United in Gelsenkirchen, Germany, Tuesday, April 26, 2011. Schalke was defeated by United with 0-2.
photo: AP / Martin Meissner

Walcott: FA Cup victory can breed Arsenal success
Full Article Goal
30 Apr 2014

The Gunners are without a trophy since 2005, but the injured forward is confident beating Hull City at Wembley next month can kick-start a haul of silverware over the coming years Arsenal winger Theo Walcott believes that winning the FA Cup will prove the catalyst for sustained success over the coming seasons. It has been nine years since Arsene...
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Arsenal's Theo Walcott, center, celebrates scoring his side's second goal with Aaron Ramsey during the English Premier League soccer match between Arsenal and Liverpool at the Emirates Stadium in London, Wednesday, Jan. 30, 2013.
photo: AP / Matt Dunham

Bayern collapse started weeks ago, claims Beckenbauer
Full Article Goal
30 Apr 2014

The Germany legend has voiced his disappointment with the Bavarians' performances ever since they wrapped up the Bundesliga title Franz Beckenbauer feels Bayern Munich's on-field matters have not been right for "weeks", adding he was not surprised by the 4-0 defeat to Real Madrid in the Champions League semi-finals. After a largely dominant...
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Munich's soccer legend Franz Beckenbauer speaks during an interview prior to the Champions League first leg qualification soccer match between FC Bayern Munich and FC Zurich in Munich, southern Germany, Wednesday, Aug. 17, 2011.
photo: AP / Kerstin Joensson

Pirlo is Juventus' silent leader, says Bonucci
Full Article Goal
30 Apr 2014

The centre-back has hailed the veteran midfielder's positive influence and feels Europa League glory would see Juve return to the European top Juventus defender Leonardo Bonucci has voiced his admiration for team-mate Andrea Pirlo and believes the experienced midfielder is the Serie A champions' silent leader. Antonio Conte's men can take another...
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Italy's Andrea Pirlo reacts following their Confederations Cup Group B soccer match against Brazil, at Loftus Versfeld Stadium in Pretoria, South Africa, Sunday, June 21, 2009
photo: AP / Andre Penner

Miley Cyrus reveals she's 'not making any money' on Bangerz tour and more in Elle
Full Article Celebrity Café
30 Apr 2014

Miley Cyrus opened up to Elle Magazine about her concerts, image, fans and more. The Bangerz singer talked to Tavi Gevinson about many different topics, including her view on how others perceive her. .@MileyCyrus talks to @tavitulle about black...
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Singer Miley Cyrus attends the Conde Nast Media Group's Fifth Annual Fashion Rocks at Radio City Music Hall in New York on Friday, Sept. 5, 2008.
photo: AP / Peter Kramer

How a Festival Can Empower a Challenged District: The Puna Music Festival Story
Full Article The Examiner
30 Apr 2014

Located on Hawaiʻi Island, Puna had been isolated by its geography – Kilauea Volcano’s recent lava flows - and by negative perceptions of the economically challenged region. Today, the district is transforming. A significant driver helping to rebrand the district in the minds of visitors and locals alike? Three vibrant festivals, including the...
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Fireworks display at the Patriots Park in Greenville, Illinois, USA during America's Independence Day celebration on the 4th of July, 2010.
photo: WN / Janice Sabnal

'She's Bummed': Miley Cyrus Forced To Postpone Amsterdam Concert After Suffering 'Health Setback?'
Full Article Entertainment Wise
30 Apr 2014

Miley Cyrus has reportedly postponed her upcoming 'Bangerz' show in Amsterdam after experiencing a “health setback,” with a source claiming the allergic reactions which hospitalised her have returned. The 21-year-old was due to perform at Amsterdam's Ziggo Dome on Friday but that show has rescheduled while it is also believed...
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Miley Cyrus arrives at the Teen Choice Awards on Sunday Aug. 9, 2009, in Universal City, Calif.
photo: AP / Matt Sayles

Pharrell wants to make you even happier with his new song Smile
Full Article MuchMusic
30 Apr 2014

Pharrell has already spread a lot of joy with his hit single Happy, but now he continues his quest for happiness with this new track, Smile. A bonus track on the Japanese version of his new album G I R L, the song is just as chipper and gleeful as his previous song, but is […] Tags: G I R L, new song, News, pharrell, Smile Posted in Music,...
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Pharrell Williams x Moncler at colette
photo: Creative Commons / Lisa EK

Miley Cyrus Unveils Brand New 'Bangerz' Tour Trailer Ahead Of UK Shows (WATCH)
Full Article Entertainment Wise
30 Apr 2014

Miley Cyrus recently admitted that she is “hyper” to get back on stage on her 'Bangerz' tour after suffering an allergic reaction and she's now teased her upcoming shows in the UK with an epic teaser trailer. The 'Wrecking Ball' singer will be...
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Miley Cyrus
photo: AP / Matt Sayles

Who Could It Be? Ed Sheeran Admits 'Sleeping With A Movie Star' On New Album 'x'
Full Article Entertainment Wise
30 Apr 2014

Ed Sheeran appears to have used his upcoming album 'x' as somewhat of a tell-all, now admitting to “sleeping with a movie star” on one of the tracks while revealing that he hooked up with a number of women while living in Hollywood recently. The...
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Ed Sheeran performing on Day 3 of Sunfest 2013 in Downtown West Palm Beach, Florida - May 3, 2013
photo: WN / Luum Photos

Smoking Hot! Mariah Carey Strips Down To Racy Lingerie For Sexy Magazine Photo Shoot
Full Article Entertainment Wise
30 Apr 2014

Mariah Carey has just teased what is perhaps her sexiest photo shoot to date with the former American Idol judge stripping down to her lingerie for a racy magazine spread. It's hard to believe the 44-year-old diva gave birth to twins just a...
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82nd Academy Awards, Mariah Carey - army mil-66460-2010-03-09-180308
photo: Public Domain / Martin H.

Cher Lloyd Admits Dramatic 'Sirens' Music Video Is Based On Own Childhood In Behind The Scenes Clip (WATCH)
Full Article Entertainment Wise
30 Apr 2014

Cher Lloyd has bravely revealed that the dramatic events seen in the music video for her new single 'Sirens' were inspired by the experiences she went through as a child, describing the intense visuals as “very personal.” The 20-year-old, who will be releasing her second album 'Sorry I'm Late' next month, can be seen playing a young...
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Singer Cher Lloyd performs at the Paramount Theater on Sunday, April 6, 2014 in Huntington, New York.
photo: AP / Donald Traill

Ricky Gervais: I never had The Sex Talk
Full Article Belfast Telegraph
30 Apr 2014

Ricky Gervais didn’t learn about sex from his parents, something he’s still pleased about. The British comic has found fame on a global level thanks to hit shows like The Office and Extras. He also has a burgeoning movie career, recently starring in Muppets Most Wanted. While chatting about his childhood to Absolute Radio host Christian O'Connell,...
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Ricky Gervais
photo: AP / Mark J. Terrill

Blanchett on the power of scent
Full Article Belfast Telegraph
30 Apr 2014

Cate Blanchett thinks you can learn a lot about a person from their scent. The Oscar winning actress is the face of Giorgio Armani’s Si fragrance. For the Australian, perfume and a person’s scent has always played a big part in her life. “We've all got different moods and ways we want to express ourselves; scent is a very powerful way to let people...
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Actress Cate Blanchett at the Berline filmfestivale in 2005.
photo: Public Domain / Popperipopp

Scarlett Johansson's Baby Bump To Be Removed From Avengers: Age Of Ultron Through CGI?
Full Article Entertainment Wise
30 Apr 2014

Scarlett Johanssons' growing baby bump won't cause problems in the final edit of Avengers: Age Of Ultron, with insiders claiming that the actress' bump will be edited out in post-production. The 29-year-old actress has yet to actually confirm her pregnancy but is widely thought to...
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Scarlett Johansson speaking at the 2013 San Diego Comic Con International, for "Captain America: The Winter Soldier", at the San Diego Convention Center in San Diego, California.
photo: Creative Commons / Gage Skidmore

Is Lupita Nyong'o Still Up For A Star Wars Episode VII Role? J.J. Abrams 'Has One Female Role Left To Cast'
Full Article Entertainment Wise
30 Apr 2014

The cast for J.J. Abrams' Star Wars Episode VII was finally unveiled yesterday but it may not be over yet as sources claim the director has yet to cast one other major female role. Episode VII's cast was unveiled on Tuesday with the release of a black and white shot showing the actors at a read-through at the UK's Pinewood Studios this week....
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Lupita Nyong'o poses in the press room with the award for best actress in a supporting role for "12 Years a Slave" during the Oscars at the Dolby Theatre on Sunday, March 2, 2014, in Los Angeles.
photo: AP / Jordan Strauss/Invision

Weinstein to dump Grace Kelly film?
Full Article Belfast Telegraph
30 Apr 2014

Nicole Kidman's Grace Kelly biopic could be dropped by Harvey Weinstein, it has been reported. The movie mogul is said to be unhappy with the final cut of Grace Of Monaco - which is due to premiere at the Cannes Film Festival in May - and is thinking about abandoning the US distribution rights, reported Variety. He apparently wants some changes to...
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Screenshot of Grace Kelly from the trailer of the film w:en:To Catch a Thief (film)
photo: European Community / Megapixie

'Star Wars: Episode VII' cast unveiled
Full Article Herald Tribune
30 Apr 2014

NEW YORK - "Star Wars: Episode VII" finally has its stars. May the Force be with them. After months of carefully guarded secrecy and endless Internet speculation, the cast of the latest incarnation of the space epic was unveiled Tuesday on the official "Star Wars" website by Lucasfilm and the Walt Disney Co. Starring in J.J. Abrams' new "Star Wars"...
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star wars white guard star wars character cosplay costume
photo: WN / james

Josh Hartnett Admits He Turned Down Spider-Man And Batman Roles
Full Article Entertainment Wise
30 Apr 2014

Josh Hartnett may have disappeared for awhile after the huge success of blockbusters like Pearl Harbour, but the heartthrob is back in new TV horror series Penny Dreadful. It turns out we could have been seeing Josh in an altogether different role though as he admits he turned down various superhero leads at the height of his fame. Now 35, Josh has...
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 Actor Josh Hartnett and actress Lucy Liu appear backstage during MTV´s "Total Request Live" show at the MTV Times Square Studios, Thursday, April 6, 2006 in New York City. Hartnett and Liu star in the new film, "Lucky Number Slevin&q
photo: AP/Jeff Christensen

Want interesting film where I shine like never before: Priyanshu
Full Article Newstrack India
30 Apr 2014

Tweet New Delhi, April 30 (IANS) "Tum Bin" fame actor Priyanshu Chatterjee, recently seen in "Samrat & Co", doesn't have any particular role in mind or any fixed plans to direct. He says he would like to be part of "interesting and entertaining" cinema that helps him "shine like never before" and that he may wield the megaphone if a subject...
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photo: WN / Bhaskar Mallick

British Embassy Paris expands Twitter presence (British Embassy in France)
Full Article noodls
30 Apr 2014

(Source: British Embassy in France) The Embassy has been active on Twitter for some years, for messaging aimed at British Nationals and for trade audiences. The launch of @UKinFrance is an expansion of these successful ventures, serving the wider French-speaking public....
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British Embassy Paris expands Twitter presence (British Embassy in France)
photo: WN / Marzena

Food firms 'need tax breaks' to cash in on Asian dining boom
Full Article Sydney Morning Herald
30 Apr 2014

Tax breaks on the export earnings of food and beverage companies are needed to attract much-needed foreign investment and earn Australia a bigger slice of Asia's dining boom,...
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Food firms 'need tax breaks' to cash in on Asian dining boom
photo: WN / Agnieszka Dziubinska

Airtel to cut discounts; may raise tariffs to meet costs: CEO
Full Article The Hindu
30 Apr 2014

The country’s largest telecom operator Bharti Airtel today said it will continue to cut discounted minutes and may raise tariffs to meet rising costs. “I think we will continue to see an opportunity to raise voice realisation through continued cut back of discounted minutes... We will deter to touch headline tariff but at some point...
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Airtel - India's leading GSM service provider
photo: WN / Geeta

Microsoft Partnership for UNRWA Students (UNRWA - United Nations Relief and Works Agency for Palestine Refugees in the Near East)
Full Article noodls
30 Apr 2014

(Source: UNRWA - United Nations Relief and Works Agency for Palestine Refugees in the Near East) Amman The UN Relief and Works Agency (UNRWA) has announced a joint initiative with the Microsoft IT Academy to better equip students at the Agency's vocational and technical training centres (VTTCs) with the practical knowledge necessary to succeed in a...
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Microsoft Partnership for UNRWA Students (UNRWA - United Nations Relief and Works Agency for Palestine Refugees in the Near East)
photo: UN / Paulo Filgueiras

Ukraine: UN political chief says events over past four days ‘should alarm us all’ (UN - United Nations)
Full Article noodls
30 Apr 2014

(Source: UN - United Nations) Ukraine: UN political chief says events over past four days 'should alarm us all' Under-Secretary-General for Political Affairs, Jeffrey Feltman (second left), briefs the Security Council on the worsening situation in Ukraine. UN Photo/Mark Garten 29 April 2014 - Describing "alarming" developments in Ukraine - from the...
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Ukraine: UN political chief says events over past four days ‘should alarm us all’ (UN - United Nations)
photo: UN / Eskinder Debebe

Ukip 'job destroyer', says Miliband
Full Article Belfast Telegraph
29 Apr 2014

Labour leader Ed Miliband has launched a broadside at the UK Independence Party, claiming that its policies would "destroy jobs, our health service and basic rights". Mr Miliband's comments, in an article for the Daily Mirror, amount to his most direct assault yet on Ukip and will be seen by some as an indication of concern that Nigel Farage's...
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File - Britains opposition Labour Party leader Ed Miliband gives a speech on the third day of the annual Labour Party Conference in Liverpool, England, Tuesday Sept. 27, 2011.
photo: AP / Tim Hales

Amsterdam Falafelshop to open a Clarendon location
Full Article Business Journal
29 Apr 2014

Rebecca Cooper Staff Reporter- Washington Business Journal Email | Twitter Northern Virginia falafel fans, rejoice: Amsterdam Falafelshop will now be among the fast-casual dining options in Clarendon. Local Amsterdam franchisee David Rosenstein has signed a lease for 3024 Wilson Boulevard, a site around the corner from the Clarendon...
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Thailand - Bangkok - Travel - tourism
photo: WN / Agnieszka Dziubinska

Home prices in major US cities flat in February
Full Article Sacramento Bee
29 Apr 2014

Year-over-year gains in home prices in large U.S. cities slowed in February, another sign the market cooled before the spring home buying season kicked off, according to a closely watched index. The S&;P/Case-Shiller index of 20 large U.S. metropolitan areas, released Tuesday, was flat from...
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Members of the September 11th Education Trust meet in a restaurant overlooking the National September 11 Memorial and Museum at the World Trade Center, Thursday, Sept. 6, 2012 in New York. The trust is a non-profit organization dedicated to teaching the lessons of 9/11
photo: AP / Mark Lennihan

Guilty by Association? Kerry blames EU for stirring up Ukraine unrest
Guilty by Association? Kerry blames EU for stirring up Ukraine unrest
  • Order:
  • Duration: 2:50
  • Updated: 30 Apr 2014
Washington is spinning the wheel of blame in regard to the Ukrainian stand-off. This time it is pointing at the EU. The criticism came in comments made by US Secretary of State, John Kerry. For more on this RT is joined by Gayane Chichakyan. RT LIVE Subscribe to RT! Like us on Facebook Follow us on Twitter Follow us on Instagram Follow us on Google+ RT (Russia Today) is a global news network broadcasting from Moscow and Washington studios. RT is the first news channel to break the 1 billion YouTube views benchmark.
  • published: 30 Apr 2014
  • views: 301

OPCW to investigate Syria chlorine attack
OPCW to investigate Syria chlorine attack
  • Order:
  • Duration: 1:42
  • Updated: 30 Apr 2014
The global chemical weapons watchdog overseeing the destruction of Syria's toxic stockpile will send a fact-finding mission to Syria to investigate allegations by rebels and activists of chlorine gas attacks, the organisation has said. The Hague-based Organisation for the Prohibition of Chemical Weapons (OPCW) said President Bashar al-Assad's government had agreed to accept the mission and had promised to provide security in areas under its control. Al Jazeera's Cath Turner reports from the United Nations in New York.
  • published: 30 Apr 2014
  • views: 615

One Month in Iraq - April 2014 election special - Truthloader
One Month in Iraq - April 2014 election special - Truthloader
  • Order:
  • Duration: 6:05
  • Updated: 30 Apr 2014
The first parliamentary elections in Iraq since US troops left the country three years ago have taken place today. In the past year the civilian death toll in sectarian violence in Iraq has risen to alarming levels, with hundreds killed every single month. The surge in violence predicted by most experts came to be reality and 2014 has, so far, been particularly deadly. This is our monthly round up of the violent attacks in Iraq, which have been getting inadequate coverage in the mainstream media. This month the focus is on those elections as Prime Minister Nouri al-Maliki attempts to secure a third term but there are 9,000 candidates for only 328 seats and many observers have voiced concerns about the transparency of the vote. In the build up to the election the suicide attacks, gun fights and car bombings have continued to claim lives on a daily basis and the country is as dangerous as ever since the end of the allied invasion. Subscribe to our channel: Music we use: StoneOcean's channel: StoneOcean's music: Arkana's Soundcloud: Arkana's YouTube: Seb Matar on Bandcamp: Why you should subscribe to Truthloader: More videos from Truthloader: How to start a War: Israel's nuclear weapons: The Open Secret: Manufacturing Consent playlist: Where is the most polluted place on Earth?: Crowded Earth: Where are we going to live?: Private prisons: How US corporations make money out of locking you up: The War on Drugs is a War on You: Is China taking over the world?: The Five Worst Weapons Still in Use: The Five Worst CIA Operations Ever: Who are the...? Series A race for what's left of the planet: Check out our top 20 videos playlist: Follow us on Facebook: Follow us on Twitter: Join us on Google+: Read our reddit: Truthloader is a channel dedicated to citizen journalism. We find the best examples of crowd-sourced video and independent content, then use our expertise to add context and analysis. We respond to the stories you're interested in, so if you've got a story you'd love us to get to the bottom of, tweet us, Facebook us, or respond to our videos with a comment - and perhaps check out our reddit.
  • published: 30 Apr 2014
  • views: 301

India election: Modi votes as millions go to polls in seventh phase
India election: Modi votes as millions go to polls in seventh phase
  • Order:
  • Duration: 3:20
  • Updated: 30 Apr 2014
Narendra Modi, the man tipped to be India's next prime minister, has voted in his home state of Gujarat in the seventh phase of the general election. He cast his vote at a school in the city of Ahmedabad. All 26 seats are up for grabs in the state. Mr Modi was greeted by cheering crowds lining the streets and on rooftops as he arrived at the polling station. Andhra Pradesh also goes to the polls on Wednesday for the last time as a united state before it is divided. It is among nine states and union territories sending 139 million eligible voters to make their choice between some 1,300 candidates contesting 89 seats on Wednesday. India's general election, with 814 million eligible voters, is the world's biggest exercise in democracy and the governing Congress party is battling the opposition Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) for power. But it is the BJP's Mr Modi who is ahead in all the opinion polls. Surging crowds Mr Modi took a "selfie" of his inked finger after voting and flashed a small lotus flower, his party's symbol, to cheering crowds. "The BJP will form a stable government in Delhi soon," he said. "The Congress party has already conceded defeat... It is the end of the mother-son government," he added, in a reference to the Congress party chief Sonia Gandhi and her son Rahul. He waved to his supporters flashing victory signs as he left. The police had a difficult time keeping the surging crowd at bay as they tried to reach Mr Modi. Our correspondent says everyone in the city is talking about Mr Modi, their chief minister for more than a decade, and the man they want to see lead India. He is standing for election in two seats - in the Hindu holy city of Varanasi as well as from Vadodara in Gujarat. If he wins both seats, he will have to relinquish one. Andhra Pradesh - where voting for state assemblies is also taking place - is a key battleground for the general election. The 17 parliamentary constituencies going to the polls on Wednesday will be part of the newly created state of Telangana next time round. Voting for the remaining 25 parliamentary seats which will constitute Andhra Pradesh after the state is split in two will be held on 7 May. The main contest in the state is between the Congress party and the regional Telangana Rashtriya Samiti (TRS) - both are taking credit for the creation of Telangana and both are likely to benefit from the general belief that they helped set up the new state, BBC Hindi's Zubair Ahmed reports from Hyderabad. "We will have jobs for our children. We will have uninterrupted supply of safe drinking water and electricity. We will have schools. The future of our children and grandchildren in the new state will be bright," Uttarapally Yadamma, a resident of an impoverished village near Hyderabad city, said. TAGS: India election: Modi votes as millions go to polls in seventh Elections 2014 phase 7: Narendra Modi casts his vote Live: LS polls phase 7 voting till 11am; 44% in Bengal, 25 Live LS Polls: 24% voting in Gujarat till noon Narendra Modi votes, snaps 'selfie' in 7th phase India election enters seventh phase of voting India election: Modi votes as millions go to polls in seventh India Election Enters Seventh Phase Of Voting Voting begins in 7th phase of Indian elections Millions vote in seventh phase of Indian election LIVE Lok Sabha Elections 2014 7th Phase Voters to decide fate of Modi, Sonia and other top guns Lok Sabha polls LIVE: 89 constituencies, 13.83 voters in 7th .. Millions vote in seventh phase of Indian election PressTV - India's election reaches seventh phase
  • published: 30 Apr 2014
  • views: 93

Iran : President Hassan Rouhani says that Iran will never seek a Nuclear Bomb (Sep 18, 2013)
Iran : President Hassan Rouhani says that Iran will never seek a Nuclear Bomb (Sep 18, 2013)
  • Order:
  • Duration: 5:19
  • Updated: 08 Nov 2013
SOURCE: News Articles: Rouhani says Iran willing to forswear nuclear arms: TV interview Analysis || Rohani's correspondence with Obama signifies winds of change in Iran Rohani: We will never seek nuclear bomb,73... FAIR USE NOTICE: This video may contain copyrighted material. Such material is made available for educational purposes only. This constitutes a 'fair use' of any such copyrighted material as provided for in Title 17 U.S.C. section 106A-117 of the U.S. Copyright Law.
  • published: 08 Nov 2013
  • views: 108,_2013

Built Britain - Canary Wharf (London)
Built Britain - Canary Wharf (London)
  • Order:
  • Duration: 7:48
  • Updated: 27 Jul 2007
David Dimbleby explores Canary Wharf and then goes back to his hometown, Polegate in the last episode of BBC1's brilliant 'How We Built Britain' series
  • published: 27 Jul 2007
  • views: 135968

One Month in Iraq - April 2014 election special - Truthloader
One Month in Iraq - April 2014 election special - Truthloader
  • Order:
  • Duration: 6:05
  • Updated: 30 Apr 2014
The first parliamentary elections in Iraq since US troops left the country three years ago have taken place today. In the past year the civilian death toll in sectarian violence in Iraq has risen to alarming levels, with hundreds killed every single month. The surge in violence predicted by most experts came to be reality and 2014 has, so far, been particularly deadly. This is our monthly round up of the violent attacks in Iraq, which have been getting inadequate coverage in the mainstream media. This month the focus is on those elections as Prime Minister Nouri al-Maliki attempts to secure a third term but there are 9,000 candidates for only 328 seats and many observers have voiced concerns about the transparency of the vote. In the build up to the election the suicide attacks, gun fights and car bombings have continued to claim lives on a daily basis and the country is as dangerous as ever since the end of the allied invasion. Subscribe to our channel: Music we use: StoneOcean's channel: StoneOcean's music: Arkana's Soundcloud: Arkana's YouTube: Seb Matar on Bandcamp: Why you should subscribe to Truthloader: More videos from Truthloader: How to start a War: Israel's nuclear weapons: The Open Secret: Manufacturing Consent playlist: Where is the most polluted place on Earth?: Crowded Earth: Where are we going to live?: Private prisons: How US corporations make money out of locking you up: The War on Drugs is a War on You: Is China taking over the world?: The Five Worst Weapons Still in Use: The Five Worst CIA Operations Ever: Who are the...? Series A race for what's left of the planet: Check out our top 20 videos playlist: Follow us on Facebook: Follow us on Twitter: Join us on Google+: Read our reddit: Truthloader is a channel dedicated to citizen journalism. We find the best examples of crowd-sourced video and independent content, then use our expertise to add context and analysis. We respond to the stories you're interested in, so if you've got a story you'd love us to get to the bottom of, tweet us, Facebook us, or respond to our videos with a comment - and perhaps check out our reddit.
  • published: 30 Apr 2014
  • views: 301

Uproar in Egyptian court halts Muslim Brotherhood trial
Uproar in Egyptian court halts Muslim Brotherhood trial
  • Order:
  • Duration: 0:57
  • Updated: 11 Dec 2013
More Breaking News: Subscribe: Chaotic courtroom scenes cause Egyptian judge to halt the trial of Muslim Brotherhood leaders after they shouted slogans and refused to cooperate. Rough Cut (no reporter narration). Reuters tells the world's stories like no one else. As the largest international multimedia news provider, Reuters provides coverage around the globe and across topics including business, financial, national, and international news. For over 160 years, Reuters has maintained its reputation for speed, accuracy, and impact while providing exclusives, incisive commentary and forward-looking analysis.
  • published: 11 Dec 2013
  • views: 684

World War 3 : North Korea test fires RoDong Ballistic Missiles as Rivals meet (Mar 26, 2014)
World War 3 : North Korea test fires RoDong Ballistic Missiles as Rivals meet (Mar 26, 2014)
  • Order:
  • Duration: 4:15
  • Updated: 27 Mar 2014
SOURCE: News Articles: North Korea fires two medium-range ballistic missiles,0,4873839.story#axzz2xAFav1FF North Korea Fires 2 Missiles as Obama Talks With Japan, South Korea North Korea ups stakes with latest missile launch North Korea Fires 2 Missiles as Its Rivals Meet US Wants Security Council Meeting After North Korea Fires Missiles FAIR USE NOTICE: This video may contain copyrighted material. Such material is made available for educational purposes only. This constitutes a 'fair use' of any such copyrighted material as provided for in Title 17 U.S.C. section 106A-117 of the U.S. Copyright Law.
  • published: 27 Mar 2014
  • views: 9714,_2014

LES PLEURS D'UN ANGE 3, Nigeria movie in french, Film nigérian , ghanéen en anglais
LES PLEURS D'UN ANGE 3, Nigeria movie in french, Film nigérian , ghanéen en anglais
  • Order:
  • Duration: 71:40
  • Updated: 31 Dec 2012
Quand la perversité d'un père prend le dessus sur lui, il ne peut que commettre des actes si horribles. Tout le monde dira peut être que la fille à eu tort vu qu'elle n'as rien dit ni à sa mère ni à son entourage. Mais pendant ce temps que faisait sa mère? Et à la place de la fille que feriez vous?. Restez connecté pour plus de films gratuits. When the evil of a father takes over, he can only commit such horrible acts. Everyone can tell that the girl was wrong because it did not say anything or his mother or his entourage. But during this time was his mother? And instead of the girl would you?. Stay tuned for more free movies Retrouvez tous les films sur notre site Suivez nous sur : Twitter @OmongoTv - Google+ +OmongoTV - Facebook -
  • published: 31 Dec 2012
  • views: 2503526'UN_ANGE_3,_Nigeria_movie_in_french,_Film_nigérian_,_ghanéen_en_anglais

Nigel Farage on Serbia joining EU
Nigel Farage on Serbia joining EU
  • Order:
  • Duration: 1:36
  • Updated: 23 Feb 2013
  • published: 23 Feb 2013
  • views: 620

Part 5 - Paul's EU Adventure - Arrival in Slovakia!
Part 5 - Paul's EU Adventure - Arrival in Slovakia!
  • Order:
  • Duration: 3:27
  • Updated: 22 Apr 2013
Christmas is just a few days away and what a present awaits me in Slovakia...Christopher, Karin and Alexander!
  • published: 22 Apr 2013
  • views: 114's_EU_Adventure__Arrival_in_Slovakia!

Ukraine crisis: Russia alarmed over US-Nato activity
Ukraine crisis: Russia alarmed over US-Nato activity
  • Order:
  • Duration: 2:20
  • Updated: 29 Apr 2014
Moscow has voiced concern over an "unprecedented" increase in US and Nato military activity near Russian borders, amid an escalating crisis in Ukraine. Russia's Defence Minister Sergei Shoigu expressed the concerns in a phone call to US counterpart Chuck Hagel. But the US said Mr Shoigu also pledged Russia would not invade Ukraine. The US says it deployed extra troops in eastern Europe to reassure Nato allies. It has also imposed new sanctions on Russia over its actions in Ukraine. The sanctions target seven Russian individuals and 17 companies which Washington says are linked to President Vladimir Putin's "inner circle". The European Union is also imposing new sanctions on 15 people who will be named on Tuesday. Troop moves In a statement, Mr Shoigu said he had a "candid" hour-long phone call with his American counterpart. Mr Shoigu stressed that US and Nato military activity in eastern Europe was accompanied by "provocative" statements about the need to "contain" Russia. Mr Shoigu also announced that Russian troops had returned to their "permanent positions" after conducting military exercises on the border with Ukraine. But he did not say whether the overall number of Russian troops deployed in the region - said to be around 40,000 - had been reduced. The Pentagon said Mr Shoigu had given "assurances that Moscow has no plans to invade Ukraine". It said Mr Hagel had warned that Russia's continued aggression would result in more diplomatic and economic pressure. TAGS: Ukrainian,Ukraine Protest,Ukraine Crisis,Ukraine Ex-Leader, Ukraine crisis: NATO chief Rasmussen says no Russian troop withdrawal seen Ukraine Crisis: No sign of Russian troop pullout - Nato Ukraine Crisis: No sign of Russian troop pullout Ukraine crisis: Putin 'orders partial withdrawal' Ukraine crisis: Nato sees 'no sign of Russian troop WITHDRAWAL Ukraine crisis: Vladimir Putin orders 'partial withdrawal' Ukraine crisis: Putin orders 'partial' troop pullout Ukraine crisis: No sign of Russian troop pullout 'No sign of Russian troop pullout Russia vows no Ukraine invasion as leaders seek solution Ukraine crisis: NATO chief says no Russian troop Ukraine crisis: Russia 'withdrawing troops from border Russia announces withdrawal of a battalion from Ukrainian Crimea crisis: Ukrainian troops pull out Crimea: EU's actions have 'provoked Russia The Ukrainian Crisis Timeline 'No sign' of Russian troop pullout | USA TOP NEWS Ukraine crisis: No sign of Russian troop pullout UPDATE 5-Russian prime minister angers Ukraine Ukraine crisis: No sign of Russian troop pullout Ukraine crisis: US troops land in Poland for exercises US troops arrive in Poland for exercises across Russia's Sergey Lavrov: U.S. 'running the show' in Kiev U.S. troops arrive in Poland for exercises amid Ukraine Ukraine crisis: UK RAF fighter jets scrambled to investigate Europe - US soldiers arrive in Poland as Ukraine crisis US troops arrive in Poland for exercises across Eastern US Troops Arrive in Poland for Exercises Across Eastern Ukraine crisis: US troops arrive in Poland Ukraine crisis: US troops land in Poland for exercises First American troops land in Poland for exercises Ukraine Crisis US Troops Land In Poland: Amid Tensions US troops arrive in Poland amid Ukraine crisis US troops land in Poland for exercises US Paratroopers in Poland for Joint Exercises First US troops land in Poland Ukraine crisis: G7 'to intensify Russia sanctions' G7 'to intensify Russia sanctions' Ukraine crisis: G7 agree new sanctions on Russia Swift, new sanctions to be imposed on Russia G7 leaders agree to swift new sanctions on Russia over Ukraine Crisis G7 agrees to impose new sanctions on Russia over Ukraine crisis Ukraine crisis: G7 imposes more sanctions on Russia Ukraine Crisis: G7 Leaders Agree On New Russia Ukraine PM Yatsenyuk accuses Russia of wanting war G7 promises to 'move swiftly' with sanctions against Russia G7 to 'move swiftly' on more Russia sanctions G7 leaders to impose further sanctions on Russia West to impose more sanctions on Russia Russia to face new sanctions over Ukraine crisis by G7 powers Ukraine crisis: G7 summit to discuss action against Russia Ukraine crisis: G7 commits to Russia sanctions Ukraine crisis: Pentagon says Russian jets violated airspace Russia's Role in Ukraine G7 leaders agree to impose new sanctions G7 agrees new Russia sanctions over Ukraine Ukraine crisis: Russia alarmed over US Nato military moves Russia concerned over US, NATO activity Russia alarmed over US-Nato activity 'Illegal Seizure' of Crimea Cost Ukraine $83Bln Russia alarmed over US-Nato activity Ukraine crisis: Russia alarmed over US-Nato military moves
  • published: 29 Apr 2014
  • views: 1132

Zainab Bangura - Special Representative of UN Secretary General on Sexual Violence in Conflict
Zainab Bangura - Special Representative of UN Secretary General on Sexual Violence in Conflict
  • Order:
  • Duration: 9:53
  • Updated: 13 Feb 2014
  • published: 13 Feb 2014
  • views: 480

Tornado 2014 April: Tornadoes Rip Through Central Southern Oklahoma Alabama Mississippi Tornado
Tornado 2014 April: Tornadoes Rip Through Central Southern Oklahoma Alabama Mississippi Tornado
  • Order:
  • Duration: 1:54
  • Updated: 29 Apr 2014
Tornado 2014 tornado videos Oklahoma Tornado 2014 oklahoma tornado arkansas tornado 2014 tornado arkansas tornado 2014 april video Mississippi tornado Quapaw Tornado Alabama tornado arkansas twister US tornado news US tornadoes Videos tornado caught on camera tornado caught on tape Mayflower Tornado Ottawa Tornado Video Twisters Create Havoc in Mississippi, Alabama Tornadoes Arkansas Quapaw Oklahoma Little Rock Arkansas Video Quapaw Tornado Little Rock Oklahoma Arkansas Tornado Tornadoes Tornadoes Quapaw Tornadoes sweep across southern US, leaving at least 17 dead Twister touches down in Arkansas and leaves 80-mile trail of destruction, with more storms expected on Monday Arkansas tornado damage. At least 17 people were killed when a powerful storm system wreaked havoc through the southern and central US on Sunday night. The tornado touched down Sunday about 10 miles west of Little Rock, Arkansas, at around 7pm, then carved an 80-mile path of destruction as it passed through or near several suburbs north of the state capital, including Vilonia. Local television station THV 11 said the local sheriff in Faulkner county had confirmed that six people died in Vilonia. "It's just devastating," Sheriff Andy Shock told THV 11. Shock said the town was facing a "mass casualty situation" and that nearby interstate 40 had been closed in both directions after cars and trucks were overturned. Emergency workers and volunteers went door-to-door to look for victims. "It turned pitch black," said Mark Ausbrooks, who was at his parents' home when the storm arrived. "I ran and got pillows to put over our heads and ... all hell broke loose." "My parents' home, it's gone completely," he said. The large tornado stayed on the ground as it moved north-eastward. Television footage showed badly damaged buildings and vehicles. The nearby town of Mayflower was also badly hit. About 45 homes were destroyed and a lumberyard was damaged, said Will Elder, an alderman in the town of 2,300 people. He said at least one person was injured. The tornado passed through the east side of town, tearing up trees and bringing down powerlines, making it difficult for the emergency services to find stricken areas in the the darkness. "It's extremely hazardous here right now," said Elder. "The power lines are down, roads are blocked and they will have to proceed with caution." In the western part of the state, Pulaski county sheriff's lieutenant Carl Minden said three people were killed when a tornado hit the area. Minden said several others were injured at the scene. "I'm standing on the foundation of the house now. It's totally gone," Minden told the Associated Press. The storm system passed through Arkansas at about 7.30pm as around a dozen twisters were reported across the region. At least one person was killed in a tornado in the small Oklahoma town of Quapaw. A police dispatcher in Ottawa County, Oklahoma, said a search and rescue effort was under way in Quapaw, but could not confirm reports of fatalities. Mayflower Arkansas Tornado drone VIDEO Destruction 4-27-2014 FULL VIDEO tupelo Mississippi Tornadoes Terrorize Arkansas Quapaw Oklahoma Tornado Oklahoma Mayflower Arkansas Tornado VIDEO Destruction 4-27-2014 VIDEO Tornados Terrorize Arkansas Oklahoma Mayflower Arkansas Tornado Destruction Mayflower Arkansas 4-27-2014 VIDEO Tornados Terrorize Arkansas Oklahoma Tornado Destruction Arkansas 4-27-2014 VIDEO Tornado Destruction Arkansas Tornado Destruction Arkansas Arkansas Tornado Arkansas Tornado Arkansas Tornado "Oklahoma Tornado 2014" "Quapaw" "Quapaw tornado 2014" " arkansas tornado" "arkansas tornado 2014" "Mississippi tornado" "Mississippi tornado 2014" "Tornado 2014" "Tornado 2014 April" "tornado videos" Watch Video here
  • published: 29 Apr 2014
  • views: 41131

Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas speaks at a news conference following his meeting with Egyptian President Mohammed Morsi, unseen, at the presidential palace in Cairo, Egypt Yemeni soldiers stand guard in front of Yemen's President Abed Rabbu Mansour Hadi's house as protestors demonstrate to denounce terror attacks and hail the decisions by Hadi to replace security officials in Sanaa, Yemen, Wednesday, Sept. 12, 2012. A former rebel fighter rests at the northern gate of Bani Walid, Libya, Saturday, Sept. 17, 2011. Former Israeli Prime Minister Ehud Olmert pays his respect as he stands in front of the coffin of former Israeli Prime Minister Ariel Sharon at the Knesset plaza, in Jerusalem, Sunday, Jan. 12, 2014.