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Dr. Nouriel Roubini, Chairman, Co-Founder
Nouriel Roubini is the cofounder and chairman of Roubini Global Economics, an independent, global macroeconomic strategy research firm. The firm’s website,, has been named one of the best economics web resources by BusinessWeek, Forbes, the Wall Street Journal and the Economist. He is also a professor of economics at New York University’s Stern School of Business. Dr. Roubini has extensive policy experience as well as broad academic credentials. From 1998 to 2000, he served as the senior economist for international affairs on the White House Council of Economic Advisors and then the senior advisor to the undersecretary for international affairs at the U.S. Treasury Department, helping to resolve the Asian and global financial crises, among other issues. The International Monetary Fund, the World Bank and numerous other prominent public and private institutions have drawn upon his consulting expertise. He has published over 70 theoretical, empirical and policy papers on international macroeconomic issues and coauthored the books "Political Cycles: Theory and Evidence" (MIT Press, 1997), "Bailouts or Bail-ins? Responding to Financial Crises in Emerging Markets" (Institute for International Economics, 2004) and "Crisis Economics: A Crash Course in the Future of Finance" (Penguin Press, 2010). Dr. Roubini’s views on global economic issues are widely cited by the media, and he is a frequent commentator on various business news programs. He has been the subject of extended profiles in the New York Times Magazine and other leading current-affairs publications. The Financial Times has also provided extensive coverage of Dr. Roubini’s perspectives. Dr. Roubini received an undergraduate degree at Bocconi University in Milan, Italy, and a doctorate in economics at Harvard University. Prior to joining Stern, he was on the faculty of Yale University’s department of economics.

Richard Green, Chief Executive Officer
Prior to holding this position, Richard was chief financial officer at RGE for six years, and prior to joining RGE, he was controller of the worldwide cost center of Draft FCB, one of the world's largest communications agencies and part of the Interpublic Group. He has also served as group treasury manager for Servisair, a division of Derichebourg Group, one of the largest aviation service providers in the world. A chartered accountant in England and Wales, Richard spent a number of years at Baker Tilly Chartered Accountants, one of the leading mid-tier accountancy firms in the UK. Richard is also a member of the American Institute of Certified Public Accountants.

Christian Menegatti, Managing Director, Research
Christian Menegatti is managing director of research at Roubini Global Economics. Christian's areas of expertise are global macroeconomics, the U.S. economy, the U.S. housing sector, monetary policy and capital flows, and foreign-reserve accumulation and management. Previously, Christian spent three years as a research scholar at New York University’s department of economics. Christian makes regular media appearances on Bloomberg, CNBC, Forbes and Reuters, and is frequently quoted in the financial press. He has been an invited speaker at a variety of institutions including the Carnegie Council, Chatham House, Merrill Lynch and the Society for Quantitative Analysis. His research has been quoted by several scholars and institutions including the IMF and the European Commission. He holds a Ph.D. in economics from the University of Venice, Italy, and a master’s degree in economics and finance from Venice International University.

Paul Domjan, Managing Director, Roubini Country Risk
Paul led the development of Quantitative Country Analytics (QCA), the core analytical model used by Country Insights, which was acquired by Roubini Global Economics in 2012. Prior to setting up Country Insights, Paul was a director of JH&Co, where he was responsible for work on economic competitiveness and natural resources and was the process lead for scenario thinking and stakeholder engagement. He is active in policy, most recently as a special adviser to the Energy and Climate Change Select Committee of the UK parliament. He has been a member of the executive committee of the Constellation Energy Institute; an Energy Fellow at the Stockholm Network; and a British Marshall Scholar at Wolfson College, University of Oxford. He has advised on energy, energy technology and climate on a number of major projects of the Atlantic Council, Chatham House, CSIS and the Heritage Foundation. Paul previously served as the first energy security adviser to the U.S. European Command of the U.S. Department of Defense. Prior to this, Paul was the deputy political analyst in the scenario planning group at Royal Dutch/Shell. He has also consulted on the oil and gas industry for the World Bank. He holds a master's of philosophy from Oxford and a bachelor's degree from the University of Texas at Austin, and has also studied at the Budapest University of Economic Sciences and Public Administration, the Middlebury College Russian School and Reed College.

Scott Hall, Managing Director, Global Head of Sales and Marketing
Scott has over 20 years of sales, marketing and management experience in the financial, energy and advertising information industries. His expertise includes building startup businesses for high growth as well as managing revenue and client relationship services for larger businesses. At RGE, Scott now leads our sales, client services and marketing teams on a global basis. Prior to joining RGE, Scott was senior director at Turn, a Big Data advertising platform. Other past roles include sales and marketing meetings at ACTIV Financial, Global Managing Director of commodity/energy data management and analytic firm Logical Information Machines, Managing Director for data solutions at Thomson Financial, covering all real-time and historical feeds in the Americas, and General Manager of North America for FAME Information Services. Earlier in his career, he worked at Zacks Investment Research, Lehman Brothers and J.P. Morgan.

Don Hanna, Managing Director, Asia
Don Hanna is Managing Director of Roubini Global Economics’ Asia Office. He previously served as Managing Director of Fortress Investment Group, where he advised on global macro trends, with a particular focus on Asia. Before joining Fortress, Don worked for Citigroup Global Markets for nearly 10 years, ending his tenure there as Acting Chief Economist. Prior to this, he led Citi’s Emerging Market and Asia research teams, among other duties. Earlier in his career, Don covered Southeast Asia for Goldman Sachs and spent seven years as a macroeconomist with the World Bank, where he monitored developments in highly indebted countries across emerging markets. He received a PhD in Economics from Harvard University and a BA, summa cum laude, in Economics and Spanish from the University of California at Berkeley. He is a Fulbright Scholar and a member of the Advisory Board of the Center for Applied Macroeconomic Analysis at Australia National University. Don is fluent in both Spanish and Bahasa Indonesia, and has lived in Asia for 19 years.

David Nowakowski

David Nowakowski, Senior Director of Research
David brings over 12 years of market experience to RGE. Previously, he was a managing director at Atlas Capital Management, a global macro hedge fund focused on emerging markets. His experience includes working at the Rohatyn Group, an emerging market hedge fund group, where he was the fixed income and currency strategist, Lazard Asset Management, where he was a fixed income portfolio manager, and Salomon/Citigroup, where he worked in capital markets and liability management. David holds a bachelor's degree in physics and mathematics and a master's degree in physics from Harvard University, as well as a master's degree in economics from the London School of Economics.

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Jennifer Kapila, Director, Finance & Banking and Product Strategy
Jennifer previously covered European financial institutions as a credit analyst at Dresdner Kleinwort and has been quoted in various publications, including the Financial Times and Bloomberg. She holds a joint master's degree from the University College of London and the School of Oriental and African Studies, and a bachelor's degree in business administration from the University of Texas at Austin with a concentration in Latin American studies. Jennifer is a CFA charterholder. At RGE, Jennifer leads our research effort on Finance & Banking. As a content and product expert, Jennifer also covers the role of product strategist. In that role she coordinates internal production and distribution efforts to prioritize and implement product enhancements to serve our clients' evolving needs.

Mike Liu, Director, Quantitative Country Analytics
Mike works on Country Insights—RGE's systematic country risk model—and develops related investment strategies in emerging market (EM) debt and equity. In addition, he carries out broader financial analysis to support RGE's consulting and research and leads the firm's coverage of EM equity, with a particular focus on intra-EM country selection. Mike graduated with distinction from the London School of Economics and Political Science, attaining a master's of science in finance and economics. He also holds a bachelor's degree in banking and finance from Peking University in Beijing, China. A CFA Charterholder, Mike previously worked at Credit Suisse, Bain & Co and a Chinese investment fund.

Brunello Rosa, Director, Western Europe, G10 Rates and Currencies
Brunello joined RGE from the Bank of England, where he mostly worked in its Markets area, in the division that implements monetary policy and provides liquidity insurance. He also contributed to the market intelligence program, gathering insights from the asset management and private equity industries as well as from UK inflation markets. He also served, for brief spells, in the Bank’s Financial Stability area and Centre for Central Banking Studies. Previously, he worked as a macroeconomist and fixed income strategist with a focus on Europe at IDEAglobal, a market intelligence company. In this capacity, he appeared on Bloomberg, Reuters and CNBC TV programs, and was quoted by a variety of media outlets. Prior to joining the private sector, he was a research assistant at the Financial Markets Group of the London School of Economics, where he also taught classes in finance. Brunello started his career as a data analyst at the Department of Economics and as a research fellow at the Centre for Complex System Studies of the University of Siena, where he studied and researched the financial fragility of economic systems. Brunello maintains a number of ties with academia. Brunello holds a master’s degree in finance and economics from the London School of Economics and a laurea cum laude in economics from the University of Siena in Italy.

Adam Wolfe, Director, Emerging Asia
Prior to joining RGE, Adam worked as a senior analyst at the Power and Interest News Report covering Asian and African strategic issues. He has been quoted in several news outlets including Reuters, NPR and the Los Angeles Times. Adam holds a master's degree in international politics and business from New York University and a bachelor's degree from the University of Wisconsin-Madison. Follow Adam on Twitter @adamkwolfe.

Rachel Ziemba, Director, Emerging Markets
Rachel leads our Emerging Markets coverage, coordinating with our regional teams, with a primary focus on Emerging Europe, Middle East and Africa. She has a particular interest in the macroeconomics of oil-exporting nations, including the management of oil wealth and energy-sector supply risks. She also does extensive work on global macroeconomic issues, particularly foreign-exchange reserve accumulation, sovereign-wealth management and economic imbalances. Prior to joining RGE, Rachel worked for the Canadian International Development Agency in Cairo, Egypt, and the International Development Research Centre in Ottawa, Canada. Rachel has served as an expert commentator for Bloomberg, CNBC, the Financial Times, the Wall Street Journal and other media outlets, and her research has been cited by the Economist and in papers from the IMF, World Bank, European Central Bank and U.S. Federal Reserve. She holds a bachelor’s degree from the University of Chicago with honors, and a Master of Philosophy degree in international relations with a specialization in international political economy from St. Antony’s College, Oxford University. She is the co-author of “Scenarios for Risk Management and Global Investment Strategies” (with William T. Ziemba), published by Wiley in January 2008. Follow Rachel on Twitter @reziemba.

  Economists and Strategists
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Paulina Argudin, Analyst, Quantitative Country Analytics
Paulina works on Quantitative Country Analytics, supporting product development and analysis. Before joining Roubini, Paulina attained a master's degree in Environmental Policy and Regulation at the London School of Economics and Political Science, where she focused on carbon emission trading. She holds a bachelor's degree in Political Science and International Relations from Centro de Investigación y Docencia Económicas in Mexico City. Paulina previously worked in the economic section of the Canadian Embassy in Mexico and also worked with the University of Texas A&M to address how the quality of democracy impacts public services.


Prajakta Bhide, Senior Economist, North America
Prajakta covers the United States, and her areas of expertise include the U.S. housing sector and monetary policy. She has been quoted in several news outlets including the New York Times, the Wall Street Journal and the Financial Times. Prajakta holds a master’s degree in economics from New York University. Prior to joining RGE, Prajakta conducted research at the Reserve Bank of India's department of economic analysis and policy, focusing on monetary policy transmission. Follow Prajakta on Twitter @Prajakta_Bhide.

Gary Clark, Strategist, Commodities
Prior to joining RGE, Gary was a postdoctoral researcher in the department of bioengineering at the University of California at Berkeley. He has been published on and in a number of scientific journals, including Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, Molecular Physics, Macromolecules, Journal of Physical Chemistry and the Berkeley Science Review. He holds a doctorate in chemical engineering from Imperial College London and a bachelor's degree in physics with management from Loughborough University. Follow Gary on Twitter @GaryCommodities.

Ibrahim Gassambe, Strategist, Equity
Ibrahim covers global equities, incorporating RGE macroeconomic outlooks into top-down fair value and forecasting models. He holds a masters in international affairs from Columbia University, with a concentration in international finance and economic policy, and a bachelor of business administration in finance and investments from Baruch College, City University of New York. Follow Ibrahim on Twitter @IGassambe.

Dayna Goodwin, Senior Strategist, Asset Allocation
Dayna Goodwin is a senior asset allocation strategist for Roubini Global Economics, focusing on developing forecasting models across asset classes. She holds a master's degree from New York University where she studied economics and financial risk management. She holds a bachelor's degree in economics and political science from Florida Atlantic University.

Jennifer Hsieh, Associate Economist , Emerging Europe and Quantitative Analysis
Jennifer provides coverage for Poland, Hungary, the Czech Republic, Romania and Russia, focusing primarily on econometric forecasting and political analysis. Before joining RGE, she earned a master’s degree in economics and an advanced certificate in applied economics from New York University. Previously, Jennifer worked as a research associate at HedgeOp Compliance, LLC, and completed internships in business journalism at Caijing Magazine in Beijing and investment management in Los Angeles. She also holds a bachelor's degree with majors in economics and political science with a concentration in international relations from the University of California, Los Angeles.

Christian Odendahl, Senior Economist, Western Europe
Christian works on the eurozone, particularly Germany and the ECB, as well as the Nordics. He holds a Ph.D. in economics from Stockholm University, where he focused on political economics, and was a visiting research student at London School of Economics and University College London. Before joining RGE, he was a regular contributor to The Economist magazine's Free Exchange blog, writing about macroeconomics, the euro crisis and the German economy. He also has worked on the editorial team of The Economist as a Marjorie Deane financial journalism fellow, at the consultancy Frontier Economics, for the German state development agency GTZ in Accra, Ghana, and for the German Ministry of Economics. Follow Christian on Twitter @COdendahl

William Oman, Economist, Western Europe and Finance & Banking
William focuses on the eurozone and finance & banking. Prior to joining RGE, he worked for the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development, the California-based Breakthrough Institute, the United States Senate and as an economics research assistant at McGill University. William is a regular contributor to the London School of Economics’ Global Policy Journal, writing monthly analyses on macroeconomics, political economy and international finance. He holds a Master’s of Public Administration from the London School of Economics, obtained with distinction, and a bachelor’s degree in economics with honors from McGill University. Follow William on Twitter @WilliamOman.

João Pedro Ribeiro, Economist, Latin America
Prior to joining RGE, João Pedro worked in both the banking and consulting industries in São Paulo, Brazil, at Banco Itau BBA and Tendencias Economic Consulting. He earned his master's degree in economic policy from Boston University, where he focused on macroeconomics and finance, and attained his bachelor's degree in economics from Insper (Ibmec São Paulo).

Maya Senussi, Economist, Turkey, the Middle East and Africa
Prior to joining RGE, Maya carried out due diligence research for Control Risks (Dubai and London) and worked for AKE Group, Middle East Consultants International and the Embassy of the Republic of Poland in Damascus. She is a graduate of King’s College London, where she earned a master’s degree in international peace and security, with a focus on contemporary security issues in the Middle East. She also holds a bachelor’s degree with honors in Arabic and politics from the School of Oriental and African Studies, University of London. Follow Maya on Twitter @mayasenussi.

Evghenia Sleptsova, Senior Analyst, Russia and CIS, Country Insights
Evghenia Sleptsova is a Senior Analyst who covers Russia and CIS and also writes thematic research based on RGE's Country Insights model. Prior to joining RGE, Evghenia worked at Country Insights Ltd, acquired by RGE in July 2012, and was a key contributor to the development of its systematic country risk model, now RGE’s flagship tool for the analysis of countries’ balance-sheet vulnerabilities. She has extensive knowledge of CIS economies, having completed a PhD on Ukrainian trade with the EU from the University of Birmingham, worked on competitiveness and post-financial crisis stabilization programs in Kazakhstan and on Moldova's EU integration. Her previous work experience was in Moldova and Ukraine, including positions at KPMG (Moldova), the EU Delegation to Moldova, the Institute for Development and Social Initiatives (Moldova) and the Institute for Economic Research and Policy Initiatives (Ukraine). Evghenia also holds an MA in Political Economy of Russia and Eastern Europe from University College London and speaks Russian, Romanian and Ukrainian.

Jelena Vukotic, Senior Economist, Eastern Europe
Jelena focuses on the Czech Republic, Hungary, Poland and Romania, and her areas of expertise include political risk in eastern EU member states, vulnerabilities in local banking sectors and regional energy security. Jelena has been quoted by Reuters, Forbes, Deutsche Welle, Emerging Markets and a number of media outlets based in Eastern Europe. Before joining RGE, she worked at the Disarmament and Peace Affairs Branch of the United Nations, and as a journalist for the Serbian political weekly NIN. Jelena holds a master's degree in comparative politics from the London School of Economics and a bachelor's degree from the University of Belgrade.

Ian Watt, Analyst, Quantitative Country Analytics
Ian works on the Roubini Country Insights team, bringing three years of technical consulting experience to bear on bespoke implementations of RGE’s Quantitative Country Analytics model. Prior to joining Roubini, Ian graduated magna cum laude with a bachelor’s degree in economics from Boston College, where he was co-chair of the Omicron Delta Epsilon economics honor society. Ian also holds a master’s degree in international political economy from the London School of Economics and Political Science, where he concentrated his research on capital controls and financial crises.

  Editorial Staff
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Briony Reed, Editor
Before joining RGE, Briony worked for the Economist Intelligence Unit on the Latin America team, copyediting print and online analysis of political and economic developments in that region. She has also worked as an editor on business-to-business publications; writing, editing and contributing to product development. Briony holds a bachelor’s degree in Comparative American Studies and a master’s degree in historical discourse and method from the University of Warwick.

Peter Stevens, Editor
Prior to joining RGE, Peter worked as an analyst and editor at BrightWire, a New York-based business news startup, where he tracked and translated Spanish- and Chinese-language media coverage of breaking financial news. He has also worked as a researcher at Banyan Global, a consulting firm focused on microfinance and economic development projects. Peter holds a bachelor’s degree in economics from Columbia University.

Dan Ward, Managing Editor
Prior to joining RGE, Dan worked for Moody's Investors Service, drafting and editing credit research and press releases; Global Insight, editing online energy sector and current affairs analysis; and Europa Publications, a publisher of annually updated reference works, where he focused on Caribbean and South American politics and economics. Dan has also worked as a researcher for Amnesty International's Balkans campaign team and in the education department for UNICEF. He holds a bachelor's degree in politics from the University of Bristol and graduated with distinction with a master's degree in international relations from the London Centre of International Relations, King's College London.

  Senior Management
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Richard Green, Chief Executive Officer
Prior to holding this position he was chief financial officer at RGE for six years, and prior to joining RGE, Richard was controller of the worldwide cost center of Draft FCB, one of the world's largest communications agencies and part of the Interpublic Group. He has also served as group treasury manager for Servisair, a division of Derichebourg Group, one of the largest aviation service providers in the world. A chartered accountant in England and Wales, Richard spent a number of years at Baker Tilly Chartered Accountants, one of the leading mid-tier accountancy firms in the UK. Richard is also a member of the American Institute of Certified Public Accountants.

Christian Menegatti, Managing Director, Global Economic Research
Christian's areas of expertise are global macroeconomics, the U.S. economy, the U.S. housing sector, monetary policy and capital flows, and foreign-reserve accumulation and management. Previously, Christian spent three years as a research scholar at New York University's department of economics. Christian makes regular media appearances on CNBC, Forbes and Fox Business News, and is frequently quoted in the financial press. He has been an invited speaker at a variety of institutions including the Carnegie Council, Chatham House, Merrill Lynch and the Society for Quantitative Analysis. His research has been quoted by several scholars and institutions including the IMF and the European Commission. He holds a Ph.D. in economics from the University of Venice, Italy, and a master's degree in economics and finance from Venice International University.

Paul Domjan, Managing Director, Roubini Country Risk
Paul led the development of Quantitative Country Analytics (QCA), the core analytical model used by Country Insights, which was acquired by Roubini Global Economics in 2012. Prior to setting up Country Insights, Paul was a director of JH&Co, where he was responsible for work on economic competitiveness and natural resources and was the process lead for scenario thinking and stakeholder engagement. He is active in policy, most recently as a special adviser to the Energy and Climate Change Select Committee of the UK parliament. He has been a member of the executive committee of the Constellation Energy Institute; an Energy Fellow at the Stockholm Network; and a British Marshall Scholar at Wolfson College, University of Oxford. He has advised on energy, energy technology and climate on a number of major projects of the Atlantic Council, Chatham House, CSIS and the Heritage Foundation. Paul previously served as the first energy security adviser to the U.S. European Command of the U.S. Department of Defense. Prior to this, Paul was the deputy political analyst in the scenario planning group at Royal Dutch/Shell. He has also consulted on the oil and gas industry for the World Bank. He holds a master's of philosophy from Oxford and a bachelor's degree from the University of Texas at Austin, and has also studied at the Budapest University of Economic Sciences and Public Administration, the Middlebury College Russian School and Reed College.

Scott Hall, Managing Director, Global Head of Sales and Marketing
Scott has over 20 years of sales, marketing and management experience in the financial, energy and advertising information industries. His expertise includes building startup businesses for high growth as well as managing revenue and client relationship services for larger businesses. At RGE, Scott now leads our sales, client services and marketing teams on a global basis. Prior to joining RGE, Scott was senior director at Turn, a Big Data advertising platform. Other past roles include sales and marketing meetings at ACTIV Financial, Global Managing Director of commodity/energy data management and analytic firm Logical Information Machines, Managing Director for data solutions at Thomson Financial, covering all real-time and historical feeds in the Americas, and General Manager of North America for FAME Information Services. Earlier in his career, he worked at Zacks Investment Research, Lehman Brothers and J.P. Morgan.

Charles McTiernan, Managing Director, Country Risk and Country Insights Sales
Charles is responsible for RGE's Country Risk and Country Insights sales initiatives. Formerly, Charles led the RGE global sales force. Prior to that, Charles was vice president of DoubleClick's Financial Services Vertical, where he was responsible for sales and marketing. Charles spent more than 10 years at Reuters in several sales leadership roles, handling sales, marketing and product management for Reuters Retail Solutions. He was also a member of the Americas management team. Charles holds a bachelor's degree in economics from East Carolina University.

Richard Cramer, Vice President, Technology
Before joining Roubini Global Economics early in 2010, Richard had been working on his own, developing and integrating web applications for online retail outlets. Prior to this, he worked as the Eastern Regional Sales Engineer for Transitive Corporation (now part of IBM) helping them sell their QuickTransit product line into corporate datacenters. Richard spent the majority of his career outside of New York City in Atlanta working for HP and Agilent in their respective global IT organizations as an IT expert, developing, enhancing, integrating and supporting various IT tools and processes. His first job out of college was for the Department of Defense (NSA) in the Baltimore area as a Lisp programmer. Richard graduated from the University of Pittsburgh where he majored in Computer Science and Business.

David Nowakowski, Senior Director of Research
David brings over 12 years of market experience to RGE. Previously, he was a managing director at Atlas Capital Management, a global macro hedge fund focused on emerging markets. His experience includes working at the Rohatyn Group, an emerging market hedge fund group, where he was the fixed income and currency strategist, Lazard Asset Management, where he was a fixed income portfolio manager, and Salomon/Citigroup, where he worked in capital markets and liability management. David holds a bachelor's degree in physics and mathematics and a master's degree in physics from Harvard University, as well as a master's degree in economics from the London School of Economics.

Stefan Rogalski, Senior Director of Account Management
Prior to joining RGE, Stefan was a senior consultant at InterCall, a division of West Corporation, where he helped lead the implementation of communication products in North America. Stefan is a graduate of Boston College's Carroll School of Management where he earned a degree in marketing. Stefan is also a member of the BC Alumni Athletes Network.

Giles Patterson, Head of Sales, EMEA
Giles has 10 years of financial markets experience. He began his career at JP Morgan, where he spent over four years working on the interest rate derivative trading floor and also within the prime brokerage department, servicing the needs of some of the world’s largest global macro hedge funds. He then spent three years in the private client space as a broker, managing over £3 million in client assets. Giles holds a degree in economics from the University of Wales, Cardiff, as well as Securities Institute certificates in securities, derivatives and investment management.

Rex Nowell, Senior Director of Sales
Rex has 20 years of specialization in macroeconomics-driven tactical advice and creation of implications for markets and asset classes. For 14 years prior to joining RGE, he was executive vice president/director of sales and marketing for Dr. Allen Sinai at Decision Economics. He also represented the work of noted market strategist Dennis Gartman and hedge fund legend Ray Dalio. Rex studied at Southeastern Masssachusetts University, now part of the University of Massachusetts.

Dan Ward, Managing Editor
Prior to joining RGE, Dan worked for Moody's Investors Service, drafting and editing credit research and press releases; Global Insight, editing online energy sector and current affairs analysis; and Europa Publications, a publisher of annually updated reference works, where he focused on Caribbean and South American politics and economics. Dan has also worked as a researcher for Amnesty International's Balkans campaign team and in the education department for UNICEF. He holds a bachelor's degree in politics from the University of Bristol and graduated with distinction with a master's degree in international relations from the London Centre of International Relations, King's College London.

  Board Members
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  Board of Directors

Dr. Nouriel Roubini, RGE Chairman, Cofounder
Nouriel Roubini is the cofounder and chairman of Roubini Global Economics, an independent, global macroeconomic and market strategy research firm. The firm’s website,, has been named one of the best economics web resources by BusinessWeek, Forbes, the Wall Street Journal and the Economist. He is also a professor of economics at New York University’s Stern School of Business. Dr. Roubini has extensive policy experience as well as broad academic credentials. From 1998 to 2000, he served as the senior economist for international affairs on the White House Council of Economic Advisors and then the senior advisor to the undersecretary for international affairs at the U.S. Treasury Department, helping to resolve the Asian and global financial crises, among other issues. The International Monetary Fund, the World Bank and numerous other prominent public and private institutions have drawn upon his consulting expertise. He has published over 70 theoretical, empirical and policy papers on international macroeconomic issues and coauthored the books “Political Cycles: Theory and Evidence” (MIT Press, 1997) and “Bailouts or Bail-ins? Responding to Financial Crises in Emerging Markets” (Institute for International Economics, 2004) and “Crisis Economics: A Crash Course in the Future of Finance” (Penguin Press, 2010). Dr. Roubini’s views on global economic issues are widely cited by the media, and he is a frequent commentator on various business news programs. He has been the subject of extended profiles in the New York Times Magazine and other leading current-affairs publications. The Financial Times has also provided extensive coverage of Dr. Roubini’s perspectives. Dr. Roubini received an undergraduate degree at Bocconi University in Milan, Italy, and a doctorate in economics at Harvard University. Prior to joining Stern, he was on the faculty of Yale University’s department of economics.

Richard Green, Chief Executive Officer
Prior to holding this position he was chief financial officer at RGE for six years, and prior to joining RGE, Richard was controller of the worldwide cost center of Draft FCB, one of the world's largest communications agencies and part of the Interpublic Group. He has also served as group treasury manager for Servisair, a division of Derichebourg Group, one of the largest aviation service providers in the world. A chartered accountant in England and Wales, Richard spent a number of years at Baker Tilly Chartered Accountants, one of the leading mid-tier accountancy firms in the UK. Richard is also a member of the American Institute of Certified Public Accountants.

Dean Daniels, Former RGE Chief Executive Officer
Dean Daniels has been a leader in the online information industry since its inception. Prior to joining RGE, Daniels served as chief operating officer of Seed Media Group, a science media company based in New York City. He has also served as senior vice president at Gartner, Inc., where he managed a division of more than 1,300 researchers worldwide. From 1998-2001, he was president and chief operating officer of, an online community network. Daniels spent the first 20 years of his career in broadcast television, including 14 years at CBS Television in a variety of roles. Most notably, he was the founder, vice president, and general manager of the CBS New Media division, helping the network to launch and establish its digital news and entertainment presence.

Henry Lichstein
Henry Lichstein is a venture partner with Palisades Ventures, LLC. From 1970 to 2000, Henry was with Citibank, holding positions in financial control, treasury, technology strategy, and advanced development. He had been regional treasurer in Nairobi, Kenya, in the Treasurer's Office, where he also served as the consumer group's financial controller, treasurer, and chief of staff. He served as interim chief executive officer of Roubini Global Economics and as interim chief financial officer at Lucix, a satellite communications company in Camarillo, CA. Henry was chairman of the board of Lucix, is on the board of Intelligent Optical Systems, and was on the Board of Teradata (which was later sold to AT&T). He was chairman of the Summer Science Program, Inc., and was a trustee of the Santa Fe Institute. He is on a Visiting Committee at MIT, was for ten years the treasurer of the New York Academy of Sciences, served on the Higher Education Issues Panel of the Association of Governing Boards of Colleges and Universities, and helped write the National Academy of Sciences' Study of the Impact of Information Technology on Service Activities. Henry obtained bachelor's degrees in electrical engineering and economics, and a master's degree in management, all from the Massachusetts Institute of Technology.

Camille LeBlanc
Camille LeBlanc was the founding chief executive officer of Roubini Global Economics. As founding CEO, Ms. LeBlanc helped build the team that created RGE's technology and editorial organization platform. Camille has been working with start-ups since 1992. As Director of Strategic Alliances, she launched new business units and developed strategic alliance portfolios for small- and medium-size software and hardware companies. Camille has a bachelor's degree in economics from the University of Massachusetts, Amherst, and a master's degree from the School of Information Management and Systems at the University of California, Berkeley.

William H. Janeway
William H. Janeway is senior advisor at Warburg Pincus, having retired as a vice chairman of the firm in 2006. Prior to joining Warburg Pincus in 1988, where he was responsible for building the information technology practice, he was executive vice president and director at Eberstadt Fleming. Dr. Janeway is a director of Fortent Corp., NYFIX, Inc., O'Reilly Media, Nuance Communications and Wall Street Systems. He is also chairman of the Board of Trustees of Cambridge in America (University of Cambridge), co-chair of Cambridge's 800th Anniversary Capital Campaign, and a founding member of the board of managers of the Cambridge Endowment for Research in Finance. He is also a director and member of the executive committee of the Social Science Research Council. Dr. Janeway received his doctorate in economics from Cambridge University where he was a Marshall Scholar, and received his bachelor's degree from Princeton University, where he graduated the valedictorian of his class.

Nicolas Checa
Nicolas Checa joined McLarty Associates in 2003 as managing director and founded the firm's economic and financial policy advisory practice in 2004, helping clients manage economic, financial and foreign policy issues that affect financial markets. Previously he was a partner at Medley Global Advisors, where he was president of Medley Emerging Markets, a stand-alone division that he created as part of the firm's diversified growth initiatives. He also created and led the firm's political consulting. Previously, he was director of Penn + Schoen Associates, the political consulting and polling firm that provides strategic advice to Fortune 500 companies and political campaigns worldwide. Mr. Checa is a Yale University graduate and holds a master's in business administration from Harvard Business School. He is a member of the American Association of Public Opinion Research.

Board of Advisors

Mohamed A. El-Erian
Dr. Mohamed A. El-Erian is chief executive officer and co-chief information officer of PIMCO, the global investment management firm. Prior to rejoining PIMCO at the end of 2007, El-Erian was president and chief executive officer of Harvard Management Company (HMC), where for two years he managed Harvard's endowment and other related assets. He was also a faculty member of the Harvard Business School. He spent 15 years at the International Monetary Fund before moving to the private sector, where he served as managing director at Salomon Smith Barney/Citigroup in London before joining PIMCO in 1999. He is currently a board member of the National Bureau for Economic Research (NBER), Cambridge in America and the Peterson Institute for International Economics. He also chairs Microsoft's Investment Advisory Committee. El-Erian has written widely on global economic and financial issues, including being a frequent contributor to the Financial Times and Newsweek. His New York Times and Wall Street Journal bestseller—When Markets Collide: Investment Strategies for the Age of Global Economic Change—was named one of the Economist's best books of the year and was awarded the Financial Times/Goldman Sachs Business Book of the Year for 2008. El-Erian earned a bachelor's and master's degrees in economics from Cambridge University and doctorate and master's degrees in economics from Oxford University.

Arturo C. Porzecanski
Arturo C. Porzecanski is a former economist for emerging markets at several Wall Street firms, including ABN AMRO, where he was head of emerging markets sovereign research. He is currently teaching and conducting research on international economics and international finance at American University in Washington, DC. He is a member of the Council on Foreign Relations and a director of the Tinker Foundation.

Marc Uzan
Marc Uzan is the founder and executive director of the Reinventing Bretton Woods Committee (, where he brings different stakeholders together in numerous seminars around the world on issues related to global finance. Marc works closely with central banks, ministries of finance, and different chairs of the G20. He is also the secretary general of the Euro50Group ( ), and member of the Advisory Board of Central Banking. Marc is the editor of numerous volumes: Financial System Under Stress: A New Architecture of the World Economy; Private Capital Flows in the Age of Globalization; Capital Flows without Crisis?; The Future of the International Monetary System; A Handbook on the International Financial Architecture (with Nouriel Roubini); The International Monetary System, the IMF and the G20; and The Macroeconomics of Globalization. He holds a master's degree in international economics and finance from the Université de Paris, Dauphine. He has been a visiting scholar at the department of economics at the University of California, Berkeley.

Charles Ferguson
Mr. Charles Ferguson is founder and president of Representational Pictures, Inc. and director and producer of No End In Sight: America and the Occupation of Iraq, which is his first film. In 1994, Mr. Ferguson founded Vermeer Technologies, one of the earliest Internet software companies, with Randy Forgaard. He was a visiting scholar and lecturer for several years at MIT and Berkeley and for three years was a senior fellow at the Brookings Institution in Washington, DC. He is the author of three books and many articles dealing with various aspects of information technology and its relationships to economic, political, and social issues. He has consulted on technology, management and strategy for a range of leading companies and institutions. Mr. Ferguson is a life member of the Council on Foreign Relations and a director of the French-American Foundation. Charles obtained a bachelor's degree in mathematics from the University of California, Berkeley, and a doctorate in political science from the Massachusetts Institute of Technology in 1989.

Carlos Abadi
Carlos Abadi is the founder and president of Abadi & Co., a leading investment firm focused on emerging markets debt and global special situations. Established in 1991, Abadi & Co. was one of the first firms dedicated to the emerging markets asset class and focused on Latin America, emerging Europe and the Middle East. Additionally, Carlos serves on the boards of the Refco Litigation Trust and the Refco Private Actions Trust. He has been a guest lecturer at Columbia University, Harvard University and New York University. Carlos Abadi earned a master's degree in business administration from Cornell University's Johnson School of Business and a master's degree in industrial engineering from Universidad de Buenos Aires.

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