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What is ERP? (Enterprise Resource Planning)
What is ERP? What is Enterprise Resource Planning?
What is SAP-ERP?
Gaviotas Blindadas, historias del PRT-ERP (1ª parte)
E.R.P. - Pith
Sistemas Corporativos - SCM , ERP e CRM
ERP Explained (Enterprise Resource Planning)
O que é ERP?
Que es un ERP?   --- Dinámica de Negocios -- URL
What is Erp? (Learn in 2 minutes!)
Total ERP software demo
copamiento del cuartel 601 de monte chingolo por el E.R.P. 1/2


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What is ERP? (Enterprise Resource Planning)
  • Order:
  • Duration: 5:57
  • Updated: 16 Aug 2013

What is ERP? (Enterprise Resource Planning)

ERP is a widely used acronym for a type of software called Enterprise Resource Planning that is not so simple to describe. This is a light and humorous way t... is ERP? (Enterprise Resource Planning)
What is ERP? What is Enterprise Resource Planning?
  • Order:
  • Duration: 30:21
  • Updated: 13 Aug 2013

What is ERP? What is Enterprise Resource Planning? What is ERP? What is Enterprise Resource Planning? Category: Enterprise Resource Planning - ERP Tags: Overview.
  • published: 05 Jun 2013
  • views: 948
  • author: handsonerp is ERP? What is Enterprise Resource Planning?
What is SAP-ERP?
  • Order:
  • Duration: 8:05
  • Updated: 16 Aug 2013

What is SAP-ERP?

This tutorial compares centralized and de-centralized information systems with the help of a scenario.
  • published: 12 Mar 2013
  • views: 10345
  • author: guru99com is SAP-ERP?
Gaviotas Blindadas, historias del PRT-ERP (1ª parte)
  • Order:
  • Duration: 1:31:32
  • Updated: 08 Aug 2013

Gaviotas Blindadas, historias del PRT-ERP (1ª parte) Blindadas, historias del PRT-ERP (1ª parte)
E.R.P. - Pith
  • Order:
  • Duration: 6:19
  • Updated: 07 Aug 2013

E.R.P. - Pith

E.R.P. - Pith Label: Frustrated Funk - FR024 Format: Vinyl, 12" Country: Netherlands Released: Mar 2013 Genre: Electronic Style: Electro, Techno Available he...
  • published: 04 Apr 2013
  • views: 1468
  • author: CopeLtda2 - Pith
Sistemas Corporativos - SCM , ERP e CRM
  • Order:
  • Duration: 10:11
  • Updated: 01 Aug 2013

Sistemas Corporativos - SCM , ERP e CRM

Trabalho de Sistemas Corporativos - Visa mostrar a Gestão da Cadeia de Suprimentos (SCM) , Sistema Integrado de Gestão Empresarial (ERP) e Gestão de Relacion... Corporativos - SCM , ERP e CRM
ERP Explained (Enterprise Resource Planning)
  • Order:
  • Duration: 5:57
  • Updated: 17 Aug 2013

ERP Explained (Enterprise Resource Planning)

ERP is a widely used acronym for a type of software called Enterprise Resource Planning that is not so simple to describe. In an effort to find an easy expla... Explained (Enterprise Resource Planning)
O que é ERP?
  • Order:
  • Duration: 3:08
  • Updated: 28 Jul 2013

O que é ERP?

Entenda o que é ERP e quais os benefícios da utilização do ERP Plune em sua empresa.
  • published: 08 Feb 2012
  • views: 28455
  • author: Plune ERP que é ERP?
Que es un ERP?   --- Dinámica de Negocios -- URL
  • Order:
  • Duration: 5:30
  • Updated: 08 Aug 2013

Que es un ERP? --- Dinámica de Negocios -- URL

Video aprendizaje de los sistemas ERP. es un ERP? --- Dinámica de Negocios -- URL
What is Erp? (Learn in 2 minutes!)
  • Order:
  • Duration: 2:10
  • Updated: 24 Jul 2013

What is Erp? (Learn in 2 minutes!)

What is ERP? By Enterprise resource planning. A basic overview of ERP - an acronym for a type of software called Enterprise Resourc...
  • published: 20 Apr 2013
  • views: 7531
  • author: Disprax is Erp? (Learn in 2 minutes!)
Total ERP software demo
  • Order:
  • Duration: 10:29
  • Updated: 28 Jul 2013

Total ERP software demo

Total ERP have a demo video which can be downloaded from their web site, but it is 35Mb and is an executable file which may can concern untrusting users. The... ERP software demo
copamiento del cuartel 601 de monte chingolo por el E.R.P. 1/2
  • Order:
  • Duration: 10:02
  • Updated: 16 Jul 2013

copamiento del cuartel 601 de monte chingolo por el E.R.P. 1/2

En el programa de chiche gelblum en canal 9. del cuartel 601 de monte chingolo por el E.R.P. 1/2
ماذا تعرف عن تخصص و وظيفة الـ ERP
  • Order:
  • Duration: 38:15
  • Updated: 10 Aug 2013

ماذا تعرف عن تخصص و وظيفة الـ ERP

لكل من يبحث عن فهم مجال الايه ار بي او تخطيط موارد المؤسسات ERP Consultation ضيف الحلقة م. محمد السيد ، برنامج حاسوب الفتح يقدمه المدرب شادي أحمد كل يوم خميس...ماذا تعرف عن تخصص و وظيفة الـ ERP
O que é ERP
  • Order:
  • Duration: 11:38
  • Updated: 18 Apr 2013

O que é ERP

Descrevendo o que é ERP, exemplo prático por Carla Benitez. que é ERP

What is ERP? (Enterprise Resource Planning)

ERP is a widely used acronym for a type of software called Enterprise Resource Planning that is not so simple to describe. This is a light and humorous way t...

What is ERP? (En­ter­prise Re­source Plan­ning)
ERP is a wide­ly used acronym for a type of soft­ware called En­ter­prise Re­source Plan­ning th...
pub­lished: 25 Aug 2011
au­thor: JonarSys­tems
What is ERP? What is En­ter­prise Re­source Plan­ning?
http://​whatiserp.​biz What is ERP? What is En­ter­prise Re­source Plan­ning? Cat­e­go­ry: En­ter­pri...
pub­lished: 05 Jun 2013
au­thor: hand­son­erp
What is SAP-ERP?
This tu­to­ri­al com­pares cen­tral­ized and de-cen­tral­ized in­for­ma­tion sys­tems with the help of...
pub­lished: 12 Mar 2013
au­thor: gu­ru99­com
Gavio­tas Blin­dadas, his­to­rias del PRT-ERP (1ª parte)
pub­lished: 06 Sep 2011
E.R.P. - Pith
E.R.P. - Pith Label: Frus­trat­ed Funk - FR024 For­mat: Vinyl, 12" Coun­try: Nether­lands Relea...
pub­lished: 04 Apr 2013
au­thor: CopeLt­da2
Sis­temas Cor­po­ra­tivos - SCM , ERP e CRM
Tra­bal­ho de Sis­temas Cor­po­ra­tivos - Visa mostrar a Gestão da Cadeia de Supri­men­tos (SCM) ,...
pub­lished: 13 May 2012
ERP Ex­plained (En­ter­prise Re­source Plan­ning)
ERP is a wide­ly used acronym for a type of soft­ware called En­ter­prise Re­source Plan­ning th...
pub­lished: 23 Sep 2012
au­thor: GLM­GroupVideo
O que é ERP?
En­ten­da o que é ERP e quais os benefícios da uti­lização do ERP Plune em sua em­pre­sa....
pub­lished: 08 Feb 2012
au­thor: Plune ERP
Que es un ERP? --- Dinámica de Ne­go­cios -- URL
Video apren­diza­je de los sis­temas ERP....
pub­lished: 22 Feb 2012
What is Erp? (Learn in 2 min­utes!)
What is ERP? By http://​www.​disprax.​com.​au En­ter­prise re­source plan­ning. A basic overview o...
pub­lished: 20 Apr 2013
au­thor: Dis­prax
Total ERP soft­ware demo
Total ERP have a demo video which can be down­load­ed from their web site, but it is 35Mb an...
pub­lished: 20 Jun 2008
co­pamien­to del cuar­tel 601 de monte chin­go­lo por el E.R.P. 1/2
En el pro­gra­ma de chiche gel­blum en canal 9....
pub­lished: 29 Dec 2008
ماذا تعرف عن تخصص و وظيفة الـ ERP
لكل من يبحث عن فهم مجال الايه ار بي او تخطيط موارد المؤسسات ERP Con­sul­ta­tion ضيف الحلقة م....
pub­lished: 18 Jul 2012
O que é ERP
De­screven­do o que é ERP, ex­em­p­lo prático por Carla Ben­itez....
pub­lished: 18 Apr 2013
au­thor: Carla Ben­itez
Youtube results:
In­tro­duc­tion to SAP ERP
http://​implementingsap.​com In­tro­duc­tion to SAP ERP....
pub­lished: 06 Mar 2009
Suc­cess­ful ERP Im­ple­men­ta­tion - Com­plex­i­ty vs. Sim­plic­i­ty
There is an in­her­ent con­flict that ex­ists be­tween the focus of a soft­ware com­pa­ny and thei...
pub­lished: 27 Jan 2012
au­thor: vsp­walk­er
Mar­cha del Ejército Rev­olu­cionario del Pueblo (ERP)
Mar­cha de la guer­ril­la Ejército Rev­olu­cionario del Pueblo (1970-1979), or­ga­ni­zación crea­da...
pub­lished: 13 Oct 2012
Что же такое SAP ERP? (1/23)
http://​www.​teachvideo.​ru/​catalog/​24 - еще больше обучающих роликов по бухгалтерии и финанс...
pub­lished: 23 Mar 2012
au­thor: TeachVideo
photo: AP / Emilio Morenatti
Afghan refugee women wearing burqa as they carry their children, as they walk next to a refugee camp on the outskirts of Islamabad, Pakistan
Edit BBC News
04 Apr 2014
A nine-month-old boy has appeared in court in Pakistan on charges of planning a murder, threatening police and interfering in state affairs, it appears ... Police say the suspects tried to murder security officers by pelting them with stones ... ....(size: 1.2Kb)
photo: AP / Tamir Kalifa
Lucy Hamlin and her husband, Spc. Timothy Hamlin, wait for permission to re-enter the Fort Hood military base, where they live, following a shooting on the base, Wednesday, April 2, 2014, in Fort Hood, Texas.
Edit ABC News
03 Apr 2014
Share. ABC US News . ABC Business News Copy. The soldier accused of opening fire at Fort Hood, killing three people and wounding 16, was an Iraq war veteran who was battling an array of mental health issues and taking medications, military officials said today. Spc ... Fort Hood Shooter's Facebook Page Puts Face to Rampage. Casualties Confirmed After Fort Hood Shooting ... Photos. Shooting at Fort Hood ... All were members of the military ... Gen ... ....(size: 3.8Kb)
photo: AP / Ramon Espinosa
Students gather behind a business looking for a Internet signal for their smart phones in Havana, Cuba, Tuesday, April 1, 2014.
Edit BBC News
03 Apr 2014
3 April 2014 Last updated at 18.53 BST. The US created a text-message social network designed to foment unrest in Cuba, according to an investigation by the Associated Press news agency ... "This was a programme that has been invested in and debated by in Congress," Mr Carney said ... Read more. US created 'Cuban Twitter' to stir unrest ... ....(size: 2.2Kb)
photo: AP / Ng Han Guan
North Korean leader Kim Jong Un arrives for the unveiling ceremony for statues of late leaders Kim Jong Il and Kim Il Sung on Mansudae in Pyongyang, North Korea, Friday, April 13, 2012.
Edit The State
05 Apr 2014
UNITED NATIONS — North Korea on Friday accused the United States of being "hell-bent on regime change" and warned that any maneuvers with that intention will be viewed as a "red line" that will result in countermeasures. Pyongyang's deputy U.N ... His comments came at North Korea's second press conference at the United Nations in two weeks, a surprising rate for the reclusive Communist regime. Ri blamed the U.S ... A U.S ... The U.S ... ....(size: 2.9Kb)
photo: US Navy / MCS2 Eric A. Pastor
Naval Aircrewman (Operator) 1st Class David Everly, assigned to Patrol Squadron (VP) 16, looks for floating debris while on a P-8A Poseidon during a mission to assist in search and rescue operations for Malaysia Airlines flight MH370, 24 March, 2014.
Edit The State
05 Apr 2014
PERTH, AustraliaSearch teams racing against time to find the flight recorders from the missing Malaysia Airlines jet crisscrossed another patch of the Indian Ocean on Saturday, four weeks to the day after the airliner vanished. A multinational team is desperately trying to find debris floating in the water or faint sound signals from the recorders that could lead them to the aircraft and help unravel the mystery of its fate ... ....(size: 4.3Kb)

Edit Chicago Tribune
06 Apr 2014
• Overseeing test plan execution from an agency and statewide perspective • Monitoring that the project test teams are effectively resourced • Coordinating the development and maintenance of test documentation • Ensuring that all written test-related deliverables provided by the Vendor Implementation Team are stored in the appropriate network ......(size: 5.7Kb)
Edit San Francisco Chronicle
05 Apr 2014
(http.// (PRWEB) April 04, 2014 ... Download Free PDF Today! ... Inquiry before buying. ... Smart Factory Market by Technology (SCADA, DCS, PLC, ERP, MES, PLM, MOM), Field Devices (Industrial Network, Robotics, RFID, And Motors & Drives, Relays & Switches, & Sensors), Application (Process, Discrete) - Global Forecast & Analysis (2013 - 2018) ... Contact.. Mr ... Tel....(size: 4.9Kb)
Edit Seattle Post
05 Apr 2014
(http.// (PRWEB) April 04, 2014 ... Download Free PDF Today! ... Inquiry before buying. ... Smart Factory Market by Technology (SCADA, DCS, PLC, ERP, MES, PLM, MOM), Field Devices (Industrial Network, Robotics, RFID, And Motors & Drives, Relays & Switches, & Sensors), Application (Process, Discrete) - Global Forecast & Analysis (2013 - 2018) ... Contact.. Mr ... Tel....(size: 4.9Kb)
Edit Business Wire
04 Apr 2014
DUBLIN--(BUSINESS WIRE)--Research and Markets (http.// has announced the addition of the "Smart Factory Market. SCADA, DCS, PLC, ERP, MES, PLM, MOM - Global Forecast & Opportunities 2013-2018" report to their offering. There is an increasing trend towards the amalgamation of different manufacturing software such as ERP, MES, PLM and MOM ... Key Topics Covered ... ....(size: 4.5Kb)
Edit noodls
04 Apr 2014
To do so, Atlantic Brands plans to connect Lyris with its existing Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) platform, enabling them to fully tap into customer data and orchestrate meaningful experiences at every touch point ... analytics; and, Access ERP data from other systems to get a more holistic picture of customers throughout the purchasing cycle....(size: 5.1Kb)
Edit noodls
04 Apr 2014
(Source. AB Avia Solutions Group) ... For instance, more and more aviation enterprises choose to implement appropriate ERP applications in identifying the discrepancies in procurement and order fulfilment processes ... Extending the ERP to incorporate electronic business-to-business communications between customers and suppliers may certainly help to close this gap, but, unfortunately, it will not eliminate the threat entirely ... distributed by....(size: 5.8Kb)
Edit PR Newswire
04 Apr 2014
Simultaneously, CVSL has launched a new internal enterprise research planning (ERP) software system to help manage business functions—such as inventory, shipping and financial reporting—within its companies.  Data is compiled in real time.  Custom-designed dashboards, business analysis tools and reports, and automated work ......(size: 6.6Kb)
Edit Business Wire
04 Apr 2014
These industry and peer awards from Network Products Guide are the world's premier information technology awards honoring achievements and recognitions in every facet of the IT industry ... It also validates our vision and positioning to deliver cloud-based services to companies whatever their size ... Ipanema helps enterprises to guarantee ERP, CRM and business application performance to every user regardless of the complexity of their IT ... ....(size: 6.6Kb)
Edit noodls
04 Apr 2014
(Source. Crimsonwing plc). PRESS RELEASE. CRIMSONWING POWERS NEW PORTAL LAUNCHED BY GO. Malta, 3rd April, 2014 ... GO offers fixed phone, mobile telephony, broadband internet services, digital tv, in addition to business-related services to over 500,000 customer connections and services ... UK Malta NL ... PRESS RELEASE ... Around its three focus areas of eCommerce, ERP and systems integration, Crimsonwing provides numerous complementary services....(size: 4.2Kb)
Edit Business Wire
04 Apr 2014
ST. LOUIS--(BUSINESS WIRE)--Perficient, Inc. (NASDAQ ... He will discuss how companies can utilize rapid deployment methodologies and quick start solutions to quickly get up and running in the cloud ... – 12 p.m ... Perficient’s Oracle consultants specialize in several practice areas including Oracle ERP, EPM, CRM and customer experience, business intelligence and Oracle technologies like Fusion Middleware, BPM, and WebCenter platforms ... ....(size: 10.1Kb)
Edit Chicago Tribune
04 Apr 2014
Details. Classification. Accountant - Staff Compensation. $55,000.00 to $65,000.00 per year This is an exciting opportunity for a Staff Accountant with 3+ years of manufacturing accounting experience. The Staff Accountant will prepare journal entries, monthly and year-end closings, bank reconciliation, fixed asset maintenance and general ledger reconciliation ... Bachelors degree in Accounting or Finance is required ... ERP experience is a must....(size: 5.4Kb)
Edit Chicago Tribune
04 Apr 2014
Leading client meetings and/or facilitated strategy sessions Analyzing business requirements, defining functional specifications, and consulting with clients on strategic and operational uses of the solution Working directly with product development teams on solution concepts Developing high level project work plans, and managing individual and ......(size: 5.5Kb)
Edit noodls
04 Apr 2014
(Source. Perficient Inc). Oracle Platinum Partner to exhibit best practices in enterprise information and process management. ST. LOUIS--(BUSINESS WIRE)--Apr. 4, 2014-- Perficient, Inc. (NASDAQ ... - 12 p.m ... Perficient's Oracle consultants specialize in several practice areas including Oracle ERP, EPM, CRM and customer experience, business intelligence and Oracle technologies like Fusion Middleware, BPM, and WebCenter platforms ... Source ... (noodl....(size: 6.6Kb)

ERP may stand for:

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I can see that look that sends me where
you try to move in closer if you dare.
So I will sit and play my waiting game.
And for a while I know you'll do the same.
Oh No!
Watches like an eagle from its tree,
then like a bird of prey she captured me.
But I am older and more wise than you.
Bird of prey - straight into me you fool.
Oh No!
Now every time I try to set her free - Yeah! Ooh!
I'm glad to say she comes right back to me - Ah!
But if I knew she didn't want to stay - Yeah! Ooh Ah!
I wouldn't try to keep that lovely bird of prey - Ooh Ah!

When the war is over
Got to get away
Pack my bags to
No place in no time no day
You and I, we used
Each other's shoulder
Still so young
But somehow so much older
How can I go home
And not get blown away
Ain't nobody gonna
Steal this heart away
When the war is over
Got to start again
Try to hold a trace of
What it was back then
You and I, we shared
Each other's stories
Just a page that's
Lost in all its glory
How can I go home
And not get blown away
You and I had our sights
Set on something
Hope this doesn't mean
Our days are numbered
I've got plans for more
Than a wanted man
All around is chaos and madness
Can't help feeling
Nothing more than sadness
Only choice to face it
The best I can
Ain't nobody gonna
Steal this heart away
And not get blown away ...

For many years I felt like a man
Feeling his way through darkness
This priceless treasure
For which I've searched
Appeared to me nothing more
Than a mirage in the sea
But when the vision faded
From this struggle and dream
Suddenly my illusion is diarry
I've now discovered what's reality
Sunshine, sunshine, sunshine
I've found you
Even if you're only
Even if you're only
Even if you're only
Destined for a while
Sunshine, sunshine, sunshine
I've found you
Even if you're only
Destined for a while
I'll be both most impressions
And I arrive this with a smile
As the picture book shows Stanley
Standing at the source of the Nile

I wish you'd stop and
Give a helping hand
For I guess I'm only half a man
I feel the only way for me to leave
Is just to give you
Everything I can give
‘Cause without you, without you
What can I do
I will give you all the love I have
Just to know you stop me
Being so sad
I hope you won't think
So badly of me
‘Cause I had to tell you
This could break myself in
Being helpless is a habit of mine
No one else can understand
You are the one to
Help me to survive
If you're any friend of mine
Yesterday you gave a helping hand
To some one you'll
Never understand
Though I tried to tell you of this way
You said I had nothing
Constructive to say
But without you, without you
What can I do ...

Every day I have to look to the sun
To see where it was that
I have come from
I have a feeling that
There must be a time
When I'll get a chance to go home
'Cause I'm so tired
Of being here alone
But I'm just a traveller in time
Trying so hard to pay for my crime
If I could go back
The same way I got here
And see the people that
I once held so near
I'd do my best to
Find an answer for you
But first I must wait till I'm set free
And I don't know
How long that's gonna be
'Cause I'm a man with
A whole lot on his mind
Just out there somewhere
Travelling in time
Travelling in time
I've tried for so long to find
Some way of helping mankind

Dancing with danger and
Tears in my eyes
Love ain't no stranger
So many goodbyes
Words in the distance
Are calling me
Just when I thought
I could make a a new start
Here comes another fire
Burning in my heart
Words in the distance
Are calling me
And to get to heaven
You gotta go through hell
I cut my heart on the wishing well
You know that I'm crazy
I'm just a fool
To say I love I love I love you
You know that I'm crazy, just a fool
To say I love I love I love you
My senses burning from
The heat of your skin
Deeper than deep
I feel you movin' in, oh
Words in the distance
Are calling me
You know that I'm crazy
I'm just a fool
To say I love I love I love you, well
You know that I'm crazy, just a fool
To say I love I love I love you
I love you
I hold this moment of magic
I hold it in my hand
A single moment of heaven
Don't you know that I'm crazy
I'm just a fool
To say I love I love I love you, yeah
You know that I'm crazy, just a fool
To say I love I love I love you
Don't you know I love you baby
Can't you feel it in my heart, yeah
And I don't know what to say, no
Well I've got a fire in my soul
I don't know which way to go
Or I don't know what to do, no

I was always the one
Who did the thinkin'
It was me, I'm sorry
I who made the plans
There was never a thought
We might do somethin' between us
It's so clear I think
I'm beginning to understand
I was the one who had to
Lay it out and pay it out
I would work all night
Even though I wanted to
Play out and stay out
Now it's your turn to remember
And it's your turn
To try to understand
But you never would, would you?
When the time came
For stayin' together
You refused to even
Talk about for ever
It was easy telling me
You love me
And I was a little late in
Finding out the truth
The rule of love was there
You had to bend it
Now the damage is done
It's impossible to mend it
I can't mend it
Now it's your turn to remember
It's your turn to feel a little pain
I feel a little better
Talkin' about her
Yet her memory's not good for me
The skies are not so grey now
I've found a new tune to play now
It's a better song
It'll be followin' on
And when the time came
For stayin' together
You refused to even
Talk about for ever
It was easy telling me
You love me
And I was a little late in
Finding out the truth
The rule of love was there
But you had to bend it
Now the damage is done
It's impossible to mend it
You know I can't mend it
Come on babe
It's your turn to remember
Your turn to feel a little pain

Don't take life for granted
Cause you know that
Life wont grant you back
The feelings on the love
That you once had
Youve taken me for granted
Cause you know
Im a lover just like you
And I'll do anything
You want me to
Who needs me?
Who needs me now?
Youll find someone
How you'll find one
Who needs me?
Who needs me now?
Youll find another but no better
You can't argue with me now
I needed you and
You did not know how
Don't let go of something
That is good when
Ill tell you it's bad
Let em hear the story
Make em sad
And if the price of love
Can cost you less than
When it first began
I guess that you wont
Find a better man

Wake up! Set your sights! For never shall we fail.
Stand up for your rights and justice will prevail.
You're listening through endless nights
and decision is your goal.
So wake up! Set your sights! For the time is right for your role.
Yeah - for your role.
Wake up! Wake up! Wake up! Set your sights!
Never, never, never shall we fail.
Stand up, stand up, stand up for your rights.
Justice, justice, justice will prevail.
There in the morning, flying over the hills.
While men are yawning they are crushed by our wheels.
Never have I witnessed people in fear.
Not like today, not in many a year.
Go kill another, there are more close behind.
No screams of mother, are you out of your mind?
Though they are shattered they just don't seem to yield.
Bodies are scattered in all parts of the field.
Oh No! Did I tell you what would happen if you tried?
"Oh God, stop this killing!" said a young man before he died.
Wake up! Set your sights! For never shall we fail.

(natures retalliation)All the fields areSmoke and flame, fire in the skyIt’s a state of emergencyMuch more than meets the eyeJust hide away your tearsThere are many more hidden fearsAs the universal wheelsGo round n’ round n’ roundRivers of pollutionTaking life from living thingsRunning out of oxygenThere is no way to winWe ignore the signs of natureGot to learn to live beside herAs the universal wheelsGo round n’ round n’ roundBetter take good care ofAll the things you say and doRound n’ round n’ round ...Look out for the warning signNow it’s up to youThere’s a mighty eight point sixWaiting in the groundWhen she opens upThis world will humble to the soundThere is only one real powerCreating life by the hourSee the universal wheelsSee the universal wheelsSee the universal wheelsGo round n’ round n’ round ...

Won't you take
A chance my brother
Follow me to a time of revelation
Can't you see that
Destiny will take a turn
And show you
There's no need to fight
'Cause you know it's right
And I finally see where I'm going
I finally know what I'm knowing
Now our journey's only just begun
You won't need to ask forgiveness
What you find
Will be your inspiration
You don't have to pray for glory
All is equal, no more pain
You know it's true, it's up to you
'Cause I finally see where I'm going
I finally know what I'm knowing
Now our journey's only just begun
Over the bridge
Where you start to believe
Down at the edge of the rainbow
Dark is the night
But we've seen another time
Follow the light of the shadow
Right or wrong, there is no reason
There will be no hidden destination
With the strength that you discover
You can show the way
How it was meant to be
For all to see
'Cause I finally know
What I'm knowing
I finally see where I'm going
Now our journey's only just begun

I've had all I can take
I've taken just too much
I've made a big mistake
That put me out of touch
I don't think I can face
Another single day
Without a call from you
To take this pain away
So many tears ago
You turned and walked away
It could've been the end
But I knew better
I had to tell myself
There'll be another day
She wants to call it quits
But don't you let her
Can't you see
There's a chance for you and me
Think it over
Don't believe
In the things that may not be
Think it over
Why don't you think it over
Forgetting you is out
I ain't givin' in
The fuss was down to you
But it's not over
You have to face the truth
I'm still in love with you
I have to make you see
That it's not over
Why don't you think about it, babe

I've had all I can take
I've taken just too much
I've made a big mistake
That put me out of touch
I don't think I can face
Another single day
Without a call from you
To take this pain away
So many tears ago
You turned and walked away
It could've been the end
But I knew better
I had to tell myself
There'll be another day
She wants to call it quits
But don't you dare her
Can't you see
There's a chance for you and me
Think it over
Don't believe
In the things that may not be
Think it over
Forgetting you is out
I ain't giving in
The fuss was down you
But its' not over
You have to face the truth
I'm still in love with you
You have to make scene
But it's not over
Well, think it over, babe

We told our tales as we sat under
Morning's sleepy sky
With all the colours of
The sunrise shining in our eyes
One, then another
With a story of yesterday's life
Or of a lover who had
Gone in a moment of strife
No thought of sleep ever dwells
Upon the wise man's mind
Some task or audience
Stealing every moment of his time
Thus we have learned to live
While mortal men
Stand waiting to die
How can we do what must be done
In just one short life
And if you ask
Then you must know
If you still doubt
You should be told
It was not we
That made it so
It was by those
Who went before
And there you sit
Tomorrow's child
So full of love
So full of life
But you must rise
To meet the day
Lest you become another tale
Another tale ...

I'll see you at sundown
You can't back out now
The news is all over town
I'll see you at sundown
And they can put one of us
In a hole in the ground
Now it's three in the afternoon
And I'm frightened to death
When you're in the saloon
I wonder if he feels the same
For whoever wins there's still
The cowboy to blame
Sundown, give me some strength
I know I can't go it alone
Sundown, give me your strength
Give me a chance to go home
To go home
Three in the afternoon
And I'm frightened to death
When you're in the saloon
I hear the reverend feels the sin
For whoever wins there's still

Wouldn't you like to take this magic potion with me?
On a trip to a cosmic playground far beyond?
She understands, she's been there before.
It's in her hands to find the door.
Sweet Lorraine, let the party carry on.
You and I will swim the sea.
Sweet Lorraine, let the party carry on.
You and I can feel the breeze.
There is no time, no wealth, only I surround you.
The fortune of this guide is simply sincerity.
She understands, 'cause she's been there before.
It's in her hands to find the door. So
Sweet Lorraine, let the party carry on.
You and I will swim the sea.
Sweet Lorraine, let the party carry on.
You and I can feel the breeze.
Sweet Lorraine Sweet Lorraine

As you look around you do you like what you see?
Though it sometimes makes you lonely, do you like being free?
And are you sure you'll be OK without my company?
I just want you to be happy even if it's not with me.
Sweet, sweet freedom, sweet, sweet, sweet.
Will the line between all this and my love ever meet?
Sweet, sweet freedom, sweet, sweet, sweet.
What I'm really trying to say is that I will be around
should you find that after all you can't get by with what you've found.
Oh, it wasn't just my heart you took and tossed into the sea,
though it's hard to find the words I need I guess it was me.
Sweet, sweet freedom, sweet, sweet, sweet.
Will the line between all this and my love ever meet?
Sweet, sweet freedom, sweet, sweet, sweet.
Will the line between all this and my love ever gonna meet?
Sweet, sweet freedom, sweet, sweet, sweet.
Sweet, sweet freedom, sweet, sweet, sweet.

I didn't see you standing there
You took me by surprise
In your long silk dress
And those deep brown eyes
I was captured by your smile
But when fate put out it's hand
You're walking to your love
How was I to resist
The passion and the kiss
We raised the future alone
She stole my body and soul
With a heart next to mine
I didn't wanna face the day
But I have no choice when we kiss
She said
Goodnight my sweet pretender
Tonight we live forever
One heart, one soul
On the edge of the world
Goodnight my sweet pretender
Feels like we died together
In each others arms
On the edge of the world
When she touched me so warm
And so was her body
A kiss she gave to me
The name she said to pain and pleasure
Time my soul rescue me
But I know I'd be here on my own
As soon as the sun would rise
I didn't wanna face the day
But I have no choice when we kiss
I've dreamed of a place I know
With the shadows of my past
Still remain
You're buried in the midst of time
For always you'll be the sun that shines
Shines on me
Goodnight, goodnight

It's alright, it's not wrong
To sometimes feel
You're just hanging on
On those days when
Your feelings are low
Don't hold back
Just let those feelings show
If you want my time and devotion
You've got to give me
Some of your emotion
It's not too much, too much to ask
If you want this love to last
Born with open eyes
But you're blinded by confusion
Born with strength
Let's do it step by step
Into tomorrow
We can make it if we try
Just talk to me, walk with me
There's no reason why
Let's do it step by step
Into tomorrow with our open eyes
So come on talk to me
Just walk with me
You can do it if you try
One step, one step at a time
One heart beatin' with mine
Nothing gained, nothing ventured
Nothing won, no risk, no loss
In this world of indecisions
There's a bridge we all must cross
Born with open eyes
But you're blinded by confusion
Born with strength

He's the son of the bitch
He's the son of a fool
Sign of the times
No exception he's the rule
He's down on his luck
He's down on his knees
Cut really deep
He knows how to bleed
He's the son of the dog
You'll see him run with the pack
He won't look you in the eyes
He'll stab you in the back
The son of the dog
Only runs with the pack
He'll take your life
He won't look back
Son of a - he's a son of a bitch
He's a son of a -
He's a son of a bitch
Hear the woman of the streets
She never learned how to cry
She'll spread her wings
She'll never fly
Woman of the night
She hangs like a bat
She'll scratch at your eyes
Fight like a cat
Hear the lost, hear the lonely
Hear the fool, that won't get to see
Hear the lost, hear the lonely
And don't, don't pity me
Son of the bitch
He's a son of a -
Oh, the son of a bitch
He's the son of the poor
The son of the rich
The son of the dog
The son of the bitch
Woman of the night
Hangs like a bat
She'll scratch at your eyes
She fights like a cat
He's the son of the bitch
He's the son of a fool
A sign of the times
No exception he's the rule
Down on his luck
Down on his knees
Cut really deep
So he knows how to bleed
He's a sign of the times
He's the son of a -
Son of a ... bitch
The son of a bitch

Skools burning, it's burning down
Burning down, burning down
Stand up, sit down
Don't turn around
Don't talk and don't smoke
Don't laugh, no joke
Too many rules, too many fools
Gonna raise it to the ground
We're gonna get high
Light up the sky
Gonna burn it down
Yes sir, no sir, 3 bags full
Speak up or shut up
Backs to the wall
Stand in line, take it outside
See the soldiers march in time
Rollin' out of bed, fallin' on my head
I think I'll pull the pin
Shape up, or ship out
Your hair's too long
Yes sir, no sir, the same old song
Stay after time and
Learn all your lines
Or write 'em out a thousand times
I heard what you said
Bells in my head
I think I'll pull the pin
There's gonna be a party tonight
People gonna come from miles
There's gonna be a fire here tonight
Gonna dance with the devil
Till the dawn
Dance with the devil till the dawn
Stand up, sit down
Don't turn around
Don't talk, don't smoke
Don't laugh, no joke
Too many rules, too many fools
Gonna raise it to the ground
Gonna get high, light up the sky
Gonna pull the pin


I don't care if the rain don't shine
Oh, I don't care if the sun don't fall
You are the one in a million, child
And you knew that I would call
Thoughts of you alone with me
I can't slow them down
But I can't sleep at night
Because you're not around
I can't wait
Seven days is a long time
To be waiting for you girl
I can't wait
Seven days is just too long
To be without you girl
I've tried every kind of distraction
But nothing will ease this pain
There is only one solution, girl
So why do you make me wait
Got to say I didn't think
That I could read your mind
But I can't sleep at night
'Cause baby you're on mine
I can't wait
Seven days is a long time
Oh, I miss you girl
I can't wait
Seven days is just too long
I can't wait
Seven days is a long time
To be without you
I can't wait
Seven days is just too long
Just too long

Feels so cold, so alone
An empty stage, no one home
I feel so strange, so scared
No point in screaming
I won't be heard
You're so cold, you're so cool
It's so dark in this tomb
Time has come so soon
And time takes no prisoners
Except in the womb
There's no way out, no escape
This silence is deafening
I have to cry out
You're so cold, you're so cool
It's so dark in this tomb
Roll away the rock
Roll the rock away
Set me free from this grave
Am I forgiven, can I be saved?
You've been so cold for so long
This silence is deafening
Was I so wrong?
You're so cold, you're so cool
It's so dark in this tomb
Roll away the rock
Take that rock and roll it
Roll away the rock
You gotta roll the rock away
This silence is deafening

There rides the rainbow demon
on his horse of crimson fire.
Black shadows are following closely
on the heels of his desire.
Riding on in the mist of morning
noone dared to stand in his way.
Posessed by some distant calling.
Riding on through night and day.
Rainbow demon - Pick up your heart and run.
Rainbow demon - Looks for his sword and is gone.
Riding on in the mist of morning
noone dared to stand in his way.
Posessed by some distant calling.
Riding on through night and day.
Rainbow demon - Pick up your heart and run.
Rainbow demon - Looks for his soul and is gone.

The gates have opened
Now I'm a free man
My time is over
I need a new plan
But I've had no loving
For a year and a day
My lady's waiting
Got a taste for her wine
She's wearing money
But none of it's mine
She's been surviving
While I've been wasting away
Back in my room
It ain't quite the same
You can't hide it
I'm onto your game
Rough justice, there's no disguise
And I can tell by
The look in your eyes
Rough justice, I've had my share
I've done my time
But I'm still running scared
Rough justice
Coming down on me
Long arm of the law
Never setting me free
Rough justice, I bide my time
Back in action, I'm riding the crest
And putting all that
I've learned to the test
No complications
Taking it day by day
Freedom of movement
Freedom of choice
Free to be right back here
With the boys
Ready to listen
But you've got nothing to say
Back in my room
It ain't quite the same
Just can't help it
I'm part of your game
Back in my room
It ain't quite the same
You can't hide it
Just part of your game
Rough justice ...

Cold winds and cloudy skies
turn to sweetness in her eyes.
Fantasies I realized
came to life to my surprise.
Rain came and took her away
just when I thought she was here to stay.
Sun gone, I was left high and dry
when love came by and touched me and kissed me so long.
Shine hard October moon.
He will take me to her soon.
Run swiftly silver stream.
Find my love or let me dream.
Now half of me is all of her,
I'd be much happier if I were whole.
All my words and wisdom fail.
The poet's justice leads me to my goal - leads me to my goal.
Cold winds and cloudy skies
turn to sweetness in her eyes.
Fantasies I realized

Lady oh lady you're
Driving me crazy
You brought out the devil in me
You turned on my fire
With words of desire
You sure put the lovin'
Sure put the lovin' on me
You're sending me reeling
With love that you're giving
Spinning my poor heart around
The feelings that should be
Have finally saved me
You sure put the lovin'
Sure put the lovin' on me
Ain't no use in trying
I never would deny that
I love you love you
Ain't no doubt about it
I just can't live without it
I love you love you
Yes I love you, I really love you
Don't know what it is
That you're putting down
I only know it ain't no game
I only know what you're doing to me
And baby you're the one to blame
Lady oh lady you're
Driving me crazy
You're flying me high
With your eyes
There's no use in trying
Ain't no use denying
You sure put the lovin'
Sure put the lovin' on me
Yes, you did
Sure put your lovin'
Sure put your lovin' on me
Put your lovin', put your lovin' on me

Time has come to say goodbye
To the broken memories
They're locked inside like prisoners
In a place that no-one sees
Stayed up late with a friend of mine
Southern Comfort till dawn
We talked about the pains of love
Should've known from
The start you were wrong
I'm just a prisoner
Don't wanna lock myself away
Prisoner - I get so lonely, lonely
I'm a prisoner
Just when do you think love will stay
It walks right out on you - out on you
Tired blood runs through my veins
But I can't get no sleep
You lock my heart
In these prison walls
This place I've got to leave
I'm a prisoner
Don't wanna lock myself away
Prisoner - I get so lonely, lonely
I'm a prisoner
Just when do you think love will stay
It walks right out on you - out on you
The sky is grey, it's raining
Like the storm in my heart
There ain't no use explaining
'Cause I'm leaving, leaving
Won't somebody set me free
Take me away from this misery
I get so lonely
I get so lonely, lonely, lonely
Won't somebody set me free
Please, please, set me free

Lovely little lady, you've got me on the run.
You're a love machine and you say that I'm your gun.
But I don't care, cause I've got to know...
You said you were a loser, the kind that came up rusted.
So I had to try hard to satisfy your thirst.
But I don't care, cause I've got to know...
The only time she's happy is when the bullets fly.
and she'll make you feel you're better than any other guy.
But I don't care, cause I've got to know...
Lovely little lady, you've got me on the run.

I feel you trying
Though in my heart
I know you're lying
And though your love
For me is dying
I see you crying
Its the pain of your secret heart
Bringing you to tears
Filling you with fears
For your mind and for your soul
I touch you softly now
Borne on by hope
Until the end somehow
I am a man and I must keep my vow
I must go on
But the wall of your secret heart
Keeps my distance clear
Helps my footsteps fall
Back in line inside my mind
What's the use you turned me loose
And left me here to cry
Wheres the love we talked about
Wheres my sunny sky
Secret hearts and sorry tales
Will never help love grow
Spread your wings my daunted soul
The time has come to go
I will not be hurried down
Or blackened by your lies
I must go and find my dream

Out on the street, dead on my feet
At the mercy of the stone-cold night
It's hard to compete
In a dead-end street
With frustration in your line of sight
Do you ever stop to think
Do you ever stop at all
Do you have the time to feel
And if you do
Do you know the feeling's real
Followed a sign that
Pointed the way
And I found myself
Right back at that start
I like to feel good
I've tried feeling sad
But I can't stand a broken heart
Don't wanna wait till my dyin' day
To realise
I guess I'm lucky in
A strange kinda way
'Cause it's clear before my eyes
A grey cloud they say
Hides a surprise
But it rained until I lost my belief
Just close your eyes
We'll show you the way
But I believe I've lost my faith
One man speaks and one man does
While another soul wields the sword
I hear you all, but I still can't see
Just who it is

On the rebound, on the rebound
That's how you fell for me
That's how you changed my life
You cut me like a knife
On the rebound, on the rebound
You came, you saw, you took
It only took one look
And lady, I was hooked
On the rebound - it's a replay ...
Your love was on the rebound
On the rebound
You came and took my soul
You came and left a hole
Where your love used to be
On the rebound, on the rebound
You like to drown in your tears
And after all these years
You give your pain to me
On the rebound - you came to me, babe
On the rebound - to set you free
On the rebound - too bad for me
Your love was on the rebound
You came to me
To set you free
To pray for me
It's a replay
You came to repay
It's a replay
To set you free
Just a replay
Your love was

One more night ...
City lights are
Burning in the distance
Seems they're tellin' me
To hurry home
But I can't push these
Wheels of mine no harder
So hold on baby for
One more night alone
There's time for me to take just
One look over my shoulder
One last glance at
What's been going on
'Cause I'll be there at
First light in the morning
We'll pick up the pieces
And baby, then we'll be long gone
Pick up the pieces and run with me
As fast as you can
You know you always said
I was the man
Pick up the pieces, let's do it now
Let's say our last farewell
Tomorrow may be too late
As far as I can tell

One day ...
Didn't I tell ya
Everything was gonna be alright
I never doubted
It was just a matter of time
And though I've travelled
Across the desert of despair
I know I'll get there one day
How times have changed
I better re-arrange it everything
But it can't change the love I bring
When I get back home to you
I am the same
It's just a game that I chose to play
But remember I can lose
As fast as I won one day
I still remember the hole in the wall
Where we all sat though
You said we'd fall
The dusty yard and
The broken down barn
Where you and me
Used to share a yarn
But it's gone now
But didn't I tell ya
That everything was
Gonna be alright
I never doubted
It was just a matter of time
Though I've travelled
Across the desert of despair
I know I'll get there one day
One day ...
I'll get there one day

I held the rope so tightly
As she climbed
Down from her room
We said we'd make our getaway
Underneath the moon
I always will remember
The night that we left home
And the words of warning
Ringing in my ears
More fool you, more fool me ...
New job, new friends and a family
In a house on the sunny side
We played on the wheel of fortune
But it was me that took the ride
It didn't work between us
I had to give it all away
And in the end I knew it had to be
If I've told you once
Then I've told you twice
But I'll tell you once again
Now she's taken away
Most everything

She got me to walk on water
I did what she said
She got me to steal the moonlight
Put it over her head
And after I moved the mountain
Which stood in the way
The answer was in the question
She asked me if I wanted to stay
All of my friends said it couldnt last
Id be another there in her past
But I disagree cause
I can't say say no, no, no, no
Save me, she's so hungry
Make a man do anything
I know, she gets hungry
Gets away like an innocent child
Save me, she's so hungry
Has the appetite to everything
I know, she's just hungry
Shes got the mind of a miracle child
And when I changed the seasons
And water to wine
I took all the wordly problems
And got the peace in our time
And after I built the temple
She wanted so bad
I took her to altar on sunday
To look at everything that we had
I could say no, but I always do
Someone outside
Would be comin through
And I can't stop her
I can't say no, no, no, no
Shes so hungry

Well the very first time I saw you darling
Not one single word would come to my lips
Yes, the very first time I saw you darling
Not one single word would come to my lips
You see, I was so afraid you wouldn't love me
I want to tell you right now
I was frightened right down to my fingertips
So baby when you went away
That unlucky day last September
I was like a little lost boy in the wilderness
Baby baby baby baby baby baby baby
When you went away, oh yeah
I was like a little lost boy in the wilderness
And I've just been sitting and thinking
Of everybody I've ever known
Ooo, well you know I still love you the best

She’s got an eye on youThere’s nowhere to hideShe keeps her motives stillDeep down insideShe shows no mercy, noShe plays it roughShe don’t want no moneyShe just wants to loveLove stealer, raw dealerHeart breaker, love takerYeah yeah ...She walks in the shadowsAs she waits for the nightShe gets what she’s looking forShe knows how to fightIf you see her comingThen you’d better knowIf your love’s for the takingShe’ll steal the showShe just can’t go round there firstFacing the jointThen she’ll move inAnd get right to the pointSo keep your love locked awayDon’t let it showOr the love stealer will rock youFor more than you’ll know

It's gotta be love
It's gotta be love or nothing
You gotta make up your mind
'cause you're running out of time
you know it's your game
and the winner takes all
it's time for you to realise
there's gonna be no compromise
it's gonna be love
it's gonna be love or nothing at all
it's gonna be love or nothing
it's gotta be love (la
or nothing at all.
I've thought about a new beginning
but you know your heart's not in
there's something inside
that ain't hearing my call.
And each new misty morning
brings a constant warning
it's gotta be love
it's gotta be love or nothing at all.
It's gotta be love (La
It's gotta be love or nothing at all
you gimme your love or nothing at all
you gimme your love.
It's no good coming in the back seat
in the name of love
or tryin' to be somebody
that you know you're not
sneaking out the back door
at the dead of night
'cause you're never gonna find out
what it's really like.
it's gotta be love (la
it's gotta be love or nothing at all
it's gotta be love or nothing.
I got the chills they're multiplyin'

A masquerade of dancing shadows
Appear before me
Through my mystic window
And soon to be seen
I saw presented
Became a vision that
I saw resented
I stood and watched
Its image changing
The unseen hand was rearranging
And all the time I wondered
How did it wind
Slowly, surely it unfolded
Its simple lines just as
A pole wind told it
A temporary revolution
My problems rose and fell
With a lapse of illusion
My mind was telling me, don't fight it
It's just a hazard in the night
Don't do those
Who've lost their way
It's a masquerade
Masquerade, it's a masquerade ...

She's lost in the night
She's out of my sight
Gotta find her again
She's out of my life
Gotta find her again
Will I ever see the daylight
Will I ever see the sun
Will I ever know the reason
Like a shadow she's gone
She's lost in the night
Out of my sight
Will I find her again
Taken my life
Have to find her again
Will I ever see the daylight
Will I ever see the dawn
How can I ever find her
She's just a shadow
Missing person
I don't know where she's gone
Lost one love, last seen somewhere
Walkin' away from the light
Lost one love, somewhere last seen
Walkin' into the night, she's gone
Will I ever see the daylight
Will I ever see the sun
Can I ever know the reason
Like a shadow, missing person
I don't know where she's gone
Lost one love, last seen somewhere
Walkin' away from the light
Lost one love, somewhere last seen
Walkin' into the night
She's lost in the night
And I don't the reason
Will I find her again
She's out of my sight
But I can't lose this feeling
Will I find her again

Here we are
Once more in a world full of fantasy
Dream again
You need to believe in a future
That's bright as the sun
Shining there for you
Shining there for me
I am the mountain high, I am the sea
In the moment you take possession
It'll all disappear and there's the lesson
And the minute you think it's over
Say the word and your dream
Is coming back
All the way
I followed the road that was real to me
And suddenly
You take it for granted
And things don't turn out
Like you planned
When you think you've found
What is good and true
Through the open door
It can really turn on you
So here we are
We look for the light in so many eyes
And in our life
When hope starts to fade
There's a strength that
We give to each other
Walking in the sky over everyone
Head above the coulds

Sometimes I'm certain
Sometimes my mind is
Filled with doubt
Some thoughts lay heavy here
Sometimes I think it's figured out
Endless voyage of discovery
I'm at once impatient and afraid
Some day you may walk out on me
At least when you're with me
I'm not afraid to live with mystery
I'm sure you know how sad
One night without a dream can be
Imagination, bitter-sweet companion
As my time flies by
Love-hate relation
Hand in hand toward infinity
Lead me here, lead me there
Everywhere if you really dare
Today, tonight, tomorrow
You don't have to take my hand
I'll take it just the way it's planned
Lead on, speed on, I'll follow
When you see me coming
You're gonna know I'm not alone
Me and my imagination
We'll be side by side any way
The wind is blown
Love songs and fantasies
They've kept us busy
Since the day we met
Each new horizon

In a forest known as heartbreak
In a clearing in the wood
'Cross a pathway called confusion
Toward the garden of delight
You'll reach the river of desire
And meekly try and cross it
While the valley of love
Keeps avoiding you
Because it's only an illusion
Only an illusion
Upon the hill of high ideals
You begin to wonder if it's real
You are reaching sleep's oasis
You begin to wonder how you feel
But it happens so quickly
It doesn't fit into your scenes
Tossin' and turnin'
The star of so many scenes
It's only an illusion

You make it all sound easy
Now you’ve tasted all my wine
I never wanted to hear the news
That you’d found another man
But it’s hard to see
What you want from me
It’s not easy to be in-between
It’s now up to you to
Make the move this time
But it ain’t easy when you
Don’t know where to turn
And it ain’t easy
But you take the chance
The final chance to learn
Yes, to learn
That it ain’t easy when you
Don’t know where to turn
And it ain’t easy, so you take a look
Another look at life - look at life
‘Cause it ain’t what you’ve got
In the palm of your hand
And it’s not what you’ll get
From another man
That will last you
The rest of your life my friend
Monday morning’s waiting
Take a look at what you see
Make the most of your life
Don’t keep the pages clean
Baby, now you’ve got this chance
Don’t leave me out
It’s so hard when
You’re in-between
What you need and
What may never be

There I was on a July morning looking for love.
With the strength of a new day dawning and the beautiful sun.
At the sound of the first bird singing I was leaving for home.
With the storm and the night behind me and a road of my own.
With the day
came the resolution
I'll be looking for you.
I was looking for love in the strangest places.
There wasn't a stone that I left unturned.
I must have tried more than a thousand faces,
but not one was aware of the fire that burned
In my heart,
in my mind,
in my soul.
In my heart,
in my mind,
in my soul.
There I was on a July morning - I was looking for love.
With the strength of a new day dawning and the beautiful sun.
At the sound of the first bird singing I was leaving for home.
With the storm and the night behind me and a road of my own.
With the day
came the resolution

You - you brought the sunshine to my eyes.
You - the one that threw my sad disguise.
And I have a love that cannot die - for you.
High priestess of my heart.
Tell me that we won't fall.
Then I stood together in the sky.
Leave your lonely walks and wonder why.
For we have a love they can't deny - so true.
High priestess of my heart.

Lost, lost like a precious flame
The ashes burn on
The ghost of a love we had
Tries to hold on, tries to hold on
No communication
All systems are down
No new conversation
Never a sound, never a sound
What's the point in holdin' on
When the spirit is gone, holdin' on
What's the point in holdin' on
When the spirit is gone
Cold, cold as the empty night
Deep in your eyes
I know there's no truth, no light
Only your lies, only your lies
The circle's broken
The damage is done
The crystal lies
Smashed on the floor
Your presence has left me now
Your spirit has gone
The ghost of a love we had
Tries to hold on, tries to hold on
The circle's broken
The damage is done

I had a spider woman
And she was so good
She chained me
In her web so tight
I lost the freedom
Of release that night
So I stayed right by her
I dreamt I saw a blind man
Who was singing a song
About a guy who
Couldn't take no more
And the meaning of
The words he swore
Told me go find her
She was a spider woman
But she was good to me
Spider Woman
But she was good to me
I told her 'bout my vision
But she laughed in my face
So I told her go
And walk in the street
But by the time
She got past my feet
I lost control
