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Keeping Austin weird

UTE JUNKER Hipsters, tech nerds and an astounding live music scene keeps Austin a city at odds with much of the rest of Texas.

Latest travel news

'Drunk' Jetstar passenger claims to have AK-47

Rachel Young 9:07am 'Drunk' Australian man onboard Jetstar flight arriving from Melbourne told the crew there was an AK-47 rifle in his cabin luggage.

USA: Trail to Los Angeles sign closes

Airlines: Pilot: 'I assume I'm not at your airport'

Cruising: $3000 a night in cruise sick bay

Latest travel news


The seven deadly sins of travel

Travel broadens the mind - and possibly indulges some of our worst traits, as these writers reveal.


On the right track

It's worth meeting the challenge of a famously chaotic rail system, writes Leisa Tyler.

Western Australia

One day three ways: Broome

Brian Johnston Board a helicopter for a bird's-eye coastline view and get a four-hour tour of Willie Creek.


The city that Canada forgot

Dramatic changes in climate make this city almost unrecognisable from one season to the next.


Weekend Away: Miller's Hill, Glenrowan

Sue Wallace Sue Wallace is deep in Ned Kelly territory at the Miller's Hill B&B; at Glenrowan.


Discretion guaranteed

UTE JUNKER This Paris hotel is made for liasions dangereuse.

Expert traveller

The secret to having a good time in LA

The Backpacker To visit Los Angeles for the first time is to be chronically underwhelmed.

Comments 1

I need a break from Afghanistan

THE TRIPOLOGIST This calls for heavy duty R&R; with warmth, sun, sea, a virile culture that embraces you.

Mama Holiday

Where to take your pets on holiday

TRACEY SPICER They say you should never work with children or animals. But what about holidaying with them?

Aussie travellers pickpocket victims

Travellers' Check It's not street urchins Aussie travellers need to worry about.

Comments 27

Travel Insider

What is Australia's most iconic site?

JANE E FRASER Which single icon says the most about Australia and what defines us?

Comments 31


Flight test: Etihad business class

FLIGHT TEST This is the best service I have had on an airline for a long time.

Luxe Nomad

What can I take from a hotel room?

LEE TULLOCH My friend Ruprecht (not his real name) wants me to write a column about hotel kleptomaniacs.

Why I'll still fly Malaysia Airlines

The Backpacker 'If it ain't Boeing, I ain't going' the catchphrase goes. But does an airline's safety reputation really matter?

Comments 106


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Six of the best: High-rise hotels

Ute Junker writes where to get the best city views from your hotel room in some of the world's most popular cities.
