
1943 1 серия (29.04.2013) Военная драма сериал
Все серии сериала "1943" на Ютюбе: http://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLYUkY5DuEzN_Y2q8c...
published: 29 Apr 2013
author: MeJIoguka
1943 1 серия (29.04.2013) Военная драма сериал
1943 1 серия (29.04.2013) Военная драма сериал
Все серии сериала "1943" на Ютюбе: http://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLYUkY5DuEzN_Y2q8cb2aVQ63QVPkh2Yg8 Действия фильма "1943" разворачиваются во время Вт...- published: 29 Apr 2013
- views: 96450
- author: MeJIoguka

周杰倫【上海 一九四三 官方完整MV】Jay Chou "Shanghai 1943" MV
周杰倫官方版MV_ JAY CHOU OFFICIAL MUSIC VIDEO 周杰倫上海一九四三曲: 周杰倫/ 詞: 方文山收錄於2001年發行的『范特西』專輯Jay Chou ...
published: 24 Oct 2012
author: 杰威爾音樂 JVR Music International
周杰倫【上海 一九四三 官方完整MV】Jay Chou "Shanghai 1943" MV
周杰倫【上海 一九四三 官方完整MV】Jay Chou "Shanghai 1943" MV
周杰倫官方版MV_ JAY CHOU OFFICIAL MUSIC VIDEO 周杰倫上海一九四三曲: 周杰倫/ 詞: 方文山收錄於2001年發行的『范特西』專輯Jay Chou "Shanghai 1943" Song: Jay Chou / Lyrics: Vincent Fang Recorde...- published: 24 Oct 2012
- views: 216826
- author: 杰威爾音樂 JVR Music International

1943 2 серия (29.04.2013) Военная драма сериал
Все серии сериала "1943" на Ютюбе: http://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLYUkY5DuEzN_Y2q8c...
published: 29 Apr 2013
author: MeJIoguka
1943 2 серия (29.04.2013) Военная драма сериал
1943 2 серия (29.04.2013) Военная драма сериал
Все серии сериала "1943" на Ютюбе: http://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLYUkY5DuEzN_Y2q8cb2aVQ63QVPkh2Yg8 Действия фильма "1943" разворачиваются во время Вт...- published: 29 Apr 2013
- views: 41848
- author: MeJIoguka

Краснодар 1942-1943
Документальный фильм, реконструирующий бои в районе Краснодара в годы Великой Отечественно...
published: 08 May 2013
author: ValeryMelnikov
Краснодар 1942-1943
Краснодар 1942-1943
Документальный фильм, реконструирующий бои в районе Краснодара в годы Великой Отечественной войны. Производство: студия "ДисКолор" 2013 год. Режиссёр и сцена...- published: 08 May 2013
- views: 20117
- author: ValeryMelnikov

Hi Diddle Diddle
When the bride's mother is supposedly swindled out of her money by a spurned suitor, the g...
published: 09 May 2011
author: VISOCinema
Hi Diddle Diddle
Hi Diddle Diddle
When the bride's mother is supposedly swindled out of her money by a spurned suitor, the groom's father orchestrates a scheme of his own to set things right....- published: 09 May 2011
- views: 3512
- author: VISOCinema

Victory Through Air Power (1943) Walt Disney Productions .AVC X264-1 cartoons
This is a unique film in Disney Production's history. This film is essentially a propagand...
published: 11 Apr 2013
author: andythebeagle
Victory Through Air Power (1943) Walt Disney Productions .AVC X264-1 cartoons
Victory Through Air Power (1943) Walt Disney Productions .AVC X264-1 cartoons
This is a unique film in Disney Production's history. This film is essentially a propaganda film selling Major Alexander de Seversky's theories about the pra...- published: 11 Apr 2013
- views: 3608
- author: andythebeagle

Курская битва 1943. Часть 1 (Танки Т-70, Stug, Ferdinand, Т-34, TIger)
Курская битва 1943 год Восточный фронт. Советские войска - Танки Т-70, Т-34, Т-34 85 Герма...
published: 14 Aug 2012
author: Dreammka
Курская битва 1943. Часть 1 (Танки Т-70, Stug, Ferdinand, Т-34, TIger)
Курская битва 1943. Часть 1 (Танки Т-70, Stug, Ferdinand, Т-34, TIger)
Курская битва 1943 год Восточный фронт. Советские войска - Танки Т-70, Т-34, Т-34 85 Германские войска - Танки Stug, Panzer Mark VI Tiger, Ferdinand Передача...- published: 14 Aug 2012
- views: 38534
- author: Dreammka

Честный фильм о нашей войне(Битвы России). США(1943)
Вполне честный американский фильм о России и Русском народе, на протяжении столетий против...
published: 03 Aug 2013
author: Markos ZabihOvich
Честный фильм о нашей войне(Битвы России). США(1943)
Честный фильм о нашей войне(Битвы России). США(1943)
Вполне честный американский фильм о России и Русском народе, на протяжении столетий противостоящем внешней агрессии. Почему на Россию шли с войнами? И как ге...- published: 03 Aug 2013
- views: 52
- author: Markos ZabihOvich

1943 Battle of Kursk - Russian Footage Only
http://digilander.libero.it/romanoarchives/ http://www.webalice.it/romanoarchives 1943 Rus...
published: 30 Sep 2012
author: UnknownWW2InColor
1943 Battle of Kursk - Russian Footage Only
1943 Battle of Kursk - Russian Footage Only
http://digilander.libero.it/romanoarchives/ http://www.webalice.it/romanoarchives 1943 Russian footage related to the Battle of Kursk. http://en.wikipedia.or...- published: 30 Sep 2012
- views: 738138
- author: UnknownWW2InColor

「1943」(アーケード版)ワンコインクリアを目指す 4/4
STAGE13~16 ついに最終ステージ。最終ステージのみコンティニュー不可の仕様。厳しすぎる。 *ヘタレプレーヤーにつき連射機能ONです*...
published: 24 Sep 2009
author: saihousou100z
「1943」(アーケード版)ワンコインクリアを目指す 4/4
「1943」(アーケード版)ワンコインクリアを目指す 4/4
STAGE13~16 ついに最終ステージ。最終ステージのみコンティニュー不可の仕様。厳しすぎる。 *ヘタレプレーヤーにつき連射機能ONです*- published: 24 Sep 2009
- views: 74078
- author: saihousou100z

AERIAL GUNNER (1943) Chester Morris - Richard Arlen - Jimmy Lydon
THRILLS...ACTION..."Somewhere in the Pacific" An old rivalry between two pilots is re-igni...
published: 14 Jan 2013
author: TheVideoCellar
AERIAL GUNNER (1943) Chester Morris - Richard Arlen - Jimmy Lydon
AERIAL GUNNER (1943) Chester Morris - Richard Arlen - Jimmy Lydon
THRILLS...ACTION..."Somewhere in the Pacific" An old rivalry between two pilots is re-ignited when they both begin to go after the same girl.- published: 14 Jan 2013
- views: 8464
- author: TheVideoCellar

Night Bombers 1943
A unique record of the nightly air raids made on Germany during World War II. Archive colo...
published: 31 Dec 2012
author: Wings
Night Bombers 1943
Night Bombers 1943
A unique record of the nightly air raids made on Germany during World War II. Archive colour footage from No. 1 Group, Royal Air Force operating Avro Lancast...- published: 31 Dec 2012
- views: 48169
- author: Wings
Vimeo results:

30 Years of Remington Steele - A Scrapbook
Disclaimer: I don't own Remington Steele or any of the characters. I merely borrowed the c...
published: 15 May 2012
author: lauraholt1943
30 Years of Remington Steele - A Scrapbook
Disclaimer: I don't own Remington Steele or any of the characters. I merely borrowed the clips from the videos as a tribute to the stars and creators of the show. All copyrights are owned by whoever owns the show right now. The original theme music remains the property of the composer and anyone else who can legally lay claim to the music. Thank you for letting me borrow the videos and the music.
Dedication: The most heartfelt of thanks and gratitude to Ms. Stephanie Zimbalist, for giving us Laura Holt to admire and emulate in our lives. Thank you Robert Butler and Michael Gleason for creating such a strong female empowering character in Laura Holt. To Ms. Judith A. Moose, thank you for writing the book "Steele Loved After All These Years". It inspired me to make this video.
Description: :Remington Steele came into being in 1982, an era when female empowerment was frowned upon. The character of Laura Holt set the standard for women who wanted to break free of the typical female mold as dictated by society. Unfortunately she had to hide behind a non-existent man's name to do it. Embodied in the persona of Stephanie Zimbalist, this video is a tribute to her under appreciated talent in her portrayal of the role that made the show an inspiration to women then and now.

Laura Holt: Who Are You Mr. Steele?
Disclaimer: I don't own Remington Steele or any of the characters. I merely borrowed the c...
published: 16 Jul 2012
author: lauraholt1943
Laura Holt: Who Are You Mr. Steele?
Disclaimer: I don't own Remington Steele or any of the characters. I merely borrowed the clips from the videos as a tribute to the stars and creators of the show. All copyrights are owned by whoever owns the show right now. The original theme music and other music used remain the property of the composers and anyone else who can legally lay claim to the music. Thank you for letting me borrow the videos and the music.
Description: Laura Holt and Remington Steele have been through thick and thin together. She has sacrificed many things in her life in order to prove her love to him. She has suffered with him when required and protected him when he needed it. Yet after all she has done for him she still does not know who he is. So she continues to ask "Who are you Mr. Steele?"

Laura Holt: Give me "Your Kiss of Fire" Mr. Steele
Disclaimer: I don't own Remington Steele or any of the characters. I merely borrowed the c...
published: 23 May 2012
author: lauraholt1943
Laura Holt: Give me "Your Kiss of Fire" Mr. Steele
Disclaimer: I don't own Remington Steele or any of the characters. I merely borrowed the clips from the videos as a tribute to the stars and creators of the show. All copyrights are owned by whoever owns the show right now. The original theme music remains the property of the composer and anyone else who can legally lay claim to the music. Thank you for letting me borrow the videos and the music.
Description: Laura Holt and Remington Steele are wildly passionate about each other. This video gives us a glimpse into the passionate romance that the hottest TV romantic detective tandem shared. Their kisses are certainly enough to light a "Kiss of Fire".

Laura Holt: I "Got To Be Certain Mr. Steele
Disclaimer: I don't own Remington Steele or any of the characters. I merely borrowed the c...
published: 28 Apr 2012
author: lauraholt1943
Laura Holt: I "Got To Be Certain Mr. Steele
Disclaimer: I don't own Remington Steele or any of the characters. I merely borrowed the clips from the videos as a tribute to the stars and creators of the show. All copyrights are owned by whoever owns the show right now. The song Say The Word I'll be There remains the property of the original composers, singer, and anyone else who can legally lay claim to the song. Thanks for letting me borrow the videos and the song.
Story: Laura Holt is crazy about Remington Steele and he is just as nuts about her. So what is keeping them from getting to the next level in their relationship ? He asks the question and she answers that she's "Got To Be Certain.
Note: Response video to Remington Steele: "What Do I Have To Do: Laura? that can also be found in this channel.
Song: Got To Be Certain
Singer: Kylie Minogue
Composer: Stock / Aitken / Waterman
Youtube results:

Wołyń 1943. sł. muz. Lech Makowiecki
Wołyń 1943. sł. muz. Lech Makowiecki. Utwór z płyty "Patriotyzm"...
published: 23 Jun 2011
author: fanahz
Wołyń 1943. sł. muz. Lech Makowiecki
Wołyń 1943. sł. muz. Lech Makowiecki
Wołyń 1943. sł. muz. Lech Makowiecki. Utwór z płyty "Patriotyzm"- published: 23 Jun 2011
- views: 113237
- author: fanahz

1943 - 14 серия из 16 (2013) Военная драма
Сериал 1943 14 серия из 16 (2013) Военная драма Сериал «1943», покажет вам не легкую судьб...
published: 07 May 2013
author: Postevka4
1943 - 14 серия из 16 (2013) Военная драма
1943 - 14 серия из 16 (2013) Военная драма
Сериал 1943 14 серия из 16 (2013) Военная драма Сериал «1943», покажет вам не легкую судьбу людей, которые прошли Великую Отечественную войну. Судьба не раз ...- published: 07 May 2013
- views: 2520
- author: Postevka4

Der Fuehrer's Face: Donald Duck as a Nazi | 1943 | WW2 Animated Propaganda Short Film by Walt Disney
My channel: http://youtube.com/TheBestFilmArchives
SUBSCRIBE: http://youtube.com/subscript...
published: 19 Oct 2013
Der Fuehrer's Face: Donald Duck as a Nazi | 1943 | WW2 Animated Propaganda Short Film by Walt Disney
Der Fuehrer's Face: Donald Duck as a Nazi | 1943 | WW2 Animated Propaganda Short Film by Walt Disney
My channel: http://youtube.com/TheBestFilmArchives SUBSCRIBE: http://youtube.com/subscription_center?add_user=TheBestFilmArchives Facebook: https://facebook.com/TheBestFilmArchives Twitter: https://twitter.com/BestFilmArch Der Fuehrer's Face (originally titled Donald Duck in Nutzi Land) is a 1943 American animated propaganda short film produced by Walt Disney and released in 1943. The cartoon, which features Donald Duck in a nightmare setting working as a slave at a factory in Nazi Germany, was made in an effort to sell war bonds and is an example of American propaganda during World War II. Der Fuehrer's Face won the Academy Award for Best Animated Short Film. Der Fuehrer's Face, Donald Duck as a Nazi, 1943, animated, propaganda, short film, by Walt Disney, animation, cartoon, fuhrer, führer, nightmare, slave, slaving, Nazi regime, marching, march, Germans, Italians, Japanese, swastika, Nutziland, Nazi artillery factory, music from Wagner's comic opera Die Meistersinger von Nürnberg, band, Axis leaders, Hideki Tojo, Hermann Göring, Goering, Goring, Joseph Goebbels, Benito Mussolini, Heinrich Himmler, virtues of the Nazi doctrine, Adolf Hitler, work. Herr Donald, Heils, Heil Hitler, Hail Hitler, 88, Nazi salute, Hitler Salute, Hitler greeting, greeting in Nazi Germany, Heil, mein Führer, Hail, my leader, Sieg Heil, Hail victory, mandatory, military salute, picture, portrait portraits of the Führer, the Emperor Hirohito, Il Duce Benito Mussolini, wartime, Mein Kampf, Donald salutes the Fuehrer, artillery shells, Charlie Chaplin, The Great Dictator, Der große Diktator, Hitler parody, comedy, propaganda message, the superiority of the Aryan race, the glory of working for the Fuehrer, proud, comic, caricature, Hitler's angry face. tomato is thrown at Hitler's face, Walt Disney Treasures: On the Front Lines, The Chronological Donald, Education for Death, banned, banned cartoon, Nazi dictatorship, Donald Fauntleroy Duck, Don, Duck Avenger, Superduck, Paperinik, Captain Blue, Fantonald, funny animal cartoon character, Walt Disney Productions, Mickey Mouse, animated cartoon, Goofy, Daisy Duck, duck, kids, kid, child, children, Darth Vader vs Hitler, Epic Rap Battles of History, Hitler The Rise of Evil, Hitler rap, Adolf Hitler speech, reaction, Der Untergang, Downfall, Hell March, song, music, German war crimes, Holocaust, murdered, died, witnesses, Warsaw, Ghetto, genocide, gas, torture, killing, civilians, resistance, Nuremberg Trials, massacre, guilty, hanged, General, Hitlerjugend, Holocaust denier, proof, evidence, train, extermination camp, death camp, gas chambers, crematoria, cremation, Israel, Israeli, final solution, National Socialist German Workers' Party, Kristallnacht, Auschwitz, Majdanek, Sobibor, Treblinka, Dachau, Buchenwald, Adolf Eichmann, Rudolf Hoess, Josef Mengele, Arbeit macht Frei, wwii, wwii in, the wwii, in wwii, wwii war, wwii 2, during wwii, german wwii, wwii german, us wwii, us in wwii, wwii us, american wwii, wwii american, wwii germany, germany wwii, germany in wwii, ww2, the ww2, german ww2, ww2 german, us in ww2, ww2 us, us ww2, germany ww2, ww2 germany, germany in ww2, world war, world in war, world at war, war of world, the world war, world of war, world of war 2, 2 world war, the world war 2, world at war 2, war world 2, world war 2, world war two, ii world war, world war ii, war world ii, the second world war, world war history, germany in world war 2, germany world war 2, world war 2 germany, Hitler, Adolf Hitler, leader Adolf Hitler, nazi, Nazi anthem, German anthem, the nazi, hitler nazi, nazi hitler, germany nazi, nazi german, german nazi, nazi army, nazi war, the nazi party, nazi and jews, nazi jews, Nazism, fascist, fascism, Germany, berlin germany, germany berlin, history of germany, germany history, German, german army, Berlin, Jew, Jewish, Axis, Allies, Rommel, Mussolini, Italy, Rome, Overlord, D-day, Normandy, 1941, Europe, Wehrmacht, Swastika, Third Reich, Racist, Anti Semitism, Hell, Nuremberg, Leader, NSDAP, National Socialist, SA, SS, Munich, Tank, Blitzkrieg, Churchill, Hiroshima, Pearl Harbor, empire, invasion, enemy, attack, soldiers, prison, two, second, communism, communist, vs, dictator, dictatorship, Bolshevik, soviet, party, Soviet Union, USSR, secret, Russia, Moscow, Red Army, Stalin, speech, biography, execution, propaganda, Atom, Atomic, bomb, war, game, America, American, USA, US, U.S., United States, army, us army, navy, air force, marine, military, battle, front, campaign, combat, victory, defeat, peace, Pacific, Asia, Japan, Jap, Japanese, in color, hd, documentary, history, weapon, power, regime, film, movie, video, footage, full, watch, news, Short, motion picture, Education, Archive, about, anti, operation, airborne, veterans, president, bloody, kill, killing, offensive, Canada, Australia, India, Indian, England, Great Britain, English, UK, Austria, France, Poland,- published: 19 Oct 2013
- views: 123