
Jenn Goes to Korea
Instagram: http://instagram.com/imjennim
Twitter: http://twitter.com/imjennim
published: 20 Nov 2013
Jenn Goes to Korea
Jenn Goes to Korea
Instagram: http://instagram.com/imjennim Twitter: http://twitter.com/imjennim ** CLICK HERE FOR LINKS •• In October, I spent nine days (two days were spent on traveling) to Korea with my older brother, James. It was our first vacation together and I feel as if we've gotten so much closer now. I only see him a few times a year, so I'm grateful that we had a chance to bond and grow together. -------- OUTFIT INFO -------- → DAY 1 - Hamsa hand top: http://www.motelrocks.com/products/Motel-Bonnie-Long-Sleeved-Crop-Top-in-Henna-Hand-Black.html - Denim skirt: http://bit.ly/1askWW5 - Jeffrey Campbell Margot - Backpack: http://k-styleme.com/bags.html → DAY 2 - Cropped sweater: Aland - Denim skirt: http://store.americanapparel.net/product/?productId=rsadm302 - Burgundy boots: Hongdae - Coin purse: http://chicnova.com - Brown beige turtleneck: Urban Outfitters - Black jeans: http://runwaybandits.com → DAY 4 - White button down: Topshop - Emerald crop sweater: Urban Outfitters - Black wax shorts: AG - Black laceup flats: http://k-styleme.com/shoes/loafers-and-flats.html → DAY 5 - Joy Division top: Flea market - Pleather overalls: Hongdae - Burgundy boots: Hongdae → DAY 6 - Jersey top: Hellz Bellz - Pleather cap: Korea - Speckled cardigan: http://k-styleme.com - Skort: Sheinside -------- CAMERA AND EDITING INFO -------- - Filmed with a Canon T3i with the kit lens - Edited on Final Cut Pro ------ MUSIC -------- Strangehead: http://soundcloud.com/iamstrangehead DJ Grumble: http://soundcloud.com/gbeats Robotaki:http://soundcloud.com/robotaki Kosmo Kat: https://soundcloud.com/kosmo-kat Eli Colburn: https://soundcloud.com/elicolburn Bo en: https://soundcloud.com/bo-en Imchanel: http://soundcloud.com/imchanel Psykon: http://soundcloud.com/daftnuts FTC: This is NOT a sponsored video- published: 20 Nov 2013
- views: 140823

TL;DR - Korea Will Change You
We've been here in Korea for 5 years now. How has Korea changed us? How will Korea change ...
published: 05 Jun 2013
author: Eat Your Kimchi
TL;DR - Korea Will Change You
TL;DR - Korea Will Change You
We've been here in Korea for 5 years now. How has Korea changed us? How will Korea change you? We talk about some of the profound changes we've experienced w...- published: 05 Jun 2013
- views: 183180
- author: Eat Your Kimchi

The Real Doctor Evil: Kim Jong Il's North Korea
Free for a limited time only: The secret life of the Former North Korea dictator!
For dow...
published: 17 Dec 2013
The Real Doctor Evil: Kim Jong Il's North Korea
The Real Doctor Evil: Kim Jong Il's North Korea
Free for a limited time only: The secret life of the Former North Korea dictator! For downloads and more information visit: http://www.journeyman.tv/?lid=17934 North Korea was identified as part of the axis of evil by George Bush. Taking an archive-based trip through North Korea's recent history, we find out it's probably a fair assessment. 'The Real Dr Evil' explores the rise of Kim Jong-il after his father, Kim II- sung's, death. His father, who is referred to as 'Great Leader' by North Korea, was a highly praised and well-respected leader -the founder of North Korea and commander of the fifth largest standing army in the world. Following the death of Kim II- sung, Kim Jong- il was left to fulfil the position of his father, however many doubted he had the right skills to follow in his footsteps. He was seen as a black sheep as rarely taken seriously. Everyone felt that Kim Jong- il would struggle to keep up to his father's standards. Were they right? 'The Real Dr Evil' follows the fascinating journey of Kim Jong- il -- from his childhood experiences, through his education, to his controversial leadership. When the great economic collapse of the mid-90s struck, Jong-il left many of his citizens to suffer. But as many began to lose hope, Jung-il began approaching many western countries for help. Many perceived this distress signal positively, others did not. Old Street Films/Rob Lemkin - Ref 2512- published: 17 Dec 2013
- views: 150607

North Korean Motorcycle Diaries
For the past decade, New Zealanders Joanne and Gareth Morgan have been living the semireti...
published: 10 Dec 2013
North Korean Motorcycle Diaries
North Korean Motorcycle Diaries
For the past decade, New Zealanders Joanne and Gareth Morgan have been living the semiretired lifestyle of their dreams, traveling around the world on motorcycles alongside a few of their closest friends. They've traversed all seven continents on their bikes, with routes as varied as Venice to Beijing, Florida to northern Alaska, and South Africa to London, just to name a few. Gareth funds his own trips, many of which he uses to pursue philanthropic endeavors, particularly in the social-investment space. He is able to do so with money he's made as an economist and investment manager—one who has earned the reputation for criticizing unethical practices in New Zealand's financial-services industry. In late August, the Morgans embarked on their most ambitious journey yet, at least physically. The real journey began years ago, when they decided they wanted to ride the Baekdudaegan, a mountain range that stretches the length of North and South Korea's shared peninsula. After countless hours of negotiation and coordination with both governments, they were granted permission. It was, the Morgans believe, the first time anyone's ever traveled through both countries like that since the partitioning of Korea in 1945. By making the trip they hoped to demonstrate how Koreans can come together over what they have in common. To symbolize this, the Morgans took some stones from Paektu, a holy mountain in the North, and brought them to Hallasan, a similarly sacred peak in the South. Joanne and Gareth shot the entirety of their trip, the footage from which they have graciously allowed us to cut into a short film that will premiere on VICE.com this month. In some ways, the footage makes the Korean coast look alternately like California, China, and Cuba. It's a beautiful view few foreigners have seen, and even if planning the road trip straight through the Demilitarized Zone required working within parameters set by the highly choreographed and restricted confines of North-South Korean diplomacy, this was a journey worth documenting from start to finish. Check out the Best of VICE here: http://bit.ly/VICE-Best-Of Subscribe to VICE here! http://bit.ly/Subscribe-to-VICE Check out our full video catalog: http://bit.ly/VICE-Videos Videos, daily editorial and more: http://vice.com Like VICE on Facebook: http://fb.com/vice Follow VICE on Twitter: http://twitter.com/vice Read our tumblr: http://vicemag.tumblr.com- published: 10 Dec 2013
- views: 48242

North Korean Camps - North Korea
November 2008
The only escapee of North Koreas most brutal prison camp has lived to tel...
published: 24 Sep 2013
North Korean Camps - North Korea
North Korean Camps - North Korea
November 2008 The only escapee of North Koreas most brutal prison camp has lived to tell us a story of unspeakable horror. Starved of food and common humanity, Shin proves that gulags are still a tragic reality. We were always hungry. Shins most vivid memory of his life in the camp is the constant hunger he felt, food made me escape, even if it was going to cost me my life. The only thing that interested me was the food. Before his escape three years ago, he didnt even know that a world existed beyond the barbed wires. Until then, his life had been one of torture, hard labour and complete isolation. My mother was supposed to inform on me and me on her. He believed she deserved her fate as he witnessed her execution. I blamed her. I had no real feelings as a kid. Shin didnt know love, only violence. Once the guards beat a little girl on the head so hard, she died the next day. He eventually escaped through a gap in a high-voltage fence. His charred legs still bear the scars. As horrible as it is, Shins story is not unique. Wang, himself a former prisoner, is a prominent writer on the subject. He believes that oppression in North Korea will keep increasing: The brutality of the system has grown to the point where Kim Jong Il now fears that he will suffer the same fate as Caucescu of Romania. He simply wants to kill all his enemies.- published: 24 Sep 2013
- views: 303021

5 Things Korea Does Better than the USA
My new Korean Beauty Channel: http://www.youtube.com/channel/UCBjp1... My Facebook: http:/...
published: 22 Jun 2013
author: ChelseaSpeak3
5 Things Korea Does Better than the USA
5 Things Korea Does Better than the USA
My new Korean Beauty Channel: http://www.youtube.com/channel/UCBjp1... My Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/ChelseaSpeak3 My tumblr: http://lovelylovablelovi...- published: 22 Jun 2013
- views: 33883
- author: ChelseaSpeak3

North Korea: Accounts from Camp Survivors
A new United Nations report has found that crimes against humanity are occurring in North ...
published: 17 Feb 2014
North Korea: Accounts from Camp Survivors
North Korea: Accounts from Camp Survivors
A new United Nations report has found that crimes against humanity are occurring in North Korea and calls for an international tribunal to investigate and hold perpetrators to account. The report, by a UN Commission of Inquiry appointed by the UN Human Rights Council in March 2013, recommends that the UN Security Council refer the situation in North Korea to the International Criminal Court (ICC) and that the UN High Commissioner for Human Rights carry out investigations. The three person commission, which was chaired by Australian jurist Michael Kirby, will formally present its findings to the Human Rights Council on or around March 17, 2014. The council will then consider a resolution to act on the commission's recommendations.- published: 17 Feb 2014
- views: 61937

Inside North Korea BBC Panorama News Programme
North Korean travel experts have slammed the BBC for putting local guides at risk, saying ...
published: 15 Apr 2013
Inside North Korea BBC Panorama News Programme
Inside North Korea BBC Panorama News Programme
North Korean travel experts have slammed the BBC for putting local guides at risk, saying the country would hold them responsible for the actions of the journalists who posed as LSE students on a tour of the country. And two tour guides speaking to HuffPost UK said it was relatively easy for anyone to visit the country, and even obtain a journalist visa. The London School of Economics has expressed fury at BBC journalists who went undercover on a student trip to North Korea, claiming the corporation recklessly endangered students. The BBC claims the students were informed of the risks, necessary to take to get into the country. Huff Post UK- published: 15 Apr 2013
- views: 511219

Educating North Korea BBC News Program Panorama
Kim Jong-un father gave permission for a remarkable university which exposes students to w...
published: 03 Feb 2014
Educating North Korea BBC News Program Panorama
Educating North Korea BBC News Program Panorama
Kim Jong-un father gave permission for a remarkable university which exposes students to western ideas and ideology. Many of the students are the sons of some of the most powerful men in North Korea. Women are not allowed to study there. BBC reporter Chris Rogers interviews the students on life and their plans after graduation. The piece includes a remarkable christian church attendance, even though practicing Christianity is forbidden for ordinary North Koreans.- published: 03 Feb 2014
- views: 332

KOREA Cheer Song for 2012 London Olympics by PSY & Gugak Center For More Information @ htt...
published: 31 Jul 2012
author: officialpsy
KOREA Cheer Song for 2012 London Olympics by PSY & Gugak Center For More Information @ http://www.facebook.com/officialpsy http://twitter.com/psy_oppa http:/...- published: 31 Jul 2012
- views: 21621965
- author: officialpsy

Korean Stereotypes on Foreigners
What does Korea think about foreigners? What are some of the stereotypes South Korea has a...
published: 26 Jun 2013
author: Eat Your Kimchi
Korean Stereotypes on Foreigners
Korean Stereotypes on Foreigners
What does Korea think about foreigners? What are some of the stereotypes South Korea has against foreigners and people of different races? Ok, this is a sens...- published: 26 Jun 2013
- views: 230290
- author: Eat Your Kimchi

My Korean Husband Couple in Korea on EBS TV 나의한국남편 - 니콜라의 한국방문기
http://www.mykoreanhusband.com/ My Korean Husband Couple on EBS Human Documentary Family....
published: 15 Sep 2013
My Korean Husband Couple in Korea on EBS TV 나의한국남편 - 니콜라의 한국방문기
My Korean Husband Couple in Korea on EBS TV 나의한국남편 - 니콜라의 한국방문기
http://www.mykoreanhusband.com/ My Korean Husband Couple on EBS Human Documentary Family.- published: 15 Sep 2013
- views: 313

Dokdo, Beautiful Island of Korea
This video was produced by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Korea in ord...
published: 23 Feb 2014
Dokdo, Beautiful Island of Korea
Dokdo, Beautiful Island of Korea
This video was produced by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Korea in order to share Dokdo's beauty and tranquility as well as background on the process of Japan's illegal incorporation of Dokdo, the falsity of Japan's territorial claim over Dokdo, and proof of Korea's territorial sovereignty over Dokdo grounded on objective historical facts. We invite you to watch and share the MOFA's video on Dokdo, beautiful island of Korea. 대한민국 외교부에서 제작한 영어 독도 동영상입니다. 외교부 독도 동영상은 독도의 아름답고 평화로운 모습을 소개하고 일본의 독도 침탈과정, 일본 독도 영유권 주장의 허구성, 우리 독도 영토주권의 근거 등을 객관적 사실을 토대로 설명하고자 제작하였습니다. 대한민국의 아름다운 영토, 독도에 관심있는 분들의 많은 시청 바랍니다.- published: 23 Feb 2014
- views: 73

Inside Story - North Korea: Trumped up tyranny?
As a UN panel accuses Pyongyang of committing crimes against humanity, we ask what the int...
published: 26 Feb 2014
Inside Story - North Korea: Trumped up tyranny?
Inside Story - North Korea: Trumped up tyranny?
As a UN panel accuses Pyongyang of committing crimes against humanity, we ask what the international community will do. Shihab Rattansi speaks to Sung-Yoon Lee, an assistant professor of Korean studies at Tufts University, Aidan Foster-Carter, an honorary research fellow of modern Korea studies at the University of Leeds, who writes extensively for the Guardian newspaper on Korea.- published: 26 Feb 2014
- views: 80
Vimeo results:

A video about a trip to South Korea. Filmed with the Lumix GF1 and a 14-45mm....
published: 29 Mar 2010
author: Alexander Porschütz
A video about a trip to South Korea. Filmed with the Lumix GF1 and a 14-45mm.

Do You Know South Korea?
From Daejeon to Seoraksan to Busan to Seoul. Our S.Korea road trip last October (2010).
published: 23 Dec 2010
author: David Dutton
Do You Know South Korea?
From Daejeon to Seoraksan to Busan to Seoul. Our S.Korea road trip last October (2010).
I'm happy to see that so many people in South Korea have shared this video. I really wanted to show South Korea's beauty to people that are not familiar with it, but it's great others back in S.K. find it to be a heartfelt look into their country.
My parents live in Daejeon. You can checkout my dad's photography of Korea here:
For more S. Korea, this is a video of my mom's painting group on a mountain near Daejeon:
My website:

Paik Nam June Media Bridge Making Film
Paik nam june media bridge by Seoul-based architectural practice Planning Korea is a mega-...
published: 20 Oct 2010
Paik Nam June Media Bridge Making Film
Paik nam june media bridge by Seoul-based architectural practice Planning Korea is a mega-structure over the han river that aims to efficiently expand the city fabric on to the water.
With a total length of 1080 meters, the bridge connects the dangin-li power plant, which is currently being redeveloped into a public cultural space, and the national assembly building to the south. the design proposal is a largely sculpted form with fluctuating curves and volumes.

published: 04 May 2011
Youtube results:

Crimes Against Humanity Report On North Korea
*"Systematic, widespread and gross human rights violations have been and are being committ...
published: 18 Feb 2014
Crimes Against Humanity Report On North Korea
Crimes Against Humanity Report On North Korea
*"Systematic, widespread and gross human rights violations have been and are being committed" by the leaders of North Korea against their own people, the U.N.'s Office of the High Commissioner for Human Rights declared Monday in a report that goes on to accuse that nation's communist regime of "crimes against humanity." According to U.N. investigators, "the gravity, scale and nature of these violations reveal a state that does not have any parallel in the contemporary world." They conclude, for example, that "hundreds of thousands of political prisoners have perished" in prison camps over the past five decades.* Could China help change this? The Young Turks host Cenk Uygur breaks it down. *Read more here from Mark Memmott / NPR: http://www.npr.org/blogs/thetwo-way/2014/02/17/278461563/u-n-report-details-north-koreas-crimes-against-humanity ********** The Largest Online News Show in the World. Hosted by Cenk Uygur and Ana Kasparian. LIVE STREAMING weekdays 6-8pm ET. Young Turk (n), 1. Young progressive or insurgent member of an institution, movement, or political party. 2. Young person who rebels against authority or societal expectations. (American Heritage Dictionary) The Young Turks (Winner - Best Political Podcast & Best Political News Site of 2009) were the first original talk show on Sirius satellite radio and the first live, daily webcast on the internet. But that is not the revolution. We are a rare show that combines all of the news that people care about in one place. We are not afraid to talk about politics and entertainment and sports and pop culture. But that is not the revolution either. The real revolution is in daring to be honest with people. We don't patronize our viewers or lie to them. We have real conversations and deliver the news honestly. Download audio and video of the full two hour show on-demand + the members-only post game show by becoming a member at http://www.tytnetwork.com/tytmembership. Your membership supports the day to day operations and is vital for our continued success and growth. Join The Young Turks Network mailing list http://www.tytnetwork.com/member-options/register-subscriber/ or Support The Young Turks by Subscribing http://www.youtube.com/user/theyoungturks?sub_confirmation=1 Like Us on Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/TheYoungTurks Follow Us on Twitter: http://www.twitter.com/TheYoungTurks Support TYT for FREE by doing your Amazon shopping through this link (bookmark it!) http://www.amazon.com/?tag=theyoungturks-20 Buy TYT Merch: http://theyoungturks.spreadshirt.com/- published: 18 Feb 2014
- views: 53987

Hyeonseo Lee: My escape from North Korea
As a child growing up in North Korea, Hyeonseo Lee thought her country was "the best on th...
published: 20 Mar 2013
author: TEDtalksDirector
Hyeonseo Lee: My escape from North Korea
Hyeonseo Lee: My escape from North Korea
As a child growing up in North Korea, Hyeonseo Lee thought her country was "the best on the planet." It wasn't until the famine of the 90s that she began to ...- published: 20 Mar 2013
- views: 612630
- author: TEDtalksDirector

Why Korea Split Into North and South Korea
A video explaining why the country of Korea split into two different countries: North Kore...
published: 14 Aug 2013
author: WonderWhy7439
Why Korea Split Into North and South Korea
Why Korea Split Into North and South Korea
A video explaining why the country of Korea split into two different countries: North Korea and South Korea.- published: 14 Aug 2013
- views: 21
- author: WonderWhy7439

North Korea launches four missiles into sea
North Korea has launched four short-range missiles into the East Sea, South Korean officia...
published: 27 Feb 2014
North Korea launches four missiles into sea
North Korea launches four missiles into sea
North Korea has launched four short-range missiles into the East Sea, South Korean officials say. More from CNN at http://www.cnn.com/ To license this and other CNN/HLN content, visit http://imagesource.cnn.com or e-mail cnn.imagesource@turner.com.- published: 27 Feb 2014
- views: 262