
China's Empty Cities
Why are so many uninhabited cities still being built in China? Dateline returns to update ...
published: 11 Sep 2013
China's Empty Cities
China's Empty Cities
Why are so many uninhabited cities still being built in China? Dateline returns to update one of its most watched stories, China's Ghost Cities, to find out. For more on Adrian Brown's story, go to the SBS Dateline website... http://bit.ly/13xKcY6- published: 11 Sep 2013
- views: 260

Engineering an Empire: China (2010)
Early Chinese dynasties perfected horsemanship, the foot soldier, and launched a huge arma...
published: 19 Apr 2013
author: surfdawg5
Engineering an Empire: China (2010)
Engineering an Empire: China (2010)
Early Chinese dynasties perfected horsemanship, the foot soldier, and launched a huge armada of ocean-going ships to project power around the globe before Eu...- published: 19 Apr 2013
- views: 25434
- author: surfdawg5

China Rises - Getting Rich (New York Times Television)
In 25 Years, China has achieved the most rapid economic advance in such a short time of an...
published: 30 Sep 2013
China Rises - Getting Rich (New York Times Television)
China Rises - Getting Rich (New York Times Television)
In 25 Years, China has achieved the most rapid economic advance in such a short time of any nation in history. How? By scrapping its devotion to collectivism and embracing private enterprise with the zeal of 19th-century robber barons. But is China's success riding on the backs of the poor?- published: 30 Sep 2013
- views: 1274

US And China Are At War But The World Doesn't Know It Yet -- Episode 287
Get economic collapse news throughout the day visit http://x22report.com
More news visit h...
published: 12 Feb 2014
US And China Are At War But The World Doesn't Know It Yet -- Episode 287
US And China Are At War But The World Doesn't Know It Yet -- Episode 287
Get economic collapse news throughout the day visit http://x22report.com More news visit http://thepeoplesnewz.com Follow X22 Report on Twitter http://twitter.com/x22report youtube_usa_china_at_war_economic_collapse2Cyprus will start to ease capital controls starting next week. Barclay's laid off 12,000 employees and other banks are reporting they will start laying off employees. Obama rewrites Obamacare and tell business they can not reduce hours or lay off people without the approval of the IRS. AT&T; is filing a patent where they can have the option of blocking certain sites they believe is not suitable. There is new terrorist warning in Uganda. China has been investing heavily in Uganda and the central bankers do not like this. The US and China are already at war across the middle east and Africa the world doesn't know it yet. Fair Use Notice: This video contains some copyrighted material whose use has not been authorized by the copyright owners. We believe that this not-for-profit, educational, and/or criticism or commentary use on the Web constitutes a fair use of the copyrighted material (as provided for in section 107 of the US Copyright Law. If you wish to use this copyrighted material for purposes that go beyond fair use, you must obtain permission from the copyright owner. Fair Use notwithstanding we will immediately comply with any copyright owner who wants their material removed or modified, wants us to link to their web site, or wants us to add their photo.- published: 12 Feb 2014
- views: 618

The Battle of China
Subscribe http://ow.ly/4XOl5 | Facebook http://ow.ly/4JcTc | Twitter http://ow.ly/4N6qJ Pl...
published: 16 May 2011
author: VISOCinema
The Battle of China
The Battle of China
Subscribe http://ow.ly/4XOl5 | Facebook http://ow.ly/4JcTc | Twitter http://ow.ly/4N6qJ Plot: The Official World War II US Government account of Chinese defe...- published: 16 May 2011
- views: 728
- author: VISOCinema

China's plans to become a military superpower
China arms race: China's military modernisation threatens US supremacy in the Pacific and ...
published: 04 Dec 2013
China's plans to become a military superpower
China's plans to become a military superpower
China arms race: China's military modernisation threatens US supremacy in the Pacific and could provoke a new arms race. Already, the Taiwanese are trying to buy six US destroyers to counter this perceived threat. For downloads and more information visit: http://journeyman.tv/57504/short-films/china-arms-race.html "China wants to become the stabilising power in the Far East", states military expert Junichi Abe. "This threatens US supremacy in the area". China already has the largest army in the world. It plans to build five atomic submarines, with the capability of attacking America. "China has a desperate craving for nuclear power", states Zhang Jianabo. But the real motivation for China's militarization is believed to be Taiwan. "China seeks to inhibit the autonomy of Taiwan", claims Abe. In such a scenario, Presidential advisor Michael Green believes: "the USA and Japan cannot help but become military involved." A film by ORF - Ref. 3577 Journeyman is your source for the most powerful films exploring the world's most burning issues of today. We represent stories from the world's top producers and broadcasters with brand new content coming in all the time. On our channel you'll find outstanding controversial journalism exploring any issue you can imagine wanting to know about.- published: 04 Dec 2013
- views: 143

Is China A Nuclear Threat?! | China Uncensored
I don't want to be an alarmist or anything but you all should be very alarmed! In 2013, Ch...
published: 08 Feb 2014
Is China A Nuclear Threat?! | China Uncensored
Is China A Nuclear Threat?! | China Uncensored
I don't want to be an alarmist or anything but you all should be very alarmed! In 2013, China spent almost 120 billion dollars on it's military; a four fold increase over the past decade. The People's Liberation Army is the world's largest standing army with 2.3 million members. So how much of a threat is the ever growing military of the Chinese Communist Party? Stop worrying and learn to love the bomb on this episode of China Uncensored! New Year's Contest! http://e.ntd.tv/1f3fnfs Subscribe for more China Uncensored: http://www.youtube.com/ntdchinauncensored Make sure to share with your friends! ______________________________ Twitter: https://twitter.com/ChinaUncensored Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/ChinaUncensored Google+: https://plus.google.com/+NTDChinaUncensored/ ______________________________ MOBILE LINKS: The Red Army Sings! http://e.ntd.tv/1jlYmnY Are China's Most Powerful Trying to Kill Each Other? http://e.ntd.tv/1dKNeKX China's Weird Fascination with Top Gun http://e.ntd.tv/1knO9HE Chinese New Year's Celebration and Contest! http://e.ntd.tv/1bFUqtv A Chinese New Year's Gala Worth Watching http://e.ntd.tv/1eHcIf8- published: 08 Feb 2014
- views: 301

10 Things that Will SHOCK You About China - Visit China
From kids pooping on the street, to eating dog, to dealing wit...
published: 01 Sep 2013
10 Things that Will SHOCK You About China - Visit China
10 Things that Will SHOCK You About China - Visit China
http://www.woltersworld.com From kids pooping on the street, to eating dog, to dealing with crazy lines, there are many things that may shock tourists when they head to China. These are issues that tend to worry or surprise travelers when they visit Beijing, Shanghai or other parts of China. Filmed in Beijing, China Copyright Mark Wolters 2013- published: 01 Sep 2013
- views: 74244

Why Does China Hate Japan? | China Uncensored
So China and Japan are once again at each other's throats over the Diaoyu, or Senkaku Isla...
published: 03 Dec 2013
Why Does China Hate Japan? | China Uncensored
Why Does China Hate Japan? | China Uncensored
So China and Japan are once again at each other's throats over the Diaoyu, or Senkaku Islands, as they're known in Japan. So why does China hate Japan? On this episode of China Uncensored, Chris Chappell explains the long and bloody history between these two great rivals, culminating in Japanese imperial ambitions during World War 2 and the Rape of Nanking. Subscribe for more China Uncensored: http://www.youtube.com/ntdchinauncensored Make sure to share with your friends! ______________________________ Twitter: https://twitter.com/ChinaUncensored Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/ChinaUncensored ______________________________- published: 03 Dec 2013
- views: 6259

MegaStructures - China's Ultimate Port, Yangshan Port (National Geographic Documentary)
MegaStructures - China's Ultimate Port, Yangshan Port (National Geographic Documentary)
published: 14 Nov 2013
MegaStructures - China's Ultimate Port, Yangshan Port (National Geographic Documentary)
MegaStructures - China's Ultimate Port, Yangshan Port (National Geographic Documentary)
MegaStructures - China's Ultimate Port, Yangshan Port (National Geographic Documentary) MegaStructures - China's Ultimate Port, Yangshan Port MegaStructures Our YouTube channel features full documentary films as well as educational television series. We are dedicated to bringing our viewers amazing stories and experiences from the world of science, history, anthropology, finance, geography, and engineering. See the world from a new perspective! SUBSCRIBE! Subscribe: http://www.youtube.com/subscription_center?add_user=EarthWatchNetwork Channel: http://www.youtube.com/EarthWatchNetwork- published: 14 Nov 2013
- views: 73880

Two Weeks in China - Part 1
In this video we travel to China in June of 2013 - We arrive into the Shanghai airport and...
published: 17 Jun 2013
Two Weeks in China - Part 1
Two Weeks in China - Part 1
In this video we travel to China in June of 2013 - We arrive into the Shanghai airport and then drive to Suzhou and have our first delicious dinner in China. The entire playlist of the whole trip is here: http://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PL-q8SJBLiKmcmIa9pYopROvFMl_zA-oUs- published: 17 Jun 2013
- views: 26345

Dambisa Moyo: Is China the new idol for emerging economies?
The developed world holds up the ideals of capitalism, democracy and political rights for ...
published: 11 Nov 2013
Dambisa Moyo: Is China the new idol for emerging economies?
Dambisa Moyo: Is China the new idol for emerging economies?
The developed world holds up the ideals of capitalism, democracy and political rights for all. Those in emerging markets often don't have that luxury. In this powerful talk, economist Dambisa Moyo makes the case that the west can't afford to rest on its laurels and imagine others will blindly follow. Instead, a different model, embodied by China, is increasingly appealing. A call for open-minded political and economic cooperation in the name of transforming the world. TEDTalks is a daily video podcast of the best talks and performances from the TED Conference, where the world's leading thinkers and doers give the talk of their lives in 18 minutes (or less). Look for talks on Technology, Entertainment and Design -- plus science, business, global issues, the arts and much more. Find closed captions and translated subtitles in many languages at http://www.ted.com/translate Follow TED news on Twitter: http://www.twitter.com/tednews Like TED on Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/TED Subscribe to our channel: http://www.youtube.com/user/TEDtalksDirector- published: 11 Nov 2013
- views: 22093

COMBATE: La China y Giacomo Coquetean 13/02/14
published: 14 Feb 2014
COMBATE: La China y Giacomo Coquetean 13/02/14
COMBATE: La China y Giacomo Coquetean 13/02/14
COMBATE - LA CHINA Y GIACOMO COQUETEAN JUEVES 13 DE FEBRERO DEL 2014 CHINA EN COQUETEOS CON GIACOMO JUEVES 13 DE FEBRERO DEL 2014 china y giacomo coquetean JUEVES 13 DE FEBRERO DEL 2014 COMPETENCIAS PRUEBAS NUEVOS COMPETIDORES JUEVES 13 DE FEBRERO DEL 2014 COMBATE JUEVES 13-02-14 COMBATE 13-02-14 COMBATE 13-02-2014 COMBATE 13/02/2014 combate 13/02/14 combate programa jueves 13/02/14 completo nuevas competencias enfrentamientos pruebas combatientes todos los dias entre el equipo rojo y el equipo verde cuarta temporada Siguenos por facebook!! http://www.facebook.com/pages/Lo-Mejor-de-Combate-en-HD/403902492992793?ref=tn_tnmn- published: 14 Feb 2014
- views: 2195

China, How it is - Supermarkets
Come along with me to one of my local supermarkets to see what to expect from just about e...
published: 21 Feb 2013
author: serpentza
China, How it is - Supermarkets
China, How it is - Supermarkets
Come along with me to one of my local supermarkets to see what to expect from just about every supermarket in China... Join me on Facebook: http://www.facebo...- published: 21 Feb 2013
- views: 53489
- author: serpentza
Youtube results:

Is China taking over the world? - Truthloader
As China gets richer and richer, it's buying up more and more of the world's natural resou...
published: 30 Oct 2013
Is China taking over the world? - Truthloader
Is China taking over the world? - Truthloader
As China gets richer and richer, it's buying up more and more of the world's natural resources -- in particular those found in developing countries where it offers aid, loans and investment in return for raw materials. But although China says this money doesn't come with political strings attached, critics accuse the superpower of exploitation and colonialism. StoneOcean's music: www.stoneocean.info StoneOcean's channel: http://www.youtube.com/user/RatedmusicOfficial Subscribe to our channel: http://bit.ly/TRUsub Why you should subscribe to Truthloader: http://bit.ly/17SR1Yj More videos from Truthloader: 7 things you need to know about Vladimir Putin: http://bit.ly/1h4oa1Z Somalia's al-Shabaab -- the people behind the terrorist attacks in Kenya: http://bit.ly/18ZphRu The five worst weapons still in use: http://bit.ly/16byMpR A race for what's left of the planet: http://bit.ly/1anzi92 Putin says US is lying about Syria: http://bit.ly/1fPFeIp UFOs -- Generals, Pilots and Government officials go on the record LIVE: http://bit.ly/1amCJjS Kim Jong-Un's ex-girlfriend executed in North Korea?: http://bit.ly/1aXu6LK IDF troops dance Gangnam Style with Hamas: http://bit.ly/1cu8apw Syria chemical weapons -- Sarin gas attack near Damascus?: http://bit.ly/19Jptpa Who are the Carlyle Group?: http://bit.ly/14mq384 What you're not being told about Booz Allen Hamilton and Edward Snowden: http://bit.ly/16FxSUH Who are Hezbollah?: http://bit.ly/18J0jmt How many kids have US drones killed in Pakistan?: http://bit.ly/17bxg7P How the war on drugs in Mexico began (Part 1 of 4): http://bit.ly/1aSY156 The 3 best documented UFO encounters: http://bit.ly/1dBMFlj Is the Five Eyes Alliance watching you?: http://bit.ly/13pcTBM A history of the NSA: http://bit.ly/10AteZQ Check out our top 20 videos playlist: http://bit.ly/V55Vna Follow us on Facebook: http://facebook.com/truthloader Follow us on Twitter: http://twitter.com/truthloader Join us on Google+: http://google.com/+truthloader Read our reddit: http://reddit.com/r/truthloader Truthloader is a channel dedicated to citizen journalism. We find the best examples of crowd-sourced video and independent content, then use our expertise to add context and analysis. We respond to the stories you're interested in, so if you've got a story you'd love us to get to the bottom of, tweet us, Facebook us, or respond to our videos with a comment - and perhaps check out our reddit.- published: 30 Oct 2013
- views: 6128

COMBATE: Israel Visita a la China Pichumay 12/02/14
published: 13 Feb 2014
COMBATE: Israel Visita a la China Pichumay 12/02/14
COMBATE: Israel Visita a la China Pichumay 12/02/14
COMBATE - ISRAEL VISITA A LA CHINA PICHUMAY MIERCOLES 12 DE FEBRERO DEL 2014 ISRAEL Y LA CHINA PICHUMAY MIERCOLES 12 DE FEBRERO DEL 2014 israel visita china pichumay MIERCOLES 12 DE FEBRERO DEL 2014 COMPETENCIAS PRUEBAS NUEVOS COMPETIDORES MIERCOLES 12 DE FEBRERO DEL 2014 COMBATE MIERCOLES 12-02-14 COMBATE 12-02-14 COMBATE 12-02-2014 COMBATE 12/02/2014 combate 12/02/14 combate programa miercoles 12/02/14 completo nuevas competencias enfrentamientos pruebas combatientes todos los dias entre el equipo rojo y el equipo verde cuarta temporada Siguenos por facebook!! http://www.facebook.com/pages/Lo-Mejor-de-Combate-en-HD/403902492992793?ref=tn_tnmn- published: 13 Feb 2014
- views: 1633

2/12/2014 -- 6.8M Earthquake in Western China -- Major movement forecasted
This event was expected . Full website post with links here:
published: 12 Feb 2014
2/12/2014 -- 6.8M Earthquake in Western China -- Major movement forecasted
2/12/2014 -- 6.8M Earthquake in Western China -- Major movement forecasted
This event was expected . Full website post with links here: http://dutchsinse.tatoott1009.com/2122014-6-8m-earthquake-in-western-china-major-movement-forecast/- published: 12 Feb 2014
- views: 3788

COMBATE: Yamila Piñero se Molesta por Perder con la China 13/02/14
published: 14 Feb 2014
COMBATE: Yamila Piñero se Molesta por Perder con la China 13/02/14
COMBATE: Yamila Piñero se Molesta por Perder con la China 13/02/14
COMBATE - YAMILA PIÑERO SE MOLESTA POR PERDER CON LA CHINA JUEVES 13 DE FEBRERO DEL 2014 YAMILA MENTA LA MADRE A CHINA JUEVES 13 DE FEBRERO DEL 2014 yamila piñero molesta insulta perder china JUEVES 13 DE FEBRERO DEL 2014 COMPETENCIAS PRUEBAS NUEVOS COMPETIDORES JUEVES 13 DE FEBRERO DEL 2014 COMBATE JUEVES 13-02-14 COMBATE 13-02-14 COMBATE 13-02-2014 COMBATE 13/02/2014 combate 13/02/14 combate programa jueves 13/02/14 completo nuevas competencias enfrentamientos pruebas combatientes todos los dias entre el equipo rojo y el equipo verde cuarta temporada Siguenos por facebook!! http://www.facebook.com/pages/Lo-Mejor-de-Combate-en-HD/403902492992793?ref=tn_tnmn- published: 14 Feb 2014
- views: 1894